Friday, June 18, 2021

Arabic Female Names And Arabic Variants In The 2020 Social Security Administration Name List of Top 1000 Names In The USA (with meanings)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post provides a list of Arabic female names and varants of Arabic female names language that are included in a Social Security Administration list of the top 1000 names for United States children born in 2020.  A total of 59 names from that SSA list are included in this post. 

These selected names were retrieved from all of the birth certificates that were issued by the United States Social Security Administration for United States children who were born in 2020.

This pancocojams post includes the origins and meanings of these selected names (with online citations). 

The content of this post is presented for onamastic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to representatives of the Social Security Administration for compiling this list each year of the top 1000 names for United States children. Also, thanks to the editors of for re-publishing this list online.
for the pancocojams post entitled "Arabic Male Names And Arabic Variants In The 2020 Social Security Administration Name List of Top 1000 Names In The USA (with meanings)."

These top 1000 female names for 2020 were compiled from birth certificates by personel of  the United States Social Security Administration. I retrieved that list from the following website article: "Top 1,000 Baby Girl Names of 2020" by Robin Elise Weiss, PhD, MPH; Fact checked by Daniella Amato, published on June 14, 2021. 

Neither that website nor the official Social Security Administration list include ethnic/racial breakdowns. Those websites also don't include any meanings for these names.

I used Google search to find these meanings that are included in this post.. Most of the meanings for names in this list are from Other websites may include attribute additional names that are found in that SSA list to the Arabic language, but I don't trust their information as much as I trust that quranic names website. 

Although Arabic meanings can be found for these names and for other names, people who gave those names to others (or took those names for themselves) might have conferred another meaning to those names (such as a meaning from another language which has that name or a meaning that they or someone else made up.)   

Names that are spelled the same or similarly can be found in more than one language, but usually don't have the same meaning in those languages. Arabic names are often also found in Hebrew and/or Persian with the same, similar, or different meaning.

It's important to note that the term "Arabic names" is more accurate than "Muslim names" as non-Muslims in the United States and elsewhere throughout the world routinely select these names for their children. given a people in the United States a number of non-Muslims have Arabic names or names that are variants (in whole or in part) of Arabic names.

Judging from two lists of names given to New York City females and males that included ethnic/racial information (in 2013 and 2016), a number of people who are Hispanic, Non-Hispanic Black, non-Hispanic White, or Asian/Pacific Islander have Arabic names. 

Click and for  New York City's list of the top 100 names given to females in 2013 and 2016.

Also, click and for  New York City's list of the top 100 names given to males in 2013 and 2016.

In those lists, non-Hispanic Black and Asian/Pacific Islanders were the the ethnic group/races that had the most Arabic names and variants of Arabic names. However, some examples of Arabic names/variants were found in each of these four race/ethnic groups.

There is an almost total lack of traditional African names in this 2020 SSA list of top names in the United States. With the exception of one Amharic name and a few Swahili names, the 2021 Social Security Administration list of top 1000 names has no African names/name variants.

The Amharic name that I noticed in the 2020 Social Security Administration list for male names is the name "Ermias" (#647) that 
attributes to Amharic, one of the languages that is native to Ethiopia. That site indicates that "Ermias" is an Ethiopian/Amharic form of the name Yirmiahu (Jeremiah).was the birth name of [the well regarding African American rapper] Nipsey Hustle. Hustle died  March 2019.). 

"Zendaya" (#976) is a name in the 2020 Social Security Administration female list. That name was coined by the parents of actress Zendaya as a variant form of the name "Tendai" (meaning: "to give thanks")  from the Shona (Zimbabwe South Africa) language. 

The names "Zyaire" (#447) and "Zaire" (#552) are also included in that Social Security Administration list for males. "Zaire ... was the name of a sovereign state between 1971 and 1997 in Central Africa that is now known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo...The country's name, Zaïre, was derived from the name of the Congo River, sometimes called Zaire in Portuguese, which in turn was derived from the Kikongo word nzere or nzadi ('river that swallows all rivers'). 2021 SSA list of female names also included the name "Egypt"), but that nation's name originally came from the Greek language). 

With the exception of the Swahili names/variants given below and those names that I mentiioned, I don't recognize any other African names or variants of African names in those  2021 Social Security list of top male and top female names. 

For contrast, read the list of names of children born in New York City in 2013 and the list of children born in New York City in 2016. A small percentage of the names in those lists that were given to non-Hispanic Black females and non-Hispanic Black males are from traditional African languages. The largest sub-set of those traditional African names, including KiSwahili names,  are names from Mande langages*.  "Lists of Popular Names For Non-Hispanic Black Females Born In New York City (2013 & 2016)" . "Lists of Popular Names For Non-Hispanic Black Males Born In New York City (2013 & 2016)."

"The Mande languages are spoken in several countries in West Africa by the Mandé peoples and include Maninka, Mandinka, Soninke, Bambara, Kpelle, Dioula, Bozo, Mende, Susu, and Vai. There are "60 to 75 languages spoken by 30 to 40 million people",[1] chiefly in Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal, the Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Ivory Coast, and also in northwestern Nigeria and northern Benin."

This name data is from Social Security card applications for births that occurred in the United States". 

The numbers that are found in front of these names indicate their ranking in that Social Security Administration list. The lower the number, the more often that name was given.


Additions and corrections to these name meanings are welcome.

24. Layla
Laila is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “ecstasy”, “intoxication”. Laila is derived from the L-Y-L root (“night”) which is used in the Quran. We can be sure that Laila is an acceptable name for Muslim girls as it is the name of a Sahabiyyah (female peer of the Prophet peace be upon him), whose full name is Laila bint Khutaim and who was the first woman to pledge her allegiance to the Prophet when he entered the city of Madinah.

"Layla is a variant of Leila, a name of Arabic origin. In Arabic, “leila” means “night.” In bestowing Leila as a given name in the convention of its root etymology, it has come to mean “dark beauty” or “one who was born at night.” The name has been in circulation since medieval times as evidenced by the true Arabian legend of “Qays and Layla” – a famous tale of unrequited love."...

65 - Aaliyah
Aaliyah is a Quranic name for girls that means “high”, “exalted”, “sublime”, “lofty”. It is directly mentioned twice in the Quran:

118 - Lyla
a variant form of "Aaliyah"

Read the entry for #65.

120 - Alaia
Read the entry for  #283 an #24  

141 - Jasmine
a variant form of the Arabic name "Jasmin"

"The name Jasmin (Arabic writing : جاسمين) is a Muslim girls Names. The meaning of name Jasmin is " Flower " "

142 - Amara
"Amara is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “large group of ships sailing together”, “tribe”. It is derived from the Ain-M-R (lifetime, visit, build) root which is used in many places in the Quran."

189 - Aliyah
Read the entry for  #65

205- Leila
Read the entry for #65.

214 - Kamila
"Kamila is a Quranic name for girls that means complete, perfect, and flawless. It is mentioned directly in the Quran twice"

215 - Zara
"Zara is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means pinnacle, the top and best of everything. It is the plural of Ziwa. It is derived from the DHAAL-R-A root which is used in the Quran in 51:1",Meaning%20of%20Zara,the%20dipersing%20winds%20that%20disperse

225 - Laila
Read the entry for #24.

226 - Lila
Read the entry for #65 and #239

236- Zuri
KiSwahili word meaning "beautiful", "nice", "pretty"

Arabic Girl Name Zuri



 Meaning:  Beautiful; White; Light" "

239 - Lilah
"Lilah is a Muslim Girl Name. Lilah name meaning is Night, Night Beauty. It has multiple Islamic meaning. The name is originated from Arabic"

248 - Nyla
Variant form of the name "Nahla"

"Nahla is feminine given name of multiple cultural origins.

Nahla is of Arabic and African origin meaning first drink of water or water in the desert. In Sanskrit it means stem, hollow reed. In Swahili and other languages spoken in countries of Africa it means Queen, lion and successful woman.

Another variant is Nala. This means 'gift' in Swahili.

A descendant of the Arabic, "Naħla" means Bee in the Maltese language"

283 - Alayah
"Alaya is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “greatness”, “highness”, “sublimity”. Arabs mostly use it for boys, while in other cultures it is used for girls as well. It is derived from the AIN-L-A root which is used in many places in the Quran."

284 - Amira
"Amira (also spelled Emira or Ameera) Amirah (Arabic: أميرة) (Hindi: अमीरा) (Hebrew: אֲמִירָה ) is an Arabic female given name, meaning "princess",[1] a Hindi name meaning “princess” or “high born girl,” (derived from Arabic) [2] and a Hebrew female given name, meaning 'treetop' or 'saying'.[3]

Variant forms include: Emira, Ameera, Ameerah, Amirah, and Meera.


It is a very common name in North Africa, the Middle East, South Asia like in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, and in India"....

311 - Aniyah
"Aniyah is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “caring”, “affectionate”, “one who consoles others”, “one who helps others”. It is derived from the AIN-W-N root which is used in many places in the Quran."

330 - Amina
"Amina means ‘safe one’, someone who is protected from all that causes fear. It is the name of Prophet Muhammad’s mother (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam wa alaiha salaam). Note that the emphasis is on the A at the beginning (thus a long Aa and a quick mina), as opposed to the name Ameena where the emphasis is on the mee.

339 - Alaya
Read entry for #24 and for #283

342 - Fatima
"Fatima is the name of Prophet Muhammad’s daughter, peace and blessings of Allah upon him and his family and companions.  The meaning of Fatima is a child who has been weaned off breast milk. The linguists of the Arabic language aren’t certain why this word is used as a name. It is not mentioned in the Quran, whether directly or indirectly. But since it is the name of the Prophet’s daughter, Muslims consider it a high-status name".


"Pronunciation: Arabic: [faː.tˤi.mah]

Gender: Female

Word/name: Arabic

Meaning: one who weans an infant or one who abstains [1]"[2]

350 - Samara
"Samara is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “she took part in conversation at night under the sky of a moonlit desert”, “she conversed with a friend long into the night”, figuratively meaning “she was/is a good friend”. Samara is derived from the S-M-R root which is used in the Quran in verse 23:67"
-Read the entry below for "Samira"; Read for the boy's name "Sameer".

382 - Anaya
"Anaya is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “care”, “protection”, “diligence”. It is a variant of the name Inaya"

403 - Nylah
Read the entry for #248

460 - Zariah
"Zariah is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “scattering wind”, a wind that scatters things like dust or leaves in the streets. It is derived from the Dhal-R-A root and its plural form, Zariahat, is used in Quran 51:1

463. Maliyah
a variant form of the Arabic name "Maliha"

"Maliha is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “woman with happy glowing face”, “beautiful”, “well-spoken”. It is derived from the M-L-H6 root (salt, beauty) which is used twice in the Quran."

523 - Imani
a variant form of the Arabic word "iman"

"Imaan is one of the highest status Quranic names for girls and one of the central concepts of Islam. It is mentioned directly dozens of times in the Quran. Imaan means faith in Allah. It means to accept the truth of Islam in the heart."...
The word "imani" means "faith" in KiSwahili. This name was popularized in the United States because it is Day 7 of the seven days of the African American created holiday of Kwanzaa. . "Nia" is another KiSwahili word that means "purpose". That word doesn't appear to be derived from Arabic. "Nia" is Day 5 of Kwanzaa. It is listed as "494" in the 2020 Social Security Administration list of top 1000 names for females.

533 - Aisha
"Aisha is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “alive”, “well-living”, “happily living”. It is derived from the AIN-Y-SH (livelihood) root which is used in many places in the Quran. It is a common Muslim name out of life for Aisha bint Abu Bakr, wife of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah upon him and his family and companions."
Click for information about 
Aisha bint Abu Bakr.

545- Amirah
Read entry #284

561. Amaia
a variant form of Amaya

"Name: Amaya

Meaning: Night, Rain

Gender: Female

Origin: Arabic"

572- Alia
Read the entry for  #65

Read the entry for  #65

586- Leyla
Read the entry for #24

589 - Zahra
"Zahra means flower. It is mentioned only once in the Quran, within a popular Arabic idiom which literally means ‘flower of the world’. When Arabs say something is a flower of the world, it means it is one of the things that make life enjoyable and beautiful. For instance; health, wealth, and children can be described as flowers of the world. For this reason Zahra can also be considered to mean ‘splendor’ and ‘bounty’, since that is the meaning for which it is used in the Quran."

Read the entry for #24.

597 - Aleena
"Aleena is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means soft, pliable, delicate. It is the plural of Layyin. It is derived from the L-Y-N root which is used in a number of places in the Quran."

607 - Salem
"Salem is variant of Saleem and has the exact same meaning and pronunciation (see below for full meaning). You can use either Salem or Saleem, both are correct and acceptable. If you like this variant more and you'd like to pronounce it the way it is spelled (different than the original name), this is perfectly acceptable....

Full Meaning of Salem

"Salem is an direct Quranic name for boys that means “righteous”, “true”, “perfect”, “unblemished”, “unharmed”, “in good health”. It is mentioned directly in the Quran twice, and its root is S-L-M which is the root for many common Quranic words like Islam, Muslim, and Salaam (peace)."

637- Jazmin
"The name Jasmin (Arabic writing : جاسمين) is a Muslim girls Names. The meaning of name Jasmin is " Flower "

688 - Kamiyah
a variant form of the name "Kamilah"

Read the entry for #214


Read the entry for #248

697- Zariyah
"Zariya is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “scattering wind”, a wind that scatters things like dust or leaves in the streets. It is derived from the Dhal-R-A root and its plural form, Zariyaat, is used in Quran 51:1"

730 - Zaniyah
a variant of the name "Zaina"

"Zaina is an indirect Quranic name for girls. It is the explicitly feminine version of the name Zayn, which itself is a name for both boys and girls. Zaina means beauty, adornment, excellence. It is derived from the Z-Y-N root which is used in many places in the Quran"

758 - Naya
"Naya, pronounced [(NA)p] + [(YU)mmy] with stress on the first syllable, is an Arabic name that is taken from the Persian word Nay, which refers to a musical instrument also known as Saz. It is not an Islamic name, but you can use it since it doesn't have a bad meaning."

774 - Alaiya
Read entry for #24 and for #283


778 - Jazmine
Read the entry for #637

785- Laylah
Read the entry for #24.

827- Kamilah
High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb

833 - Sariyah
"Sariah is variant of Sariya and has the exact same meaning and pronunciation (see below for full meaning). You can use either Sariah or Sariya, both are correct and acceptable. If you like this variant more and you'd like to pronounce it the way it is spelled (different than the original name), this is perfectly acceptable... 

Full Meaning of Sariah

 Sariah is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “clouds that come at night”, “night traveler”, “rain that falls at night”. It is derived from the S-R-A root which is used in the first verse of Surat al-Isra’ (The Night Journey), which is chapter 17 of the Quran."

844 - Sariah
Read the entry for #833


Read the entry for #833

866 - Aliya
Read entry for #65

871 - Aniya
"Aniya is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “caring”, “affectionate”, “one who consoles others”, “one who helps others”. It is derived from the AIN-W-N root which is used in many places in the Quran."

877- Zora
a variant form of the Arabic female name "Zohra"
meanng beautiful and radiant

882 - Noor
"Noor is variant of Nur and has the exact same meaning and pronunciation (see below for full meaning). You can use either Noor or Nur, both are correct and acceptable. If you like this variant more and you'd like to pronounce it the way it is spelled (different than the original name), this is perfectly acceptable...

Full Meaning of Noor

Noor is a name for both boys and girls and means light (the opposite of darkness), radiant (something that gives off light on its own, such as a star), light (as in ‘ray of light’), and it is one of the 99 Attributes of Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala)."

906 - Aila
Read entry for #65

919- Zoya
"Zoya/Zoyah is often an alternate spelling of Zoeya, which is an indirect Quranic name for girls. You can use either Zoya, Zoyah or Zoeya, whichever spelling you like more."

"Zoeya is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “made of light”, “radiant”, “brilliant”. It is derived from the DHAD-W-HAMZ Quranic root."

924 - Samira
"Samira is variant of Sameera and has the exact same meaning and pronunciation (see below for full meaning). You can use either Samira or Sameera, both are correct and acceptable. If you like this variant more and you'd like to pronounce it the way it is spelled (different than the original name), this is perfectly acceptable. ...

Full Meaning of Samira

"Samira (with the stress on the second syllable: -mee-) is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “good friend”. It’s literal meaning is “night conversation companion”, someone who stays up long into the night speaking with friends. It is derived from the S-M-R root which is used in the Quran in verse 23:67"


Read the entry for #561.

935- Zola

a variant of "Zulla"

"Meaning of Zulla

Arabic for “shade”, what protects you from strong sunlight, especially the shade of trees."

959- Zainab
"Zaynab, pronounced as (Z)oom + pr(AY) + (NU)m(B)er, which is the name of a "fragrant tree" according to the Arabic dictionaries. It is not clear what tree it is exactly since this is an ancient (pre-Islamic) name. It is the name of some Sahabiyaat (pious women who lived at the time of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah upon him and his companions), including one of the Mothers of the Believers (wives of the Prophet), and one of the daughters of Ali bin Abi Talib.

Zaynab is not a Quranic name, but since it has a good meaning and it was used by the family and companions of the Prophet, it is a good Islamic name.

Zaynab can also be spelled as Zainab, Zenab, Zinab, Zeenab, Zeynab, Zeinab."

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