Friday, March 12, 2021

Fraternity Stepping Scene In A 1993 Episode Of "Fresh Prince Of Bel Air" TV Show

solfaradis, Aug 11, 2008

Cool clip from Fresh prince in bel air. Blood is Thicker Than Mud.
This YouTube video is misnamed. This is a fictitious fraternity not a sorority.

A commenter in this YouTube video's discussion thread wrote that the men stepping are members
of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post showcases a brief film clip from a 1993 episode of  the television series Fresh Prince Of Bel Air which starred Will Smith. 

Selected comments from this video's discussion thread are included in this post.

The content of this post is presented for cultural and entertainment purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who were featured in this film clip and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post. Thanks also to the publisher of this video on YouTube.


These comments are given in relative chronological order, except for replies. Numbers are added for referencing purposes only. 

1. iDOitALL, 2008
"its a fraternity.. not a sorority"

2.. Abdilrahman F, 2019
"iDOitALL what’s the difference? I’m serious idk looooool not trying to joke or be sarcastic"

3. cressa pellom, 2020
"Abdilrahman Farah frat is for men. A soro is for women."

iNinjaTK, 2010

5. sultan shahid, 2010
"in the beginning the woman  with will looks like tyra banks i think its her"

6. Reply
Jermaine Martinez-Perez, 2018
"Yup that was her"
In that scene, the character Will Smith plays said to the character that Tyra Banks plays "Where is like a big gong when you need one, ya know?". That is a reference to The Gong Show in which outlandish acts competed for a small cash prize hoping that their acts wouldn't be halted by someone hitting a big gong instrument. 

7. obrakataaaaaCHOMP, 2013
"what was the tune going on in the party scene, its so good, could anyone help me out by telling me the name of it please?"

8. Reply
SmoothCrmnl80, 2020
"Zapp- More Bounce to the Ounce

9. sha11235, 2015
"To Doc Genesis on here: That was [profanity deleted] amazing! Even the nerds in the back are cheering! I'd love to have seen how many takes it took and all that."

10. Blaquesoul1906, 2017
"I didn't see a response to your comment but I was the bro next to doc Genesis in the front and we did several takes, but they all came out the same. I guess the director chose the one they liked the best, but we didn't have to do it too many times."

11, FalconFlyer75, 2019
"lol must have watched this several times, just noticed that jump at 0:20 by the guy in the back"

12. Akuma4u, 2019
I remember when this episode aired when i was in high school. The next day and for months after, all the black kids in school were copying this stomp dance and doing it during lunch on stage. It was hilarious and cringy at the same time.

13. Akuma4u, 2020
" @Kirah Giles  it was. Actually what ended up happening is the white boys in school started mocking and insulting and making fun of them and then white vs black fights went on for the whole school year during lunch and after school."

Future Kings, 2020
"This clip is classic"

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