Thursday, January 7, 2021

Tweets About The FBI Asking People On Twitter To Help Identify Participants In The Jan 6, 2021 Washington D.C. Capitol Siege

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post presents selected tweets about the FBI asking people on twitter to help identify participants in the January 6, 2021 Washington D.C. Capitol siege was White privilege on display.

The content of this post is presented for historical and sociological purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.
Click for the closely related pancocojams post entitled "Article Excerpts: How Police Reactions To The Jan. 6, 2021 Washington D.C. Capitol Siege Displayed White Privilege"



Pancocojams Editor's Note: This hashtag is ranked #10 in trending hashtags in the United States at 12:00 PM Jan. 7, 2021. These tweets are numbered for referencing purposes only and are quoted without their accompanying gifs, photographs, or other images.




The FBI is seeking to identify individuals instigating violence in Washington, D.C. We are accepting tips and digital media depicting rioting or violence in and around the U.S. Capitol on January 6. If you have information, visit

9:19 AM · Jan 7, 2021

2. Jim Gaffigan



If you recognize any of the scumbags who stormed our Capitol please notify the FBI.  “FBI Seeking Information Related to Violent Activity at the U.S Capitol Building”

3. CNN


"The FBI is asking Americans to help identify the people that participated in Wednesday's riot and insurrection at the US Capitol" ** 4. Angela



All of those terrorists are taking interviews and chilling in a hotel lobby but the FBI asking us for info?

** 5. [drawing of HerbSeedlingLeaf fluttering in wind; drawing of CactusPalm tree]


remember when the FBI found and arrested a girl at a BLM protest based on what etsy shop her shirt was from?

yeah me too

** 6. Chris



Replying to


They don’t need no damn help lol it’s probably an automated message from their social media team.

** 7. Jimmy B



Replying to


I don't know they playing like they can't identify them when




 interviewing them like they're heroes or some sh-t*! #whiteprivilege #WhitePrivilegeIsReal -snip- *This word is fully spelled out in this tweet. ** 8. Descendants Of Boxing



Replying to


you'll find all their profiles on parler...       jerks

** 9. [emoji of
Black heart] Snappy Black Womxn [emoji of Black heart] TheWayWithAnoa 2h Maybe if the FBI was monitoring them people the way they do Black organizers and activists they wouldn’t need to ask people for help on twitter [emoji of Woman shrugging]

9:06 AM · Jan 7, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

10. [emoji of Black heart] Snappy Black Womxn [emoji of Black heart]


Replying to


We all know they have been ignoring the clearest most present danger in favor of targeting our folks because of their investment in whiteness.

11. [emoji of Black heart] Snappy Black Womxn [emoji of Black heart]



And it’s not just the FBI. Talk to folks across the country who stand against the police in defense of Black Lives how they are targeted.

12. Infinite Content says wear a damn mask



Replying to 

Anoa, if black and brown people were behind that act, first off they would have COINTELPRO'D the hell out of us and had moles in those meetings. Then raided the meetings with FBI, DHS and ATF.

13. Susan Marie ☮



Replying to



14. Invoke The 25th Amendment NOW!



Replying to

You said a mouthful.

15. A.B.-Day 300 of Quarantine-Kay [drawing of Statue of liberty]



Replying to

I feel this all the way in my bones.

16. Ms.Kozmic



Replying to

They aren’t even trying. A group of 7th graders with only an IPad and some Capri Sun could ID 90% of those fools in an afternoon.

17. Butterfly[emoji of White heart]



in this generation it’s 5th graders

18. Big Scorp Stellium NRG



Replying to

Can’t monitor what they’re actively participating in apparently [multiple emoji of Woman shrugging]

19. RespectisEarnednotGIVEN



Replying to

Say this again for ppl in the back...they shut down the Panthers however the Klan is alive and well, as well as rebranded

20. itsJess!



Replying to

That would be too much like right [emoji of Woozy face]

21. Ess Shillo



Replying to

Yeah, they spend time & money on surveillance of Black, Arab and Muslim organizers illegally.

22. Judoo Jones



Replying to

[emoji of Hundred points symbol]

Remember the government helicopters intimidating BLM protesters and trying to film, get their identity?


4 people dead! These terrorists were treated like royalty

23. Gia Peppers



We really watched the Capitol get taken over by terrorists on live TV. And the FBI is talking about, “if you have video, send it in.”

If YALL don’t take a cue from athletes and go re-watch SOME FILM.

24. Jessica M. MSN, FNP-C



The FBI needs to start the terrorist investigation by arresting 5 men.  Trump Sr, Trump Jr, Rudy Giuliani, Josh Hawley & Ted Cruz.  Then they can go after the rest of the terrorists

25. Jesse Ventura



Today is not the day to pretend the FBI grew a conscious & stopped accessing the NSA’s domestic surveillance programs. Yesterday was the prime hypothetical excuse we were all given to justify years of illegal data collection & spying on Americans.

26. Schooley



Any arrest warrants for the live streaming dudes from Pelosi's office yet? It's weird for the FBI to be "seeking information" on people who are public figure publicity hounds.

27. Yamiche Alcindor



"FBI Director Chris Wray: “Let me assure the American people the FBI has deployed our full investigative resources and is working closely with our federal, state, and local partners to aggressively pursue those involved in criminal activity during the events of January 6.” **** Thanks for visiting pancocojams. Visitor comments are welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Here's a comment about this subject that was written on Jan 9, 2021:

    Rebecca Elliott
    "LOL, Twitter users are identifying participants to the FBI left, right, and center. The damned fools won't wear masks (or few did), and insisted on taking photos and POSTING THEM PROUDLY!"

    From the discussion thread for "These pro-Trump terrorists who invaded the Capitol had inside help"
    Bill Palmer | 9:00 pm EST January 9, 2021
