Saturday, January 23, 2021

Old Time Gospel Hymn "To Me, It's So Wonderful" Sung By Bishop G.E. Patterson & Congregation (video & lyrics)

CTPannell Traditional Gospel Music, March 10, 2019

This pancocojams post showcases a YouTube video of the Gospel hymn "To Me It's So Wonderful" by Bishop G. E. Patterson and congregation.

The basic lyrics to this song are included in this post.

The content of this post is presented for religious, cultural, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to the Bishop G.E.Patterson for his religious and cultural legacy. Thanks to the composers of this song" and thanks to the publisher of this video on YouTube.
The summary of  
"Oh, How I Love Jesus/To Me It's So Wonderful" (1965) Doris Akers indicates that this song was written by Frederick Whitfield/Ralph H. Goodpasteur.


To me. it’s so wonderful
To me. it’s so wonderful
To me. it’s so wonderful
To know that Jesus is mine.

When I should feel lonely
When I should feel sad
I’m so contented
And my heart is glad
Joy bells are ringing
And my heart is singing
It’s wonderful
To know that He is mine

To me it’s so wonderful
To me it’s so wonderful
To me it’s so wonderful
To know that Jesus is mine.  

*As indicated by this video's title, "To Me It's So Wonderful, is considered an old time (old school) Gospel song. As such, it appears to be rarely sung in African American churches anymore.
Singing the song "Oh How I Love Jesus" before singing "To Me, It's So Wonderful" may have been the earliest way that song was sung. However, I think that this isn't the most common way that this song was sung in African American churches.
In African American churches, the song's chorus is often repeated two or three times at the beginning and two or three times at the end. Also, renditions of this song often include interjections such as "Oh!" or "Yes" at the beginning of some lines of "To me, it's so wonderful" and/or some other lines.

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