Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Examples Of Tweets From The Trump #Impeachment Day Hashtag (January 13, 2021) That Include Vernacular Words Or Play On Words

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams posts presents a compilation of some tweets from the #3 top trending in the United States hashtag #Impeachment Day (January 13, 2021).

These tweets are a sample of those from that hashtag which include vernacular words & sayings from African American Vernacular English, other American Vernacular English words, and play on words.

The content of this post is presented for historical, socio-cultural, and political purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who voted for the impeachment of Trump and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.


These selected tweets were retrieved beginning around 9:00 PM ET to 10:20 PM ET on January 13, 2021. These tweets are given in relative chronological order based on their posting time. 

These tweets are given without any photographs or GIFs. I've added some explanatory notes after a few of these tweets.   






 #Trump for achieving twice in one term, what most presidents couldn’t even do once in two! #impeached #twiceimpeached #ImpeachedTwice #ImpeachmentDay #Traitor #AchievementUnlocked #WorstPresidentEver #biggestloser #POSpotus #byetrump"




"Great news & let's hope he's wearing an orange suit soon .#ImpeachmentDay"

Tiffany Drastic



"If you’re the first president in the history of the United States to be impeached twice, it’s not us. It’s you.



The American People


PoliticalLandscaping FIRST AMENDMENT



"One of the problems with the #MAGA or #MakeAmericaGreatAgain movement was the inability to articulate the era "again" was referring to. And when given the chance to show us what they meant, it didn't look very good.

#AmericaOrTrump #ImpeachmentDay #MAGATerrorists"

HBCU Confessions



"Trump is going out sad and he can’t even rant about it [four emojis of Skull] #ImpeachmentDay"
"HBCU"  = "Historically Black Colleges And Universities"

A.Silver—GIFS & Memes



[emoji of Fire]

Trump’s 2nd #impeachment is way-overdue


Should be no—surprise after [emojis of Right pointing back; hand index waging] a-coup

#IncitementofInsurrection #ImpeachmentDay #GOP

( [emoji of Face with medical mask] please stay good & safe & healthy - all)"




"We are having a buy one get one sale on (im)peaches


Minda Harts



"He had multiple bankruptcies, why wouldn’t he have multiple impeachments. It’s on brand. #ImpeachmentDay"

Bishop Talbert Swan



"Trumpers came to the Capitol with guns, stinger whips, crossbows, sledgehammers, zip ties, and bombs. They built gallows and hung nooses—they had every intention to kidnap, maim, assault, and murder.


But....they were white, so, they’re ‘American patriots.’


ᎠᏌNᎬᎷYᎢᎻᎪNTrade mark sign



"Dear TraitorTot,


You know what’s SUPER DEPLORABLE? Aside from you I mean...




#ImpeachmentDay #AmericaOrTrump #MAGA MORONS #ComplicitCorruptGOP #GOPComplicitTraitors #CapitolRiot"
Attached to this tweet is a Sept.10, 2016 tweet from Donald J Trump Jr which says
 “Dear Clintons,
You know what’s deplorable?
Being impeached!!!

Rex Huppke



"Hello, technical support? I recently subscribed to Cancel Culture and it doesn’t seem to be working. I’m watching the impeachment hearing and I can still see all these annoying Republican lawmakers who support Donald Trump."


My #ImpeachmentDay column:"




"Couldn’t SNL bust out an emergency show this week ? #NBC #ImpeachmentDay"

Fae Blue heartWater waveWater waveWater wave



"Got some peach wine to celebrate #ImpeachmentDay"

John Fugelsang



"The Trumps

hope hicks

never know

what Hope Hicks knows

about the Trumps.


Attached to this tweet is a tweet indicating “JUST IN: Longtime Trump aide Hope Hicks has left the White House.

Stella Holt



[multiple emojis of Raising hands] NOW THAT IS A THREAD! #ImpeachmentDay #GOPexposed

Ayanna Floyd Davis



"Make no mistake.

Nancy Pelosi  is the G.O.A.T.

Strong. Composed. Gets sh-t* done.

She's 80 years old and a MOB showed up at her job a week ago to kill her. Let that sink in. #ImpeachmentDay x2"
"G.O.A.T." = "Greatest Of All Time" 

*This word is fully spelled out in this tweet.

Sheryl Lynne Yellow heart #25thAmendmentNOW



"Thank you for your dedication, perseverance & patriotism. Shame on those that doubted you!

You've accomplished something no other Speaker has ever done: impeached a President twice

Great job!

Shout out to the 10 R's who found a spine & a conscience today, too

Attached to this tweet is a tweet from House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi announcing that she had signed the Article Of Impeachment against Trump.

C Two hearts



OH IMPEACHMENT DAY, (Oh Impeachment Day) OH IMPEACHMENT DAAAY, (Oh Impeachment Daaay) When TRUMP washed, (When Trump waassshed) His orange face awaaaay... with tears down his face (and couldn't Tweet it awaaaay) #ImpeachmentDay
Attached to this tweet is a GIF of Whoopie Goldberg conducting the choir in Sister Act 2  as they sing the contemporary Gospel song “Oh Happy Day”.

Cheria (ReRe)



"My grandkids history books bout to be straight lit #ImpeachmentDay #ImpeachedTwice"

John Fugelsang



"The 1st POTUS to be divorced 2 times


the 1st POTUS to be impeached 2 times


lost the popular vote 2 times


the Two-Timing POTUS






"Damn Trump, the last thing i expected you to do was force the American people to be better educated on their civics. You know everyone's been finishing their constitution 101 via google. #ImpeachmentDay"

Kim Winters



"I love that Nancy Pelosi has an impeachment dress. It's such a power move. #ImpeachmentDay"
Attached to this tweet are photos of House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi wearing the same black dress for both impeachments against Donald Trump.

The Hill



"Rep. Cedric Richmond made last floor speech calling for President Trump's impeachment: "We said if we didn't remove him, he would do it again. Simply put, we told you so. Richmond out." #ImpeachmentDay"

Brian Kelly



"Now that Cheeto Jeezus is well on his way out of the political arena forever, I’m betting his next business will be bail bondsman for all those jackass members of Cult 45 that will be arrested for their actions in the failed coup. #ImpeachmentDay #AmericaOrTrump #LockHimUpNow"




"Trump is getting impeached for the SECOND TIME. Obviously he didn’t get the memo the first timeFace with tears of joy #ImpeachmentDay"




Damn I kinda wish Trump can still see Twitter for just today to see everyone clowning on him [two emojis of a Skull] #ImpeachmentDay"




Just Saying [multiple emojis of Rolling on the floor laughing] #ImpeachmentDay #impeachment #ImpeachTrump #Impeach #Impeachment2 #CapitalRiots #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #ImpeachedAgain #Biden #KamalaHarris"
This note attached to this tweet:
“Okay quick question
what happened to

Southern Sister Resister - Wordsmith #WeAreFresh



"Don’t forget that one week ago today, the Trump family gathered in a tent singing, dancing, in the moments leading to the insurrectionists, storming the WH.


They do not get to rewrite history. Their actions are not redemptive.


Pass it on."

BlossomCherry blossom NOT SUSPENDED BY TW1TTER...yetHibiscusBouquet



Damn Trump, this tweet aged well #ImpeachmentDay"
Attached is this tweet is the Donald J Trump tweet from 6/4/14: “Are you allowed to impeach a president for gross incompetence?”




I was thinking “Damn Trump what you gonna say this time about getting impeached again” then I remembered he has no social media’s [two emojis of Rolling on the floor laughing] #ImpeachmentDay"

Barron Giuliani



"If Big Red (Santa) comes and spreads joy on Christmas Day, then does that mean that Big Orange comes and gives us gifts in #ImpeachmentDay ?"

[drawing of the Flag of United States] Dr. Bobby Greenville



"On January 13, 2021, Donald J Trump became the first cast member of Home Alone 2 to be impeached by the US House of Representatives twice.

#2021Goals #ImpeachmentDay #ImpeachTrump #ImpeachedTwice #ByeByeTrump #ImpeachAgain #MAGAIsCancelled #TrumpFailedAmerica #TodayWasAGoodDay"

diana rodriguez



Trumps tweets have aged like fine wine  #ImpeachmentDay

Jose Bacallao



"I'm with



Quote Tweet

philip lewis



"Cori Bush dropped the mic in about 30 seconds"

Cori Bush: Impeach "white supremacist president"

The Hill, Jan 13, 2021

Rep. Cori Bush argues for President Trump's impeachment.

Sam I Am



"Imagine wanting the


 to kick Kap out of the league and then whining about


 kicking trump off their platform for violating their rules.. what a world to live in #ImpeachmentDay"
"Kap" = Colin Kaepernick

Stefanie Herder



"My best friends got me “In Peach Mints” for my birthday today Raising hands 




Brianna Rose



"This lovely day has really put me in the mood for peaches Peach #ImpeachmentDay"

Mohona Kapur Siddique



"Where can I binge watch #thewestwing these days? I feel like I need a dose of #samseaborn’s unwavering idealism rn Expressionless face#ImpeachmentDay"




"I do want to thank those #Republicans who recognize that this President has crossed a line(s) that can’t be ignored or accepted. #AmericaOrTrump #ImpeachmentDay"

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