Tuesday, January 19, 2021

#Bye Felicia - Selected Tweets About Trump's Last Day As President From The #Bye Felicia Hashtag (January 19, 2021)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post presents selected tweets from the trending #bye Felicia hashtag. These tweets refer to Trump, his family, and his administrations' last day before the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.  

A brief note about the origin and meaning of the "Bye Felicia" saying is also included in this post.

The content of this post is presented for historical, political, and cultural purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.

From https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bye%20felicia

"Bye felicia

A goodbye given to any unwanted, irritating, or disliked person. Starting as a referance [sic] to the character Felicia in the movie Friday.

When she finally left we all said "bye Felicia".

by The K Doggie January 13, 2015

The movie Friday was first released in April 1995. Click https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G05u7ihoYQA&ab_channel=RobG%27sGaming for the scene from that movie.
WARNING: This scene includes mild profanity (the word "sh-t").

"Felicia" is a female personal name.  The saying "Bye Felicia" comes from African American culture and can be considered part of African American Vernacular English.

Although "Bye Felicia" usually refers to an annoying and/or otherwise disliked female, the saying "Bye Felicia" can also be used to refer to an annoying and/or otherwise disliked male who you want to be rid of or who you will glad to be rid of.

"Bye Felicia" can also be used to refer to a difficult situation or place that you are glad to be leaving.

Here's an example of the use of "Bye Felicia" as a reference for a man:
From https://twitter.com/search?q=%23ImpeachmentDay  [January 13, 2021] 



"Fingers crossed that today's the day! Ya need to go #ImpeachmentDay #ByeDon #ByeFelicia"

Here's an example of "Bye Felicia" being used as a reference for situations or places:
"@Twitter is suggesting me to follow @POTUS and @Scientology today.

Guess that means it's time to delete this app. #neverever #ByeFelicia

- @Maggie_OBrien5, March, 2017 [quoted in https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/bye-felicia/ "
An often quoted example of "Bye Felicia" used to refer to a situation one is glad to be rid of
"On December 19, 2018, former First Lady, Michelle Obama, used the phrase on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon when describing leaving the White House." [quoted in that same dictionary.com post].

Some of the tweets in the compilation found below specifically refer to Donald Trump. Other tweets specifically refer to his wife Melania Trump, and other tweets refer to both and other members of his administration. Some of the tweets below also refer to Trump and his administration.
Click http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2014/05/how-bye-felicia-became-popular.html "How "Bye Felicia" Became A Popular Catchphrase", May 16, 2014 for more information about the saying "Bye Felicia"

SELECTED TWEETS FROM https://twitter.com/search?q=%23ByeFelicia
These tweets are given in relative chronological order without GIFs, photographs, or other attachments.

WARNING: Some content on that website contains profanity. Because pancocojams is a family friendly blog, none of those examples are included in this compilation.

All of these tweets are from the top trending tweets in the United States website. They were all published on January 19, 2020 and were retrieved around 2:56 PM ET. This hashtag was "trending at #️8 with 27K tweets about 1 hour ago.

Started trending about 6 hours ago.

Has trended for more than 6 hours today.”

[These tweets are given without referencing numbers.]




ITS THE LAST DAY OF TRUMP IN OFFICE [emoji of Partying; multiple emojis of Partying face]

WE SURVIVED 4 YEARS [emoji of Hourglass]




It's the little moments. That's what I tell myself these days where the world is a mess. So while him being out of office doesn't fix what's wrong with America, Trump leaving office is a small victory to those who are present enough to know he was horrible. So #ByeFelicia

dave [drawing of the Flag of European Union; drawing of the Flag of Palestinian Territories; drawing of the Flag of United Kingdom; emoji of Police car]



Trump is going and the #NRA is bankrupt #ByeFelicia




Loving the #ByeFelicia tweets this morning... πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ˜‚





For the last time




Crystal Jollimore [drawing of the Flag of Canada]



Don’t even have to say a name  #ByeFelicia [emoji of Waving hand]

Anita Hicks



This was the longest saga I've ever trapped in, but #ByeFelicia

Zoso1701 is in Another Castle



I have waited 4 years to tweet this. #ByeFelicia




Tomorrow, Trump is the hell out of there. #ByeFelicia




Pack your Louis Vuitton bags and get out of our house.



Just Jay Pirate flag












 I think I speak for the majority (at least 52%) of the population when I say #ByeFelicia

Sabrina McDaniel




1686 Minutes til sanity returns.

Trump's LAST full day in office!




Ive never before so deeply hoped that an outgoing President and his family would soon be criminally prosecuted. If that Is Wrong, then I Don't Want To Be Right.

#ByeFelicia #ByeByeTrump


𝕽AE [emoji of Raised fist] π’π‡π€π‘πŠ π€π‚π“πˆπ•πˆπ’π“



Don’t have a witty or fancy message here... just gonna jump on the #ByeFelicia bandwagon! Been a LONG wait guys! We did it! [emoji of Water wave]





I really don’t care do you? #BeBest Melania #ByeFelicia only 1 more day left of this circus!

Resist Patriot™ [emoji of a Blue heart]



I have marched, sung screamed yelled, begged, fought, argued and posted on every platform I could find and today it is Inauguration Eve. Lil different this year in that Evil is actually exiting the WH and GOOD shall prevail. WE DID THIS RESIST #ByeFelicia

Clovis Anna Marie [emoji of Trade mark sign; drawing of the Flag of United States]



It will soon be over #TrumpIsGone #ByeFelicia

A Blessing



If you’re ready for Trump and Melania to be out of office retweet this. #ByeFelicia

Adam Cohen Lawyers for Good Government #DemCast



Some people believe that our problems are over as of 12:00 noon tomorrow

But then, some people thought America conquered racism when we elected


If there’s one thing the Trump presidency has proven

It’s that we still have a LONG way to go



Democratic Coalition



#ByeFelicia to the Trump Presidency.

Megan B Flamingo



It's almost over ... it's so close ...

#ByeFelicia #ByeDon #ByeMelania


John Pavlovitz



You've left a trail of injured people, desecrated ideals, plundered resources, and fractured relationships that cannot be quantified.

But in being as unrepentantly malevolent as you have been, you’ve shown us who we really are.






Torraine Walker



Too many otherwise intelligent people are caught up in the false belief that Trump is the cause of American racism and corruption instead of a product of it.  #ByeFelicia

Democrat army





 and the trump family

Gibby Wants Justice



From birtherism to plagiarism.

From nudies to nasty jackets.

From tacky holiday decor to a destroyed Rose Garden.

From be best to be gone.


Angela Belcamino



Last day of Trump's presidency...

Can I get a HELL YEAH?!


Tulip Jones



One more day![multiple drawings of the Flag of United States]



John Pavlovitz



For years your supporters would tell me that they loved you because you “spoke your mind”.

That was never the real story.

The truth is, they loved you because you've spoken their minds.

That is the greatest tragedy of it all.



Lisa Spruill



#ByeFelicia dont let the door hit'cha where the good lord split'cha .....but I hope it hit'cha in the a$$ tho..[emoji of Smiling face with open mouth and tightly-closed eyes, emoji of  Rolling on the floor laughing] #Dumptrump

Snoopy's Thoughts Dog faceBlue heart



Good riddance to the ultimate Karen.


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