Friday, December 4, 2020

Racist Comments In A YouTube Discussion Thread About A High School Stomp N Shake Cheer Battle That Ended In A Fight

East St Louis Flyers Cheerleaders vs Trinity Catholic Cheerleaders 2/1/2020

City Of Champions TV, Feb. 1, 2020
Statistics as of Dec. 3, 2020 at 11:25 PM ET
total number of views-877,281 
total number of likes -2.2K
total number of dislikes-421
total # of comments -1,475

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post showcases a YouTube video of a high school stomp and shake cheer battle that ended in a fight. 

Selected comments from that video's discussion thread are included in this post.

The content of this post is presented for historical and socio-cultural purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are featured in this video and thanks also to the publisher of this video on YouTube and the YouTube discussion thread format which provides opportunities for people to comment about those featured videos.
Click for a closely related pancocojams post entitled   "
Comments About Race In The YouTube Discussion Thread About A 2013 High School Stomp N Shake Cheer Battle Between A Black Squad & A Mostly White Squad". 

Comments that are included in this post provide information and opinions about 
stomp and shake cheerleading, and/or about cheer battles, or this particular cheer battle. (Cheer battles are one component of stomp and shake cheerleading)

Some comments in this post focus on how that fight that ended this cheer battle occurred and some of those comments-and others-focus on how that cheer battle represents Black people.  

I consider many of those comments to be virulently racist against African Americans and other Black people, the places where we live, and our cultures.  

The comments that included in this post are only a small sample of all of the comments in the abovementioned categories that were published as of December 3, 2020 
at 11:31 PM ET

Comments in this compilation are given in relative chronological order with the oldest comments given first. All of these comments are from Feb. 2020 to December 2020. Numbers are added for referencing purposes only. These comments are presented in scattered subject matter as in adherence to the format that is found on YouTube's discussion threads.

Because pancocojams is a family friendly blog, profanity is given in amended spelling that is noted by an asterisk. This is the only exception that is made to the way these comments are presented. Other than that, these comments are presented "as is" and no editorial comments or explanations have been added to these selected comments.  


1. Sailor Moon, Feb. 2020
Wow...what in the ghetto!? I just finishing watching “Cheer” from Netflix. I was hoping I can enjoy more cheerleading but instead I watched a gang fight..yikes"

2. Ron Johnson, Feb. 2020
It's the white man's fault that U.S. urban black communities have "poisoned soil" that grew bad fruit, it really is, it's not a "black dna" thing, but yeah, you're not going to find a video like this with white cheerleaders. Link me one to prove me wrong."

User2718218, Feb. 2020

ajpimpsall, Feb. 2020
@Ron Johnson lol, cuz they're just thriving everywhere else, eh? Lemme know when your next trip to the lovely continent of Africa is!

Btw, you do know Chinese people were worked to death in America and had countless discriminatory laws against them, right? ...yet somehow they still are doing amazingly today."

JamalThaDon, Feb. 2020
ajpimpsall They weren’t enslaved for 400 years though"

Sailor Moon, Feb. 2020
Ron Johnson I honestly think it’s where and how you grew up. I’m black and I was blessed to be adopted in a family with two parent  and in the county away from the hood. I never been in a fight or talk in Ebonics."

J. Henderson, Feb. 2020
Sir its white kids growing up in nice homes and have everything they want. And they go shoot up schools. So dont say it's where you grew up. I grew up in East St. Louis I graduated high school from East St. Louis Lincoln Sr. High. in 80s  the when the Vice lord and Disciples ran the streets. I'm now a business owner and very successful. So bad sh-t* happen no matter where you live. Also there are bad people no matter where you live."
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

awsnapz11, Feb. 2020
@Ron Johnson lol u sound stupid"

Chicken Fights, Feb 2020
That ain’t a “gAnG fIgHt”🀣🀣🀣 boi you obviously don’t know what’s what"

ajpimpsall, Feb 2020
@JamalThaDon lol, they were actually treated worse than slaves because no one gave a sh-t* if they died because no one owned them. They would work them to death or just blow them up in caves.

and EVERY race has had slavery for  hundreds of years. But only 1 has trouble getting over it."
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

Brad Childress, Feb. 2020
@JamalThaDon lol these littler kids have been alive for about 15 years so I think slavery is a little hard to blame on this one XD"

Your Majesty, Feb. 2020
@Sailor Moon the way you talk doesn't equate to success...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.  It makes you no better than anyone else.  You sound like a self absorbed sell out when you speak as such.  "Proper English" is bullsh-t* white supremacists pushed on society as "the norm".  FOH.
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

J. Henderson, Feb. 2020
@Nah mate I didnt plan. I'm a former gang member. I was a product of the environment. I just decided to change my life. I'm not ashamed of my past. I have no regrets. I lived by my own rules. And had lots of fun in the process. Also I didnt go college but I live a good life. I make more money than a lot of folk that went to school and so called earned a degree."

Your Majesty, Feb. 2020
@Nah mate there is no "proper way" to talk dummy....πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€¦πŸΏ‍♂️.  That's the entire point of my post. Keep up on your comprehension skills.  You do know what those are don't you???...πŸ™„πŸ™„✌🏿

Steven Farrow, Feb. 2020
First of all I think this video is mislabeled. That does not look like ESL or Trinity.  The banners at the table look like O'Fallon and Alton. That being said, its still a shame that HS kids don't have better manners and sportsmanship. Kids imitate what they see in the movies. (Drumline and Bring it On). Movies rarely if ever promote good manners and sportsmanship."

16. Jason King, Feb. 2020
"orange is ESL colors and they often play in Alton"

doreybain, Feb. 2020
What a good idea to make cheering confrontational."

Papillonem, Feb, 2020
Look like and sound like a zoo"

Tish Sharay, Feb. 2020
1:53 orange team walks up 1:59 blk white team doesn’t like it walks towards orange team by her self making evil gestures 2:10 somebody pulls her hair from orange team 2:14 fight breaks out"

King Pro, Feb. 2020
I feel like watching school daze now πŸ˜ƒ"

Johnnie Moore, Feb. 2020
I'm an alumni of east st Louis and I can honestly say when I was in school 2009-2012 our cheerleaders won many sportsmanship trophies..they never had this going on smh I'm embarrassed"

Abigail G, Feb. 2020
I think they got cheerleading confused with the step team"

JP Paul, Feb. 2020
Doing for the culture, I see."

jinxer !, Feb. 2020
Was this a deleted scene on Bring It On???"

atheist28403, Feb. 2020
Gee...who didn't see that coming?"

Billy leBullyhunter, Feb. 2020
Wakanda forever!"

Patrick Oakley, Feb. 2020
Weaves and acrylic nails strewn all over the court."

David Davidson, Feb. 2020



amigahome, Feb. 2020
They probably watched the movie "Bring it on" and thought they can do all that garbage in real life too.

This is what Chrsitian schools are allowing?

All the teachers should be reviewed and school admins should be replaced."

Rachel Michele, Nov. 2020
*catholic school. And I went there. There is a lot you have to accomplish to stay on trinitys cheer squad and these girls are amazing. Our team did nothing wrong the other team crossed the line, they got too close and the other cheerleaders pulled her away before something bad could happen, then it happened. The other coach shouldn’t have just let her girls get so close. Our administrators also had nothing to do with this. We have great staff and amazing coaches, I’m sure they didn’t know the other team was gonna swing out of nowhere."

Amor Antasia, Feb. 2020
My little cousin is one of the East Side Cheerleaders on the front line and she’s a good girl.  She actually tried to break it up so don’t judge EVERY girl out there."

32. S
kyy Ever, Feb. 2020
This is like that fight scene in Drumline"

Π˜Π³ΠΎΡ€ΡŒ Π“Π΅ΠΎΡ€Π³ΠΈΠ΅Π²ΠΈΡ‡, Feb. 2020
the prize is a bunch of bananas!"

MattfromAZ, Feb 2020 
"I've never seen "cheerleading" like this, even ignoring the fight"

35. Deri's Curls, April 2020
it’s called stomp and shake, and it’s real cheer. stop disrespecting them."

Cory, April 2020
@Deri's Curls No. It's not a "real" cheer to go over the half line, get up in the other girls' faces and meander around acting all bad.  Facts aren't disrespectful. And facts don't care about your feelings."

37. Deri's Curls, April 2020
Cory are you stupid or something? i was talking about what they were doing before all the fighting commenced 🀦🏽‍♀️🀦🏽‍♀️🀦🏽‍♀️. i’ve seen white cheerleaders fight over things like this too. this is real cheer."

Deri's Curls, April 2020
like why are people in these comments so rude and racist??? like damn y’all see black people fighting and the next thing you know “oh black people act like this anyways..” most of us know how to hold our temper. most of us are educated. most of us are the most loving, kindest souls you’ll ever meet. but we always get oppressed by y’all. why? cuz of our f--king* skin color. like yalls logic is so dumb. “oOooOO, I don’t like this human cuz she’s the wrong color.” tf?"
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

Cory, April 2020
@Deri's Curls the video isn't about what happened "before" the fighting commenced. Come on now lol. We're a country of 340 million people. Of course you can find examples of people of all colors and creeds doing the same thing. You're missing the point."

Cory, April 2020
@Deri's Curls you don't understand why people are making this about race and then in your comment you say "we always get oppressed by ya'll." Who are the "we" and "ya'll" you are referring to?"

Deri's Curls, April 2020
Cory YOURE missing the point lmao. the main comment was talking about this not being real cheer ignoring the fight. the point i was trying to make is that it WAS real cheer 🀦🏽‍♀️."

Deri's Curls, April 2020
Cory and i thought you didn’t care πŸ˜‚.. why’re you still commenting?"

Deri's Curls, April 2020
Cory y’all, referring to the racist people that still lurk around today. we, referring to the african americans that still get discriminated against for no true reason."

Cory, April 2020
@Deri's Curls can you tell me where I said I didn't care? Of course there are racist people. There are racist people of all colors. No one is oppressing the black community, nor is there systematic racism. If you want to succeed in life you will find a way. If you don't want to succeed in life you'll find excuses."

Deri's Curls, April 2020
Cory ok. of course you would say that cuz you’ve never had to experience the things you’re talking ab lmao. but whatever. i’m not gonna argue through a screen..."

Cory,  April 2020
@Deri's Curls you literally know nothing about me but you assume I'm white and I've never gone through anything. Ok. Enjoy your evening."

47. Will Newman,Feb. 2020
This is sad"

Sister Of Night, Feb. 2020
Why are they like this? πŸ€”"

Buster, Feb. 2020
Well, I've NEVER seeen a bunch of 300 lb cheerleaders before.  Bigger than the New Zealand rugby team doing a haka."

50. R
ainbow Cos, Feb. 2020
Buster must have never been anywhere where the majority is black people ."

51. B
uster, Feb. 2020
@Rainbow Cos  I do my best."

Purple Peach, Feb. 2020
New Zealand??? That explains your comments. You all have nothing to offer that’s why you’re surfing American sites."

Ragemutt, March 2020
@Purple Peach Neither do the so-called cheerleaders in this video or the culture that they come from, except violence and blight."

54. M
oomoo 17, May 2020
Ragemutt Hi I’m from that culture you speak so badly of, but know nothing about. You CHOOSE to see the bad. I’m 17, I have a 4.7 GPA, I made a 27 on my ACT, I am bilingual. In terms you can understand, I’m smart. I’m thinking about a degree in computer science. Maybe I’ll work for google or YouTube. Then I would make racist comments like these and the people who make them banned."

ICTS22, Feb. 2020
The orange team really started it by antagonizing their components. In all honesty, everyone should have just sat back and let these wild beasts fight it out."

James McCarty, Feb. 2020
Is this "competition" not designed to antagonize the opponent? Even the announcer got in on the act. I wonder how many in that room saw this coming from a mile away? If this didn't happen on the court, it was going to happen later that day....somewhere."

57. Okearra Brantley, Feb. 2020
Lord they cant cheer without fighting. Was it that serious?"

58. ElteeMullet,Feb. 2020
They are from east StLouis,  one of the most ghetto and worst spots in the whole country.  If people there had and taught sh-t* like respect,  it wouldn't be the terrible place that its known to be."
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

J. Henderson, Feb. 2020
@ElteeMullet I went to school in East St Louis apparently you have not traveled the country its many places worse."

Petro Elek, 2020

christopher worley, Feb. 2020
They're black people. Literally f—king* everything is disrespectful."
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

Will Newman, Feb. 2020
ElteeMullet they got a ton of other sh-t* to worry about it is pretty hard to teach your kids if u here shots everyday"
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

Nisha McClain, Feb. 2020
@ElteeMullet umm...nahh i think that would be Detroit lol"

Falons Fox, Feb. 2020
Notice at 1:25 the two girls in orange escalate by picking on the light skinned girl in the middle. I'm sure the fact that she was so light skinned was just a coincidence though... Also, diversity is our greatest strength."

STLhustler, Feb. 2020
Girl in middle is NOT "light skinned" "

Falons Fox, Feb. 2020
@STLhustler Are you watching the same video? Yes she is. She's certainly lighter than any of the girls around her. Look again. At 1:24 the girl in orange who, counting from the top, is the fifth girl down in the front row of orange's side gets right up in one of the black and white girl's faces. That girl is petite with long braids and absolutely is light skinned."

STLhustler, Feb. 2020
You're an expert on shades and  hues of black people? Rihanna is light skinned that girl is not"

Captain Grizzly, Feb. 2020
spears! needs more spears!"

Salad Hate, Feb. 2020

M R, Feb. 2020
is this animal channel? :D"

ZigM4 666, Feb. 2020
imagine the smell"

0228mustang, Feb. 2020
"I swear I saw the Obammie girls in that gang..."

 Barb Kuensting,Feb. 2020
The comment section is a cesspool. Check your privilege."

74. Enrico C, Feb. 2020
Sports fights occur on a weekly basis worldwide but also here racists and misogynists are championing idiocy with insults and pseudo-arguments daf."

City Of Champions TV, Feb. 2020
Enrico C I recorded this team for over 20 years. This is the first time that anything like this happened. But the statement by many blacks also says It has to be with them being black. Many blacks believe in white supremacy also. If you want to see fighting in school sports. Troll the white baseball and soccer games like they troll blacks."

Doug Provenzano, Feb. 2020
This is an excellent reason why we should go back to racially segregating the public schools."

Brandon Smith,Feb. 2020
I mean, we're paying the whole bill anyway. Probably should finish Lincoln's plan and send them off to Liberia."

Brandon Smith, Feb. 2020
So they don't have to be oppressed by white supremacy, you know?"

Doug Provenzano,Feb. 2020
@Brandon Smith  I agree!"

Steven Stocker, Feb. 2020
Brandon Smith WOW this is really racist"

Brandon Smith, Feb. 2020
@Steven Stocker I'm sorry, am I supposed to not talk about the violence and destruction happening to my community and my countrymen? Am I supposed to ignore statistics and experiences? F--k* off, boomer. Go collect social security and sit back while your childrens future gets destroyed like the coward you are.
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

Steven Stocker, Feb. 2020
Brandon Smith whatever u say insecure"

James Somraty. Feb. 2020
ither way ya go about it, Red team started it.  Crossed the line, in their face and the first swing.  Although; I wouldn't have ruined it for everyone.  The vid clearing shows who was involved and who stayed back.  I would have removed those involved from the squad(s) (permanently) and suspended them from school for a time.  Would have also, enlisted new members for the team with higher standards."

David Aikman, Feb. 2020
very one of those cheerleaders should be kicked off their squad and coaches fired. Cheer battles are the antithesis of what cheerleading represents. Shocked high school athletic associations haven’t banned these battles. Why not “show” the other squad with your tumbling, jumps and stunting? This activity is also yet another assault on Black Unity. Just another venue to train young Black women how to tear down other young Black women. These girls should be doing unity cheers together and hugging at the end. School rivalries are idiotic and encourages students to hate the other."

85. J
 J,Feb. 2020
Is this school racist? Why are there only black cheer leaders?"

Brandon Smith, Feb. 2020
And why is the cheerleading quality so tasteless and disorganized? Big think"

Media Stuff, March 2020
Cause majority of black people live in that area??? Theres also a lot of teams with just white cheerleaders is that racist too?"

CMF Jones, Feb. 2020
So Ghetto"

Fred Kloster, Feb. 2020
We wazzz Kangs"

Andy Frederick, Feb. 2020
I blame the schools. What's the point of a cheer duel? Cheerleaders cheer for their teams. That's their function. Where are the teams? These cheerleaders are cheering for nothing. Have you ever seen surgeons have a surgery duel? Teachers have a teaching duel? This is dumb. The schools are asking their cheer squads to be openly antagonistic. And this is the result."

Terry Williams,Feb. 2020
I’m hope you’re not associated with any school with those ignorant comments, they are kids and the way this was orchestrated was a set up for failure. Why would they allow these children to battle like this. You can’t even allow rival soccer moms to get into a heated debate without something going wrong!"

City Of Champions TV, Feb. 2020
Why care about the comments folks cowardly hide behind social media to make. Posting pictures of their dogs and cats. I've been covering East S. Louis and other Black teams for over 20 years. When it comes to fights involving the sports teams, Football, Basketball, baseball and track. There was one fight involving the track team and that was in the stands. And this one involving the cheerleaders, that's in over 20 years. But every time I record white HS Baseball and Soccer for them there is usually a fight. They pay me for the production and do not want theirs on YouTube. So if you subscribe to this channel thinking your going to see a lot of fights, you're going to be disappointed. Troll the white soccer and baseball games if you want to see fights."

City Of Champions TV, Feb. 2020
Sasuke Uchiha They are white, so are the baseball games. I’ve even covered  some myself where there were fight. I recorded for them. Are you trying to say that white folks don’t fight?"

Novalonia, Feb. 2020
This is a very racist video.

There is not a single Euro American in the video.

I am outraged!"

TheSylish, Feb. 2020
he amount of racist responses to this is staggering. This could happen in any high school.

The ones to blame would be the cheerleading coaches as they fostered, facilitated this to occur by not ensuring that their teams conducted themselves in a disciplined manner.

Cheerleading as with any sport can get very competitive and within that is high, reactive emotions. There should have been clear rules of conduct, rules of engagement they should have followed,  but there wasn’t. If there was the adults failed in ensuring protocol was followed.

This does not mean that those involved don’t have consequences for their actions, but there are a lot of nasty comments about these girls (not adults!).

As a former cheerleader myself I see many areas where the teams were failed by their mentors/coaches."

TheSylish, March 2020
@Person ofInterest I'm  white, was a cheerleader and we had cheer battles. Regardless of what color someone's skin is, does not change the fact that the adults in this situation failed at their job."

97. Allyson Jones, Oct. 2020
"Excellent response...thank you!"

98. Nat Mk, Feb. 2020
"where are whites so obsessed with what black ppl are doing. this is a high school cheer battle full of petty hs girls who probably have a rivalry. but you want to make it into a race thing but i see white adults fighting in the street all the time and at athletic events. it’s seems like it pains y’all to write a comment that has nothing to do with their race."

Dawn, Feb. 2020
"This is NOT cheerleading, but rather a “step team”. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚"

99. Nisha McClain, Feb. 2020

100. Steve, Feb. 2020
"Apparently, no one here has seen the movie "Bring it on"......"

101. James McCarty, Feb. 2020
"Bingo. You just nailed it. The girls aren't really to blame. The adults who saw a movie and thought that's how real life is, so they arranged this event. They are to blame. Ok, so the girls are a little bit to blame too."

102. Steve, Feb. 2020
"@James McCarty I was speaking to the people who say they've never seen a cheerleader dance-off or think this is something new. I don't care who's to blame. They're all stupid. Along with their parents."

103. C. A., Feb. 2020
"I am a hip hop majorette dancer thats why we have a line that YOU DO NOT CROSS"

104. God's Revolver, Feb.2020
"Yeah, or they could control themselves"

105. Brandon Smith, Feb. 2020
"Have you tried learning anything intelligent or useful?"

106. C. A., Feb. 2020
"@God's Revolver NO when going over that line shouldve been an automatic disqualification just like when doing football u have a certain time to snap ans if u go over that time its a flag. Baseball three strikes u out etc"

107. C. A., Feb. 2020
"@Brandon Smith exuse me? I dont understand your question. Are you trying to say dance isnt intellegent or useful"

108.God's Revolver, Feb. 2020
"@C. A. yeah but this isn't a sport. It's supposed to be for fun. These kids are definitely going this sh-t* because of their "culture" not because a line was crossed. I can guarantee that every one of those kids was taught to f—k* up anyone who came close. So goes the black prerogative.
*These words are fully spelled out in this comment.

109. Brandon Smith, Feb. 2020
"@C. A. Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying."

110. C. A., Feb. 2020
"@Person ofInterest tribal is a cultural thing what gives you the right to call it stupid? And no step is when you ARE in sync and based off of sharpness and memory. Both are very useful but because it may not be common in your culture doesn't mean its stupidπŸ˜”"

111. C. A., Feb. 2020
"@God's Revolver that doesn't apply for all black people so stop generalizing every thing. And dance is A SPORT CHEER IS A SPORT AND STEP IS A SPORT just because a bunch of men are not on the frontline or running around bouncing , hitting , or catching a ball doesnt mean its not a sport. They're are competitive dance and step and cheer lauges"

C. A., Feb. 2020
"@Brandon Smith elaborate last time i checked majorette is about coordination and techniques and memoryπŸ€”

william sport, Feb. 2020
"here on the national geographic channel we present for you the native st louis tribal dance"
MommyChanchan And,my baby jikookies, Feb. 2020
"Get into it happy Black history month🀣🀣"

Biff Cordova, Feb. 2020
"Looks like two warring tribes trying to intimidate each other."

Mary Fleming, Feb. 2020
"The orange team had no business crossing the line. Period! Then you cut the opposing team’s cheer off and then cross the line again. Where the hell was their coach?? She failed miserably at her job that day. Everyone knows that you don’t cross the line in a battle.


They should have been focused on fixing those lines and motions."

117. mzcupcake6, Feb. 2020
"Mary Fleming I definitely agree with you."

118. Arie’s World, Feb. 2020
"But that's what a cheer battle Is like you gotta control yo anger"

119. Ms. Candice Shelton, 2020
"My daughter cheers now and couldn’t battle with another squad because of this here in STL. She said the same thing you just said but this hurts other squads who aren’t involved in this type of mess Just sad and embarrassing πŸ˜”"

120. Kk Harps, Feb. 2020
"Why is E. Side cheerleaders suspended. The Catholic school cheerleader clearly is the aggressor. She charges and hits the E.Side Cheerleader first. But news is reporting like the E. Side  cheerleaders are the blame. Report it correct!!!"

121. Nicole J, Feb 2020
"They still should've never crossed the white line. The coaches are dead wrong for even allowing their squads to participate in this madness."

122. Jeff Janulis, Feb. 2020
"The man on the microphone, the PA Announcer is equally responsible...inciting the squads..."You gon' take that East Side "?!?!?!"

jeff, Feb. 2020
"Such a rich, vibrant culture"

124. Nisha McClain, Feb. 2020
"And yes it really is which is why it's such a shame to see it reach this. Queens know better but let it get the best of them"

125. Nisha McClain, Feb. 2020
"And don't be ignorant this isn't culture"

126. God's Revolver, Feb. 2020
"@Nisha McClain queens? So what are women of other races to you? Particularly those who can be normal cheerleaders?"

127. Brandon Smith, Feb. 2020
"@Nisha McClain it's not culture, it's just a coincidence that it's in every neighborhood and promoted by your music. Ooga booga"

128. RyanPerfect, Feb. 2020
"@Nisha McClain LOL! Yes it is! Mariah Carey is the ONLY one who is in control of her "emotions." Unlike the others, that allow their emotions and c-wordy attitudes to overwhelm and control them."

129. Thomas Schuler, Feb. 2020
"@Nisha McClain It's black culture. Black culture matters."

130. Libra Effect, Feb. 2020
"Yep! Rich,  vibrant, sought after, often stolen & "borrowed " from by other inept cultures that don't have an original idea in their know, kind of like in the movie Bring It when the Toros stole cheers from the Clovers & tried to pass them off as their own original cheers. 🀣 #Soundfamiliar#Typical”

131. Nisha McClain, Feb. 2020
"@RyanPerfect Mariah! She's a great biracial performer... Anyway your comment made no sense on top of being corny lol. Well I've had fun with y'all. and if you were trying to say something about me and some kind of corny way, I'm not bother. Just because I come strong don't mean I'm bothered lol. Like I said, it was slightly amusing but now y'all are just boring. Break time is almost over time to get back to giving my medications to patients"

132. Nisha McClain, Feb. 2020
"@Thomas Schuler yes! It really is especially with the ones that live by the real culture, but he was being sarcastic..."

133. Nisha McClain, Feb. 2020
"@Brandon Smith it's not a coincidence how ignorant you are. And don't think for a moment that you're bothering me I am actually finding it slightly amusing. But not wasting time I got better things to do with my life and in reality y'all get boring."

jeff, April 2020
"@Moomoo 17 figures you would completely miss the point x2"

135. Moomoo 17, April 2020
"j do it seems like you don’t even get your own point. πŸ€”"

136. j
eff, April 2020
"You're being willfully ignorant to perpetuate the victimhood.  I'm finished with you.  Side note, I'm not even white, so stay racist, ya racist."

137. Moomoo 17, April 2020
"j do how am I racist when your the one making fun of black culture. Side not: you don’t have to be white to be racist. All I asked was for you to explain what you mean, idk how that is me being ignorant. I think you just confused yourself."

138. Latte Knowsbest, April 2020
"j do so you’re admitting it’s racist then πŸ€”"

139. M
ark Wolfshohl, June 2020
Hair weave give away night"

City Of Champions TV, June 2020
Mark Wolfshohl You've said what I expect a white man to say. Now go look at the soccer videos where grown white folks constantly attack little kids."

Callie Duval, October 2020
I didn't see this coming I thought it was going to be a real cheer-off til the end. I'm disappointed in both teams and all the young guys on the sidelines laughing and looking shame on yall"

Eric Ford, October 2020
It's called Stomp and Shake Cheer. This form of cheering was created in the beautiful state of North Carolina. If you want to see how it's done get it from the best in the field Harding University HS in Charlotte, NC"

Rachel Michele, Nov. 2020
These comments are not it. I went to trinity and this has nothing to do with the girls being black. They are ALL respectable, amazing, smart girls, I mean to stay on the cheer team you have to keep up with grades and be an outstanding citizen. The other team crossed the line and if someone swings at you, don’t tell me you wouldn’t swing back. This is horrible and both teams deserved the punishment but don’t say it’s because these girls are black. Same goes for the other team, yes they messed up getting too close for comfort but race had NOTHING to do with this issue."

City Of Champions TV, Nov. 2020
Rachel Michele Fights happens among kids even adults sometime. These statements are being made because they are black. Most sports fight videos are whites and Latinos. But then its boys and girls will be boys and girls. I’ve covered high school sports of Black frame for 25 years. Mostly E St Louis. This is the first that I’ve seen a fight. I mostly see fights the few times that I cover white schools."

Arlandza Wilson, Nov. 2020
πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€Smh CAN-WE-ALL-JUST-GET-ALONG"

Lorri Reid, Nov. 2020
Back in the day there was a time when cheerleaders from different squads all knew each other because they did little league cheer or went to summer camp or church or elementary school together when they were little, or because their momma's knew each other from way back, and even though they went to different high schools, they were still cool on different squads. I can't with this cheer battle mess! When did cheerleaders start fighting other squads?"

rustydog0329, Dec. 2020
 didn’t know the bloods and the crips had cheer squads."

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1 comment:

  1. Here's a link to a television news segment about this same fight at that high school stomp n shake cheer battle: "East St. Louis cheerleading team shut down for season after fight" KSDK News, Feb. 6, 2020

    The discussion thread is just as racist as the one for the video that is embedded in this post, including comments about "Bring It On Ghetto edition, and how awful and uncivilized East St. Louis is. I read a comment that indirectly equated these Black cheerleaders with gorillas ("Cheerleaders in Da Mist") and a comment that the gym probably "smelled". And there are other comments in that discussion thread that are as bad as those.

    In addition there are the usual comments on discussion threads for stomp n shake cheerleading videos that this isn't "real" cheerleading, but stepping or dancing, or something else.

    However, there are also comments in that discussion thread which noted that only a few of the cheerleaders were actually fighting. Most were trying to get members of their squad to stop fighting or were standing back out of the way.

    And there are also a scattered number of comments like these two about the rule about the squads violating the rule that they aren't supposed to cross the center line.

    C. A., Feb. 2020
    "The Orange team st Louis flyers should've never crossed the white line and that should've been an automatic violation. Dont matter the race or ethnicity. In any battle whether its step, cheer, or even a dance battle you do not get in poeples facesπŸ˜ͺ"

    los atx, Nov. 2020
    "Maybe they'll include a rule on how close they can get to each other. It's all about trying to "one-up" the other side and getting closer to your opponent is used to show them up and causing tension so the other side looks inferior and cracks under pressure. It's almost like a fight and case in point, can become a fight."
