Saturday, November 21, 2020

Archiving Some Comments From The 2007 YouTube Video Of A Virginia High School Stomp & Shake Cheerleading Squad

woowooworkit, Feb 3, 2007

SASSY does a new cheer!

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post archives a number of comments from the discussion thread of a 2007 YouTube video of the Sassy cheerleaders performing the cheer "Roll All Over".

The content of this post is presented for historical, linguistic, and socio-cultural purposes. 
All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are featured in this video and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post. Thanks also to the publisher of this video on YouTube.
I decided to archive these selected comments from this embedded YouTube video because I noticed that some YouTube videos that had been embedded in this pancocojams post that compiled text (word only) examples of stomp and shake cheerleading cheers: were no longer available. Since those videos are no longer available on YouTube, their discussion threads are also lost forever unless those comments are quoted elsewhere.  

I consider some YouTube comments to be worthy of archiving, study, and sharing because of their historical, linguistic, and other socio-cultural content. The selected comments in the  discussion thread for this embedded video include some examples of African American vernacular English (such as "thick") and also include some comments about stomp and shake cheerleading and how high school stomp and shake squads' routines can come from various sources such as historically Black Greek letter organizations and a Spike Lee's School Daze movie.   

"Sassy" is the name of the cheerleading squad from Prince Edward County High School in Farmville, Virginia, USA. 

In several other pancocojams posts including this one,
 I wrote that members of the Sassy cheerleader squad learned cheers (including their performance routines) from cheer camps that were hosted by Virginia State University's Woo Woo cheerleaders. I got this information various comments that were found in discussion threads of various Sassy YouTube videos.

In this 2007 video the cheerleading squad is all female and predominately African American (There is one White cheerleader).

The squad performs this stomp and shake cheer in the middle of the gymnasium floor during what a commenter guessed was a pep rally (comment #11). I believe this comment refers to a basketball pep rally.  

This video's visual quality at this time is poor and, as is the case with many stomp and shake cheers, the words that are chanted are mostly indistinguishable. However, a member of that squad posted the words to that cheer (given as comment #17 below).

Particular attention in these comments is given to the routine that is done beginning at .26 to around .35 of this video. This movement, referred to as a "log roll" in these comments, occurs when all of the cheerleaders lay in a vertical line on their stomachs in a push up position. The first person rolls toward the other girls and continues to roll to the end of the line. As she approaches each girl, they quickly push their body off of the floor so that she can pass underneath them. This simultaneous leaping, rolling movement creates a ripple effect.* 

This "roll over" or "log roll" routine has been performed as part of the steppin routines of at least one historically Black Greek letter fraternity. My adult daughter and I recall seeing this floor ripple movement performed by members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. However, I can't identify any video with that movement. Furthermore, we remember seeing that floor ripple routine performed during a dance show in the mid 2000s in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania fby a Hip/Hop/acrobatic group from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, I can't remember the name of the group. 

Spike Lee's movie School Daze features a similar floor ripple ("log roll'). Here's  a Wikipedia summary of that movie
"School Daze is a 1988 American musical comedy-drama film, written and directed by Spike Lee, and starring Larry Fishburne, Giancarlo Esposito, and Tisha Campbell-Martin. Based in part on Spike Lee's experiences as a Morehouse student in the Atlanta University Center during the 1970s, it is a story about undergraduates in a fraternity and sorority clashing with some of their classmates at a historically black college during homecoming weekend."

Here's a link to the YouTube video of that floor ripple that is performed by the fictitious Black fraternity Gamma Phi Gamma (GPhiG):

Here are two comments from that video's discussion thread.
Mehrunissah93, 2013
So many real fraternities aren't this creative. This is my favorite scene of the whole movie."
Note that the movie School Daze also featured some real fraternities and sororities such as Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. (APhiA) and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (AKA) I think that GPhiG's name and floor ripple ("log roll") routine is largely based on APhiA Fraternity.

Read the comments below that refer to the Sassy stomp and shake cheerleaders performing this "fraternity" routine.
*Please help improve this description by re-wording it in the comment section of this post below. Thanks.).   

Some of these comments also present opinions about Virginia State University's WooWoo cheerleading squad. (Notice that the publisher of this video includes the name "Woo Woo" in their name.)  

These comments are presented in relative chronological order with the oldest published comment given first, except for replies.

Numbers are added for referencing purposes only. I added the "Reply" citation even though in the early years of YouTube commenting, "Reply" wasn't noted.

1. MiQuelW, 2007
"That was so VSU. No disrespect to my Woo Woo's, because again, they taught me what I know. But they should REALLY leave the step shows to the Greeks & Step Teams. Like the whole clapping under an upstomp thing... I mean, that's the only reason people don't take them seriously as a squad.

But the girls did what they did beautifully. I loved the execution, but I hated the cheer."

11. johnathondwight, 2009
"i think that was at a pep rally"

12. selectedandelected, 2010
"OK that was cute (the lil fraternity move) but Seriously... check the motions of the ladies!! Their arm motions... Not good! What has cheerleading gone to these days!!! Who can drop it like its hot?? SAD!!"
"The lil fraternity move" is the aforementioned "log roll".  

13. Raylisha Godbolt, 2010
"@MsGymnast77 you and TheLipcious are both rude these cheerleaders are not fat they are thick. Two totally different things."

14. howizzle, 2012
"Thire loud, obiously proud, but this is NOT real chherleaidng sorry."

15. Tashana Wade, 2012
"Well in my opinion , this style of cheering is unique and original.  It might not be the "traditional style of cheering" , but who cares?  It's nice to shake somethings up and this by far is one the best cheer squads I've seen.  My squad also does this type of cheer and I'm not being cocky but ANY cheerleader could careless what you think about our style of cheer and what we do. I give this a HUGE thumbs up, GOOD JOB!"

16. Karen Midgett, 2014
"I know it has been a while since this came out but I was looking through the cheers and dances and found this.  I am an elementary coach and I am always looking for something that is different.  I love this and thought it would be good for my girls to learn it if it is okay by the owner of the cheer.  Could anyone please help me out and let me know the cheer and words?"

17. starquality90, 2014
"Hi @Karen Midgett , I was a cheerleader on this squad (I'm actually in the video). The words are" Let's get physical, get down get funky get mean, watch those mighty Eagles, roll right over you team.... It's time to get physical it's time to get mean, watch those mighty Eagles roll right over your team". We had a lot of fun doing these cheers! Good luck with your cheer squad!!"

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Visitor comments are welcome. 

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