Saturday, October 17, 2020

Two 2017 YouTube Videos Of Nuba Music & Dance (with selected comments)

Kamayani Bali Mahabal, January 2, 2017

The annual festival organized by the Higher Committee of the Nuba Mountains Cultural Heritage Festival was held under the theme “my culture: created to strengthen the present and guarantee the future”. The festival represents a rare chance to showcase the culture of the Nuba people who have been victimized by ongoing attacks since the early 1990s by the central government leading to massive human losses and displacement from their home area in the Nuba Mountains. The latest conflict that erupted in 2011 directly threatens the survival of their culture. The festival is one of the few opportunities for Nubas to reclaim space in Sudan’s capital and display several music and dance performances as well as cultural exhibitions bringing together over 50 tribes of the Nuba Mountains. This year, the festival began with an acknowledgment of the perseverance of the people of the war-torn areas of the Nuba Mountains followed by the festival’s anthem and performances by 118 popular bands and seminars discussing aspects of Nuba culture and traditions.
Edited by Azizi Powell

Thanks to all those who are featured in these videos and thanks to the producers and publishers  of these videos on YouTube. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post.


sympatic000m March 1, 2017

Google translation of the Arabic subtitle- "Nubian song and dance from Sudan - South Kordofan"


(Google Translate results from Arabic to English are given after the Arabic comments.)

Numbers are added for referencing purposes only).

1. Amree Alamree, 2018
"التراث اشبها بي الأمازيغ المغرب"

2. Modesto Manga, 2018
"ديل احفاد بانغي وكوش ،اصحاب حضارات السودان ومروي والبيجراوية والبركل هؤلاء من تبقي من العرق النقي للسودانين الاصيليين"

3. Ismail Moreno, 2019
"موسيقى تشبه امازيغ المغرب الجنوب سبحان الله نفس الميزان الموسيقي انا امازيغ هناك تشابه كبير"

4. MEGDY TARIQ, 2020
"نعم هذا صحيح مية في المية

الأمازيغ و النوبة حضارة واحدة نحن النوبة بنعرف جيد مين هم الأمازيغ و الطوارق كما ذكر الأخ"

5. Nubian Lion, 2020
"النوبة كوشيين وهم أصحاب حضارات وادي النيل القديمة، جد النوبة كوش بن حام بن نوح.  كاان لكوش 3 إخوة هم مصرائيم بن حام، ومصرائيم هو جد المصريين القدماء، ليس مصريو اليوم الذين ينحدرون من سلالات الأقوام التي إستعمرت مصر عبر التاريخ، كنعان بن حام وهو جد الكنعانين، وفوط أو فوت بن حام، وفوط هو جد الأمازيق والطوارق، والملاحظ تشابه بعض المصطلحات عند الأمازيق مع لغات المجموعات اللغوية لشعب النوبة في السودان."

6. MEGDY TARIQ, 2020
"@Nubian Lion

النوبة الفي جبال النوبة

ولاية جنوب كردفان هذا

هم النوبة الاصلين الفراعنة

السود اللذي يتحدث عنها

التاريخ كل شئ في النوبة

متطابقة كا العصر القديم

من لغاتهم و تراثهم و الثقافة

الموجودة في قلوبهم و الشجاعة المعروفة عندهم"

7. الفاضل اسماعيل

"يعيش وطنى السودان الكبير العريق وذات التراث المتعدد سودانى "

8. Latifa Ahmed, 2020
"I'm a proud nuba"

1. Amree Alamree, 2018
"Heritage like me Amazigh Morocco"

2. Modesto Manga, 2018
"Dil, the descendants of Bangui and Kush, the owners of the civilizations of Sudan, Meroe, Bijrawia, and Barkal, those who remain of the pure race of the indigenous Sudanese"

3. Ismail Moreno, 2019
"Music resembles Amazigh, Morocco, the South, Glory be to God, the same balance of music, I am Amazigh, there is a great similarity"

4. MEGDY TARIQ, 2020
"Yes, this is true water in the water

Amazigh and Nubia are one civilization. We Nubians know very well who are the Berbers and Tuaregs, as the brother mentioned"

5. Nubian Lion, 2020
"The Nuba are Kushites and they are the owners of the ancient Nile Valley civilizations, the grandfather of Nubia is Kush bin Ham bin Noah. Kush had 3 brothers, they were Masraim ibn Ham, and Masra’im was the ancestor of the ancient Egyptians, not the Egyptians today who descended from the strains of the people that colonized Egypt throughout history, Canaan bin Ham, who is the grandfather of the Canaanites, and Fot or Fot bin Ham, and Wuthat is the grandfather of the Amazigh and Tuareg. Some terms in Amazigh with the languages ​​of the linguistic groups of the Nuba people in Sudan."

6. MEGDY TARIQ, 2020
"@Nubian lion

Nuba in the Nuba Mountains

South Kordofan state this

They are the original Nubia pharaohs

Blacks who are talking about it

History is everything in Nubia

Identical to the old era ka

From their languages, heritage and culture

In their hearts and the courage known to them"

7. Mr. Ismail, 2019
"Long live my country, the great, ancient and multi-ethnic Sudanese"

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  1. The dance that is performed in the video given as #2 in this post is the same as or very similar to the dance that is showcased in this 2010 YouTube video: "The koalib kireng dance".

    Here's the summary comment for that video:
    "This is the dance of the Nuba koalib and it is shared by many nuba people. Koalib has more than six different dances. But This one is called kireng. enjoy it".

    That video is included in this 2017 pancocojams post: "Article Excerpts About Nuba (Sudan) & Seven Videos Of Nuba Music & Dance".

    1. Here's a link to another Nuba video of this dance: "Kirang of Wincho Tribe"

      "Kirang dance is one of the famous dances of Nuba Mountains in Sudan especially for ajang Group who are living along the North line of the Nuba mountains"
