Wednesday, August 12, 2020

What "Momala" ("Mamala") Means In General & As A Referent For Kamala Harris

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post provides information about the general meanings of the referent "momala" (also given as "mamala") and the meaning of those words specifically as a referent for Democratic Vice President nominee Senator Kamala Harris.

This post also includes selected tweets from the trending twitter #Mamala account (August 12, 2020).

The content of this post is presented for linguistic and political purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.
I'm not at all neutral in this upcoming United States election. For the sake of our democracy, and for the safety and benefit of the entire world, I encourage all people who are eligible to vote in the United States election on November 3, 2020 to vote for the Democratic ticket, including Biden-Harris.

These excerpts are given in no particular order and are numbered for referent purposes only.

Excerpt #1

What does the yiddish term "mamala" or "mamaleh" mean?

1. Favorite Answer
chamkadaar, 2010
"Mamala, mamaleh or mamuhluh, in Yiddish, means child or toddler (female). Some other related words are Bubbala (baby), Buba or Boobuh (doll)."

2.Chief BaggageSmasher, 2010
"It is a term of endearment, usually for a child. It literally means "little mother" but in coontext it means "mother's little one"

The opposite side is tateleh, or "father's little one" "

3. elladawn, 2016
"Mamaleh is a term of endearment meaning Litlle Momma..It is about the Spanish  equivalent of Mamacita...Even though it means little Momma(mama), it is oftentimes used toward the younger (child)female family members by the elder family members..Just like Spanish parents sometimes call their 2 year old daughters "Mammi" or "Mama"...So, if you go call your wife, girlfriend, Mother, Grandmother..even aunt, Mameleh, it is okay!"

Excerpt #2:
"Mamala Media was created to celebrate parenthood in the way we know best. With fun-filled lyric videos, children’s books, and parenting tools - we are invested in your family. Our heart is to bring the experience of God’s love to children of every age.


Our company name, Mamala Media, was born out of a combination of “Mama” and “la” - two of my favorite sounds, each with significant meaning.

“Mama”, a more global way of saying Mom, is also a term of deep and abiding love used in various parts of the world when addressing one’s children, both girls and boys. Many parents in the Middle East, Near East and Africa, awaken their children with the phrase “mama, mama, time to wake up”, all while gently nudging them out of their slumber. It’s a loving way to wake little ones out of their sleep to face the day. “La” is another global term of endearment. When adding “la” to the end of someone’s name it becomes a way of addressing that person with affection…as in Bobbyla or Cindyla. Coming from a European and Middle Eastern background myself, I heard this term in my own family for years. It always warms my heart when someone calls me Cassiela! Try adding “la” to the end of your child’s name or your own name and see how cozy and fun it sounds!

The mash-up of the beautiful word “Mama” and the endearing term “la” has become “Mamala”, as in our company name, Mamala Media."

Excerpt #3

1. Term of endearment to refer to your significant other who serves as a mother figure to your children. Not to be confused with some random woman that gets knocked up and ends up actually bearing your children.
Ex. Momala is the woman who opens her heart and pocket book to care and provide for the numerous step children you bring to the relationship from repeated failed marriages."

by M.Anne May 03, 2007


Sen. Kamala Harris On Being 'Momala'

"California Senator Kamala Harris announced in January that she would be running for president. But aside from being a United States Senator and a 2020 presidential candidate, she's also a stepmom to her husband Doug's children, Cole and Ella. In honor of Mother's Day, Sen. Harris writes about what it's like to be a stepmom—or, as her kids call her "Momala."


To know Cole and Ella is to know that their mother Kerstin is an incredible mother. Kerstin and I hit it off ourselves and are dear friends. She and I became a duo of cheerleaders in the bleachers at Ella’s swim meets and basketball games, often to Ella’s embarrassment….

A few years later when Doug and I got married, Cole, Ella, and I agreed that we didn’t like the term “stepmom.” Instead they came up with the name “Momala.”
Here is the profile for Senator Kamala Harris (as of August 11, 2020)
"Kamala Harris
U.S. Senator and Democratic candidate for Vice President of the United States. Wife, Momala, Auntie. Fighting for the people. She/her."

Note: This twitter account was #7  in trending tweets in the USA around 7:30 PM August 12, 2020 with 13 K tweets.

Numbers have been added for referencing purposes only. These tweets are given without GIFs.

1. kerry b



Is anyone else crying listening to #BidenHarris2020 town hall? Thank you for giving us hope again.



2.Marvin Queets, Esq.




I love it!



3. Mamas4Kamala



#Mamala is trending-which means it’s time to take y’all to school!

ITS #MOMALA or #MadameVicePresident if you’re #nasty

Join us



Here's information about Mamas4Kamala

"Mamas4Kamala 💛


A national group of moms, caregivers, moms-to-be, grandmas, aunts, and all the parental figures in between, working to support Kamala Harris."

4. Mama Johnson



I have hope.  Knocked it out of the park!  #momala #mamala #BidenHarris2020

Quote Tweet

This Week



Joe Biden: "This morning, all across the nation, little girls woke up, especially little Black and brown girls, who so often feel overlooked and undervalued...Today, just maybe, they're seeing themselves for the first time in a new way."

5. BlackWomenAreKryptoniteToGOP



Dear GOP

If you thought 94% of Black Women that voted for Hillary was a lot, wait till you see 94% of Black Women AND Men  vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

We coming for the Senate and the White House on Nov 3rd


4. Kara Swisher



It’s Momala, though #mamala works too. In either case, a powerful dose of lady power is headed Trump’s way.

5. Kristi Powell



Y'all know the "Mom look" that puts the fear of God in you. Ms. Harris has it down.   Buckle up Trump cult... Kamala's coming for you.



6. Morgan J. Freeman




Vice President will be a nice title but the one that matters most is Mamala.

7. Sarah Phillips



I'm a #WarrenDemocrat and I'm ready to #VoteBidenHarris2020 She got me at #Mamala

8. physicaledward✊🏾Pensive face



Yup I’m down with  #Mamala


9.Byron Joe David (Da-veed)



“Case against #Trump and #Pence is open and shut. More than 160,000 lives cut short. Many with their loved ones who never got the chance to say goodbye.”-


 #mamala #BidenHarris2020 #TrumpThreatensAmerica #Charlottesville #KamalaHarris #JoeBiden

10. DeMarginalizeUS  🧑🏾|| #AllBlackLivesMatter



I haven’t felt hope in years. My system is in shock. #mamala


11. jodie maguire



My daughter has a new role model #Mamala- let’s go!


12. Rain



I feel the most hopeful  I’ve felt in years. Crying. #mamala #BidenHarris2020


13. Angela Sirls, CAPM



"Let me tell you, as somebody who has presented my fair share of arguments in court, the case against Donald Trump and Mike Pence is open and shut." #mamala

#BidenHarris2020 #BidenHarris2020 #BidenHarris2020 #BidenHarris2020 #BidenHarris2020 #BidenHarris2020 #BidenHarris2020


14. Howard ✡



After Trump sexist tweet of “suburban housewife” Kamala Harris is exactly what we need. My mom was the Head of Copyright at PolyGram Records before quitting to take care of me. She then went on to teach for 20 years, while raising us. Kamala has my vote. #Mamala

15. Clair Huxtable



Senator and soon Vice President Kamala Harris methodically knocked it out the park today!  She gave one of the most powerful speeches of a VP, ever!

Trump is running scared!

#Mamala or #Momala either one she is THE one!

16. deecannon



Black women always been #Mamala and I cant wait too see you in the White House

17. Mrs. Krassenstein



After Kamala Harris’ speech Donald Trump is going to hide in his bunker and cry for his own #Mamala.

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Visitor comments are welcome


  1. I wasn't familiar with the words "momala" or "mamala" until I began reading them as a referent to Senator Kamala Harris.

    Based on the tweets that were posted to that trending twitter account, it appears that "mamala" is the preferred spelling of this referent in the United States, particularly among African Americans. But that could be because that twitter account was named "mamala" and not "momala".

  2. Here's information about another twitter account in the USA that focused on Senator Kamala Harris, the Democratic candidate for US Vice President:
    08/12/2020 09:55 pm ET
    Trump Adviser’s Bid To Insult Kamala Harris As ‘Marge Simpson’ Goes Totally Awry
    Critics noted Marge Simpson is the boss.

    "Trump campaign senior legal adviser Jenna Ellis threw a petty insult at Kamala Harris as the senator and former Vice President Joe Biden made a debut joint appearance of their historic Democratic presidential ticket. It did not go down well for the attacking party.

    “Kamala sounds like Marge Simpson,” Ellis tweeted.

    Twitter commentators and “Simpsons” fans were quick to note that the fierce matriarch was the character who got things done on the show. A reliable, competent and moralistic fixture of the family, Marge Simpson was the one who was always there to clean up the mess (often left by lazy men) and act as a grounding voice amid chaos.


    Jenna Ellis
    Kamala sounds like Marge Simpson.

    6:36 PM · Aug 12, 2020


    I hear people talking trash about my queen
    Marge Simpson.

    Roland Scahill
    Imagine someone using Marge Simpson as a negative comparison


    jason strides
    Calling Kamala Harris Marge Simpson is about the coolest thing you can do for her."...

  3. A third twitter account #birtherism which focused on Senator Kamaala Harris began trending in the United States on August 12, 2020. That account was rated the #1 most trending twitter account in the USA for part of late night August 12, 2020, but it's no longer trending in the top 10 accounts on August 13, 2020.

    That account was promoted by this Newsweek magazine article and tweet:
    John Eastman
    · 21h
    "Is Kamala Harris eligible for the office of Vice President? Here's my article, published by Newsweek, exploring the issues. Short answer: It depends!"

    You can read the tweets that were posted in response to what is being called "birthersm #2"- with birtherism #1 being Republicans and other racists attempts to cast doubt on whether or not then candidate for President Barack Obama was a United States citizen by casting doubt on where he was born.

    In Kamala Harris case, the proponents of this garbage are casting doubt on her eligibility to be Vice President because her parents may not have been United States citizens at the time of her birth. However, anyone who is born in the United States or in United States territory is automatically a United States Citizen. And there's no doubt whatsoever that Kamala Harris was born in Oakland, California USA.

    That this is part of a racist smear campaign is indicted by the fact that birtherism isn't used against White Americans who weren't born in the USA such as Republican Ted Cruz (who was born in Canada) and John McCain who was born in the Panama Canal Zone (a US territory).
