Friday, July 17, 2020

Comparison Of Two Lists Of First Names Of Student Of The World Pen Pals From Trinidad And Tobago

Edited by Azizi Powell

This is Part I of a four part pancocojams series about Trinidadian and Tobagan first names of pen pals that I retrieved from Student Of The World Pen Pal websites for Pen Pals from Trinidad & Tobago in 2015 and 2020.

Part I provides the complete lists of pen pal first names (or nicknames) that I retrieved in 2015 and 2020.

Click for Part II of this pancocojams series. Part II provides a sub-lists of names from the Student Of The World Pen Pal Lists for Trinidad & Tobago that I retreived in 2015 . These sub-lists are for names on those lists that of Arabic origin, traditional African origin, or Indian origin (with "Indian" here referring to the nation of India). The meanings of those names are also given in that post.

Click for Part III of this pancocojams series. Part III provides a sub-lists of names from the Student Of The World Pen Pal Lists for Trinidad & Tobago that I retrieved in July 2020.  Those sub-lists are for the names in that list that are of Arabic origin, traditional African origin, or Indian origin (with "Indian" here referring to the nation of India) and aren't included in Part II. The meanings of those names are also given in that post.

Click for Part IV of this pancocojams series. Part IV. provides an analysis of some contemporary Trinidadian and Tobagan first names ending in ""isha" "esha", ika", "ica", or eka"in three compilations of contemporary Trinidadian & Tobagan female names. The lists examined for those names include the  two Student Of The World pen pal lists that have been highlighted in previous posts in this pancocojams series as well as a compilation of names that a pancocojams visitor.from Trinidad shared with me in 2015 via emails. The link for the 2015 pancocojams post about those email is found immediately below this section. 

The content of this post is presented for onomastic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to the editors of the Student Of The World Pen Pal websites that are quoted in this post and thanks to all those whose names are cited in those websites.
Click for a very closely related 2015 pancocojams post entitled "Popular First Names In Trinidad & Tobago (from lists compiled by a 20 year old Trinidadian)".

I. TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO PEN PAL LIST RETRIEVED June 17, 2015; Total # of Names- 128]
From "Students of the World "Penpal Statistics : Trinidad and Tobago
Popular First Names In Trinidad & Tobago
206 penpals/ Top Top 100 Trinidadian, Tobagonian names - Trinidad and Tobago*

1. Monique
2. Shivana
3. sherry
4. Gabriella
5. Jeanne-marie
6. Sarah
7. Angel
8. farisha
9. Johanna
10. Elizabeth
11. Danielle
12. Ariel
13. Ann
14. Amy
15. Dinelle
16. Tenika
17. hanna
18. Suzette
19. Keela
20. Emily
21. stark2000
22. sabby
23. Safrana
24. Olivia
25. lia
26. Alissa
27. Rynelle
28. janine
30. Khalisha
31. Tanuja
32. larissa
33. Kyra
34. Shenice
35. avril
36. isis
37. jade
38. kenisha
39. Evita
40. khadyne
41. xenaida
42. sherelle
43. Cruxis
44. Maria
45. Neriah
46. Hanifah
47. Anna
48. Natalia
49. Nia
50. sarika
51. Daliah
52. kim
53. Cherelle
54. Rianna
55. gemma
56. Elisa
57. Bella
58. onieka
59. justyne
60. Joy
61. Britney
62. Shaunee
63. annalise
64. D'niece
65. natasha
66. Leigha-Ceres
67. Christina
68. shernika
69. Ash
70. Michaela
71. Akifah
72. jameela-lee
73. Chelsea
74. jodi
75. Ray
76. Kanica
77. Kay
78. Makeda
79. Sahanna
80. krishna
81. Yarnique
82. Shauna
83. tyler
84. Denelle
85. Charity
86. shanyse
87. Hope
88. Catya
89. Gabby
90. micaela
91. alia
92. Sue-ellen
93. Thandi
94. Katey
95. Nirmii
96. shafz
97. Michelle
98. Diane
99. Deneisha
100. Cassie

1. Daniel
2. Shaquille
3. Dejon
4. Kyle
5. Devin
6. Andrew
7. Keron
8. Kevin
9. Stefan
10. Gabriel
11. Teddy
12. Fareed
13. Richard
14. Brendan
15. Jeren
16. Dillon
17. Isaiah
18. Tyrell
19. Darryll
20. Dave
21. Nickolus
22. mikey
23. Matthew
24. gary
25. Justin
26. SUNI
27. Nico
28. Ronaldo"
*This link leads to the updated page for that site which I've entitled "Pen Pal List Retrieved in 2020".

The names is that 2015 list are given as I found them on that site. I didn't retrieved information about numbers or percentages. However, based on the list that I retrieved in July 2020, it's very likely that almost all of those names represent just one person and not multiple people with that particular name. Some of these names may be nicknames (i.e. shortened forms of those names.) 

II. TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO PEN PAL LIST RETRIEVED July 17, 2020 [Total # of Names- 128]
"Students of the World
Penpal Statistics : Trinidad and Tobago
Trinidad and Tobago

186 penpals

1  Keisha                       
2. cherelle                          
3. Rachel                             
4. Shanice                          
5. Anora                              
6. jay                    
7. Amelia                            
8. Sarah                               
9. Renee                             
10. Brittney                       
11. Faith                              
12. Victoria                        
13. sarika                            
14. marsha                         
15. aaliyah                          
16. Khaila                            
17. kiki                 
18. Adanna                        
19. Nissi                              
20. shania                           
21. Rose                              
24. Aleema                        
25. Shorna                         
26. Elise                               
27. Shannon                      
28. Tricia                             
29. maliyah                                                                        
30. Giselle                                                                          
31. NAEEMA                                                                     
32. Abeo                                                                             
33. melly                                                                             
34. Ashley                                                                          
35. Aisha                                                                             
36. Shelly                                                                            
37. Gail                                                                
38. Salisha                                                                          
39. Niara                                                                             
40. Kirsten                                                                         
41. Abbey                                                                          
42. Leiah                                                                             
43. Sam                                                               
44. Latchmanie                                                                
45. Alexia                                                                           
46. Ze-Rne                                                                         
47. Angela                                                                          
48. kate                                                               
49. Anna                                                                             
50. Bea                                                                
51. Sequoia                                                                       
52. jeanne-marie                                                                            
53. Khursheeda                                                               
54. Khadijah                                                                      
55. Kareemah                                                                   
56. lexa                                                               
57. Sadia                                                                             
58. Aresa                                                                            
59. Geeta                                                                           
60. Seema                                                                          
61. Shenice                                                                        
62. Rae-Ann                                                                      
63. Jennisa                                                                         
64. keshana                                                                       
65. Samaria                                                                        
66. Ruth                                                                              
67. Neola                                                                            
68. Charity                                                                         
69. Jeniece                                                                        
70. Nasha                                                                           
71. Jade                                                                              
72. Dove                                                                             
73. Asha                                                                              
74. Hanna                                                                           
75. Shanna                                                                         
76. Tehilla                                                                           
77. Jathya                                                                           
78. Johanna                                                                       
79. Julissa                                                                           
80. Nelqueisha                                                                 
81. Ana Lisa                                                                       
82. xiomara                                                                       
83. jennika                                                                         
84. shar                                                               
85. Ayana                                                                           
86. Felisa                                                                            
87. Daina                                                                            
88. Solange                                                                        
89. Ellen                                                                              
90. Amaris                                                                          
91. Eleeda                                                                          
92. Kelly                                                                              
93. Daniella                                                                        
94. Jada                                                                               
95. annalise                                                                       
96. Shu                                                                
97. Sade                                                                              
98. macoiya                                                                       
99. Christianna                                                                 
100. Alexandra

1. Justin
2. Kavishl
3. Jesse
4. Caleb
5. Ceejay
6. Kyle
7. Saif
9. kevin
10. Terrell
11. Nikolai
12. Sameer
13. Alain
14. Kendon
15. Kemuel
16. Anish
17. Ronnel
18. Christian
19. Isaiah
20. Gabriel
22. Don Omar
23. Joshua
24. Micah
26. Zachary
27. Ardilles
28. Darion"
This list is presented “as is” from that page except for numbers and percentages.
The 1st  female name has three numbers and 1.61 % [ i.e. Three girls have that name.]
#2 female name through #12 female name has 2 numbers (1.08%)
All other female names have 1 number (  0.54 %)
The 1st male name has 2 numbers (1.08 %)
All other male names have 1 number (.054%)

 the pen pal's name, age, and gender)2020 -7 profiles
2019 - 16 profiles

[This page presents the 2020 profiles first and ends with the 2019 profiles.]

Darion (male), age 16
Jathya, (female), age 18
Jennissa (female), age 15
Ze-Rne (female), age 9
Micah (male) age 9
Giselle (female), age 17
Sarah (female), age 16


Kaylah (female), age 20
Jayden (male), age 13
Jada (female), age 18
Tehilla  (female). Age 19
Alexia (female), age 18
Gabriel (male), age 8
Maliyah (female), age 11
Ash (female), age 21
Anish (male) age 7
Abbigaile, (female), age 14
Alain (male) age 12
Terrell (male), age 18
Faith (female), age 19
Keisha (female), age 22
Shanna (female) age 23
Shenice (female), age 23"
The name "Abbigaile" isn't included in the list that was retrieved in 2020. However, the name "Gail" is found on that list (#37). All of the other profile names are 
included in the ae profiles are included on the students of the world list that I retrieved on July 17, 2020. 

A statement on that website indicates that students of the world pen pals are "
For kids and students age 0 to 24 only!”
This concludes Part II of this pancocojams series.

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.

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