Saturday, March 28, 2020

Pamela Pupkin's Covid 19 Quarantine Workout Video (with lyrics & selected comments)

Edited by Azizi Powell

Latest revision : Nov. 4, 2021

This pancocojams post showcases Laura Clery's funny and clever Covid-19 quarantine workout video.

This post also includes my unofficial transcription of this video (mostly using that video's captions).

Selected comments from the discussion thread for that video are also included in this post.

The content of this post is presented for educational and entertainment purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Laura Clery and her husband Steven for this video. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post.
This video is an exception to pancocojams' focus on music/dance videos and other cultural content from African American cultures and other Black cultures around the world.

[Added Nov. 4, 2021] I decided to publish this post because I happened upon this video while surfing YouTube for videos about Covid-19, and was impressed by the creative way this video teaches about what people should do to help protect themselves and others from Covid-19.  Unfortunately, the world is still sufferring from Covid-19, and this message is still need.

Click for the closely related pancocojams post entitled "TikTok Clips Of People Reenacting Pamela Pupkin's Covid-19 Quarantine Workout Video"

SHOWCASE VIDEO: Quarantine Workout !!!!

LAURA CLERY, Mar 26, 2020
Statistics as of March 28, 2020 at 7:09 AM EDT
total views 133,231
total likes- 4.8k
total dislikes-83
total comments-315


[Pancocojams Editor's Description of this video:

This video is a parody of 1980s workout videos. The workshop instructor "Pamela Pupkin" is a young/middle age White woman who wears a psychedelic green leotard with bright pink tights and a pink hand band in her blond hair. The leotard shows her cleavage to give her a somewhat sexy image. Pamela does all the talking in this video. She speaks with at least a hint of a Southern accent. "Steven", a young/middle age White man is also featured in this video. Steven wears a black headband, a sleeveless white t-shirt, and baggy red shorts that are dotted on one side and plain red on the other. The shorts also have black trim down the bottom. Steven also wears multicolored socks with sandals. He's usually shown standing or doing exercises behind Pamela, although it's probably not the recommended 6 feet apart. [Correction: April 12, 2020] At the end of the video, "Pamela" calls him "Roger" which I gather is that man's name for these Pamela Pupkins videos. From reading the comments, I learned that Laura Clery (Pamela) and Steven (Roger) are married and have other videos with these characters and as themselves) on their YouTube channel and on other social media sites.

My description of the accompanying movements are given in italics within brackets]

Hi y’all. I’m Pamela Pupkin

And you’re about to do
Pamela Pupkin’s quarantine workout.

Wash your hands. [Pamela is shown at a kitchen sink washing her hands with soap and water as she slowly counts to 20.]

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20


That’s great, y’all!

Let’s dry these suckers off. [Pamela dries her hands with a cloth towel]

Hey, Covid-19! [Pamela holds a spray bottle of sanitizer and speaks close up to the camera.]
You don’t scare us.
I got 19 ways to destroy your ass.

Work those thighs. [Pamela does exercise motions while holding a spray bottle]

Work those thighs.

Work those thighs.

Work those thighs.

We’re spraying. [Pamela sprays the and then does the prayer/Namaste gesture]
And we’re praying.

We’re spraying.
And we’re praying.
We’re spraying.
And we’re praying.

Double time.



And stay inside. [In this portion of the video, Pamela and Steven move side to side]
Move side to side.
Stay inside.
Move side to side.
Stay inside.
Move side to side.




Don’t touch your eyes. [Pamela mimics pointing to these parts of her face]
Don’t touch that nose.
Don’t touch that mouth.

Don’t touch your eyes.
Don’t touch that nose.
Don’t touch that mouth.

Wash your hands Pamela is shown in the bathroom washing her hands and drying them off]
2, 3, 4, 5, 5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.


That’s great y’all!

Let’s dry those suckers off.

And sneeze like this. [Pamela and Roger do the dab dance as a recommended way of sneezing and coughing]
Cough like that!
Sneeze like this.
Cough like that.
Sneeze like this.
Cough like that.

Sneeze like this.
Cough like that.
And cough like that.

C’mon! Soap! [Pamela again is shown washing her hands. This time she also plays with the water, throwing some water in the air]
Soap and water!
Soap, soap.
Water, water.
Soap and water.
Soap and water.
Soap soap
water water
Soap and water.

We’re going to practice social distancing.
See that human person.
We’re staying 6 feet away. ["Pamela" and "Roger" put one hand near the side of their face, as if to hide their face and move from one side to another while they say these words]
See that human person.
And we’re staying 6 feet away.

Human person.
Six feet away.

Human person.
Six feet away.

Human person.
Six feet away.

Human person.
Six feet away.

Human person.
Six feet away.

Six feet away.
Six feet away.

Now what do you do
If someone comes up and tries to give you a handshake?
Or a hug?
Block Em. During this portion, "Pamela" does karate blocks and kicks while "Roger" does karate blocks.
Block Em.
Block Em.
Block Em.
Block block Em.
Block Em.
Block Em.
Block Em.
Bl Bl. Block Em.
Block Em.
Block Em.
Block Em.
Block Em.
Block Em.
Bl Bl. Block Em.
Block Em.
Block Em.
Block Em.
Bl Bl. Block Em.
Block Em. Block Em. Block Em.
Block Block Block Em.
Bl Bl Block Em.
Block Em.
Block Em.
Bl Bl Bloc Em.

[This segment ends with “Pamela” and “Roger” laughing hilariously]

[”Pamela” speaking in a soft, gentle voice]Hi, y’all. Pamela Pupkin here again.

And I hope that y’all enjoyed my quarantine workout.

Now, please, I beg of you, share this video
to your friends and family.

Just because we’re stuck inside doesn’t mean we can’t have fun
and stay fit.
And y’all, please go and check on your elderly neighbors.
See if they need your help.
It’s more important now than ever, to be kind.

You must be kind…[Pamela’s voice changes to a harsh tone
Okay, your butt is in my shot, Roger!”
*This is my unofficial transcription of this video. Additions and corrections are welcome.

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.


  1. Here's a description of the dab (dance) that is done in the coughing/sneezing portion of Pamela Pupkin's Quarantine Workout video/song:
    "Dabbing, or the dab is a simple dance move or gesture in which a person drops his or her head into the bent crook of a slanted, upwardly angled arm, while raising the opposite arm out straight in a parallel direction. Since 2015, dabbing has been used as a gesture of triumph or playfulness, becoming a youthful American fad and Internet meme.[1] The move looks similar to someone sneezing into the "inside" of their elbow.[1][2]"....
    A photograph of the dab gesture is found on that Wikipedia page.

  2. Here's a comment that I wrote on April 13, 2020 in the discussion thread for Laura Clery's video entitled "My Quarantine Workout went GLOBAL , you guys !!"

    "Laura, thank you & Steven and congratulations on your original Quarantine Workout Video!! It's a classic and will be documented as part of the history of the Covid-19 pandemic.

    I have one BIG request as a former substitute teacher, as a grandmother of a first grade student in the USA, and as a school volunteer - Would you PLEASE remake the original video wearing a leotard without so much cleavage showing and without the word "ass".

    I believe that after these Covid-19 quarantines, when it's safe to open schools again, students will need to talk out what occurred and why. Your Quarantine Video would be an excellent resource for that because of its easy to remember chant and its easy to perform accompanying movements. However, I'm afraid that many public schools (and a lot of private schools) in the USA might not allow students to view this video in their classes (and then perhaps also perform it ) because of those two reasons I mentioned above. And, if your original video were allowed in schools, children might be distracted and start giggling because of those two reasons instead of focusing on the serious lessons the video teaches. Teachers/staff probably would also have to talk to children about being careful with the "block em" portion of that workout, but I think that portion is probably one of the favorite parts of your workout for children and adults.

    Maybe this isn't a concern elsewhere in the world, but given the Puritanical nature of many USA school systems, I think that students might be prohibited from viewing your video for those reasons. And that would be a crying shame.

    Full disclosure: I showcased your original video and this global compilation on my pancocojams blog along with selected comments from their discussion threads.

    Thanks again for your serious/funny videos!!"

  3. Is there a way to just get the music without the lyrics? We are working on a remix for the food club I volunteer for with our own lyrics, but I would love to use the music.

    1. Unknown, I don't know the answer to that question. You need to contact Laura Clery directly. Here contact information may be on those "Pamela Pupkins" YouTube videos.
