Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Black Folks Overwhelmingly Voted For Biden On Super Tuesday March 3, 2020 (Part II, Comments From The Discussion Thread Of A Daily Kos Article by Denise Oliver Velez)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This is Part II of a two part pancocojams series about the Democratic Party's results of Super Tuesday (March 3, 2020).

Part II of this series provides selected comments from the discussion thread for the Daily Kos (political) article about why Black folks overwhelming voted for Former Vice President Biden on Super Tuesday (March 3, 2020). That article by Denise Oliver Velez is entitled "'God don't like ugly' is what my grandma used to say".

Click for Part I of this pancocojams series. Part I provides information about the voting day in the United States that is known as "Super Tuesday" and includes an excerpt to an article about the Super Tuesday results for the Democratic Party on March 3, 202o.

Part I of this pancocojams series also showcases an excerpt of an article published in Daily Kos's political forum about Super Tuesday's United States Presidential Primaries (March 3, 2020) & Black folks overwhelmingly voting for United State's Former Vice-President Joe Biden. That is written by Denise Oliver Velez and is entitled "'God don't like ugly' is what my grandma used to say".

The Addendum to Part I provides an explanation about the African American Vernacular English term "being disinvited to the BBQ" that is included in that article.

The author of this article is African American. The selected comments that are featured in this pancocojams compilation are from African Americans and non-African Americans -all of whom are members of that political forum. [For the record, I'm a frequent visitor of that forum, but I'm not a member.]

This post documents the opinions that are shared in these article excerpts and selected comments. I'm also particularly interested in the use of African American Vernacular sayings & terms in that article and some of those comments.

For those interested in United States politics and/or African American culture, I strongly recommend reading the entire article and its discussion thread.

The content of this post is presented for political and socio-cultural purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Denise Oliver Velez, the author of the Daily Kos article that is showcased in this post and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.

(These selected comments are given in relative chronological order except for replies. Numbers are added for referencing purposes only. These numbers aren't a part of the original discussion thread.)

From "'God don't like ugly' is what my grandma used to say" by Denise Oliver Velez (2020/03/04) 07:25
Community (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication.)

1. Denise Oliver Velez AUTHOR [reply to] nannyboz
Mar 04, 2020 at 07:36:20 AM
"I kept saying the pollsters didn’t know what they were talking about — something was off. I was right :)"

2. nannyboz [reply to] Denise Oliver Velez AUTHOR
Mar 04, 2020 at 07:42:33 AM
"Yes you were and thankfully so!"

3. Cmae [reply to] Denise Oliver Velez AUTHOR
Mar 04, 2020 at 07:54:09 AM
"And so very glad they were wrong!"

4. CocoaLove [reply to] Denise Oliver Velez AUTHOR
Mar 04, 2020 at 07:58:28 AM
"I said the same thing. Even yesterday someone here said Bernie was leading with Black voters nationwide. I said show me the polls because that was not, is not, part of my experience. Thank you, sis, for this post! I can’t thank you enough!!!!"

5. Denise Oliver Velez AUTHOR [reply to] CocoaLove
Mar 04, 2020 at 08:00:03 AM
"Yeah Sis— I saw some of that — have to admit I snickered — cause I knew what was coming"

6. Kysen
Mar 04, 2020 at 07:48:56 AM
"Thanks, a PROUD Carolina boy, it has eaten right to my soul to hear the absolute GARBAGE spewed by so many. I cannot begin to tell you how thrilled I was by turnout...but the OBVIOUS glaring no-holds barred enthusiastic full-throated support that the black voters of SC gave to Biden. I the nth of my being that the denizens of SC would prove to be the harbingers of the way forward for the Democratic party because they ARE the FOUNDATION of the party.

And the numbers? MY GOD the numbers that turned out. So proud of my home state.

Feel like I got gifted a political Red Ryder BB gun.

Just happy to see all the nasty (the ugly) get the light shone bright on ‘em.


7. Kysen
Mar 04, 2020 at 08:00:17 AM
..."Today I’m kinda feelin’ like I’m gettin’ to take the first (of hopefully many) sigh of relief in 3 ½ years.

Thank you, again, for this diary. As is SO very often the said it all WAY better than I could have!

Keep fightin’ the good fight..."

8. CocoaLove
Mar 04, 2020 at 08:04:14 AM
"Mama always said God don’t like ugly. As you, I kept quiet (well, mostly) on this site. Pointificators tore into a diary about James Clyburn’s endorsement of Biden. They ripped apart the congressman and scorned the Black voters. There were too many examples here and around Twitter. I wanted to cuss out a bunch of folks over here.

Welp, it’s a new day. The Black voters have spoken. People are taking notice. Like I keep saying, #VoteLikeBlackWomen."

9. Smoothnmellow [reply to] Kysen
Mar 04, 2020 at 09:13:40 AM
"And can we give a shoutout to Virginia’s turnout???? OMG! It went from 700k and there abouts, to like 1.2M in 4 years????? When I heard that, I was like the GOP and that man in the WH are the ones who are shook this morning. Not a peep out of them.

It’s coming y’all. And now they know it, riding and dying with that fool."

10. Denise Oliver Velez AUTHOR [reply to] CocoaLove
Mar 04, 2020 at 08:10:18 AM
"Chile... some of the ugly here made me get up and walk away from the puter"

11. Mathy Kathy [reply to] Denise Oliver Velez AUTHOR
Mar 04, 2020 at 11:48:48 AM
"My mom said you have to suffer for beauty."

12. Mathy Kathy [reply to] Denise Oliver Velez AUTHOR
Mar 04, 2020 at 11:50:45 AM
"Oh, yeah, we had another saying at work.

‘They are getting wrapped around the axle.’

Those comments are just strange yelps from people wrapped around the axle who don't trust the process."

13. Ellid
Mar 04, 2020 at 08:04:28 AM
"I could not believe that Bernie skipped that Selma commemoration. His whole !$#@!$@$!@$!@$#!#@$ career is based on him being a 60’s radical, and he goes to San Jose intead? Stupid, stupid, supid.

Also? Joe Biden willingly, joyfully, and happily was Barack Obama’s loyal wingman and friend for eight full years. That says a hell of a lot more than fleeing to a lily white state just as the cities burned in the wake of Dr. King’s death."

14. surfbird007 [reply to] Ellid
Mar 04, 2020 at 08:43:56 AM
"The Sanders campaign was the only one that contacted me trying to earn my primary vote (though I certainly would’ve heard from Harris for turnout since I had donated to her campaign), and I did my civic duty to try to educate the caller that Sanders JUST. DOESN’T. GET IT. on matters of racial injustice and white supremacy. I gave many examples. They gave back “Sanders is polling the best with Millennial people of color.”

Sigh... You can’t teach people who are unwilling to learn.

I asked if they recorded the feedback and shared it with the campaign, and the caller said they did not. The only goal was persuasion. OOF!"

15. fcvaguy [reply to] Ellid
Mar 04, 2020 at 10:41:15 AM
[quoting a previous commenter] " 'I could not believe that Bernie skipped that Selma commemoration.'[end of quote]

Yes, and the droning word salad comments in defense of his absence from some really prominent Kossacks."

16. Ellid [reply to] fcvaguy
Mar 04, 2020 at 11:39:46 AM
"The one that really frosted my flakes was the claim that the Selma commemoration was “just a photo op.”

17. beaky [reply to] Ellid
Mar 04, 2020 at 11:56:51 AM
"Or the one that said he had already been there once."

18. stellaluna
Mar 04, 2020 at 08:20:00 AM
"Black twitter has taught me so much. And as much despair as I’ve had looking at the results up until SC, I’ve held onto the promise from black women that the primary hadn’t actually started. My faith was rewarded last night. As a white woman twentyish years younger than Bernie I cast my first vote before he ever bothered. I worked for progressive causes when everyone else fawned over Reagan. The dismissiveness by Sanders and his surrogates to people, mainly women, with a lifetime of progressive action (when it wasn’t trendy) has been the worst thing about him. I am so grateful that black voters are helping turn around what was looking like a huge defeat in November. Hopefully one day, people will realize Democratic voters don’t dislike progressive policy, we dislike Sanders. And we dislike his disdain for anyone who understands that progressive policy is hard work. And, as I ally myself with black voters and attempt to understand political action through their lens, we dislike his erasure of any black voice that doesn’t support him. Thank you for this diary. It’s a good read this morning."

19. Denise Oliver Velez AUTHOR [reply to] stellaluna
Mar 04, 2020 at 08:28:14 AM
"Many thanks for being open enough to consider and listen."

20. stellaluna [reply to] Denise Oliver Velez AUTHOR
Mar 04, 2020 at 08:35:49 AM
"I live and grew up in the South. It takes living in a red area as a progressive to have a better idea of what people are actually willing to vote for. But it takes listening to black people who’ve grown up right beside you to understand why that happens. I appreciate the education you’ve given me over my years at this site (And on Twitter)"

21. jai2 [reply to Denise Oliver Velez AUTHOR]
Mar 04, 2020 at 09:07:31 AM
"I’m confused by all the congratulations?? Do folks honestly believe that Biden’s policies and plans will do more to help black folks than Warren’s? I certainly do not so IMO black folks didn’t win last night."

22. ExpatGirl [reply to] jai2
Mar 04, 2020 at 09:40:16 AM
"I think you missed the point of the diary. Warren’s policies hit people’s pocket books. Because of that, white people (you know, the people who elected Trump) can pretty much be counted on to do the wrong thing if Warren is the nominee.

[quote from Daily Kos article] 'They believe if you make white people choose between their money and their morality—between candidates like Sanders or Elizabeth Warren (who somehow finished fifth in South Carolina, behind Pete Buttigieg) and candidates like Biden and Michael Bloomberg—they will choose their money every time and twice on Election Day.'" [end of quote]

23. pigpaste [reply to] ExpatGirl
Mar 04, 2020 at 09:59:04 AM
"So we should vote for Biden because his moral stances, not his tax policy, will be better than Trump’s? Is the implication that economic inequity will not change under Biden intentional? Does tax policy not have a moral aspect?"

24. ExpatGirl [reply to] pigpaste
Mar 04, 2020 at 10:02:30 AM
"Why are you trying to shoehorn your personal top issues into a diary about why black voters are choosing Biden? People are telling you why Biden is doing so well. You can choose to listen or no. Doesn’t change what people are telling you."

25. pigpaste [reply to] ExpatGirl
Mar 04, 2020 at 10:05:20 AM
"I’m trying to do nothing of the kind. I’m trying to understand the diarist’s statement you quoted above, and its implications."

26. ExpatGirl [reply to] pigpaste
Mar 04, 2020 at 10:19:47 AM
"The implication is that black voters understand white people a whole lot better than most white people do."

27. IdleMindness [reply to] ExpatGirl
Mar 04, 2020 at 12:00:07 PM
[quote from another commenter] “ 'The implication is that black voters understand white people a whole lot better than most white people do.'”[end of quote]

That statement is fantastically arrogant, and insulting. It is a race based prejudice as it groups all white people into the same category.

When certain white people say things regarding knowing what black people will do or not do, we call that, insulting, prejudicial, and even racist.

When someone makes the same accusation against white people, it is equally insulting and prejudicial. It is the same type of attack, and deserves push back, not acceptance."

28. mohistory2 [reply to] IdleMindness
Mar 04, 2020 at 12:03:15 PM
"See black American history, 1619 through 2020. Almost any random chapter or two will suffice."

29. ExpatGirl [reply to] IdleMindness
Mar 04, 2020 at 12:13:19 PM
"I am sorry you find it so difficult to accept the reality that white people elected Trump and they could very well do it again."

30. Ellid [reply to] ExpatGirl
Mar 04, 2020 at 12:32:55 PM
"It’s rather like the curious phenomenon that female writers are much better at constructing male characters than male writers are at constructing female...because we have to know how men think simply to survive in our own homes, while men can go their entire lives without giving a damn about women’s concerns."

31. ExpatGirl [reply to] Ellid
Mar 04, 2020 at 12:36:12 PM
"Perfectly said."

32. ann04[ reply to] ExpatGirl
Mar 04, 2020 at 10:17:07 AM
"Exactly! They don’t get it. Black people never get to fully vote their own interest because the majority white electorate does not value black interests, therefore the black vote has been a compromise vote in every US election, with the exception of maybe 2012. (even in 2008 a lot of black folks waited to see what white people would do in Iowa before coalescing around President Obama)

Instead of saying since I didn’t get exactly what I want I’m going to take my toys home, or the reason that black people supported Biden is because they didn’t know any better, perhaps just consider that Biden is the compromise that black voters were willing to make and get to work."

33. mohistory2
Mar 04, 2020 at 10:42:53 AM
"As noted in the diary...

Lack of black support by Warren is based on TWO factors. Their lack of connection with her. BUT… Also their lack of faith in white voters to actually vote progressive, versus simply telling folks they’re progressive!

The significance of that last sentence cannot be overstated!"

32. stagemom [reply to] Denise Oliver Velez AUTHOR
Mar 04, 2020 at 11:21:04 AM
"and A BIG AND is the role of the coronavirus bumbling of the trumpistas...everyone was on edge that week...we all watched saturday tv to see what would happen b c we hadn’t filled in our ballot. biden’s speech resonated too..."

33. Denise Oliver Velez AUTHOR [reply to] stagemom
Mar 04, 2020 at 11:40:36 AM

34. Tamar [reply to] stagemom
Mar 04, 2020 at 02:34:38 PM
"Good point. I may not love Biden, but I bet he’d put competent people in place to handle this pandemic. That’s a huge plus, from my point of view."

35. Dfh1 [reply to] DoctorCorey [This comment isn't included in this compilation.]
Mar 04, 2020 at 11:53:32 AM
"This diary is trying to explain something to you that you seem to have difficulty comprehending.

The diary says that black voters know white people better than they know themselves, and that knowledge, not fear but hard earned knowledge, is what drove yesterday’s vote."

36. paz3 [reply to] GoodNewsRoundup (comment not included in this compilation)
Mar 04, 2020 at 01:35:54 PM
"Whites calling any non-white group ‘low-information’ is racist!
And maybe it’s a hidden projection. My hope (and prayer) now is that white Democrats will increasingly fade this notion that black voters are low information, and don’t have much influence on voting in the Dem Party. That’s a stupid and unfounded idea.

Any oppressed group of humans tends to be high information, for the sake of survival, if nothing else. And, even if black folks in the US were not oppressed, where does the idea that any group is ‘low information’ gain any credibility if it is being pushed by people who are not members of that group?

I call BS on the entire notion!"

Click for a pancocojams post about the Selma commemoration that is mentioned in several comments in this compilation. Here's an excerpt of that post from an online article: "The Selma-to-Montgomery March for voting rights ended three weeks--and three events--that represented the political and emotional peak of the modern civil rights movement. On "Bloody Sunday," March 7, 1965, some 600 civil rights marchers headed east out of Selma on U.S. Route 80. They got only as far as the Edmund Pettus Bridge six blocks away, where state and local lawmen attacked them with billy clubs and tear gas and drove them back into Selma."...

This concludes Part II of this two part pancocojams series.

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.

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