Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Ivory Coast Singer Meiway - "Biboya" (with comments translated from French to English that explain what this song is about)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post presents information about Ivory Coast singer/songwriter Meiway and information about the musical genre he developed called "Zoblazo".

This post also showcases the official YouTube video for Meiway's 2016 song "Biboya".

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

I'm most interested in the music, dancing, and singing that are performed in this video as well as the traditional clothing & head wraps that the women wear and Meiway wears. However, as a person who only speaks and reads English, Google translates' English translations helped me understand what the song/video is about. Thanks Google translate. Additions and corrections are welcome.

All copyright remains with their owners.

Thanks to Meiway for his musical legacy. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to Meiway for sharing this video on YouTube.

"Frederic Desire Ehui , best known as Meiway (born 17 March 1962 in Grand Bassam), is a singer from the Ivory Coast.[1] He is most notable for pioneering the Zoblazo style.[1] His hits include "200% Zoblazo", "Godeba", "Appolo 95", "Miss Lolo", and "DJ Tassouman"."...

"Zoblazo is a musical style from Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, created in the early 1990s. It is a cosmopolitan popular dance music with simple up-tempo rhythm and high tech instrumentation and contains a mixture of traditional dance rhythms from southern Côte d'Ivoire.

Zoblazo's best known exponent is Freddy Meiway, who has released a series of Zoblazo records starting in 1989 with the record "Ayibebou" with his group Zo Gang. An ethnic N'Zema from Grand Bassam, Meiway integrated folk rhythms from Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana with and is danced to with a white handkerchief. From his second album in 1990 entitled 200% Zoblazo, Meiway became the second best known Ivorian and N'zema musician after Alpha Blondy, and has released a steady stream records, the most recent 9ème commandement –900% zoblazo released in 2007."...

SHOWCASE VIDEO: Meiway - Bipoya [Clip Officiel]


Cette chanson de l'album "Illimitic" sorti en Septembre 2016 m'a été inspirée par ce "buzz" lors de la finale de Miss Côte d'Ivoire 2014. Celui que je surnomme "Bipoya" (Victor Yapobi président du Comici) a défrayé la chronique. Ce titre pour immortaliser cette phrase historique : "Tu as abusé de moi..." de Yasmine Aka la mère d'une candidate malheureuse qui criait au scandale...Réalisation : Jean Jules Porquet pour Erico Séry, Mise en scène : Jean Jules Porquet et Meiway......Acteurs : Pancho, Manan Kampess, Jimmy Danger, N'tangu, Manou Jolie, Groupe Moayé......
Google translate from French to English:
This song from the album "Illimitic" released in September 2016 was inspired by this "buzz" during the final of Miss Ivory Coast 2014. The one I nicknamed "Bipoya" (Victor Yapobi president of Comici) has hit the headlines. This title to immortalize this historic sentence: "You have abused me ..." by Yasmine Aka the mother of an unhappy candidate who cried out in scandal ... Director: Jean Jules Porquet for Erico Séry, Director: Jean Jules Porquet and Meiway ...... Actors: Pancho, Manan Kampess, Jimmy Danger, N'tangu, Manou Jolie, Groupe Moayé ...
Here are some comments from this video's discussion thread (with numbers added for referencing purposes only)
The Google translate results from French to English are given after the comments that are written in French.

1. Ama Benny, 2017
"Meiway is a legend!"

2. zingue Hilaire Tia, 2018
"Une très grande légende."
"A very great legend."

3. MegaDiva1999, 2018
"of all times. He should be known globally and recognised accordingly.Spectacular talent"

4. Bobi Kouassi, 2017
"😂😂😂😂 paraît il que ça parle de l'abuseur Victor yapobi qui abuse des miss et leur mère"
"😂😂😂😂 It seems that it speaks of the abuser Victor Yapobi who abuses the misses and their mother

5. Elisee Irie, 2017
"Franchement ça m a fait penser à l histoire la miss et sa mère!!"
Frankly it made me think of the story of the miss and her mother !!

6. KeybleuM 2017
"Bobi Kouassi quand on y pense...bipoya, yapobi !"
Bobi Kouassi when you think about it ... bipoya, yapobi!

7. Nana Dasy, 2017
"Bobi Kouassi Mdr en plus il a dit son nom un peu vers la fin la Mdrr"
Bobi Kouassi Mdr in addition he said his name a little towards the end the Mdrr
"Mdrr" - "As a French translation of the English “lol” and used in exactly the same way, mdr or mort de rire means to be dying of laughter. You know you're chatting like a true native if you add a casual mdrrr to an online conversation."

8. Bobi Kouassi, 2017
"Nana Dasy lol oui il a dit son nom il lui a fait une dédicace. il a aussi fait une dédicace à yasmine aka ( celle qui a dit à la télé " tu as abuser de moi ) et il a même dit les miss cachez vous bipoya ( yapobi ) arrive..... bipoya ( yapobi ) est très petit mais il est très tranchant. yapobi doit porter plainte c'est une attaque direct 😂😂😂😂😂😂"
"Nana Dasy lol yes he said his name he made her a dedication. he also made a dedication to yasmine aka (the one who said on tv "you have abused me) and he even said the miss hide you bipoya (yapobi) is coming ..... bipoya (yapobi) is very small but he is very sharp. yapobi must file a complaint it is a direct attack"

9. Elise Djait, 2017
"Bobi Kouassi .cest sa mème"
"Bobi Kouassi. It's his meme"

10. Mohamed Coulibalym 2017
"Bobi Kouassi donc porté contre un artiste aussi existe koi la liberté d'expression à gagné temps"
"Bobi Kouassi therefore brought against an artist also exists freedom of expression to save time"


11. Melina Yao, 2017
"non il a bien fait parce ces elle une mec leçons parce dans la vie pour arriver a tes fin ya des sacrifices surtout pour être miss même chanteur la vie cest un choix ces forcer tu veut être miss qui sait par que pour être miss tu couche avec avec victor yapobi ou tu paye pour gagner d'autre font médicament pour gagner Malika Guindo qui voulait fesait parti des élections de miss côté d'Ivoire elle a fait accident et l'autre qui défilé et a trébuché et est tomber pour être miss côté d'ivoire tu paye cash ok donc mieway a bien prochainement tu va envoyé ta fille pour fait tu va payer cash"
"no he did well because these she a guy lessons because in life to reach your end there are sacrifices especially to be miss same singer life is a choice these force you want to be miss who knows that to be miss you sleep with with victor yapobi or you pay to win other make medicine to win Malika Guindo who wanted to be part of the elections of miss side of Ivory she made an accident and the other who marched and tripped and fell to be miss side of ivory you pay cash ok so mieway has soon soon you will send your daughter for fact you will pay cash"


12. Edwina Edwina, 2018
"Bobi Kouassi lolllll tu m'as kill"
"Bobi Kouassi lolllll you killed me"


13. Juan Cruz, 2020

14. Yann Yao, 2020
"Yapobi est petit de taille aussi unh 🤔
"Yapobi is small in size also unh 🤔"

LYRICS - BIBOYA [English translation of some lyrics]*
(songwriter - Frédéric Désiré Ehui)

shake the women, shake the girls shake the misses.

the abuser arrives (bipoya).

tremble women, tremble girls, tremble the misses.

Bipoya arrives.

koutoubou (christian levry) souu (karaba the witch).

koutoubou deni deni, koutoubou bipoya.

kotoubou deni deni koutoukoutou Bipoya.

ô tra elengue ... ô tra koussou miaou miaou owa zeno sou.

Bipoya is small, but he is very valiant.

bipoya is very small ooh but it is very sharp.


women hide.

girls hide too.

the misses hide you who can Bipoya arrives ooohh.

you abused me I don't know what tell me why.

you abused me oooh Bipo, ooh wé.

Yasmine aka, maduro.

sampagne, anne d'arc, meambly evariste.

suke humm, sidonie kotonglo.

koutoubou deni deni koutoubou Bipoya.

koutoubou deni deni oh koutoukoutou Bipoya.

O tra anaconda, O pkè kabè kabè hun.

otra koussou miaou miaou, ô azègouan sou.

Bipoya is small but very brave.

bipoya is very small oh but very dangerous (charles koko).

koutoubou deni deni koutoubou bipoya.

aba koutoubou deni deni oh koutoubou Bipoya, fabrice sawegnon.

you have abused me I don't know what tell me why.

you abused me ooh Bipo.

you dared.

you abused me (eeh) I don't know what tell me why.

you abused me ooh Bipo (alice kobenan).

eeh iyiwéeee, (sylvie niamoutié).

ah bipoya eh ah bipoya (ahoua ahoguié).

ah bipoya goledjo (rock yves bipoya).

ah bipoya goledjo, bipoya golé.

ah bipoya goledjo, eeehi bipoya golé (don karim).

koutoubou deni deni (chorus).

eeeh koutoubou deni deni (chorus).

you abused me ooh, (chorus).

eeehi you abused me ooh (chorus).

eeh koutoubou deni deni, (chorus).

aba koutoukoutoubou deni deni (chorus).

bipoya (theo d almeida), (fefe sovi, vieu père bictogo) aaarh.

(chorus) victor yapobi.

(refrain) bipoya golé.

(chorus) aaah bipoya golé.

(chorus) thierry koffi bipoya (chorus).

yves de m'bella bipoya (chorus).

koutoubou deni deni (chorus).

dagou kouyate bipoya (chorus).

elysee danguiiooo (chorus).

eehh koutoubou deni deni (chorus).

achimoto tanaka (chorus).

Yves Ane Kobea (chorus).

edgar marie de souza (chorus).

eeehi koutoubou deni deni (chorus) number 69.

koutoubou deni deni (chorus).

honorable sahifoulaye (chorus).

Olivier Dungu (chorus).

stacked sack (refrain).

koutoubou deni deni (chorus).

Source: Musixmatch [lyrics partly in French]
Please share information about this song if you know it. For instance, what was the other original language in this song besides French and are the English translations of those lyrics?

I recognized Victor Yapobi's name and Yasmine Aka's name in that song from reading the video summary and some of the comments given above. However, who are the other people mentioned in that song and why is the number 69 given in that song?

Thanks in advance for your help in explaining this song.

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