Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Erykah Badu - "Tyrone" (2001 North Sea Jazz Concert Video with Transcriptions Of Her Introductory Remarks)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post showcases a 2001 YouTube video of Eyrkah Badu singing her song "Tyrone" ("Call Tyrone") at the North Sea Jazz Concert (The Hague, Netherlands).

This post also includes my [unofficial] transcription of Erykah Badu's "freedom introduction" that she gave at that concert. My [unofficial] transcription of Erykah Badu's introduction to that version of "Tyrone" that she sang at that concert is also included in this post.

The lyrics to that song are included in this post.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyright remains with their owners.

Thanks to Erykah Badu for her musical legacy and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post. Thanks also to Erykah Badu for sharing this video on YouTube.
Click https://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2020/01/erykah-badu-tyrone-live-1997-concert.html for the pancocojams post entitled "Erykah Badu - "Tyrone" (Live 1997 concert -YouTube video & lyrics)".

The version of the song "Tyrone" that Erykah Badu sung at the 2001 North Sea Jazz Concert is slightly different from her original 1997 version whose lyrics are given in that pancocojams post.

SHOWCASE VIDEO: Erykah Badu: "Tyrone" (North Sea Jazz 2001)

TheHagueYears, Feb 20, 2015

From Erykah Badu's Mama's Gun World Tour. Live at North Sea Jazz Festival 2001, The Hague, Netherlands - Filmed by Dutch Television (NPS). The background singer in the middle is the wonderful N'Dambi. Tyrone starts at 2:51.
Before that you can witness a spiritual moment earlier in the show.
Actually, Erykah Badu doesn't begin singing the song "Tyrone" until 5:03 in this video

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[Freedom introduction- starts at the beginning of this embedded video]

"Peace and love, y’all.
How y’all feel?
Sistas, how y’all feel?
Brothas, y’all alright?
Imma- I first wanna ask the elders in the house if I can speak freely.
Yes, sir.
Cause I got something I wanna share.
I first wanna thank the Creator for this gift.
Give thanks, yeah.
And I wanna thank y’all for being reflections of this gift.
And um.
Y’all, I been having this dream.
It’s a recurring dream that I been having.
It is that all the people in the world
will one day feel free enough
to be theyself
without giving a damn what nobody else
has to say.
And it seems so far away
But it seems so close.
‘Cause I-I been seein a lot of freedom
and creativity that just makes me feel,
you know, like we gettin to a place where
we can totally be free
to express ourselves.
‘Cause, you know, I just be
anywhere sometimes
and I sometimes I just wanna
throw my hands up in the air
and be like [screams] AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! You know,
‘cause sometimes, it’s a lot of love
and it’s a lot of pain inside
and you just wanna express it. If you feel free
with me this evening, y’all in Amsterdam,
throw your hands up like this
And holla out your own damn name.
Right now.
Yeah! Yeah!

Now I suspect that you have just witnessed
the God in you.
That’s how the Creator in you feels.
That’s how, that’ how the Most High wants us
to feel, and wants us to be-
free enough to be who we are.
So when I bring an ankh up here
for 360 degrees of life
or a Bible for the word
or a Holy Koran for the truth
or a candle for light
or some water for purification
or a Buddhist symbol for meditation
or JAH Rastafari
or whatever it is-
I’m only tryin to encourage you.
Freedom, y’all.
It’s the will power that’s broke today, y’all.
We gotta build it back up.
It’s love that’s missin.
And it starts right here.

Junebug, how you feel about that? "

[This portion ends at 2:51]
"Junebug" is an old timey colloquial nickname for African American males.

Intro to song Tyrone
Brothas, y’all alright?
I’m so happy to be here with y’all
I promise I don’t take for granted.
I needed this.
Thank you y’all. Give it up for yourselves.
Yeahhhh! Oww!
Give it up for my band, y’all.
So lemme ask y’all something.
If your little boy ran out into the street
and cars was comin-
Y’ll listenin?
What you supposed to do?
[background singers] - Call him.
Call him.
Alright. Say if your man, ladies,
if your man has been gone from home
way too long.
You got his cell phone number.
What you supposed to do?
[background singers] - Call him.
Call him.
Say, ah- say if the rent man, he comes to get the money-
Y’all with me?
Say if the rent man comes to get the money
and you ain’t got it all.
Say you a little short,
you know.
[chuckles] Wait a minute.
If you a little short with the money,
What you supposed to do?
[background singers] - Stall him.
Stall him.
Wait a minute.

[Erykah Badu begins singing a version of her song “Tyrone” [at 5:03 of that embedded video]
*These are my unofficial transcriptions of these remarks. Additions and corrections are welcome.

I gave the beginning introduction the title "Freedom introduction" to distinguish it from the introduction to the song "Tyrone". That isn't the official name for those remarks.

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