Thursday, December 12, 2019

Twelve Year Old Talima Sings "Tajabone" In An Audition For The French Series "The Voice Kids" (video, lyrics, & comments)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post showcases a performance by 12 year old Senegalese girl Talima of Ismaël Lô's song "Tajabone" in an audition for the French television competitive music talent series The Voice Kids.

Click for information about that television series.

Several comments from the discussion thread for one of these examples are also included in this post.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Ismaël Lô for his musical legacy and thanks to Talima for her musical talents. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post. Thanks also to all the publisher of this examples on YouTube.

Also, thanks to YouTube for recommending this video which introduced me to the Senegalese holiday Tajabone and Senegalese singer/composer Ismaël Lô.
Click for a pancocojams post about Ismaël Lô's song "Tajabone" and additional information about the Senegalese holiday Tajabone.

SHOWCASE VIDEO: Ismaël Lô - Tajabone | Talima | The Voice Kids France 2019 | Blind Audition

The Voice Kids France, Sep 9, 2019

Née au Sénégal, Talima vit en France depuis 4 ans. Très jeune, elle se prend de passion pour la musique, qu’elle partage avec sa sœur autiste.
Google translate from French to English
"Born in Senegal, Talima has lived in France for 4 years. At a young age, she is passionate about music, which she shares with her autistic sister."
The summary for a video of Talima's performance in the finale for The Voice Kids indicated that she isas 12 years old. I think that Talima was the first runner up for the winner of that 2019 series with the winner being Soan. Here's a video of Soan:

(with numbers added for referencing purposes only; All of these comments are from September- November 2019 )

1. Saliou Ndiaye
"Dommage que Ismaël Lo est sous coté au Sénégal à cause de plusieurs raisons , c'est un grand chanteur plus reconnu à l'étranger ... Merci Talima d'avoir honoré ce chanteur sa lui fera beaucoup plaisir"
Google translate from French to English:
"Too bad that Ismaël Lo is listed in Senegal because of several reasons, it is a great singer more recognized abroad ... Thank you Talima for having honored this singer will make him very happy."

2. Broken BroZers
"Bref explication sur ce magnifique chef d'oeuvre signé ISMAËL LO
"Tajabone est une fête que le tous le sénégal célébre à chaque nouvel an musulmane
" abdou jambar niarri malayka la, diougué si kaw dannou si sa rou mounila ndéguam dioulii nga mounila ndéguam worrone nga tajabone dagniouy tajabone"

Cela signifie que le jour même du tajabone deux anges dénommes Abdou et Jambar descendrons des cieux puis ils poserons à chacun d'entre ns ces deux questions
est ce que tu pries?
est ce que tu jeunes?
les sénégais célébrent cette nuit en préparent des cous-cous (thiéré) et les enfants fonts des portes à portes pour collecter des riz, de l'argent ,.... et la fête continu
Google translate from French to English:
"Brief explanation of this magnificent masterpiece signed ISMAEL LO
"Tajabone is a festival that all Senegal celebrates every Muslim new year
"abdou jambar niarri malayka la, diougué si kaw dannou if his rou mounila ndéguam dioulii nga mounila ndéguam worrone nga tajabone dagniouy tajabone"

This means that on the day of the tajabone, two angels named Abdou and Jambar will descend from heaven and then ask each of these two questions
do you pray?
are you young?
the Senegalese celebrate this night by preparing cous-cous (thiéré) and the children fonts doors to doors to collect rice, money, .... and the party continues"

3. dior gueye Diop
"Merci cla représente la fin dune Anne sur l calendrier musulmans c notre 31 décembre"
Google translate from French to English:
"Thank you cla represents the end of a year on the Muslim calendar c our December 31"

4. Aïcha Sarr
"Et chacun demande pardon à son prochain pour recommencer une nouvelle année paisible"
Google translate from French to English:
"And everyone asks forgiveness to his neighbor to start a new peaceful year"

5. Ngum Ngafor
"Big up to her parents for teaching her the language and culture. She's amazing! I felt all sorts of emotions. I hope she goes far."

6. aida dieme
"Façon Qu’elle a chanté ma chanson préférée je pouvais pas m’empêcher de pleurer... c ouff❤️❤️😭😭"
Google translate from French to English:
"How she sang my favorite song I could not help but cry ... c ouff❤️❤️😭😭"

7. Ndeye coumba Thiam
"ismaila lo fierté sénégalais franchement cette fille m'a fait pleurer en chantant cette chanson 🇸🇳🇸🇳🇸🇳"
Google translate from French to English:
"ismaila lo Senegalese pride frankly this girl made me cry by singing this song 🇸🇳🇸🇳🇸🇳"

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