Sunday, November 24, 2019

African American Church Choirs Marching Into The Church Service With Their Right Hand Raised (videos & comments)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post showcases four YouTube videos that show Black (African American) church choirs marching in to the church service with their right hand raised.

Selected comments from two of these videos' discussion thread are included in this post.

The content of this post is presented for historical, religious, cultural, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are featured in these videos. Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to all the publishers of these videos on YouTube.
Click for a 2014 pancocojams post that features three of these videos and most of these comments. That 2014 pancocojams post includes additional general comments about Black church choir processionals as well as comments about those featured churches and their choirs.

The four videos that are showcased in this post are all the videos of this custom that I've found on YouTube as of the publishing date for this post.[November 24, 2019]. I think this old custom no longer exists.

For the historical and cultural record, if you know that this custom is still being performed, please share that information.

Also, please share any information that you know about the reasons for this custom and, for the historical and cultural record, please share demographic information (which church choir, when, and where you remember this custom of African American choirs marching in with their right arm raised).

I'm also interested in including in this pancocojams post any other YouTube videos of this custom being performed by church choirs (Black or non-Black) in the United States and elsewhere.

Thanks in advance for sharing this information.

Notice in all of these videos, the right hand is held up and held still (not waved in time to the rhythm). Also, the raised hand is usually held adjacent to the choir member's right shoulder.

Video #1: St. James Adult Choir - How I Got Over

Marcel West·Uploaded on Jul 26, 2008

St. James Adult Choir singing "How I Got Over" in 1996.

Video #2: First Church Of Deliverance Choir - Victory Is Mine/In The Name Of Jesus

Fcdchicago, March 10, 2011

First Church sings "Victory Is Mine/In The Name Of Jesus" for the processional at Fred Nelson Jr's Appreciation. Video footage courtesy of Marcus Wadley

Video #3: First Church of Deliverance "Jesus Lifted Me" (Choir Processional)

fcdtelevision, Published on May 30, 2012

FCD Classics - Gene M. Bells

Possibly written by the founder of First Church of Deliverance, Reverend Clarence H. Cobbs For years the choir would march to songs like this at the beginning of church services.
I believe this particular First Church Of Deliverance is located in Chicago, Illinois.

Video #4: First Church Of Deliverance - Sing Til The Power The Lord Comes Down

fcdchicago, March 7, 2011

First Church Sings "Sing Til The Power The Lord Comes Down" at Ralph H. Goodpasture's appreciation service. Lead by Edward Clark. Video footage courtsey of Marcus Wadley.
[January 13, 2021] This video replaces a video that is no longer available. I'm sorry that the video itself cannot be embedded with this new Google blog format.   

Numbers are added for referencing purposes only
From "St. James Adult Choir - How I Got Over" [from the discussion thread for the video given as #1 above]
1. Midnitemill, 2008
"i have question. why did they have there right hand raised while they were marching?"

2. James Edwards, 2008
"Not sure.....maybe MARCELL77 can be more specific, but its just as the same as when u raise ur hand during the benediction, determining what denomination you come out of........."

3. gospelbird22, 2008
"In the old days, the custom of raising your right hand while you entered a church or marched in came from Elder Lucy Smith's Pentecostal Church. It was a sign that you had accepted Christ and were saved, as opposed to being a spectator or visitor."

4. VantisDoroHall, 2008
"Also, at First Church in Chicago, it represented placing your hand in God's hand, in reverence and humility. By the way, First Church and Elder Smith's church historically were two of the first churches of color to broadcast over the radio in Chicago"

5. Joantaatlanta, 2009
"Nice Video, why do they march in with their hands up? What does it symbolize?"*

6. DrSTW, 2009
"That's a old school thing. That means an elevated heart and hand to Christ. It's like at the end of service when you raise your hand for the benediction. The left hand behind you is what the ushers tend to do called service position."

7. carefulopenandfree, 2009
"growing up in my church, we had to raise our hand when we left or entered the sanctuary"

8. momohojoman, 2009
"in african american churches in the 20's thru 60's raising the right hand was a tradition all over america. this church still upheld the tradition into the 80's. you still see it in some african american churches today. whenever you had to enter or leave during service you had to raise your right hand while walking. my mother and grandmother got all over me for not doing it one sunday when i had to go to the bathroom during service. the other church members told them and boy did i here from them"

10. momohojoman, 2009
"raising the right hand to enter or leave service while it is in session is an african american tradition. it symbolizes respect ,permission an honoring the creator"

11. cjb23cool, 2017
"✋An elevated heart and hand to Christ."

First Church Of Deliverance Choir - Victory Is Mine/In The Name Of Jesus [discussion thread video given as #2 above]

1. wizz wizzingshire, 2011
"why are their hands raised?why is the old deacon hiding his face?"

2. taoiii, 2011
"@wizzingshire: it looks to me as though their hands are raised in a silent amen to the testimony, as if to say 'me too. victory is mine TOO.'

i told satan, 'get thee gone; Jesus is mine.'"

3. wizz wizzingshire, 2011
"why are their hands raised?"

4. Live the Word Cathedral Pastor Travis J. Robertson, 2017
"wizz wizzingshire A sign of surrender"

5. AnnNC North Carolina, 2015
"In the old days, the custom of raising your right hand while you entered a church or marched in came from Elder Lucy Smith's Pentecostal Church. It was a sign that you had accepted Christ and were saved, as opposed to being a spectator or visitor."
Notice that this is the exact same response to this question that was given in 2008 by "gospelbird22" [comment #3]. Perhaps these commenters are the same person.

6. Mr Grace, 2019
"In this setting, I believe the raised right hand meant an elevated mind. This is a Spiritual Church"

[discussion thread]

1. fcdmusician, 2011
"The right hand lifted when marching in the choir at First Deliverance represent and lifted mind.  My name is Marcus and I'm the choir Director and a member for over 40 years.

2.  Ann_N_NC North Carolina, 2015

"In the old days, the custom of raising your right hand while you entered a church or marched in came from Elder Lucy Smith's Pentecostal Church. It was a sign that you had accepted Christ and were saved, as opposed to being a spectator or visitor."

Paula lockett-harris, 2016
"This morning at The Cathedral of Hope, Youngstown, OH we will "lift our right hands" as we march in for the same reasons already given."

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Visitor comments are welcome.

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