Sunday, July 21, 2019

Brown Skin Girls Throughout The World Comment About Beyoncé's Song "Brown Skin Girl"

Edited by Azizi Powell

Update: July 23, 2019

This pancocojams post showcases a sound file of "Brown Skin Girl" performed by Beyoncé, SAINt JHN, WizKid, and Blue Ivy Carter. Selected comments from that sound file's discussion thread are also featured in this post. Most of these comments are from Brown skin girls from various nations throughout the world.

The content of this post is presented for socio-cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Beyoncé SAINt JHN, WizKid, and Blue Ivy Carter who performed this song. Thanks to the composers of this song and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.

I believe that some comments from certain YouTube discussion threads are worthy of archiving for their historical, folkloric, and socio-cultural value/s almost as much as, the same, or more than some of the sound files and videos that are shown on this blog. However, it's very difficult to find and study selected comments on YouTube unless those comments are posted elsewhere.

In this post, I'm particularly interested in how people who aren't considered Black have written comments about their experiences with colorism*, and how Beyoncé's song has affected their appreciation of their skin color. I also am interested in some Black people's reactions to these types of comments from non-Black people.

Most of the comments in this compilation mention the commenter's nation and/her or his race/ethnic group. Some comments are included that are responses to this main category. Although most of the responses to these comments are affirmations of how beautiful the person is and how people should love their skin color, I only included a few of those types of responses. I also included a few general comments that don't fit these two categories.

This is only a very small sample of comments that can be categorized as I indicated above. And those categories are only a small portion of that discussion thread. I chose that particular file because it had the most viewer comments. I didn't read all of the comments in that discussion thread, but I read a LOT of those comments.

I've no doubt that there are many other examples of these types of comments in the discussion thread for the YouTube sound file that is showcased in this post and in the discussion threads for other YouTube sound files of this song. And I also know that any compilation that anyone else who do from that same discussion thread would be different from this one.

Thanks to all of the commenters!

"Colorism is a form of racial discrimination based on the shade of an individual's skin tone, typically favoring lighter skin. It can occur both within a specific ethnic group and across ethnic groups."


Beyoncé, Published on Jul 19, 2019

Provided to YouTube by Sony Music Entertainment

BROWN SKIN GIRL · Beyoncé · SAINt JHN · WizKid · Blue Ivy Carter

The Lion King: The Gift

℗ 2019 Parkwood Entertainment LLC, under exclusive license to Columbia Records, a Division of Sony Music Entertainment

Released on: 2019-07-19

Associated Performer: Beyonce, Saint JHN & WizKiD feat. Blue Ivy Carter
Producer: P2J
Composer, Lyricist: Adio Marchant
Composer, Lyricist: Jay-Z
Composer, Lyricist: Stacy Barthe
Composer, Lyricist: Anatii
Composer, Lyricist: Michael Uzowuru

Auto-generated by YouTube.
Statistics as of July 21, 2019 at 8:22 AM
total number of views - 1,352,906 views
total number of likes- 71K
total number of dislikes-1.6K
total number of comments -7,727
Click for the complete lyrics for this song.


These comments are numbered for referencing purposes only. All of these comments were published July 18, 2019 or July 21, 2019.
1. Kaycie With ie
"i'm black, live in the netherlands and am still in high school with all the dumb people. The way i needed this song today... i love her so much for this"

2. Brendons Forehead
"Nouja ik zou niet zeggen dat ze perse dom zijn maar meer dat ze domme dingen doen om populair te blijven"
Google translate from Dutch to English
"Well, I wouldn't say they are stupid, but rather that they do stupid things to stay popular"

3. Lizbet Cruz
"I'm not black, but as an indigenous person who's been bullied about their skin and culture, I can't help but feel relief and tears in my eyes with this song.

I've tried skin lighteners but I realized that I am damaging myself more doing that. Now I love my brown skin. I wouldn't change anything for it and I especially appreciate my ancestry and my culture."

4. Tia
"When my mother used to refer to me as "NEGRESSE as a negative slur it used to hurt but now as I'm an older wiser woman ive embraced it and love my brown skin...this song is empowering all those little black girls who need to feel and know they are beautiful 🙌🙌❤️👏👏👏"

5. Vicks FDZ
"As a mexican who dont have any melanin, im gonna sing this LOUD!! Im proud of who I am, thats someting that Bey makes me feel with her music, to trust and feel proud of ourselves! We R All beauty, feel proud to have B to represent you, not even Salma represents me :-("

6. Mmaduabuchi Ibemesi
"I am an 11 year old Nigerian girl and I am black and beautiful! Stand up for your race! Am I right?👸🏿👸🏾👸🏽"

7. Crystal Parker
"Mmaduabuchi Ibemesi yes u are✊🏾❤️"

8. Sumayyah Hussain
"Being south Asian brown skinned this song makes me feel so warm and empowered"

"I dont think people understand how important the message in this song is. And how amazing of Beyoncé....who is known for her beauty to use her platform to uprise the most disrespected woman in society because of her skin colour. And for her to send out this message in Africa where colourism is even worse...that’s an amazing chess

Black dark woman have been the most looked down upon all around the world. Even in Africa. To the point girls are willing to die to be lighter in skin just so they can fit.

Usually beautiful woman who are famous are too wrapped up in THIER own beauty and fear of ageism. Some of them will never bring this subject to the table. They want the shine on them so they can rise.

If all the woman get in formation and we all help each other rise imagine what we can achieve:

This song could be the start of a revolution.

I hope in the future black girls can walk out without ever thinking about wigs and nonesense. There are far bigger battles to win then feeling insecure about nappy hair that in reality IS BEAUTIFUL BUT YOU CANT SEE IT BECAUSE SOCIETY MADE IT THAT WAY"

10. Marcus Flinn
"You hit the nail right on the head. The same goes for afro-Asians and dark Asians with African ancestry. Unfortunately, beauty standards in the East favor paler skin over tanned as well... This song is so empowering. I love my dark skin more than I ever had"

11. Divita IsAwesome
"❤❤❤I'm Indian and white fair skin is promoted so much in Indian media. Fairness creams are literally everywhere. I had really low self esteem because of that. I'm a brown skin girl ❤ this will be on my playlist forever!"

12. Megan Gee xó
"This song isn’t just about the beautiful brown skin etc females it is also including other black females from other countries like Ghana, Sierra Leone, Jamaica, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Gambia, St.Lucia, Brazil, Portugal, The United Kingdom WE SHOULD CELEBRATE OUR BEAUTIFUL BROWN TO DARK SKIN FEMALES ALL OVER THE WORLD who have been put down, racially attacked and discriminated against for being darker or for not being white we are all beautiful no matter what race❤️❤️"

13. Lorenzo Rodrìguez del Mundo
"I'm a Mexican niño and I love all the chocolate women out there livin life to the fullest. Power to the reinas de chocolates.❤"

14. Zøe
"Coming from a country like India where every other song is about fair skinned women, this is a pleasant change!"

15. Ria Kaur
"I'm proud to be a Indian with BROWN SKIN
Well done BEY for being a amazing mother and BLUE IVY CARTER"

"#teambrownskin ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾"

17. Happy Growing
"Kudos to you for loving your beautiful brown skin! Now hopefully the women of your country will follow you in this celebration of Brown Skin Girls!"

18. Q B
"I don't think that she was talking about Indians at all. Nor the people that are known as "the browns" (Hispanics/Latinos) But if this song makes you feel good, kudos to you! 💓"

19. Queen Flower
"Q B don’t exclude people bro, u know what it feels like to be excluded ur whole life so y do it to someone else. God tests all of us, we shouldn’t give hate to anyone at all. Yes it was for African girls. But let her feel special too, she might have not had that chance to feel welcomed or embrace her brown skin. LOVE WINS ALL. Love all u guy. All beautiful"

20. Phelan Johnson
"I love brown skin. Black, Indian, and everything in between! Sing with us sis!"

21. Tristen Gabourel
"Q B she was talking to everyone with brown skin."

22. Rose D
"dre alex no she’s right, she said if it makes them feel special then good, but it’s about dark skin black girls. Not Arab, Indian or Mestizo women. However if it resonates with them then that’s amazing! Music is supposed to extend beyond its intended purpose! It brings us together, but she is a million percent right."

23. Lil Miss on a mission
"@Q B listen she was talking to all brown skinned girls
The brown complexion to 🙄"

24. Safa Siddiqi
"As a pakistani girl I feel so loved"

25. MinJi Kim
"As a korean person made fun of others for my darker complexion, this song is very empowering"

26. may mist
"that's beautiful that it is relatable for everyone ❤️"

27. Gigi
"Yes, this song is for you too. Be proud of who you are, you are beautiful. Have a good day my friend !"

28. PlainerThanJane
"😂🤣 she mentioned, Kelly, Naomi, Lupita.. and 'Nappy hair'... none of this applies to you smdh🤦🏽‍♀️, your 'Brown skin' struggles are nothing in comparison to the real Brown skin sistahs she's referring to in the song🤷🏽‍♀️✊🏾... I'm not saying that you don't have an issue with your complexion but... let's be real here... you will never be able to relate on the same level as brown skin women with nappy hair.. in this world, your so called brown skin is still valued more than the women she sings about so.. stop it!"

29. Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova
"@PlainerThanJane colorism is colorism. Racism is problem too but colorism is a real issue in asian countries as well. The song is brown skin girl not "girl of african decent." It empowers all darker girls as well as kinky hair textures not just one or the other."

30. Artby Sonia
"PlainerThanJane Agreed. When Beyoncé said brown she means girls of black descent"

31. Active Device
Eventhough I'm black and I understand the struggle, I'm not going to dismiss someone else's struggle because the can't compare to the "real brown sistahs""

32. PlainerThanJane
"@Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova I'm aware of that fact, sis.. but, in this particular song.. she's referring to sisters of, Black decent! If the song touches you in a way to empower you in your struggles to any extent, then I'm all for that.. but, again..she speaks to the Black sistahs.."

33. MinJi Kim
"Thank you to all the comments! Did not expect this to blow up^^ but yes I believe this song should be an anthem by black women for black women. It's just amazing to see thing kind of song exist and is very hopeful!"

34. Active Device
The way u said ur original comment tho, it just sounded so rude."

35. dimond folournsho
"PlainerThanJane this comment was not it. We shouldn’t be comparing struggles, we should be united. People like you are what’s wrong with the world. Always thinking your struggle is better. And before you call me racist I’m Nigerian boo."

36. KCLARK98
"Y'all are disgusting. So quick to come on here dismissing this girl's struggle like black people are the only ones with colorism issues or issues at all. Yes of course this song was targeted at black girls but more importantly it's here to spread positivity and love and here y'all come spreading hate and it makes me sick. It's ok to fight for our own rights while finding commonalities in our struggles with others' struggles and until people learn that we will forwver be divided"

37. KCLARK98
"@PlainerThanJane what's the point of constantly pointing out that this is for black girls if everybody knows and acknowledges that. What you're impkicitly saying why do other people feel the right to be empowered by this because it's for us. That's the problem in the first place. Anybody affected by colorism should feel like they are empowered by this song because at the end of the day brown skin doesn't just belong to black people and doesn't only affect black people in a racist system where the color of your skin changes how you're viewed in the eyes of the white man. You should want anybody affected by colorism to be empowered by this song"

38. MinJi Kim
"There is a lot of very wonderful discussion in this. I think we should all agree that "Brown Skin Girl" is a black anthem. The reason I find comfort in this song is that there are very little songs that talk about colorism in South Korea. I hope that SK can acknowledge that there are many darker complexion Koreans. A lot of the times in Korea I was told that I was adopted and that I wasn't Korean and many people always think that I'm messy and dirty and dont want to go near me. There is a lot of stigma around darker Korean in Korean society and 왕따. This is one kind of struggle. At the same time black women in U.S. face many struggles, from wage gap to straight up discrimination and violence. I will never understand nor want to pretend I do because even though we both have those very real struggle, they are not the same. I think it's amazing that these black artists are making songs for black women like this and hope that more Korean celebrities would embrace their melatonin in the same way. My heart goes out to everyone affected by this. I dont think it is wrong to be empowered as long as I do not claim this song as for "everyone." I hope you all can understand 🤗💕"

39. Jc Day
"Just know that despite what some people are saying in your comments, you can always receive empowerment. Even though Beyonce is referring to black women, theres no way she wouldnt love how much you have gotten from this too."

40. PlainerThanJane
"@MinJi Kim , colorism is truly the Devil's greatest invention. I'm happy that you, as myself and many others are empowered by the lyrics in this song. We've all a long ways to go.. here in America and abroad. 'If it's not white, it's not right'!!! That statement has affected millions of people of color around the globe.. we all need an Anthem to encourage us throughout life. It's unfortunate that you or anyone should have to experience that type of hateful behavior... ❤"

41. PTX 5
"MinJi Kim i think Beyonce would happy that you relate to the song and feel empowered. She's all about lifting women up. So don't let anybody else makes you feel otherwise just because you're not black. Love yourself sista...."

42. shar k
"PlainerThanJane you literally said that her brown skin struggles are nothing"

43. kingbey fan
"Others can relate to this song as well. In the latino community for instance, Afro-Latinos are treated terribly. Dominicans does not acknowledge their African roots... I am a black woman who have no problem with other darker skinned girls of a different culture/race/ethnicity feeling empowered by this track made for black girls specifically."

44. DJuno
"Lol everyone be fightin over which girls Beyonce referring to in this song ...."

45. Just Me
"This song is so beautiful, I think celebrating black women is very important as some have issues with their skin color. Such as racism, self estime and self love, self confidance etc. And unfortunately some bleach their skin to become lighter ☹
Am a proud and grateful african brown skin girl I really wish everyone can be happy the way they are. Because we're all different and that makes us unique.
Anyway, Blue Ivy's voice is cute 😊"

46. Desiree Wade
"💖💖Truly a beautiful song and yes speaking the truth and finally a song that truly will let all woman of color hold there heads up especially the Dark Skin ones I am dark skin and when I was young my father always told me I was beautiful and a black queen and my beauty was always on the inside of me and to never let anyone make me feel any less and to hold my head up and be proud of how God made me and he made me truly beautiful like my father said and I always loved me some Desiree and if any tried to tease me I would always say God made me and as long as God is happy with what he created and my father loves me that is all that mattered and I truly never was never teased but I can say men of all colors and different cultures would approach me even until this day and just say thank you and keep it moving so don't ever feel bad about being any color know that God made us all and we are all beautiful thank Queen B for this beautiful song love it God bless to you and your family! 💖💖"

47. keysie b.b
"@beyonce thanks for this song when I was in school I they bullying me they told me to take a bath with Clorox “bleach”
Thank you bey 😘"

48. Bronze Goddess 813 TI
"Yesss Brown skinned girls all over the world.💃💃💃💪💜♥️💜💜♥️🙏🌈⭐💯♣️♠️"

49. sugar_cube_ tootsies
"For some that are confused she means black girls in general, all different shades"

50. Sassy Tia
"Anyone with brown skin. Not specifically black"

51. Lacey Kean
"Sassy T “nappy curls” sorry I don’t think non black girls have that"

52. foo 83
"@Lacey Kean afro Latinos have kinky hair. Their black like black Americans. Black Americans aren't the only black people, and I'm black."

53. Natasha Lawson
"foo 83 Afro Latinos are black"

54. Teshia Wallace
"Beyonce is pretty much singing to herself 🤷🏿‍♀️❤ US brown, light, dark tone afrikans, on the American land, south American land, afrikan land and surrounding islands. Why is this so hard for ppl to grasp🤔"

55. Haley Marlin
"Brown meaning all black girls. No matter what your shade is, you are black. But your skins actual physical color is brown.👩🏽👩🏾👩🏿"

56. terri jones
"@Lacey Kean I know some latinas that have nappy natural curly hair as well 🤷🏾"

57. liljayjay 666
"So Indians, latinas, asians?"

58. Nasia the chocolate neko
"@liljayjay 666 no she's talking about black women specifically brown to dark skinned girls.."

59. Honestly Jordy
"Wow really ? Can we have one thing???? Always wanna take BLACK GIRLS SHINE!!! This song was Ode to Black Women!! 😩"

60. CheekyPoo22
"@foo 83 Baby, however u say it Black Afro Latinas are Black! It becomes the dominant trait. She's talking about the race of Black women."

61. B L U E
"@Sassy Tia This is dedicated to Black girls, not all POC."

62. Qu AudioReact
"Natasha Lawson exactly, and I’m sure some have nappy curls too, some also don’t. But there is dark skinned Afro Latinos, Afro Asians, and black-white."

63. Sassy Tia
"Honestly Jordy it says brown skin girls. Which means anyone with brown skin"

64. Sassy Tia
"B L U E it said brown skin girls. Not black women"

65. Ilovemyself
"I feel like lightskins just wanna be included she is not focusing on all shades of black women..right now she's focusing on melanated girls which means all the chocolate girls who r brownskin and darkskin and we know there are other shades of black girls but its not what she is focusing on whether if your afro latino or indian if your heavily melanated thats what she's focusing on"

66. Marcel D. Robinson
"No... she is speaking on darker completed girls. Which is why she mention Kelly Rowland, Lupita and Naomi. Because even within black communities, many times Darker complected girls are made to feel like they aren’t as pretty as lighter complected black girls. Which is why skin bleaching in Jamaica has become a big thing. So.. yeah, you’re wrong on that."

67. MrItsjustmeok
"Every skin colour is beautiful, we should really be looking at what's within the skin though."

68. Cee Gabe
"ALL Brown skin girls are beautiful: dark and mixed race (which most of us are) from past race-mixing during the captivity era."

69. Yei Ambi
"I wish there will be more songs about brown skin being beautiful
I live in switzerland and i dont feel beautiful at all i feel ugly and that people look at me difrent"

70. Tomb Raider LC
"I believe everyone deserves representation regardless of color, and I'm extremely happy to see that dark skinned people are getting their equal share in this! It has come such a long way. The people who are making this a white/black problem need to calm down and just relax. We are all humans and need to realize we only have this one life together and everyone deserves to feel special and they are loved and accepted; black, white, Asian, Hispanic, middle eastern, polynesian, and everything else in between. And remember, even regardless of race, people's skin color varies. Southern Italians have dark skin often times and some Hispanics have pale skin. It's really just love all around bc let's face it. It would be boring and bland if we were all the same color"

71. RizzyBone
"To all my brown and dark skin women and men i love you. We are beautiful❤🧑🏾❤👩🏾❤🧑🏿❤👩🏿❤. Please don't let the hate of society make you believe being a light complexion is better. God doesn't make any mistakes! Take care of yourselves and protect eachother💕💕"

72. James Valt
"Everything they taught you about the color black was wrong. Black isn't the color of evil, darkness is where the monsters hide, all that is a lie. Remember without the darkness there is no light, black is the medium for reality, the universe needs the black silhouette to exist. The richest, purest of resources start off as black, from diamonds to oil to fertile earth. So how can something so good double as bad? have you ever asked yourself that?"

73. Isiejeme0829
"Jet black skin, brown skin and even those with albinism stand up. We ain't about to change for anyone NEVER!!!"

74. Daily Sip
"Lets blasts this at every place and everywhere every brown skin girl needs to hear this song bc brown skin girls should never have to feel shamed about being brown bc of others insecurities"

75. Toussaint Wilson
"This song has me tearing up. My Mother is a dark skinned woman and I have always wanted her skin color. Meanwhile as many of you know she was called dark and ugly a lot. Now I am crying. For all of you, we love you brown skin girls."

76. starfirebb robin
"Am i the only brown skin girl who didn't need this song to feel beautiful ??😂 . I've always loved my skin. Its kinda sad that some women now feel appreciated smh"

77. Ola Iews
"Shoutout to my melanin quuens and Kings! This song is the the black anthem. As a black young male myself, I appreciate this song so much and this has made me love my dark skin even more. This song isn't only targeted to black-brown females only but also black-brown males and anyone within the black community. Thank you Beyoncé!"

78. nkululeko sithole
"Beyonce gave the little Brown Skin girls who have bore the brunt of society's disrespect and hate, something to empower themselves with and to be reminded that they are beautiful the way God made them. Happy!"

79. Mitsie JC
"Dear Black Girl,
When they tell her
that her skin is 'too dark'
I do not hesitate to remind them,
that the sun loved her so much
he kissed her more than the rest of us"

"It is a blessing to be the color of the earth
Do you know how often
Flowers mistake me for home"
--Rupi Kaur

My favorite poems about Black and Brown girls."

80. luh Bebe
"Where all my brown skin shades and dark skin shades@!!!!😍😍😍💗💗💗💗💗💗"

81. Fides Nzirubusa
"Is they talkin about black girls? I'm black I just want to verify."

82. luh Bebe
"@Fides Nzirubusa black/mixed/African all😍"

83. Fides Nzirubusa
"@luh Bebe oh ok!! I'm also African btws!🇷🇼🇺🇸🇧🇮💪🏾💓💓"

84. Karou Stallion
"Here we areee 🙌🏽"

85. Jessica Cooper
"Present 💝"

86. Legit Bitxh
"I think she purposely said brown skin girl because if you think about it all or most black girls have brown skin. we just have different shades of brown. I hate colorism and never liked the light skin black or dark skin black labels. we all are black girls and we all have brown skin lets not entertain their colorism that they use to separate us"

87. Brookaeee Cookaeee
"Wow this makes me so happy to hear a song like this from such a popular artist!! I’m light skinned but this song uplifts me as well to know that it’s gonna make a girl with darker complexion feel happy and good about her skin!"

88. Tina Morales
"I'm not ugly crying with this on repeat...

Okay. I am.
But really here's why: I grew up being told I'm too dark, especially for a Latina. I hated my skin. When I was 8 I wanted to bleach my skin. I hated the sun, I hated summer because I only got darker. But f*ck that noise. Thank you, Bey, for setting me free of this mindset. I wish I had this encouragement growing up. I'm so grateful the younger brown skinned girls of today have this anthem. Thank you, Beyonce, for empowering all of us brown skinned goddesses 💆🏾‍♀️"
This is the way this comment was written on that discussion thread.

89. Mist
"The thing is, you can enjoy this song even if you’re white in terms of it being empowering to black women whose beauty has long been diminished and compared to Western standards of beauty. It might not be FOR white people, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the song and appreciate the message."

90. Jai David
"While I understand it says Brown Skin GIRL. I am a man. And I still feel like this song is for me too. I have been put down too many times to count because of my skin. It has been a point of insecurity for me. I honestly have wanted to bleach my own skin. But I've been learning to love myself, and this song really came at a good time. There's nothing wrong with being black. We are a powerful, strong and beautiful people, with rich heritage. No shame."

91. Khanstantly LovingLife
"I love this song!!!! I'm lighskinned black, but my daughters are brown skinned. ✊🏾❤️✊🏾 REPRESENT!"

92. Keisha Lowe
"New ringtone....I live in Jamaica and this means alot to my dark skinned sistahs❤"

93. セブン指輪

94. Akanksha Kaith

95. DubstepEnthusiast 89
"@Akanksha Kaith No, Black"

96. Layla Dhillon
"DubstepEnthusiast 89 what about like asian girls? Just wondering"

97. Akanksha Kaith
"@DubstepEnthusiast 89 its literally called brown skin girl...
Can we not just accept that theres other people that are brown skinned?"

98. DubstepEnthusiast 89
"@Layla Dhillon Aisian isn't black it's yellow. African is black. And everything else like Russia, Germany, and stuff like that is white."

99. Akanksha Kaith
"@DubstepEnthusiast 89 ok but I'm indian and that's brown"

100. Akanksha Kaith
"@DubstepEnthusiast 89 and anyway its brown skin girl not black"

101. DubstepEnthusiast 89
"@Akanksha Kaith Ok your yellow. Your skin may be the color brown, but your race is yellow. This song is reffering to blacks not yellows"

102. Layla Dhillon
"DubstepEnthusiast 89 I’m not yellow... I’m Indian/Pakistani,, very much not yellow. South Asian people are often referred to as brown not asian lol"

103. Layla Dhillon
"DubstepEnthusiast 89 also do you know what race is because unless I’m just being dumb no one had ever referred to me as yellow???"

104. MKJT
"@DubstepEnthusiast 89 I feel so sorry for you and your limited knowledge."

105. DubstepEnthusiast 89
"@MKJT Your the one with limited knowledge"

106. DubstepEnthusiast 89
"@Layla Dhillon Also your dumb bc Asians are IN FACT considered yellow. You may not be the COLOR yellow but your race is yellow"

107. Azizi Powell
"DubstepEnthusiast 89, African American woman here, and, though I'm not Asian and have had few direct interactions with Asians, I believe your statement is far too simplistic. Some South Asians or Southeast Asians refer to themselves as brown, because they are brown, but no East Asian is actually yellow. Reading this comment exchange motivated me to look up this subject. Here's a link to a very interesting 2018 article on that subject entitled "If We Called Ourselves Yellow":

One of the points that that article made is that hundreds of years ago the color yellow was used as a referent for people who came to be called "Asians", and most of the reasons for that weren't positive. The history of this term is quite complicated. But just like most people in the USA (I hope) no longer use the term "Orientals" for Asian people, given what I read in that article and elsewhere, I'd caution against referring to East Asian or any other Asian people as "yellow".

108. Scuzy Baggio
"Shout out to all the brown skin in the world, from Cameroon 🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲"

109. vai ambi
"I am legit crying listening to this song coming from india and being dark skinned i faced colorism all the time people always made derogatory remarks all the time i was always . made fun of from the guys and the girls i . never had any guy like . me because of my skin . everyone tried to bleach my skin but now im proud to be my skin its brown and it shine like pearls. Thank you beyonce."

110. Tara Pinto
"As an Indian girl Im pretending this is for me too"

111. Peter Williams
"It can be an anthem for every girl of colour!! 👏🏽 Thank you bey!!!"

112. Adrien Aliphon
"this can be for you as well as us,

back then they would put you and I in cages and tie us up either way, because they wouldn't see the difference between me and you :) this is for all the POC!!"

113. Megan Gee xó
"This song isn’t just about the beautiful brown skin etc females it is also including other black females from other countries like Ghana, Sierra Leone, Jamaica, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Gambia, St.Lucia, Brazil, Portugal, The United Kingdom WE SHOULD CELEBRATE OUR BEAUTIFUL BROWN TO DARK SKIN FEMALES ALL OVER THE WORLD who have been put down, racially attacked and discriminated against for being darker or for not being white we are all beautiful no matter what race❤️❤️"

114. j brass
"when I was a kid , family members would tell me that i'd been " found on a door step " and that I was " too dark " to be my mom's child ( I guess you can figure EVERY one of them were " damn near " looking ) .….
how times have changed realistically for good and bad : WE'RE - as a whole regardless of color ! - still trying to overcome !
thanks , Ms B , for helping with the re-pathing ; love of ONE'S self enables universal love !"

115. Aparna Rajakumar
"love this song... i’m indian but my whole life i’ve been told that being fair is the only way to be beautiful. this song made me feel so empowered.

all color is beautiful. all shades
after all it’s just one chemical that makes us all different colors"

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  1. Here's a link to a July 23, 2019 article about Beyonce's "Brown Skin Girl":

    If I correctly understand its main point, that article states that Beyonce's "Brown Skin Girl" is and should be directed only toward dark skinned Black females. [Note: I disagree with this point.]

    The author of that article reached that conclusion by explaining a line in that song whose meaning I'm still not sure about:
    "Beyoncé is deliberate in her intention by mentioning beautiful brown beauties Lupita Nyong’o, Naomi Campbell, and Kelly Rowland in the lyrics of the song.

    She added to her specific pigment description by saying “melanin too dark to throw her shade.” For those of us with basic knowledge of the parts of speech, we know that the word “too” is an adverb that emphasizes the adjective “dark” to create a stronger sense of the darkness being referred to.

    To break it down: Mathematically, that “too” would more than likely be represented as a power symbol on top of a number to show that the number is to be multiplied to equal something of greater value. Extra. More. Additional. This degree of melanin is specifically devoted to women who are often berated for their Blackness, women who represent African ancestry and heritage and are mocked for it.

    This song is for those Black woman."...

    1. I think that article's author Imani Bashir, is suggesting is that the lyrics "melanin too dark to thrown her shade" means that the person's melanin is "extra dark" and therefore it can provide shade (against the hot sun)- better than melanin that is not extra dark.

      And that might be what those words mean in the context of that song. However, part of my problem with this interpretation is that in American English "too [something]" is usually a negative -examples: "too big", "too loud", "too much".

      The word "too" might mean "very" or "so". I don't suppose that Beyonce's song means that a dark skinned person's melanin is too dark (extra dark?; very dark?, so dark?).

      Maybe it's just my socialization that makes me think of this interpretation.

      Clearly, the word "too" isn't supposed to be a negative in this song or is this song throwing shade?

    2. Am I the only one that thinks about the African American drag originated phrase "throwing shade" when they hear or read the phrase "melanin too dark to throw her shade"?

      A definition for "throwing shade" is "making an artfully executed verbal or non-verbal insult".*

      Are the words "too dark melanin" supposed to be throwing shade at people who have dark skin colors? (This can't be correct given Beyonce's song is sung in celebration of dark brown skin.)

      But dark skinned people -and not just dark skinned Black people-are used to being subtly and directly insulted by people because of their skin color so, there's that.**

      What do you think the lyrics "melanin too dark to throw her shade" means (in the context of Beyonce's song)?.

      *Click for a pancocojams post about "throwing shade".

      **Click for a pancocojams post that mentions the 2008 Trinidadian/Tobagan Reggae song "Darkie" by Orlando Octave and documents how "darkie" in that Caribbean nation isn't a put down but a descriptive and often complimentary referent for dark skinned females and males.

  2. Here are a few comments from another YouTube video about Beyonce's song "Brown Skin Girls" All of these comments are from July 2019:

    [Numbers added for referencing purposes only]
    1. Tina Brown
    Beyonce is talking about BLACK PPL in this song..brown skin and dark skin BLACK ppl..
    Just wanted to put that out there, and yes, "all" shades are beautiful..
    BUT! this song is about BLACK WOMEN loving their skin!
    Ok? You got it? Good 👍"

    2. India
    "I'm sure everyone knows that but it's nothing wrong with other dark skinned women who arent black to feel something from this song."

    3. Miriam Rojas
    "I’m Mexican and I thought I was included as well😭"

    4. Shanessa .B
    "@India yes but it's annoying when something like this happens and it's ment for us black women , we always have to include everybody and we can't have nothing to our self.

    People know that this song is for black women but can't sand it when we get the validation we deserve."

    5. jane patric
    "Hope this spreads to Australia,Asia,Middle East anywhere with Brown skin girls.Would love to see them all in the music video"

    6. Bze Bee
    "But it says “brown skin girl” not “dark skin girl”. Lupita has a good reason to celebrate her name was mentioned. This song is for EVERYONE of colour brown regardless of shade."

    7. Sheba Mugenyi
    "Bze Bee damn girl... I don't think that's it... I mean it depends what bey's representation of skin tones are fam. I genuinely think this is made to uplift girls if a darker skin shade. I actually believe that's why it's doing so well. It speaks louder cos it uplifts those who aren't normally uplifted"

    8. Shanessa .B
    "No this song was for black woman who are brown skinned and dark skinned . This wasn't for all women of colour because if you listen to the song you will hear Beyoncé use the term "nappy" and she used black women in her song such as Lupita, Naomi and Kelly"

  3. This song is used to teach young girls and women that its okay to
    be the color you are and you are beautiful regardless the shade you are. It has become very inspirational to brown girls all over the world and maybe even someone you know. This song is a God-send to brown women worldwide. Girls all around the world jump on the trend to uplift each other and ready to take the world head on no matter what anyone said. Representation matters, I wish when I was younger I had this reassurance and been influenced by those around me. I definitely would have loved myself more and not fallen into a pit of self-loathing. When having doubts or feeling insecure, many other girls including myself know we can refer back to this song as a guide.

    1. Florence Asiedu, thanks for your comment. I appreciate what you said.

      You mentioned "girls throughout the world"...

      I'm curious if you live outside of the United States and are referring to your experiences with colorism or racism then and how this song helps brown skin girls in that place develop and reinforce their self esteem.

      Thanks again for sharing your perspective of Beyonce's "Brown Skin Girl" song.
