Friday, June 21, 2019

Three Videos Of New Style Chicago Boppin (The Dlow Shuffle)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This is Part II of a two part pancocojams series about Chicago Boppin.

Part II of this series showcases three YouTube videos of Chicago Boppin along with some comments from the discussion threads for those videos and information about "boppin" and other African American Hip Hop dances/music.

Click for Part I of this series. Part I presents information about the contemporary (around 2012 - 2015) Hip Hop dance called the New Style Chicago Boppin (Dlow Shuffle) as well as biographical information about two self-titled "Kings of Bop"- iAmDlow and Lil Kimo.

The content of this post is presented for historical, cultural, entertainment, linguistic, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are featured in these videos and all those who are quoted in this post. Thanks also to the publishers of these videos on YouTube.


WARNING- Songs used for the New style Chicago Boppin (Dlow Shuffle) may contain profanity and/or what is known as "the n word".

Video #1: The Dlow Shuffle ( WALA CAM ), Published on Dec 12, 2013

Here's an excerpt that provides an explanation for the word "shuffle" that is used in the name of a number of contemporary Hip Hop/R&B dances:
A dance style originating in the 1980's characterized by fast heel and toe twisting and stepping, running man variations, stomping with the beat, foot swiveling from side to side, and having feet that appear to be gliding on and off the ground.

Shuffling is mostly for the feet and the arms just compliment whatever foot motions are taking place. This dance style is very high paced, intense cardio, and is usually to done to music with a constant beat such as electro, hardstyle, and/or techno.

Shuffling is preferrable in shoes as it won't hurt your feet, but also acceptable in socks or barefoot."...
The Dlow Shuffle is a group dance that is similar if not the same as contemporary American line dances. The song's lyrics direct dancers to perform certain movements. The "bop" ("boppin") is just one movement that is done as part of the DLow Shuffle.

According to the instructor in "How To Bop For Beginners", the basic bop movement is done by standing on your toes with your feet apart, and wobbling your legs back and forth. However, it should be noted that most of the commenters in that video's discussion thread ridiculed this video, indicating that that isn't how the bop is really done.

Here are some comments from the discussion thread for the embedded DLow Shuffle video (with numbers added for referencing purposes only).
1. Montana of 300's Bandana, 2017
"Who else here is from Chicago and came here for good memories?"

2. THE- GREATEST, 2017
"mee bring back hella memories

3. Scarface5477, 2017
"Montana of 300's Bandana yep"

4. Tae-773, 2018
"2018 guess people forgot about this πŸ˜£πŸ˜£πŸ˜”πŸ˜”"

5. Maley Saenuan, 2019
"Probably only one listening in 2019 πŸ˜‚"

6. True Swervo3x, 2019
"Maley Saenuan nah im here to πŸ˜‚"

7. Lyric Thompson, 2019
"Im here!"

8. Raymond Stewart, 2019
"I still listening to this in 2019

9. 2OverEasy3, 2019
"Maley Saenuan right here witcha!"


MyVisionFilms, Published on Dec 12, 2013

Here are some comments from this video's discussion thread (with numbers added for referencing purposes only).

As is the case with a lot of comment compilations on pancocojams, I'm also interested in the use of African American Vernacular English in some of these comments. Explanations for a few of these terms are included after the first comment where that term is used.
1. Davionna Green, 2013
"OMG this song is off the hook I am about to dance to it now.cute and funy"
"off the hook" = very good

2. Nakyla Thomas, 2013
"turn up 4 the bop kingz of chicago"
"turn up" [verb) = get hyped (get very excited; get loose; get wild; go hard) for someone or something;
"Turn up" is also an expression of support and/or approval for someone or something

turnt up [noun] = the state of being turned up

3. Nina513, 2013
"Big ups to you Kemo!
Done watched lil homie grow into an official dance king via Wala Cam....
GET EM, KEMO! Put on fa da Midwest, daddy!"

4. Eric Foster, 2013
"Y'all got a cool lil dance but boppin been invited down here in FL... Look up Dj Chipman boppin and you'll see"

5. 864doorcutty, 2013
"Yo this beat go suppa hard all the kids were doin this at my wedding the crowd went crazy"
"suppa" = super

"go hard" = go all out; do something with 100% effort; do something very well, as judged by Hip Hop standards

6. ZENZOKI1, 2013
"This too hype!!!

7. King Jrue, 2013
"what beat is that it go hard and the dance go hard too Shout Out Kemo And Dlow #KeepGoinHard "

8. Hook Gaming Tv, 2013
"kemo is the best bopper"

9. Tell Babygurl, 2013
"Ayee" = an expression that indicates excitement and/or approval

10. Vanessa Tunsel, 2013
"Is it me or this dance similar to the dlow shuffle js"
"js"= just saying

11. Dartrell Halmon, 2013
"he copied dlow but good bopking 123"

12. Yung Vibe, 2013
"he didn't copy Dlow both of them made "bopping" they just have certain different moves to bopping. bopping isn't exactly what Dlow does. Do your research. Both of them are the "BopKings of the world" they both made that title. Dlow Shuffle is Dlow's Version of bopping and KemoStep is Lil Kemo's version of bopping"

13. DeBorah Perry, 2013
"hey these boys can make money with what they doin coming out with the Dlow Shuffle and Kemo Step"

14. mike coles, 2013
"funny thing is the 'kemo walk' is from dallas. we did the in 2010. its called SOUTH DALLAS SWAG. look it up if you dont believe me"

15. tom tim, 2013

16. Kaliyah Carter, 2013
"Nah..Kemo step and southdallas swag ain't alike actually ... As you saw in the video when he did it.., it was like going backwards... the suothdalls swag is FOWARD !"

17. Earnistine Labon, 2013
"Its basikly the same thing kemo an dlow copy one anothere"

18. Joy O, 2013
"Dude there friends they not tryna compete n both I stud"

19. Acee Vee, 2013
"SO coulda went wayyyy harder bro. TURN UP tho. It can only get better. "

20. Edirin Ekokotu, 2013
"Nae Nae better sorry #SouthSide #ATL"

21. shunda evans, 2013

22. XJBX, 2013
"I be bopping all day now"

23. Amy Espino, 2013
"I be turning up"

24. Tara Travis, 2014
"Your not the only one!!!!!!!!!!!!"

25. Jamisha Bogan, 2013

26. Elezha Hudson, 2013
"the way he bounced around was so funny but this is good. proud to be in Chicago!"

27. BreezyReactz, 2013
"The dlow shuffle is better but like it better than the Cupid shuffle kemo"
The Cupid Shuffle ( is an example of an American "shuffle dance" from 2007.

28. Richard Robinson, 2013
"We done went from 2pac and dmx to this and this not even rap that's how far we are but I do like the beat"

29. TheRareD, 2014
"ever heard of the cha cha slide? this is basically the same type of song"

30. Jameel S, 2014
"He's not trying to rap fool. It's a dance song."

31. Tato Dancing, 2013
"lol I love doing this dance in the hallway at school"

32. Aaliceya White, 2013
"bop all the time"

33. nate blue, 2013

34. Audrella Walden, 2013
"This song is dope but it's hard as hell to do! Keep calm and love kemo, bop king of the wolrd"
"dope"; "dope as hell" = very good

35. ohmynester, 2013
"South Florida has our version of these dances for years. Its crazy to see another interpretation of the dances I'm accustom to."

36. tajae terrell, 2013
"this dance is too live!!!!!!!!! Imma get dis dance poppin n cincinnati fo u kemo. #KEMOSTEP"

37. Antwan Hoyte, 2013
"please dont let this be a new thing in 2014"

38. christina ballard, 2013
"They sure do got this bopping thing crazy they got my Momma doing it"

39. Le Patron N'Scrawberri, 2013
"raw as hell"

40. Malek Clay, 2013
"The new Cha Cha slide"

41. north philly, 2013
"Certain parts were weak,but it was an overall cool vid and song."

42. Dionne Wallace II, 2013
"come out with some shirts like Why you mad, Grab sumthin' , and slide bop, of course Find yo swag"

43. Kamari King, 2013
"That's the best boping song ever Lil kemo TTU"
"TTU" = too turned up

44. Prtygurl12, 2013
"I been doing this for the past hour .Lawd ."

45. lauryn miller, 2013
"He just killed it 😜"
"killed it" = do something very well

46. Cameron McDonald, 2013
"dlow shuffle is better"

47. Just That Guy :3, 2013
"Why you mad?!"

48. Latonya Smith, 2013
"I respect with dlow n kemo are doing... they came out with two different bop but similar style.. very smart... keep pushing this movement.. at least it something positive...keep the videos n new styles coming.. hit me up"
"hit me up" = give me some "likes" under this comment

49. ryland moore, 2013
"yall did good i aint even gon hate"

50. Markitta Hall, 2013
S/O = shout out = public acknowledgement

"doe you" = [ do you] = do your thing

51. Breanacuteness Green, 2013
"Can all y'all hatters do it or nawww"

52. Dakota Peace, 2013
"Did y'all not hear him say shoutout to Dlow? He didn't steal the dance"

53. Breyanna Armistead, 2013
"White people don't be haten because black have talent than"

54. Mr. Realistic, 2014
"Not only is the dance cool but theres no unnecessary cursing"

55. Katia White, 2014
"I. Love. You. Kemow. My. Son. Be. Doing. It. Ever. Day"

56. Malika Dunem, 2014
"Luv dis dance"

57. Latasia Jefferson, 2014
"Omg I love this dance I learned it in 2 days"

58. Montrel Ashe, 2014
"TURN UPPPPPPP THIS MY JAMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

59. Sabrina black, 2014
"This is an easy dance. So is the Dlow shuffle. I watched the dlow for the past four weeks and I can envision it. I'm just now watching this and this is as easy as the Cha cha cha slide. Why you mad then?"

60. Paydro Kash, 2014
"bopping is lifeπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰"

61. ashley jay, 2014
"Why is everybody doing the dolow shuffle"

62. Lavoi Wilder, 2014
"Damm I wish we bopped in Baltimore"

63. Jameel S, 2014
"New electric slide lol"

64. Ashley Sterling, 2014
"This is a great hip hop dance"

65. just ask me, 2014
"He is the best dlow is too them two got my kids killing it kemo got my daughter over here killing It.She kills the whip nae nae,dlowshuffle,kemostep 2,naenae ,and this dance"

66. yshawn Highlights, 2014
"Nobody rember dis"

67. K a a a y Karnaisa, 2014
"i like this song it gets u crunked up"
"crunked up" = turned up; hyped

68. William Watts, 2017
"Who still doing this in 2k17 tho"

69. Renee Clyde, 2017
"William Watts not me"

70. yung savage, 2017
"William Watts only you"

71. IPrefer Butter, 2017
"William Watts me"

72. Khyron Watson, 2016
"that so oooooooold"

73. Gregory Proctor, 2017
"Who else here from chicago and came here for memories"

74. dakaria, 2017
"I miss bopping πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯"

75. [no name retrieved]
"This was so lit,I miss these dances,Old memories 😭"

76. Hiyt Gggs, 2018
"Who remember when everybody did this"

77. kimberly Sangster, 2019
"so nostalgic"

78. King KJ3, 2019
"Take Me Back To Deez Days😩"

Video #3: Sicko Mobb & The Bop Kids of Chicago

The FADER, Published on Oct 30, 2014
Here are some comments from this video's discussion thread (with numbers added for referencing purposes only).
1. Troll God, 2014
"glad to see Chicago makin its own style"

2. Ms. Hill, 2014
"I know bout boppin through memo that dude is bad and dlow and queen fee fee....I love Chicago and I'm not even from there all becuz of them.....turn up"
"Memo" here might be a typo for "kemo".

3. Big Tooko, 2014
"Big boi Killt it"

4. Kon, 2014
"24/7. Keep it Goin!"

5. ya boy, 2014
"It's like the chi town version of clownin in LA"
"Chi town" = Chicago
Here's a review of the 2005 documentary Rize that refers to "clowning"
leilapostgrad27 June 2005;
Before you can understand "krumping" and "clowning," you've got to understand the history and people of South Central Los Angeles. Director David LaChapelle opens his documentary, Rize, with news footage and images from the 1965 Watts riots and the 1992 Rodney King riots. Out of the violence and hate came Tommy the Clown, the hip-hop clown who got kids to stop fighting and start dancing. These "clown groups" gave kids an alternative to gang life. Clown dancing grew, expanded, and evolved into an entirely new form of dance – "krumping." It may look aggressive and violent, but it's pure release, expression, and art. When LaChapelle shows footage of African tribal dancing, one can't help but see the resemblance to "krump" dancing, from the quick and deliberate body movements to the face paint, as if that dancing was in their blood. Rize gives these dancers something the rest of society has long denied them – dignity and respect. See this one.

6. 504jec, 2015
"The leg movement is most Definitely New Orleans bounce."

7. Kel, 2014
"Finally something positive for the kids to look up to instead of killing each other. Kinda like how krumping was for the westcoast and getting light/footwork for the east"

8. Tony Kushington, 2014
"The footwork is a Chicago dance, tho"

9. James Bond jr, 2014
"@Tony Kushington He means the foot work which the West Coast has been known for since the late 60's. Crip walking and Blood walking was made famous through out the USA. When you hear footwork or walking you think of the West Coast. Yoy cats think you invited everything huh?"

10. Tony Kushington, 2014
"@James Bond jr I ain't never heard crip walkin and blood walkin referred to as the footwork. I got family in socal and the north. I don't think we invented anything, you think that."

11. ThaClassicalMusician, 2014
"@Tony Kushington The footwork is definitely not a Chicago dance. That's whats wrong with Chicago, there's no substance. Nothing ever lasts. Let's hop in our time machine and go back 3 or 4 years when drill music was actually mainstream. Now, it's nothing. It's actually quite sad that you guys can't produce something that's everlasting or at least lasts longer than the duration of 2-3 years."
Here's some information about "drill music" from
"Drill music is a style of trap music that originated in the South Side of Chicago in the early 2010s. It is defined by its dark, violent, nihilistic lyrical content and ominous trap-influenced beats.

Drill progressed into the American mainstream in mid-2012 following the success of rappers and producers like Young Chop, Chief Keef, Lil Durk, Fredo Santana, SD and Lil Reese, who had many local fans and a significant Internet presence. Media attention and the signing of drill musicians to major labels followed. Artists within the genre have been noted for their style of lyricism and association with crime in Chicago.

A regional subgenre, UK drill, rose to prominence in London, particularly in the district of Brixton, beginning in 2012.

Drill lyrics typically reflect life on the streets, and tend to be gritty, violent, realistic and nihilistic. … Though it bears many similarities to trap music, the speed of a drill beat is generally slower with a moderate tempo, having about 60 to 70 beats per minute.[8][9] Some producers work at double tempo, such as 130 to 140 beats per minute.”...

12. Tony Kushington, 2014
"@ThaClassicalMusician Lol the Footwork is most definitely a Chicago dance. And who in their right mind would want "drill music" to last. Its horrible. I'd rather hear Mick Jenkins or Supa Bwe spit than listen to crap violent music. Where are you from might I ask? You must of been born in the 90's"

13. ThaClassicalMusician, 2014
"@Tony Kushington I think drill music HAD potential but MAJORITY the rappers coming out of Chicago aren't creative enough. They lack the skill that it takes to captivate a broader audience and perpetuate that popularity for long amounts of time. With that being said King Louie seems like he'd be able to consistently go mainstream and gain A LOT of fans if he's consistent. I'm from VA too born 96'."

14. Tony Kushington, 2014
"Google Mick Jenkins, Supe Bwe and Hurt Everybody. They alone are killing any mainstream artist you can name. Chicago has hella talent. You just don't know"

15. BENNIE CARR, 2015
"that ain't no bop, the bop came from Florida"

16. Alayah James, 2015
"Go Chi Ayyeee

Sicko Mobb, Lil Kemo, Bop Queen Destiny and more show us the ins and outs of bopping in Chicago."

17. Jimmy John, 2016
"Good to see this trending in Chicago because Florida been trying to get the world on this vibe but for some reason people aren't buying into it. Look up some Florida rappers who on this by searching Tampa dance, Ft Lauderdale dance, or Miami dance to see people doing the dances."

18. dakaria, 2018
"The best period/time of Chicago .man I miss doing this dance😷πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯"

19. LoJack, 2018
"dakaria .H On god. I miss the footworking and bopping days. Sh&t* used to be so lit"
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

"lit" = very good; hot

20. T- Papo, 2019
" LoJack I wish someone could bring it back. Make it popular again or sum sh&t* 😭"
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

"sh&t" (the sh&t) means something that is essential; something that is "for real"; something that is very good.

21. king kadri, 2019
"fr lets bring that sh&t* back"
β€œfr”= for real, meaning "definitely"; repeating "fr" adds emphasis

22. DJ Silver, 2019
"Frfr. We need Dlo or Kemo to come back"

23. Sara DaSilva, 2019
"When I moved out of the west side of Chicago this what they was doing. It’s been a few years now I wonder what dance they doing now?"

This concludes Part II of this two part pancocojams series.

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.

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