Saturday, March 30, 2019

Two Videos About Afro-Argentines (with selected comments from their discussion threads)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post showcases two YouTube videos about Afro-Argentines (people of Black African descent living in Argentina, South America).

Selected comments from these videos discussions threads are included in this post. Some of these comments mention other South American nations such as Uruguay, Mexico, and Chile.

The content of this post is presented for historical and sociological purposes.

All content remains with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are featured in these videos and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post. Thanks also to the publishers of these videos on YouTube.

Video #1: Afro-Latino Connection (Afro-Argentines)

HYPSIS09, Published on Oct 24, 2013

Research supports the claim by the Center for Genetic Studies of the School of Arts and Sciences of the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) that an estimated 4.3 percent of the people living in suburban Buenos Aires have genetic markers of African descent.] Today there is still a notable Afro-Argentine community in the Buenos Aires district of San Telmo. There are also quite a few African descended Argentinians in Merlo and Ciudad Evita cities, in the Buenos Aires metropolitan area. . .

Although people don't usually think of black people when they think of Argentina, the country does indeed have a history of African descendents. Given the common belief among Argentine citizens that all blacks who reside in the country are foreigners, Afro-Argentines often must fight to be recognized as both black and Argentine. Although the black population of Argentina is small, there are many organizations and artists who are fighting for the recognition of the history, culture and population of black Argentina. .
Here are some comments from this video's discussion thread. These comments were selected to document the varying opinions included in that discussion. Numbers were added for referencing purposes only:

1. Isabella V, 2014
"Part of the issue is that absolutely everyone in the United States uses the terms Latino and Hispanic interchangeably as if it were a race in itself (not an ethnic background) and typically it's not limited to those from Spain or Italy at all IF EVER. Even worse, the term "Spanish" as an identifier or race is thrown around by Americans more than Hispanic or Latino to label anyone stereotypically considered to be from Central or South America (when Spanish as we should know is a language and not a race or ethnicity)

When African American History is discussed or taught in the American educational system seldom do we hear anything about the experience of those Africans who were transported throughout Central and South America when the large majority were indeed sent to these various countries.

So what exactly is taught in History and the educational system of the United States in general about the term African Americans? Segregation of blacks and whites in the U.S, civil rights movements such as Black Panthers, well known activists such as Harriet Tubman or Martin Luther King, The Underground Railroad, religion conversion to Baptism for many, and other rich components of the black experience in the UNITED STATES aka North America. As we can see, the "African American" history is only catered to those who were sent to the United States and just about any other blacks living around the world are ignored (Almost as if the slave trade were directed exclusively to the United States... dismissing the other rich components of what being black can be). As a result, many stereotypes are overgeneralized and cater only to the black experience for those who lived and current day live in the United States.

Most recognize the mere fact that while many of the French and Romanians may be white at first glance, it is plausible that they can also be French, Romanian, German, or any other nationality or ethnic background without questioning their validity. The same cannot be said to those blacks who have been living in Central and South America since the slave trade and their experience has been completely different post slave trade.

The biggest issue I see here is simply a lack of awareness and knowledge in general. While the U.S government made the very decision to call a person with African descent living in spanish speaking countries as Hispanic (as we can all see in numerous census survey explanations when choosing race or ethnicity), the government does not require nor advocate education of the very different black experiences in other nations outside of their own interestingly.

So what is the experience of blacks from Central or South America who left their families recently and everything they knew to chase the American Dream? They come to realize that the citizens from the very country with more resources than most countries known as the U.S do not have a single clue that it is physically feasible to speak fluent spanish as a first language and be dark skin, brown skin, fair skin, white skin or any other skin color for that matter. It's a shocker even when they should at least know the slave trade existed beyond North America.Yet any white who you suddenly hear speaking french or german for example is not seen as extraordinary, a rare commodity, or worse a poser. Have you ever heard someone ask an individual who is racially white but ethnically different why they speak any language outside of English? Not at all. It's not even a shocker to know blacks from countries like the Bahamas, Jamaica, etc can carry a heavy caribbean accent or speak Patois (Patwa) Now tell me how such ignorance is possible by the millions in a leading country as North America?

There is a lack of awareness that blacks existing anywhere outside of North America is a reality as a result of the past (slave trade). Sadly, while the "U.S government" implies blacks can be of any ethnicity, the American citizens living under this government typically would not even know it is possible to speak spanish unless you fit the general stereotype (not black, white, asian, or other as it very well can be)

The blacks from Central and South America are not denying their heritage of African ancestry by labeling themselves as Afrolatino or simply Latino/a, in fact much of what we would like to consider Latin American culture such as the music and food derives from African traditions infused with Spanish tradition. If these particular groups of blacks from Central and South America are not discussed in African American History nor Latin History in the United States educational system, then where do these groups of people stand? How can they relate to the African Americans when very little is shared in common aside from the fact that at some point they were connected with the slave trade?

This should be an opportunity to learn about our complex world filled with so many eyeopening cultures and heritages."

2. Nancy Medina, 2014
"I agree. I have had this same argument with my Dominican friends ."

3. mrpetersonandsnappyturtle, 2016
"You are educated person, but some of the people from latin america i have met here consider themselves latino/hispanic. Especially the people from santo domingo, puerto rico and cuba. They tell me they are not mixed, they are hispanic!"

4. DieguitoSN, 2014
"Zeeqtee Prn, no negamos, en argentina, por la poca cantidad de afroargentinos en referencia a la poblacion total, es dificil conocer a un afro y que sea argentino, por lo general son extranjeros."
Google translate from Spanish to English:
Zeeqtee Prn, we do not deny, in Argentina, for the small number of Afro-Argentines in reference to the total population, it is difficult to know an Afro and that is Argentine, they are usually foreigners.

5. nickfl1980, 2014
"Those Afro Argentines are not foreigners, they are argentine. Don't be so insecure Dieguito, it only makes you sad."

6. DieguitoSN, 2014
"you have not understood me..."

7. soydelRojo, 2015
"+nickfl1980 most of blacks of nowadays in Argentina are foreigners, that is true. blacks of the 19th century were slowly disappearing by wars and, mainly, miscegenation with whites and amerindians, that's because today there are a few black Argentines today

even in the colonial times, blacks weren't many"

8. whatmeworry notoday, 2015
"First you must understand the politics and history of Argentina. It is indeed European at heart. Meaning when The Spanish came (Whites) they conquered and setup a European style govt. With the Whites from Spain in control. They revolted like the U.S. did against Britain.. The indigenous population was a resource. As were the imported African Slaves. you were not of any value if you weren't a direct descendant from Spain or Italy. in other words White. So for centuries the way to advance was to be White. So the lucky children of raped women became a separate class and married White and have over time Whitened the country. But it was planned and systematic. The same as it is everywhere.. They were just one of the most ruthless. And were very oppressive of there native population. Not to mention the killing of its African population through wars in which they were 80 percent of Army. 100 percent front lines. But less than 50% of population."

9. Paco, 2017
"Im from Argentina, I have Spanish Italian, African and indigenous descent, I dont look white but i dont look black either. The thing about Argentina is that when the spanish imperialized they mass murdered most of the population of natives, and the africans were slowly decreasing. I love my country culture and people but I strongly believe that it is sad how there has been a loss of mixture. Vamos Argentina y viva la raza!"

10. Mauro Minutta, 2017
"This video is plagued with false and misinterpreted information, the truth is that in latin America 80% of people are mixed, European, black, and native. What varies according to region is the percentages. Dominican Republic is more African, Mexico is more native, Argentina and Uruguay are more European, therefore most people do look white. And in latin america race is defined by the way you look, African culture and racial features have dissolved in Argentina, it's not being racist... I have lived in Argentina 27 years, never have I ever encountered a black person or mulatto even, that is an Argentinian citizen. When Menem( the president) was asked about blacks, he said we have none, Brazil has the problem of racism because they do, because their population is more diverse, he didn't mean black ppl as a problem, he meant racism as a problem It's so easy to take what somebody said out of context and create stereotypes that are not fair nor true if one wants to."

11. Tam, 2017
"I never knew there are African descendant Argentines. The only give away is the dance and music but i thought they just imported that. lol."

12. Stgfre, 2017
"That is an over exaggeration. They exist but they are a small minority. Uruguay and Argentina are white majority nations."

13. carlos nestor armanth ceballos, 2018
"en mis ancestros(abuelo paterno,) era un afro argentino y mi abuela hija de inmigrantes españoles... sucesivas cruzas y heme aquí ...estaba de paso, vi luz prendida y me acerqué... hasta pronto..."
Google translate from Spanish to English:
in my ancestors (paternal grandfather), I was an Afro-Argentinian and my grandmother was the daughter of Spanish immigrants ... successive crosses and here I am ... I was passing by, I saw light on and I approached ... see you soon ...

14. carlos nestor armanth ceballos, 2018
"hay bastante información pero hay que dedicar tiempo para reunirla, pero a modo de título como prólogo, pongo en conocimiento que Don Bernardino Rivadavia primer presidente de Argentina esta "AFROARGENTINO" y no sé si no fue el primer presidente del planeta en toda la historia universal....
Google translate from Spanish to English:
There is a lot of information but you have to dedicate time to gather it, but as a title as a prologue, I inform you that Don Bernardino Rivadavia is the first president of Argentina "AFROARGENTINO" and I do not know if he was not the first president of the planet in all of world history ...."

15. carlos nestor armanth ceballos, 2018
translated from Spanish to English: ARTICLES , ROOTS AND HISTORY
"In the framework of the fight for the visibility of Afros, the valuation of their contributions in Argentina and the recognition and enjoyment of their rights, a traveling exhibition called "Invisible Argentine Afro-descendant Heroes" will be held for a period of one year."...

16. carlos nestor armanth ceballos, 2018
translated from Spanish to English:
"July 31, 2017
Lea Geler, anthropologist and doctor in History
"The disappearance of Afro in Argentina is a myth"
She is the author of the book Andares negros, caminos blancos. Afroporteños, State and Argentine Nation at the end of the 19th century. In his research shows that in the country Afro descendants is a palpable and alive presence. And that his denial is the product of racism.
By Verónica Engler"...

Video #2: Afro Argentines speak on blackness

The Ankh Life, Published on Jan 13, 2017

Here are some comments from this video's discussion thread. These comments were selected to document the varying opinions included in that discussion. Numbers were added for referencing purposes only:

1. Javier Cabanillas, 2017
"Por favor dejen de decir afro argentinos, no somos estados unidos. Si son argentinos sean argentinos . Yo no voy por la calle diciendo soy franco español guaranie argentino!!! ."
Google translate from Spanish to English:
"Please stop saying Afro Argentines, we are not United States. If they are Argentines, be Argentines. I'm not going down the street saying I'm frank Spanish Argentinian guaranie !!! ."

2. aaron kalala, 2018
"Javier Cabanillas lo dicen para que la gente ignorante sepa que también hay argentinos afro, visibilizar esa raza no esconderla como siempre ha Sido..."
Google translate from Spanish to English:
"Javier Cabanillas says it so that ignorant people know that there are also Afro Argentines, make visible that race does not hide it as it has always been ..."

3. lauruguayitausa, 2018
"Javier Cabanillas, estoy totalmente de acuerdo con vos!!! Igual pasa en Uruguay. Somos todos orientales, unos blancos, otros negros, pero todos uruguayos!!!"
Google translate from Spanish to English:
"Javier Cabanillas, I totally agree with you! The same happens in Uruguay. We are all Orientals, some whites, others blacks, but all Uruguayans!"

4. Augusto Viale, 2018
"lauruguayitausa los negros de aca son vecinos como afrouruguayos y afrobrasileños que hay en las zonas lindantes con brasil , esta es otra propaganda del zurdaje de querer sembrar una division racial . Y lo de que todos venimos de europa no es tan asi porque despues de la migracion europea de la segunda guerra vinieron coreanos y ya van 50 años en el pais y ya son 4 generacion como hay japoneses de okinawa , lo ideal es decir que venimos de los barcos y de las guerras"
Google translate from Spanish to English:
"lauruguayitausa the blacks here are neighbors like Afro-Uruguayan and Afro-Brazilian who are in the areas bordering Brazil, this is another propaganda of the left-handedness of wanting to sow a racial division. And the fact that we all come from Europe is not so because after the European migration of the second war came Koreans and they are already 50 years in the country and there are already 4 generations as there are Japanese Okinawa, the ideal is to say that we come from the ships and the wars"

5. Valine Richards, 2018
"I did not know that there are black Argentinian"

6. Gods Klanof, 2018
"@Valine Richards; ALL countries on the American continents do have BLACKS: Nicaragua, Ecuador, Chili, Canada, Mexico, Honduras, Peru, etc, all"

7. Liliana Daruich, 2018
"@Gods Klanof the are all over the world, however, in Argentina there are the, approximately, 3% of the population, something around 2-3 millions."

8. Gabe Segun, 2018
"I have always wondered why Argentina and Uruguay could be the only countries in the whole of America continent considering the history without blacks. they are the ones without black soccer players. Uruguay had one at the last world cup.
Now we know that they have been suppressed. Mexico is doing the same thing. You can fool some people sometime but you can't fool all the people all the time."

9. Sean Taylor, 2018
"Ururguay had players of African descent as early as the 1930 World Cup."

10. Mamuwalde Voudou Practitioner, 2018
"Thank You for posting this!!💓 I had been mislead that there truly were no African people in and of Argentina by way of typical racist propaganda in the media.

African Diaspora: Rise Up and Be Seen!

White racist colonialism and supremacy is coming to an END!! Time's Up!"

11. DeAngela Williams, 2018
"It's amazing how they try to bury black people in every corner of the world and try to hide that worldwide we are the majority especially if you factor in mixed people with African descent even if they are denying their African descent we cover the planet that's why they want to kill us. And weak Africans and mixed people of African descent deny themselves and their ancestry because they think that by doing so people can't see the Blackness in them it's all very sad. I don't know how people who are black, deny being black can look in the mirror at themselves it must be very hard for them to do and very hard for them to hear when people are talking sh&t* about black people and their ancestry because it's a part of you it's in you there's no getting it out of you so when you do that like you're talking about yourself"
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

12. Ebony J., 2018
"DeAngela Williams My friend is from Argentina and he did his DNA and was shocked about the Indian and African blood .. he expected a lot of European blood ... Sad!"

13. Orla Rusl, 2018
"Still thre are people who ignore racism and it happens also in Chili Uraguay"

14. lauruguayitausa, 2018
"That is not true!!! No one tries to bury the African roots of Uruguayan black people!!!! On the contrary! They are very important in our music, which it was solely their music, we also had great soccer players who were black, in all the world championships we won, there were blacks, even in the Olympics in 1924, and we, I think, are the only country who have a uncle and a nephew of African origin to Win a World Cup, in 1930 and 1950. So, do not generalize!!!"

15. dale stuart, 2018
"I have never seen a black soccer player for the Argentinian national team. if I am wrong please correct me."

16. Martin Gracia, 2018
"Search info for Hector " chocolate " Baley he was world champion in 1978."

17. dale stuart, 2018
"martin gracia, yes, you are absolutely right. I stand corrected."

18. Victor Campbell, 2018
"Mercado, Di maria , Tevez"

19. dale stuart, 2018
"victor campbell, di mariia and Tevez are not black."

20. Victor Campbell, 2018
"@dale stuart yes ,they are black , did you see them colour skin?? Oh sure , they are whites with blue eyes"

21. Catalina Cassineri, 2019
"dale stuart We have them we import them from Colombia."

22. KnightSmoke20, 2018
"I just assume blacks and asians are in every culture 🤷‍♂️. I’m never surprised"

23. Jonny B, 2018
"Europeans were brought in to Argentina during the 20th century to" lighten" the country per say, many were Germans and some of those Germans were Nazi."

24. Luigi Capoti, 2018
"tango is imposible without the rythm afro"

25. The KanaaniteTV, 2018
"I also feel like the Native Argentinos are being erased as well"

26. bEASToUTtHEbOX, 2018
"Yes, we know a vast majority of light-skinned Latinos are profoundly racist in the Caribbean, North, Central, and South Americas.... I randomly watched 4 hours of Telemundo programming, and saw only 2 Afro-Latinos (whom had no speaking I am only guessing they were Afro-Latinos)

The disparagement of dark-skinned people is strong in Latin countries....very strong..."

27. bornbranded29, 2019
"one drop rule nonsense. these people are barely black."

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