Sunday, February 17, 2019

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity & Its Alpha Walk (also known as "Ape Walk" - information, comments & videos

Edited by Azizi Powell

Latest revision - May 25, 2024

This pancocojams post presents information, comments about and videos of Alpha Phi Alpha, Fraternity, Inc's "Alpha Walk"("Ape Walk").

This group performance movement is also known as "The Alpha Stroll" and possibly other names.

The content of this post is presented for folkloric, historical, and cultural purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publishers of these videos on YouTube.
A portion of this post was published in this 2013 pancocojams post: Deconstructing The Stereotype Of Black People As Apes & Monkeys

Basically the same content was also republished in 2023
(except for a few visitor comments in both posts) because I thought I had accidentally deleted this 2019 post.

From,standard%20for%20others%20to%20follow. "The Derogatory Meaning Of The Ape: A Perspective From The National Historian" [no publishing date given, retrieved May 5, 2023]

….”Many Brothers want to use some form of transformation to mark the transition from pledge to member of Alpha Phi Alpha. They have seized on the metaphor of evolution from “ape” to “man.” But that metaphor is fraught with stereotypical dangers with which we should not want to be associated. Other than evolution, we could use other models such as metamorphosis. Or, we could use qualifications for membership in a guild from apprenticeship, to journeyman, to master craftsman. We could adapt rites of passage programs that avoid stereotypes. .Stereotypes die hard, and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity of all organizations should not be complicit in perpetuating them. The image of the “ape” is not one with which we should want to be associated. It runs counter to everything that Alpha Phi Alpha was built on and stands for. In its verb form, “to ape,” means to imitate. While others might base their organizations on brute strength, men of Alpha are leaders and men of intellect who set the standard for others to follow. We do not “ape” anyone or anything and need to abandon the image of the “ape.”

Bro. Robert L. Harris Jr., Ph.D.

National Historian

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity"


Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is a historically Black Greek letter fraternity.

It's clear from watching videos of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. (APhiA; Alphas) step shows & strolls that a number of Alphas consider apes as their unofficial mascot, symbol, or icon. That this symbolism is unofficial is underscored by the fact that there's no mention of apes being a symbol of A Phi A on that organization's website or on the Wikipedia page about that organization

"Alpha Phi Alpha (ΑΦΑ) is the first Black, Inter-Collegiate Greek-Lettered fraternity. It was founded on December 4, 1906 at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Its founders are known as the "Seven Jewels". Alpha Phi Alpha developed a model that was used by the many Black Greek Letter Organizations (BGLOs) that soon followed in its footsteps. It employs an icon from Ancient Egypt, the Great Sphinx of Giza as its symbol, and its aims are "manly deeds, scholarship, and love for all mankind," and its motto is First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All."...
An excerpt from Alpha Protocol & Etiquette Manual by Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity reads "Brothers and chapters are prohibited from using the ape publicly to represent Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc."

Also, a note credited to Rashid Darden on a pinterest page for Alpha paraphernalia (shirts, jackets etc) reads "THIS IS A NO NO....The Ape is not in any way associated with Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, yet many brothers wear this type of clothing to official Alpha events and in photos representing Alpha. Not a good look"

Yet, the fact that a number of Alphas associate "apes" with their fraternity is evident in a number of the Alpha Phi Alpha step show/stroll YouTube videos as well as in a number of comments in those video's discussion threads. Examples are given below.

Online references to "apes" and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. are mostly in videos of and comments about the strutting group movement art called a "walk" (also known as a "stroll"). Comments that I've found online (given below) strongly suggest that the "ape walk" is a newer term for what was once called (and may still be called) the "Alpha walk". Also, these online comments and an excerpt from Elizabeth C. Fine's book Steppin suggest that the "ape" and/or the name "Ape Walk" were unofficially adopted by members of Alpha Phi Alpha in the 1980s, although the "walk" itself is older than that.

In the context of historically Black fraternities/sororities, a "walk" (also known as a "stroll") is a movement performance art in which two or more people form a single file and do uncomplicated, repetitive, choreographed motions while moving at a slow pace in a circular manner, usually to recorded Hip Hop/R&B music. "Walks" ("strolls" can be competitive (i.e. performed during competitive step shows or stroll contests) or non-competitive (performed- sometimes extemporaneously- during social events such as parties (i.e. "party walks") or Greek (fraternity/sorority) picnics.

The "Ape Walk" ("Alpha Walk"/"Alpha Stroll") is usually performed to the Hop Hop record "Mic Checka Remix" by Das EFX.

The "Alpha Walk" was performed long before the "Alpha Male" meme "became a thing" in mainstream American media. However,  there's no doubt that the Alpha man meme reinforced some positive meanings that members of Alpha Phi Alpha had given to their Alpha Walk. Here's a quote about the Alpha male and how the Alpha male walks from "How Alpha Males Walk" published by Desmond K by Desmond K  May 7, 2022
"An Alpha male is a true gentleman. Being a gentleman is an integral part of a guy’s core value, and it isn’t something that he can put on and take off like a t-shirt. It follows him everywhere. Alpha males carry around confidence and high self-esteem. These characteristics help distinguish them from other people. An alpha male would stand tall with good looks, excellent speaking skills, and well-groomed in a public space. They are naturally effective leaders who may take charge at any moment, especially in a group or gathering. They may be identified by simply looking. Given his public presence and appearance, one might wonder how an alpha male walks.   

Several commenters in discussion threads for videos that show the Alphas' Ape Walk write or suggest that the Alpha's "Ape Walk" was originally called the "Alpha Walk". [Numbers added for referencing purposes only]

1. carolinaNatl, Phi Alpha Ape Walk
Drkch03, Published on Apr 21, 2008 [hereafter given as "Alpha Phi Alpha Ape Walk video discussion"]
carolinaNatl, 2009
"Yep it's called the "Alpha Walk" here in GA. The Delta Eta chapter at Savannah State University started it even before I came in (in spring 02). Mic Checka by Daz Efx is the official song thanks to our old heads - and thanks to our many roads trips and step shows, everyone knows it! AAAAAA PHHHII!!!!!

2. pettisk28, 2009; "Alpha Phi Alpha Ape Walk video discussion"
"Not sure who this is, but I read your post and wanted to correct you...The Alpha Walk was created by the Beta Nu Chapter of A Phi A at Florida A&M in the early 1990s when Mic Checka remix came out.

I pledged in Spr. 99 BN and trust me, there is no chapter who does it like we do...I am glad that other chapters (probably through regional/national conventions and visits to FAM) have tried to adopt it, but please give proper credit where it is due."
Pettis Kent
Taildog, Spr. 99 Beta Nu A Phi A

carolinaNatl, 2009; "Alpha Phi Alpha Ape Walk video discussion"
3. "Wow...uh ok. I heard of the florida walk that your band used to do (correct me if I'm wrong). I see this is pretty important to you. No one trying to take credit away. Thanks for your 2 cents...Great job...

We spread it through roads trips (always visiting another school - especially here in GA) and of course conventions. I think we deserve a little credit for it's popularity - and no one does it like us either (not that I care). Do you guys still do it?"

4. pettisk28, 2009, "Alpha Phi Alpha Ape Walk video discussion"
"My bad for coming on so strong, but the reason why I responded like that is because far too often, proper credit is not given for certain things especially within the frat.

Anyway, yes, we do the alpha walk at the end of each party we have, as well as other parties and we do it at steps shows, frat house BBQs, etc. I think if you search Beta Nu Alphas, you may be able to see same clips of the current guys doing it.

Take care of yourself bruh, and thanks for doing the Alpha walk.


5. Blockchaindoc06, 20109, "Alpha Phi Alpha Ape Walk video discussion"
"I'll have to agree with pettisk28 on his point. I remember going up to FAMU in like '94-96 and bruhs were definitely doing the A-Walk to Mic Checka. The BN bruhs definitely deserve props for that. Because the stroll is so cold it has been adopted many chapters. I'm just happy to see the bruhs from the Florida Fed. showing love and repping nationwide like they are currently. Much love to all the Florida bruhs especially my Tau Delta chapter bruhs!

Nutty Professor

6. onwardlight6091, 2009; "Alpha Phi Alpha Ape Walk video discussion"
"interesting the "APE" walk done in texas is actually looks like an APE walking in part of the strut which is weird because i always wondered who studied an ape and put it in a"

7. LooseEnds06, 2009, "Alpha Phi Alpha Ape Walk video discussion"
"Let me put my 7 cents in - I pledged in the 80's before Mic Checka was ever a song and the Alphas were doing the Ape Walk back then even before I pledged!!! And yes, we called it the Ape Walk then! These brothers are doing the Ape Walk as we did then, but the Ape Walk was a smooth and cool party hop. We also placed our right hand on the right shoulder of the brother in front of us while doing the Ape Walk too! And just as these brothers are saying "my leg, my leg, my %#& leg," we did as well!"

8. LooseEnds06, 2009, "Alpha Phi Alpha Ape Walk video discussion"
"Another thing, although I don't know who started doing if first, but from my recollection, the Ape Walk was being done by brothers all over the country. I remember going to my first Nat'l Conv in the 80's and being in awe at 100's of brothers in line doing the Ape Walk around the ballroom after the stepshow. Although we called it the Ape Walk - that was pretty much the only thing that we glorified of the Ape image. Alpha men held up the true frat images of the SPHINX, PYRAMIDS and PHAROAHS!"

9. bulletsnr, 2010
"In the midwest, it's called the 'Old Man'. No matter what it's called, it's the ish and I miss that ish!

#2 Khafre, Fall '97, Bloody O!"

10. M Mcintyre, 2016; "Infamous APhiA Stroll"*, BigMonayBlamz, Published on Apr 17, 2012, [Hereafter given as "Infamous APhiA video discussion"]
"love this one,,,,mixing a little old school 1980's step with a little of the new.........and still under control enough so that a 60 year brother in Alpha can still jump out and step. My first Alpha Walk,,,,had a frat on my line that had crossed in 1947 when I crossed in 1981.
*Another commenter clarified that "Infamous" in this title was the nickname of the Alpha chapter at that university.

11. The MOTIV8 Xperience TV, 2017, "Infamous APhiA video discussion"
"Man I peeped a few different versions of the Alpha Walk bruhs!lbs-- Ya'll did ya thang! '06"

12. Miss Volpexpress08, 2017, "Infamous APhiA video discussion"

13. M Mcintyre, 2017, "Infamous APhiA video discussion"
"OLd school Alpha Walkin'"

A passage from Elizabeth C. Fine's 2003 book Soulstepping: African American Step Shows quotes a passage in Howard University's 1988 Bison yearbook mentions apes in reference to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
..."One of the few descriptions of a different type of step show-the probate show-appears in the 1988 Bison. In “Probation prior to Vacation: Karen Samuels provides colorful details about the performances of five pledge clubs, demonstrating the importance of movement, song, and symbolic costumes....

There are also photographs of the AKA pledge club, the Delta pledges performing their ritual duck walk; and the “Nubian Apes of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Inc.” who “let out whoops and snatched members of the audience into their arms as they prepare to cross the burning sands into Alpha land.” [Samuel, Bison, “Probation Prior to Vacation” 14-15

Several commenters in discussion threads of videos of the Alpha's Ape Walk wrote that unless you are a member of this organization, you wouldn't understand what "ape" means to them. Here are three examples of those comments
1. Capricorn GoddessNika, 2015; Infamous APhiA Stroll*[ hereafter given as Infamous APhiA video discussion], BigMonayBlamz, Published on Apr 17, 2012
"And the ape has significance. It's neither random nor a gimmick. Trust me on this (I can't say more - I took an oath)."

[comment written in response to a comment that an Alpha being part of a stroll wearing an ape costume being "just "an idiot in an ape costume"
2, B The Motivator Inspires, 2015; Infamous APhiA video discussion
"If your not an Alpha then you don't know anything about the ape so it would look like that to you."

3. J Hughes, 2017; Infamous APhiA video discussion
"Dan Shields if you're not a bruh, you won't undertand"
[This was written in response to this comment]
Dan Shields, 2012, Infamous APhiA video discussion
"is it just me or did it look like blacks took a step back when the dude in the monkey suit went through? u already know white folks are prolly laughing at this sayin, "i told u they are animals" "
I've read in a 2009 Geocities anti-greek forum that in Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity pledge process, "a.p.e" means "almost pledged* entirely". don’
-end of quote-
That may or may not be true.

Also, this comment was sent to the discussion thread for the above mentioned 2013 pancocojams post whose link is given above on -snip-
Because I'm not a member of that fraternity, and for other reasons, I chose to delete my guesses about the significance of apes to Alphas that I had included in the 2013 pancocojams post entitled "Deconstructing The Stereotype Of Black People As Apes & Monkeys "whose link is given above.
Anonymous, April 1, 2015 at 1:14 PM
SPR 03
If this is true, it may not be everything that "apes" means to members of this fraternity.

Even though the reason/s for this choice are secret, what is done in secret can impact people outside an organization. Because historically and in this present time apes, gorillas, and monkeys have very negative connotations for Black people, I continue to look side eye at Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity's choice of an ape for their icon, even though that icon is unofficial. ]
A passage from Elizabeth C. Fine's book Soulstepping: African American Step Shows quotes a passage in Howard University's 1988 Bison yearbook mentions apes in reference to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.; P.40
..."One of the few descriptions of a different type of step show-the probate show-appears in the 1988 Bison. In “Probation prior to Vacation: Karen Samuels provides colorful details about the performances of five pledge clubs, demonstrating the importance of movement, song, and symbolic costumes....

There are also photographs of the AKA pledge club, the Delta pledges performing their ritual duck walk; and the “Nubian Apes of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Inc.” who “let out whoops and snatched members of the audience into their arms as they prepare to cross the burning sands into Alpha land.” [Samuel, Bison, “Probation Prior to Vacation” 14-15]

Video #1: Alpha Phi Alpha Ape Walk

Drkch03, Published on Apr 21, 2008

A Phi A Ape Walking at FISS 2008 Greek Fest

Video #2: Alphas @ Strolling on the Moon

BakerClassics, Published on May 11, 2010
Alphas do the Ape Walk in the beginning of the video
The Ape Walk is done to Mic Checka Remix - Das EFX. This appears to be the record that is always used for this Alpha walk/stroll,

Video #3: Infamous APhiA Stroll

BigMonayBlamz, Published on Apr 17, 2012

Had to do an english project on something relating to FSU so I decided to do it on the NPHC and the MGC. This is just a part of my project, I recorded the Infamous Iota Delta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc strolling at FSU's marekt Wednesday during Alpha weeek.

Video #4: Alpha Phi Alpha WIN 2012 Atlanta Greek Picnic step show

Atlanta Greek Picnic, Published on Jun 17, 2012

Alpha Phi Alpha WIN 2012 Atlanta Greek Picnic $10,000 step show
In a portion of that video (around 1:42 to around 2:10) & in some other A Phi A step routines, Alphas mimic apes. They crouch down and jump up & down like apes. They hold their arms to the side like apes, hit their chest & hit the ground in front of where they are standing. And they make ape sounds while looking menacing. In some videos of Alpha strolls [party walks] one or more members of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity wear a gorilla mask.

Here are two comments from viewers of the step show video that is featured above:
A Phi to the Apes! Congrats bruhs!"
-Santwon Hines, 2012

2. "thats how APES do it . great performance PHRAT . you APES did your thing ."
PHROZEN spr' 12
Gamma Kappa
Miles College
-tri66z, 2012
that organization prides itself on its connection to Egypt and Ethiopia. [This comment includes links to the Alphas' Wikipedia pages, and its official website]

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.


  1. APE=Always-Pursuing-Excellence *Epsilon Gamma Chapter

    1. Thanks for that information, Anonymous.

      With all due respect (as a AKA soror although I haven't been active for a looooong time), I prefer the Alphas' connection with Egypt and consider the ape movements/depictions as problematic.

      Also, my guess is that the "Always pursing excellence" is a "backstory">

      In linguistics a "backstory" is a definition that is invented about a word, or a saying, or a story, after the word, saying, or story was used, usually to make it/them sound good.
