Sunday, January 27, 2019

The REAL Slang Meaning Of "Dog Walk" & "l Will Dog Walk You" In The Context Of Rapper Cardi B's Tweets

Edited by Azizi Powell

Latest revision: January 29, 2019 10:39 AM

This pancocojams post presents another colloquial definition for "dog walk" and "I will dog walk you" than the urban definition that is being used to explain that phrase.

The content of this post is presented for etymological and cultural purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.

These are the slang definitions of "dog walk" that are (I believe incorrectly) used online articles that I've read about Rapper Cardi B's exchange with Fox News television commenter Tomi Lahren and description of Speaker Nancy Pelosi's win over President Donald Trump regarding the re-scheduling the State Of The Union address and Trump backing down on his demands for 5.7 million to build an wall before re-opening the federal government.

1. "Dog walk
meaning to kick someone's ass; give them an ass whoopin
Jake hit me so I told him I was gonna dog walk his ass
by drewtrillasf December 05, 2016

2. "Dog Walk
When you’re beating someone’s ass and you’re dragging them as if you were walking a dog.
“Ima dog walk yo ass if you keep talkin sh&t!*

“He got dog walked in that fight last night.”
#dog walked
by babymeg April 16, 2018
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

Here's my definition of "dog walk" in the context of Cardi B's usage and some of the usage of those words for Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's win over President Donald Trump. Note: I haven't seen this definition online. However, I believe it fits how those words have been used in those two contextst:

"dog walk" (verb) = to overpower your opponent by physical force, strategy, a verbal tongue lashing, and/or other means so much that the opponent is under your control like a dog on a leash

I believe that a synonym of "dog walking" [a person] is found in this urban definition:
(v) To completely and utterly defeat an opponent during competition."...

"Neuturing Nancy" is the nickname that late night television host/comedian Stephen Colbert gave to Speaker Pelosi after Trump caved to the Democrats positions regarding the federal government shoutdow.
"Colbert Bestows Pelosi With A Fearsome New Nickname For Winning Trump Showdown
The “Late Show” host offers his congratulations to the House speaker over State of the Union standoff."

Stephen Colbert

Trump was too scared to give Pelosi a nickname, and then she cancelled his SOTU address. Congratulations to Neuterin’ Nancy!

8:35 PM - Jan 24, 2019
-end of quote-
However, I think that "overpowering an opponent" is only one part of "dog walk". That defeat and the effortless control the winner has over his or her opponent is figuratively described as walking him or her on a lease (similar to how a dog is walked by its master).
This definition is similar to #2 [urban dictionary definition] except that there doesn't need to be a physical "ass whoopin".

Also, read this sentence from the online article given below as #1:
"Pelosi managed to expertly drag the president by a leash like a disobedient dog".

That definition doesn't include any mention of beating/whipping Trump.

Also notice this comment in response to another blogger supporting Speaker Pelosi scheduling Trump's State Of The Union address to Congress before the deadline for negotiations about funding various United States' federal departments:
..."This is pretty good thinking, Elwood. Personally, I’m going to trust the Speaker on this one- hasn’t she led whats-his-face around like a puppy on a leash so far?"...
- "The State of the Union has been scheduled for Feb. 5, 2019" by MTmofo, January 28, 2019

My guess is that Cardi B probably didn't coin this definition for "dog walk", but she certainly popularized it.

I don't know how recent this definition is. If you have any information about when this definition of "dog walk" was first used, please share it in the comment section.

Additions and corrections are welcome.

From "Dear Oxford Dictionary, "Dog Walked" is Already the Word of the Year", by Kyle Munzenrieder
January 25, 2019
"With news that Donald Trump would back down on his plan to keep the federal government shut down until he procured funding for his wall (for three weeks at least), Twitter lit up with the proclamations that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had successfully "dog walked" Trump. Ironically enough, this was a turn of phrase that many Americans wouldn't have even understood the last time the Government was actually open. The phrase shot into the political-spehere, and especially discussion of the shut down, when Cardi B shot back at conservative commentator Tomi Lahren, ... on Twitter after Lahren criticized Cardi for even speaking out about the shutdown on Instagram. "Leave me alone I will dog walk you," wrote Cardi. Lahren did not, in fact, leave her alone, and as promised, got expertly dog walked in return.

Even Cardi herself agrees with the assessment that Pelosi managed to expertly drag the president by a leash like a disobedient dog. (Which is ironic, given that the worst thing Trump seems to think you can do to a dog is fire them. Fact check: most dogs do not hold employment to begin with).

While we're only 24 days into 2019 and have no idea what the rest of this year has in store for us, perhaps it's not too early to earmark "dog walk" for the Oxford English Dictionary folks as our earliest contender for Word of the Year. (Before you point out that, indeed, "dog walk" is technically two words, Oxford has chosen numerous two-word phrases—and even once an emoji—as its word of the year before, so there's precedent). Sure, by the end of 2019 we'll have all probably overused it and grown sick of "dog walked" (you'd be forgiven if you already think the below, now viral .GIF is a bit too much), but it sure does seem to be shaping up to be the year of dog walking.
*The GIF mentioned in this article shows Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi walking in the middle of the street, effortlessly holding dog leashes attached to President Trump and various Republican politicians. Trump and those Republican politicians are depicted with their face but with the body of a dog.

Again, note that there is no suggestion in the GIF of Pelosi physically beating up Trump and those Republican politicians.

2. From "Cardi B Compliments Nancy Pelosi for 'Basically' Dog Walking Trump into Ending Government Shutdown" by JORDAN RUNTAGH, January 25, 2019
"Did the newly elected Speaker of the House “dog walk” President Donald Trump into temporarily ending the government shut down? Cardi B seems to think so.

The “Bodak Yellow” rapper, 26, responded to Dr. Eugene Gu’s tweet saying that “basically, Nancy Pelosi dog walked Trump.”

“Basically,” she responded, echoing his sentiment.

The line is a reference to Cardi B‘s recent threat to conservative FOX Nation host Tomi Lahren. The pair engaged in a war of words last week after Cardi B slammed President Trump for refusing to end the federal government shutdown over his controversial border wall.

While many fans have been delighted by Cardi’s political musings, Lahren wasn’t one of them.

“Looks like @iamcardib is the latest genius political mind to endorse the Democrats. HA! Keep it up, guys!” Lahren, also 26, wrote on Wednesday, shortly after Cardi criticized Trump for calling some federal employees back to work without being paid in an expletive-filled Instagram rant.

On Sunday, Cardi responded by telling Lahren, “Leave me alone or I will dog walk you.”


Lahren addressed the feud on her show on Wednesday.

“To put it pretty simply, I saw that video that she had posted and I implied that maybe Cardi B isn’t the person we should be taking our political advice from. It took her a few days, but she responded and instead of arguing about the merits of her political argument, she said that she was going to ‘dog walk’ me,” Lahren, also 26, said. “And viewers can look up on Urban Dictionary what ‘dog walking’ someone means but to put it simply, it’s to severely beat somebody up. So we go from a political disagreement to I want to hurt you.”


President Trump said Friday he would agree to temporarily reopen the federal government for three weeks after a 35-day shutdown — a historic closure begun by his demand for a border wall, which Congressional Democrats, empowered in the midterms, have roundly rejected.


After five weeks, the president’s reversal amounted to a concession to the Democrats’ stated position throughout: End the shutdown, which affects nine federal agencies and some 800,000 employees, while continuing to negotiate about the specific issue of border security."...

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