Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Archived Lists Of Pancocojams Posts About The North African Nations Of Morocco & Algeria (2015-2018)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This is a compilation of all of the posts that have been published on this pancocojams blog about the music, dance, and other cultural aspects of Morocco and Algeria [from 2014-2018].* One post about North African in general is also included in this compilation.

In addition to the posts on this archived list, some other information about these North African nations may also be found in the upcoming pancocojams archived lists of posts about other nations (for example, with regard to songs that are performed by people from more than one African nation) as well as on the upcoming archived list of posts about general information about Africa, or on other archived lists.

The posts that are included in these lists are only found on one pancocojams list even though some of them could have (also) been added to other pancocojams archived lists.

Click the "archived lists of pancocojams posts on Africa" tag that is found below for other archived lists in this series.
These lists have been prepared for archiving purposes and to raise public awareness about these posts.

Note that these archived lists aren't hyperlinked. Please use Google search or this blog's internal search engine to access individual posts that are found on these lists.

Thanks to all those who have contributed to these posts.
*Note: I'm aware that there are other North African nations which weren't showcased in a pancocojams post. These omissions were not done on purpose.

These showcased videos/sound files aren't meant to represent any popularity ranking or "best of" listing in these African nations or elsewhere, although some of these songs may indeed be quite popular in those nations and elsewhere.

I found most of the music and dance videos on these lists by "surfing" YouTube for songs and/or videos from these nations that are aesthetically pleasing to me. In addition to that criteria, I was introduced to some songs as a result of them being mentioned by commenters in discussion threads for certain African songs. I also chose to publish a post about some YouTube sound files or videos on these lists because of their high numbers of views.

I realize that what is aesthetically pleasing to me (as an individual and as an African American) may not necessarily be representative of what is aesthetically pleasing to people from the North African nations that are the focus of this post. Furthermore, I'm aware that my perception of these songs and videos is from the standpoint of an African American (for instance, in some of these selections, my focus on the vocalists and/or the discussion thread commenters' use of African American vernacular English.)

I also realize that a list compiled by any other person would be different from the list that I've compiled.

It would be interesting to compare these selected videos (and the text only excerpts) with lists from other people who are from the nation where these videos and text excerpts come from and who -like me- aren't from that nation.

Visitor comments and additions to these posts' discussion threads and/or to this list's discussion thread are welcome.

Note: This blog began in August 2011.

The URL for each of these posts are given along with their titles and dates. However, these web addresses won't work as a hyperlink on this blog. Numbers are assigned to posts within their publishing year for referencing purposes only.

Moroccan Folk Music & Dance (sound file, videos, & comments)
March 29, 2015;

Moroccan (Non-Berber) Dance Party Video
March 29, 2015;



1. Oum- Taragalite (Soul Of Morocco) (information, lyrics, video, & comments)
September 5, 2017;


1. Chaoui Ethnic Group's (Algeria, North Africa) Rahaba Music & Dance (information & videos)
January 1, 2018;

2. Information About & Descriptions Of Traditional Female Tattoos Among The Chaoui (Algeria, North Africa)
January 3, 2018;

North Africans & African Identity (Quotes From A YouTube Discussion Thread And An Excerpt Of & Selected Comments From A 2015 Guardian Article)
March 28, 2018;

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.


  1. Need the Lyrics for the song entirled Africa that the Mwamba Rock choir sings

    1. Unknown, sorry but I don't know the lyrics to the Mwamba Rock Choir's song "Africa".

      Hopefully, someone will respond to your request with those lyrics.
