Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Children's YouTube Comments About Versions Of "Apple On A Stick" Rhymes That Are Different Than The Examples That They Know

Edited by Azizi Powell

Latest Edition - November 19, 2034 title change

This pancocojams post is part of my ongoing documentation and analysis of the children's rhyme entitled "Apple On A Stick" (or similar titles such as "Candy Apple On A Stick").

This post documents selected comments that demonstrate the ways that children respond to differences in how a hand clap rhyme is chanted and/or performed. All of these comments are from one YouTube video of "Apple On A Stick" children's rhyme. [video embedded below]

Click the "Apple On A Stick children's rhyme" tag for other pancocojams posts in this series.

The content of this post is presented for folkloric and recreational purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to Louise and Reese who are featured in the video that is embedded in this post. Thanks also to the publisher of this video on YouTube.
Update: November 5, 2019:
As of February 2019, YouTube disallowed comments for children's videos. As a result of that policy, the comment feature for this video has been turned off and the comments which were posted are no longer available.

Thinking back on my childhood, I assumed that every one knew the same playground rhymes and children's singing games that I did, and also said them and played them the same way that I and my sisters and friends did. Way back then if someone had told me that she or he played a singing game a different way than I did, or recited a jump rope rhyme or a hand clap rhyme differently, I would have said that the words to those rhymes and the way those singing games were played were wrong unless they were done EXACTLY the same as the way I learned them.

I now understand that there are countless ways of performing a particular children's singing game. I also now know that there are multiple versions of a specific game song and a specific jump rope/hand clap rhyme. Also, I've learned that there aren't any right or wrong ways of saying a particular rhyme- as long as those examples adhere to the textual structure (including rhyming end words) and cadence that is "standard" for that particular rhyme.

I probably would have learned that lesson much earlier if the internet had existed when I was a kid or a teen -or a young adult or a middle age adult :o)

Some commenters are still writing "It's wrong", "That's not how it goes" and other such comments that indicate that they believe the video's version isn't right because it's not the version those commenters learned. However, other commenters express an openness to the concept that their way of chanted or playing this rhyme doesn't have to be the only way this rhyme is supposed to be chanted or played.

This leads me to the positions that:
Reading YouTube comment threads for videos of specific hand clap rhymes and other children's singing/chanting games can teach and reinforce the point that differences may not make any difference. There doesn't always have to be a right way or wrong way of doing something.

Reading these comments can also help children, teens, and others develop and reinforce an appreciation for different ways of thinking about or doing things which can be expanded to other areas of their life.

Reading these comment can also inform children and others that other people throughout the world play and chant games and rhymes that are the same or similar to the ones that they play and chant. That information can help children develop a connection with people in other parts of the world who may not look the same as them, or speak the same language etc.

SHOWCASE VIDEO: Apple on a Stick " Hand clapping game

!!-Three-Crazy-Kids-!!, Published on Nov 2, 2012

Louise and Reese playing " Apple on a Stick " Hand clapping game. For lyrics go to [This link no longer viable]
As of November 14, 2018 at 10:10 AM ET this video had a total of 322,611 views and a total of 294 comments. That number of views and comments are relatively high for videos of children's hand clap rhymes or children's singing games.

These comments are given in relative chronological order based on their publishing date with the oldest comments given first (except for replies). I've assigned numbers to these comments for referencing purposes only.

1. !!-Three-Crazy-Kids-!!, 2013
"This is the words:
Apple on a stick makes me sick makes my heart beat 2 46, not because your dirty
not because your clean, not because you kissed a boy behind a magazine
girls, boys having fun, here comes the girl with the blueberry bum
she can wibble she can wobble she can do the splits
but I bet ya I bet ya she can't do this
count to ten with your eyes shut
if you mess up start again
1234 5678 910, You didn't mess up now she is your girl friend
That's the end of Chapter 10 Bam"

2. Olivia Preston, 2013

3. !!-Three-Crazy-Kids-!!, 2013
"Whys it wrong?

4. !!-Three-Crazy-Kids-!!, 2013
"If you have a different version post it in the comments!"

5. Awesome Cakez, 2013
"My version:apple stuck gonna make me sick gonna make my heart go 246,246 not because im dirty not because im clean not because i kissed a boy behind a magizine,hey girls! You wanna have fun here comes Johnny with his pants undone he can wibble he can woble he can do the twist but i bet you 5 dollars you can't do this close your eyes count to ten if you mess up you gotta kiss your boyfriends 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"

6. Leah Mclaughlin, 2013
"My version is . Apple on a stick make me sick makes my heart beat 246 not because im dirty not because im clean not because i kissed a boy behind a magazine boys girls having lots of fun here comes johnny with an apple up his bum he can do the wiggle-waggle he can do the splits but i bet u 5 bucks he cant do this close ur eyes and count to ten if u mess u then start again 12345678910 u didnt mess up so thats the end !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

7. F.G.Swizzle, 2013
"It's- apples on a stick they make we sick they make my heart got 2,40,6 2,40,6 not because I'm dirty not because clean not because I kissed a boy behind a magazine so come on girls let's have some fun here comes ______ with his pants undone he can wibble he can wobble he can do the twist but I bet you 5 bucks he can't do thin close your eyes and count to 10 whoever messes up has to marry him 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10"

8. _Haley_, 2013
"I do it so much different, even the hands are different."

9. Nicole Gaskin, 2013
"Mine is: Apple sticks they make me sick they make my tummy go 2,4,6. not because your dirty not because ur clean, not because a hot boy kissed a magazine. Hey boys, how bout a fight, i know a girl who can drink alot of sprite. she can burp she can fart she can even do the splits but i bet you 50 bucks that she cant do this. close here eyes and count to ten, if she messes up she will have to kiss her boyfriend. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"

10. abcdef ghijk, 2013
"I heard people t school call it apple sticky instead of apple on a stick"

11. Lily Bills, 2013
"Its wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

12. ChocolateCandy2112, 2013
"Me and my friends say:
Candy on a stick makes me feel sick make my heart go 2 4 6
Not because im dirty, not because im clean, not because i kissed a boy behind a magazine
So come on girls lets have a blast, here comes the lady with a big fat a**
She could do the pom pom she could do the splits but most of all she cant do this "
This is the way this example was written.

13. Scott Maloney, 2013
"Awesome! but I say: apple on a stick makes me sick makes my heart beat 2 46 not because you dirty not because your clean not because you kissed a boy behind a magazine girls boys having fun here comes a lady with a big fat bum she can wibble she can wobble she can do the splits but I bet you ten bucks she can't do this. Close your eyes and count to ten if you muck it up your a big fat hen.. And if you do not muck it up you say you didn't muck it up so your my best friend"
Notice that boys also chant and perform this rhyme.

14. Max Guevara, 2013
""Apples on a stick just make me sick. They make my heart go 2/46...2/46. Not because they're yellow not because they're green. Not because I kissed a boy behind a magazine, singing 'hey girl. You wanna have some fun? Here comes (insert a name) with his pants undone. He can wibble, he can wabble, he can do the splits, but I bet you five bucks he can't do this. Close your eyes and count to ten. Whoever messes up is a big fat hen!' " That is how they usually do it in Arkansas."

15. Adrienne, 2013
"thats the one i did!"

16. Holly Almond, 2013
"its not wrong just i use a different version aswell there is more than one version"

17. Angelique Morgan, 2013
"i thought it was: candy apple kn a stick makes my tummy go 2/46 not because im dirty not because im clean not because i kissed a boy behind a magizean hey boy how bout a fight mee me that the culb this saturday night if you say o you otta the game so lets get ready for the chu chu train and keep on counting till someone says o.. (thats how i learded it)"

18. Aly Wong, 2013
"But the mom messed up! They didn't start over"

19. Diamond, 2013
"the one i know goes like:candy apple on a stick make my tummy go 2 46 not because im dirty not because im clean just because i kissed a boy behind a magazine hey girls wanna have some fun here come (a name) with her pants undone she can wibble she can wobble she could do the spits but most of all she could kiss kiss kiss with her red hot lips"

20. Naomi conroy, 2013
"the one i no is : apples on a stick they make me sick they make my heart go 246 not because there dirty not because there anything in beetween come on girls lets have some fun here comes jill dancing in the sun she can do the wiggle workm she can do the twist but i bet u 5 bucks she cant do this (then u do it with ur eyes closed ) but the clapping is diffrent so yea"

21. kevin ryan, 2013
"Not cool this isn't the way i do it"

22. !!-Three-Crazy-Kids-!!, 2013
"@kevin ryan Just Because its not the way you do it doesnt mean its not cool :\"

23. KSquared, 2014
"in my school it goes like this:apples on a stick they make me sick they make my heart go 246 246 not because i'm dirty not because im clean not because i kissed a boy behind a magazine hey girls lets have some fun her comes johnny with his pants undone he can wibble he can wobble he can do a back flip but i bet you 5 bucks that he cant do this close your eyes and count to ten who ever says 9 is a big fat hen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10"

24. Ishmal Afridi, 2014
"I love it!! But I do it in a different way with my friends.I do it really fast with my friends. :)"

25. Olivia Mew, 2014
"Here's the version that I was taught:

Apple on a stick, makes me sick. Makes my heart beat 246. Not because you're dirty, not because you're clean. Not because you kissed a boy behind a magazine. Boys, boys, having fun, here comes the girl with the blue jeans on. She can wibble, she can wobble she can do the splits, but I bet you, i bet you, she can't do this. Count to ten with her eyes shut, if she mucks it up she's got to start again. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. She didn't muck it up so now she's our friend and that's the end of chapter 10!"

26. Maddy Jury, 2014
"Everything is the same except we say girls boys having fun here comes a lady with a pickle up her bum :#)"

27. !!-Three-Crazy-Kids-!!, 2015
"@Maddy Jury "Pickle up her bum" lol hahahah!"

28. The Happiest Death, 2017

29. Kitty Lover, 2018

30. 35. leslie j., 2015
"i thought it was candy apples make me sick"

31. Mat Smith, 2015
"we say here comes johnny with the blue jeans on"

32. Joseph Schembre, 2015
"My my version Is Apple On a stick make me sick make my heart go 246 not because I'm beautiful not because I kissed my mommy behind the magazine hey girls wanna have fun there are boys in their they will disappear if we cut do that start again 12345678910 we didn't mess up so we don't start again bam"

33. The Happiest Death, 2017

34. Asha Corner, 2018
"oi you do know that this vid is for like 7 and 6 year olds!"
I think this comment is for The Happiest Death, chastising him or her for laughing at Joseph Schembre’s version

35. leslie j., 2014
"i thought it was candy apples make me sick"

36. sgtmom6, 2014
"I was taught

Apples on a stick
Make me sick
They make my heart beat 24-6
Not beause I'm dirty
Not because I'm clean
Not because I kissed
a boy on a magazine
Hey,Johnny you wanna
have a fight meet me
at the club on a Saturday
night if you say a 2 your
out of the game,so let's
Get stated on the choo
choo train"

37. Hdjdbsh Shiwje, 2015
"We do..... Apple on a stick, makes me sick, makes my heart beat 246, not because your dirty not because your clean hunt because you kissed a bit behind a magazine. Boys, boys having all the fun here comes Jonny with his tie undone, he can do the catwalk he can do the splits but I bet u 5 bucks he cannie do this, close your eyes and count to 10 and if u muck it up ur a big fat hen 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10 you didn't muck it up so were all best friends/you mucked up so your a big fat hen."

38. Platinum Railgun, 2015
"its actually like,,, apple on a stick they make my heartbeat 2.4.6 not because im dirty not because clean not because i kissed a boy behind a magazine girls girls having fun here comes the lady with the big fat bum she can wiggle she can wobble she can do a split but i bet she cant do this close you're eyes and count to 10 if you say the number 9 you're not my friend 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10 u didn't say the number 9 so you're still my friend and that's the end of chapter 10"

39. Shayla Peterson, 2015
"Here is how er do it: apples on a stick just make me sick make my tummy go 246 not because im dirty not because im clean just because i kissed the boy behind the magazine hey girls you wanna have fun here comes ________ with his pants undone he can wibble he can wobble he can do the splits i bet you 50 dollars that he cant do this close your eyes and count to ten whoever says 7 has to marry him 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10"

40. Shayla Peterson, 2015
"We* not er"
Note dollar amount is increased from the usual "five dollars" to "fifty dollars".

41. Fartun Abdikadir, 2015
"that is not how I do it but it what great"

42. Marcy Thompson, 2016
"it doesn't work like that"

43. The Colour English, 2016
"At my school it go's
Apple on a stick
Makes me sick
Makes my heart beat 2,4,6
Not because it's dirty not because it's clean
Not because I kissed a boy behind a magazine
Girls, boys have a lot of fun
Here comes Johnny with a pickle up his bum
He can wibble he can wobble he can even do the splits
But I bet you 10 bucks he can't do this
Close you eyes and count to 10
If you muck it up your a big fat hen
You didn't muck it up so your my best friend"

44. Haruna I, 2016
"none of these are the REAL apple on a stick..."

45. Haruna I, 2016
"I do
apple on a stick makes me sick makes my heart go 246.
not because I'm dirty not beacuse I'm clean not because I kissed a boy bihind a magazine
so come on girls lets have some fun. Here comes the lady with the big fat bum.
She can do the wibble wobble she can do the splits. She can do anything but bet she can't di this.
So close your eyes and count to 10. If you mess up, your not my best friend.
Lets do it once more now count from 10 and end on 1 with open eyes.
You didn't mess it up so your still my friend and thats the end of chapter 10."

46. Cordelia Whitehead, 2017
"The way I learnt was
Apple on a stick it makes me sick it makes my heart beat 246 not because youre dirty not because you're clean just because you kissed the boy behind the magazine, girls boys having fun here comes the lady with the big fat bum, she can do the pom pom she can do the splits but I bet you 5 bucks she can't do this close your eyes and count to ten if you muck it up you're not my friend, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10, you didn't muck it up so you're still my friend next one to move is a bumblebee bet you 5 bucks it won't be me"

47. K M, 2017
"I do it like this:
Apple on a stick
Makes me sick
Makes my heart beat 2 46
Not because I’m dirty
Not because I’m clean
Not because I kissed a boy behind a magazine
Boys boys, have a lot of fun
Here comes Johnny with an apple up his bum
He can do the Can Can
He can do the splits
But I betcha five bucks he can’t do this
Close your eyes and count to ten
If you muck it up you gotta start again
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
We didn’t muck it up so we’re best friends!"

48. Habrinaxox MSP, 2017
"I got taught:
Apple sticky
Makes my icky
Makes my heart go two four sixty
Not because I'm dirty
Not because I'm clean
My mum saw me in a magazine
Hey girl/boy
You wanna fight
Here comes (name) with something I kinda forgot xDD"

49. Amy Lowndes, 2017
"i was taught.
apple on a stick, makes me sick, makes my heart beat 2 40 6. Not because im dirty, not because im clean, not because i kissed a boy behind the magazine. Girls, Boys, having fun. Here comes a lady with an apple up her bum, she czn do the pom poms, she can do the spilts, but i bet you 5 bucks she cant do this. close your eyes and count to 10. if you muck it up you have to start again.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5. once i caught a fish alive. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. You didnt muck it up so your my best friend.

not hatting!
I think “Not hatting” [hating] here means that sharing this version doesn’t mean that the person is expressing dislike for the version given in the video or other versions.

50. Jaida Tylor, 2017
"I learnt mine like

apples on a stick they make me sick they make my heart go 246, not because I'm dirty not because I'm clean not because I kissed a boy behind a magazine, so come on girls let's have some fun here comes the lady with the big fat bum, she can do the wibble wobble she can do the splits but I bet you five bucks she can't do this ( then you do it with your eyes closed and say the alphabet)"

51. Lyssicorn_Unicorn Roblox and More, 2017
"That's not the real one"

52. maliyah carter, 2017
"y'all don't know how to do"

53. Brandon GamingYT, 2018
"I learn't like this..apples on the stick they make me sick they make my heart go 2 4 6,not because i'm dirty, not because i'm clean, not because I kissed a boy behind a magazine, hey girls let's have some fun, cuz here come a big fat bum she can do the wiggle wobble she can do the spits she can do anything , but I bet she can't do this a b c d e f g gummy bears are chacsing me 1 is red 1 is blue 1 is peeing on my shoe , now i'm running for my life because the red one has a knife."

54. TheOliveFactory, 2018
"The way we did it was different and really messed up

Apples on a stick gonna make me sick gonna make my heart go 246,246 awwww man not because im dirty not because im clean not because i kissed a boy on a magazine awww girls wanna have some fun here comes Johnny with his pants undone"

55. Prism Fiona, 2018
"I was taught
Apple on an stick
Gonna make me sick
Gonna make my heart go 2 4 6
Not because I'm dirty
Not because I'm clean
Not because I kissed a boy behind the magazine
Come girls let's have some fun, here comes Sally dancing in the sun
She can do the wiggle wobble, she can do the splits
But I bet you five bucks she can't do this
Close your eyes and count to ten
Whoever messes up is an big fat head"

56. Nevaeh Stukes, 2018

57. Chickens & & Objects, 2018
"What I learnt:

Apple on a stick,
Makes me sick,
Makes my heart beat two-forty-six,
Not because you're dirty,
Not because you're clean,
Not because you kissed a boy behind the magazine,
Girls, boys, having fun,
Here comes a lady with a big fat bum,
She can wibble she can wobble,
She can even ddo the split,
But I bet ya, I bet ya,
She can't do this, close your eyes and count to ten,
If you muck it up than you're not my friend,
Closes eyes
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Opens eyes
You didn't muck it up so you're still my friend,
That's the end of chapter ten,

If you get the closing eyes and counting part wrong than here is the alternative:
You did muck it up so you're not my friend

This is just the way I learnt it, if you don't like this way have a look at the other ones and maybe you will be able to get an idea from those. This is just a game so please don't take it seriously. Thank you😊"
The bold font was originally written in this comment.

58. excusemin, 2018
"I learned it like this

Apple on a stick it makes me sick it makes my heart beat 246 246 not because its dirty not because its clean not because i kissed a boy behind a magazine so hey boys how bout a fight i saw a girl with her pants untied she can wibble she can wobble she can even do the splits beta bench ya 50 dollars that she cant do this close your eyes and count to ten if you mess up start all over again 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 if you didnt mess up that is great now you gotta shout HOORAY, HOORAY!

Here is candy on a stick

Candy in a stick that makes me sick that makes my tummy go 246 not because its dirty not because its clean not because i kissed a boy behind a magazine so hey boys how bout a fight I saw a girl with her pants untied and she can wibble she can wobble she can even do the splits beta bench you 5 dollars that she can’t do this Close your eyes and count to 10 if you mess up you gotta start all over again 12345678 9 if you didn’t mess up that is the end!"
This comment may serve to demonstrate how a person may know more than one example of a particular rhyme.

59. Davis Colley, 2018
"in minnesota we say
candy on a stick that makes me sick that makes my tummy go 2 4 6 not because its dirty not because its clean just because i kissed a boy behind a magazine hey boys how bout a fight i know i girl with her pants on tight she can wibble she can wobble she can even do the splits i bet you 5 bucks you cant do this close your eyes and count to 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and start again. first one to mess up loses and you have to close your eyes

60. Alina Wright, 2018
"Wasnt it like this
Apple crumble makes me rubble makes my heart go 2468 not because lm dirty not because lm clean not because l kiss a boy behind a magazine hey boy wanna start a fight here comes sasha with her nikkas up all tight she can talk she can walk but l bet she cant do it when her eyes are all shut tight"

61. Remi Hodgkins, 2018
"Wrong words"

62. Deez Nutz, 2018
"Did anyone else learn it as “popsicle sticks”? No? Just a Savannah thing? Okay."

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.


  1. Oh wow, it's really cool learning how everybody did their version. I never knew that it had multiple versions. The way we sang this is going to sound horrible especially by today's parents but in 1976 when I was six this is how we did it: candied apples on a stick makes my tummy do 2:46 not because I'm happy not because I'm sad but all because I kissed a boy behind a magazine hey girls you want to have some fun here comes Johnny with his pants and done he can wiggle he can walk he can do the twist but best of all he can kiss kiss kiss!

    I'm going to go with someone's older sibling changed up the lyrics a wee bit.

    1. Hello, Anonymous.

      Thanks for sharing the version of "Apple On A Stick" that you remember from 1976.This is the earliest or one of the earliest examples of that rhyme that I've come across.

      As I alluded to in this post, at one point in time-prior to YouTube rhyme videos and their comment sections- it wasn't uncommon for children to believe that their version of a particular rhyme was the only way that rhyme could be chanted. Nowadays-given the presence of online examples of rhymes- it's harder for children to believe that.

      I'm glad I saved some examples of children's examples/comments about rhymes from some YouTube comment threads in videos featuring children and/or are directed to children. Previous comments to those videos were deleted and the comment feature has been disabled because of predatory comments. I understand the importance of protecting children, yet I regret the results of this policy since those discussion threads were treasure troves of folkloric information for the present and the future. Here's an article about that YouTube policy

      With regard to your example, an older sibling might have changed "pants undone" (meaning "not fastened") to "pants done" as a result of folk processing (when an unfamiliar word or sound is changed to a familiar word because of mishearing, misremembering, or changing an unfamiliar word or sound to a familiar word or sound.

      Thanks again!
