Sunday, October 14, 2018

Comments About Stomp And Shake Cheerleaders Wearing Hair Weaves Or Natural Hairstyles From Two 2018 YouTube Discussion Threads

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post presents selected comments from two YouTube videos of stomp and shake cheerleading. These comments refer to cheerleaders wearing hair weaves (also called "extensions") or cheerleaders wearing their hair in natural styles.

The content of this post is presented for socio-cultural purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post. Thanks also to all those who are featured in these videos and thanks to the publishers of these videos on YouTube.

This post is part of an ongoing pancocojams series on Black hair styles and is also part of an ongoing series on "stomp and shake cheerleading. Click the "Black hair styles" and the "stomp and shake cheerleading" tags for other posts in these series.

I archive selected comments from YouTube videos discussion thread to document information, opinions, attitudes about aspects of Black cultures and perceptions about aspects of Black cultures.

These videos are presented in chronological order with the oldest video given first. Comments are numbered for referencing purposes only.

Video #1:Cheerleaders: EPIC Cheer Battle Carver High School Vs. Winston Salem Prep Academy (Cheerleaders)

Two Sockz, Published on Feb 1, 2018

1. MrsConnie 2You
"I'm LOVIN' the naturals worn by the ladies of Carver...Yessssssssss!! 😍💝😍💝😍"

2. Rod Williams
"MrsConnie 2You same thing I said! Lol"

3. JayAnd TreyPlus2
"The first team that came out I loved seeing all those naturals 😍😍😍"

4. Rod Williams
"JayAnd TreyPlus2 ikr! I loved it!"
"ikr"= "I know. Right?" [This is a common African American affirmation response which actually isn't asking a question. There's little to no pause between the word "know" and the word "right". And old school African American Vernacular English form of this expression is "Right on."]

5. Gold Mind
"Ooo the blue got that natural hair out lol they won to me I’m just trying to figure out how they made their natural hair move b/c I want that"

6. Mona *4
"I love the natural hair beautiful girls in blue & gold....They are Rockin the bleachers!!!"

7. Bishop Monique Fletcher
"Blessings I like that these young woman wore natural hair and they were all different body types on both teams bring natural back Amen"
Additional comments from this video's discussion thread are found on this pancocojams post:

Most of those comments are about the custom of cheer battles and this cheer battle in particular.

Video #2: Cute Stomp and Shake cheers for Basketball!!!! | Upload #3

A Video Of A 2018 Stomp And Shake Cheer Battle In The Bleachers Between Carver High School Vs.Winston Salem Prep Academy (with comments)

meleah moon, Published on Sep 13, 2018
Additional comments from this video's discussion thread are found on this pancocojams post: "Attitudes & Opinions About Stomp And Shake Cheerleading (as gleaned from three 2017/2018 YouTube video discussion threads)"

These comments refer to the first video clip in this compilation.

1. ArghRawrWhoa
"Sad how they all have weaves. All a means to supporting eugenics"

2. Olivia Bennett
"ArghRawrWhoa what’s wrong with weave? And tbh not all of them had weave"
"tbh"= "to be honest"

3. ArghRawrWhoa
"Olivia Bennett the majority of them had it. Whatever you feel about hair extensions is your opinion. I highly doubt you truly care about the random perception of a random YouTube commenter."

4. No Regrets Baby Just Good Vibes Over Here
"ArghRawrWhoa the girl at 2:34 at the right is all attention bruh 😥"

5. ArghRawrWhoa
"No Regrets Baby Just Good Vibes Over Here oh man cuh. Dats cray. You right bruh bruh. I guess the majority don’t have weaves. My bad mane."

6. No Regrets Baby Just Good Vibes Over Here
"ArghRawrWhoa you said ALL of them have weave and I'm saying not all of them don't attention all of them girls don't walk around with a hair full of weave. There still a few girls who are all natural."

7. ArghRawrWhoa
"No Regrets Baby Just Good Vibes Over Here don’t be so literal."

8. No Regrets Baby Just Good Vibes Over Here
"ArghRawrWhoa nah I'm making sense you just don't want to read it cause you know I'm telling the truth...but that's on you bro"

9. ArghRawrWhoa
"No Regrets Baby Just Good Vibes Over Here you’re not making any sense bro. We’ve established that the majority, if not all, have hair extensions. What now? What exactly are you trying to say?"

10. Olivia Bennett
"ArghRawrWhoa I don’t but I wanna know what’s so wrong with weave"

11. ArghRawrWhoa
"Olivia Bennett if you don’t, then why do you care to know? You clearly care about my opinion"

12. Lena Gibson
"ArghRawrWhoa can a black person wear whatever they want to wear without being ridiculed by someone Like you"

13. ArghRawrWhoa
"Lena Gibson what’s a black person? I’ve never seen a “black person” in my life. Racist pos. Melanated people have the right to do whatever they please. And as an individualist, I have the right to my own personal opinion. Will people like you ever learn how to stop generalizing others?"

14. Lena Gibson
"ArghRawrWhoa I never said you can't have an opinion it's just u don't have to be so rude about their hair"

15. Lena Gibson
"ArghRawrWhoa read your comment if you have common sense you'd find it like what's so bad with weaves like if a white girl wears extensions no one will care"

16. God 74
"This is unbe-weavable"
Here are three comments from that discussion thread about the "cheerleader" bows those girls wore in their hair:
"How come their bows are always on their forehead.... Would look better towards the back or something"

Tina Jackson

Erica m
"That's how they do it now a days"

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Visitor comments are welcome.

1 comment:

  1. The natural hairstyles that are worn by the Carver High School cheerleaders reflect the current (2018) popularity among African Americans for natural hairstyles.

    These natural hairstyles contrast with the former popularity among Black teenage girls for long extension braids.

    Those long extension braids are still worn by a number of Black teenager girls in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where I live, but since 2016 or thereabouts I've noticed an increasing number of Black teenager girls and Black women (as well as Black males) wearing their hair natural.

    I consider Black people wearing our hair in natural styles to be both a hairstyle choice and an affirmation of acceptance and recognition that there are multiple expressions of beauty, including multiple expressions of Black beauty.

    As for long weaves worn out (meaning not braided), I agree that it's a personal choice, but I believe that it reflects the hopefully outdated, erroneous, toxic view point that straight hair is "good hair" and natural hair (tightly curled, kinky hair) like most Black people have is "bad hair".
