Monday, September 17, 2018

YouTube Official Trailer Of "Hafu: The Mixed-Race Experience In Japan" (with selected comments from mixed race people who posted on that video's discussion thread)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This is the third post is an multi-part pancocojams series about being mixed race in Asia. Particular attention in this series is given to people who are Blasian (Black/Asian).

Click the Blasian tag and the hafu tag below for more posts in this series.

This post showcases a 2013 YouTube trailer for a film entitled Selected comments from this video's discussion thread are also included in this post. Most of these comments are from people who self-identify as being mixed race.

Note that in a comment from that discussion thread, the producers identify themselves as being hafu.

"Hafu" is a Japanese term that means "half Japanese" (a person who has one ethnic Japanese birth parent and one birth parent of another race or ethnicity).

The content of this post is presented for cultural and educational purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to the producers of this film and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.

I believe that a number of YouTube video discussion threads contain content that should be archived and disseminated for informational purposes, and as a way of documenting some of the attitudes and opinions that are at least partly reflective of those times and populations. In addition to the content itself, I'm interested in documenting examples of the ways that people communicate on YouTube discussion thread- i.e. screen names, the use of internet lingo, the lack of attention to punctuation and capitalization, the use of run-on sentences, etc.

That said, I recognize that the selected YouTube discussion thread comments that I feature in these pancocojams posts reflect my interests and biases. For example, initially, when I began culling through YouTube discussion threads (for my no longer active website called jambalayah), I presented edited YouTube comment threads in part so readers could read what I considered "comment gems" without reading the numerous comments in those threads that contained profanity, salacious material, and/or were racist.

As a means of compiling these discussion thread examples, I almost always read the entire discussion thread for a showcased video, selecting the sample comments as I read. The selected comments are presented in relative chronological order with the oldest dated comments given first, except for replies. Because some comments may be missing from particular exchanges, these selected comments may not be in consecutive order.

Once these compilations are posted on this pancocojams blog, I rarely go back and update these compilations with more recently published comments from that video's discussion threads.

The comments selected by me for these YouTube discussion threads aren't necessarily meant to be representative of all of the comments in those featured discussion threads.

SHOWCASE VIDEO: 映画『ハーフ』予告編 Hafu: the mixed-race experience in Japan [Official Trailer]

Hafu Film, Published on Aug 13, 2013

DVDの販売が始まりました!DVDs are now on sale.
ストリーミング レンタルは Watch the film online
Here are selected comments from that video's discussion thread (with numbers added for referencing purposes only). Note that after reading this video's entire discussion thread, it appears to me that a number of the replies in that video's discussion thread are from commenters whose screen names may have changed or whose comments are no longer shown in that discussion thread.

1. Hlynb93, 2013
"This movie should be screened all over Japan, and shown in schools all over the country.
The older generations can't do much now, but children and teenagers are the future of Japan, they need to be able to see this movie as a way to prepare them for the future of their country, so that they can grow into understanding and open minded adults who can one day lead the country towards a brighter future."

2. Hafu Film, 2013
"We are working on it! One step at a time!"

3. NadiiDK, 2013
"I'm also a half or a "hafu" living in a very homogeneous country. Even though i'm not half japanese, i can relate to these people. thank you for making this."

4. Tabbylover55, 2013
"I hope that some day all of humanity will become one. It doesn't matter where you come from, it matters WHO you are and what we can learn from each others' cultures. Racism and intolerance are just wrong and don't accomplish anything but war and hatred. The guy who is half Japanese-half Ghana from the trailer is super hot, call me ;)"

5. Kiyotaka Izumi, 2013
"Not living in Japan but I can understand how all of these people felt. Half Japanese half Arab."

6. Tanaie, 2013
"This look really interesting! Waah~ I really wanna watch it.
I'm a ハーフ, well a German x Jamaican mixed. And I can definitely relate to these people!"

7. Jay Cunningham, 2014
"Half Blacks and japanese are actually one of the most common mixed hybrids in Japan, I'm also Black/Japanese btw"

8. Sammy Chill, 2014
"Why focus only on mixed race kids? In fact, they have it much better than "non-Japanese" kids such as the Brazilians or kids from the Phillipines. When I taught at the junior high, the other kids didn't even _speak_ to those kids. The so-called "half" kids are also often the recipients of the stereotype "half kids are so beautiful!". The foreign kids were either bullied or left alone entirely. This movie looks like someone wanted their kid to be in a movie."

11. Hafu Film, 2014
"Hi Sammy- There certainly should be other films made about the non Japanese kids in Japan. We highly encourage and support anyone who seeks to make such films! We, the filmmakers, are hafu ourselves. We think its best if we try to tell our own story first before telling other people's stories for them."

12. SailorJupi, 2014
"How dare you complain about people sharing their personal stories and undermine their hurt just because some find mixed kids beautiful, as if that gives mixed kids an overwhelming amount of special privilege. Aside from the ignorance of that, let me say as a mixed person, people telling me my hair or what have you looks nice could never make up for the feeling of not thinking I belonged to any race just because I belonged to two or being categorized by those that don't know me."

13. smallpond808, 2014
"this is great! hopefully it'll be available to a bigger audience.
It'll also be interesting to make a film about Japanese-American, Japanese-Brazilian, 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation Japanese of different countries, and their lives(identity, culture, etc) in their home country and/or those who have returned to japan."

14. Weirdo, 2014
Google translate from Japanese to English
"Why is it "Hafu?" That is not a half but "Huff" ... Haafu or Haafu was not it?"

15. stakisolo, 2014
"well im a half or double neither is ok
well good thing i was not raised in japan
i like being different and a good thing i look like a japanese and can speak japanese
i live in aomori which is rural and conservative
embrace both your culture never forget one of them
love your family and believe on them thats one thing we have that alot of japanese kids dont "

16. Leanna Jackman, 2014
"As a half Japanese, half English person, I am so glad that I was raised in Britain. If you are born in Britain, you are classed as British, no matter what your original ethnicity. I took that for granted because now living in Japan, it makes me sad to see hafu's treated like this. In Britain, I am British, in Japan, I will always be Gaijin...End of!! Japan will slowly change, but for me, I was glad to have missed such discrimination growing up like the people who have suffered in this movie."

17. Kurone Shizuhi, 2014
"It's not so bad for the Half-Japan and Half-(insert Asian country name that excludes the darker skin people, but not being racist or anything here) people.

It's the Westerners that really stand out. Which is really sad. I bet most of them get this "Oh! You speak Japanese so well~!" remark wherever they go...

18. Dan Weese, 2014
"I never allow Japanese people outside of my 内の者 to realise I speak it. Nihonjin will say the most appallingly stupid things in front of me, as if I wasn't there at all."

19. Kurone Shizuhi, 2014
"Ah yes. It's amusing at times."

20. K J, 2014
"It's like the USA 100 years ago. Maybe 50 or so, but none the less, xenophobia."

21. Ivan Miyashiro, 2014
"My father was born in Japan, my grandfather fought for Japan on WW2, lost his wife and kid, my grandmother as a nurce, lost her husband too, fortunetly, they've meet and got maried again, there they've adopted 2 other orphans of friends, reised them until they complete 18, after that, island of Okinawa was a desaster, abandoned by japan during the war. So they came to brazil with my father and other 4 childrens, losing one of them on the ship for the desease. Those who got back to Japan first allways told us here: "don't come, they look at you like if you wore not japonese, you're going to work as a slave on the factorys, that's they're gratitude for us". Knowing that, my family and many other worked hard to develop Brazil, there is a lot of half-japoneses here, 6% of the population, but 95% of them now live amog the 30% richest. If they want to get back to Japan? Just forget about Japan! Brazilians respect more the japoneses here, than the japoneses respect themselfs."

Carmichael Caudron, 2014
"I applaud the effort of trying to make people of mixed race feel belonged. I think even though virtually everyone claims they like being different, they really just want to be like everyone else, it doesn't feel good being treated differently than the masses. I've been there and have felt confusion,anger but my childhood thankfully was colorblind, I was fortunate there.With that said, my advise to those struggling with borderline racism because you are dark or of mixed race, I still don't have the answers but who does? just if u want to belong, be yourself. love who u want, male or female or both, white or black or both because through your struggle, a community acceptive of you that u also in turn like, will embrace u just for who u are. if u change that's when problems occur, people somehow can smell self hatred a mile away no matter how hard u hide it. be yourself, be free and through the ignorance u will find an acceptance."

2. Holmes Ink, 2014
"I ain't no ハーフ I tell that I'm double
Google translate from Japanese to English"
"I ain't no Half I tell that I 'm double
Happy words that people twice
Thank you for your understanding
Discrimination itself is a mistake
Expectations of deposit, lights that illuminate us etc.
People's way of walking, you have to come off
It is not too late if you are aware
Let's build a new era"

3. GJMSLF, 2014
"The Half-Japanese persons who was born and living in Europe or North America,
They are called "ching chang chong" … Why???"

4. dhrcat, 2015
"That's racism in those countries. I live in North America and stupid kids will call any Asian with such name. It's making fun of how Asian language (mainly Chinese) sounds like to them."

5. Sam .Raby, 2015
"Half English, quarter Bengali, quarter Indian here. I'll never be the same as most of my native UK but I come close to forgetting that in London. I never turn heads in the street, every friend I have is from a different background: Arab, mixed, Indian, Chinese, Serbian, Irish etc. and we talk simply because we live near and like the same things. The way it should be I think. I tentatively hope that the world will move more in this direction in the future."

6. Pandaジエイダ, 2015
"I love mixed race people. They are the least racist in this world I believe. That's because they learn to accept diversity, unlike people I see here who don't want other races to mix with Japanese people. Please just hide under a rock if all you care about is your country turning multi-racial/cultural."

7. rcmp09, 2015
"I'm in an interracial marriage and my children will eventually be mixed race, however, people tend to want their descendent to look like them. There is nothing wrong with people who think that races should be kept pure, as long as they don't stop others from wanting something different."

8. Joost Kralt, 2015
"Actually, there is something wrong with believing races should be kept pure, first of all because it originates from the assuption that there is something like a 'pure race' to begin with. Race only mattters to people because they are raised to believe it matters by society, not because of the practically non-existent biological and genetic differences."

9. rcmp09, 2015
"I will agree with the fact that technically none of us are probably "pure."

However, saying race only matters to people because they are raised to believe it matters is completely false. It is literally the opposite. In a primitive sense, we only generally care about our family, and the further our genetic differences, the less we will attempt to work together. However, cooperation as a culture proved very effective, and as civilizations have grown larger, we have been trying to bring larger and larger groups of people together. Culture brought us together, not apart, it just takes longer when it's not just about cooperating with a neighboring village/tribe, but with people on the other side of the planet.

Also, saying that there are practically non-existent biological and genetic differences is completely false. Different climates, prey, predators, and pathogens forced each race to evolve slightly differently. We are each specialized to be slightly more suited to a different environment. It's these differences that make us interesting."

10. Joost Kralt, 2015
"Yes, the fact that humans tend to care more about those regarded as close to them may be primitive, but that a biologically falacious concept of race is used only underlines the fact that this is socially constructed.

I have yet to read conclusive proof of the biological validity of race. Yes, there are superficial deviations caused by different envitonments, but these are rendered insignificant in the face of the overwhelming similarities caused by common ancestry.

These differences may be interesting, yes, but the notion of keeping something 'pure' along the lines of a concept that is unable to provide a scientifically grounded delineation beyond superficial differences is, I believe, fundamentally mistaken."

11. rcmp09, 2015
"It is not. Something that is primitive is innate and the stronger desire to protect and work with those that are genetically similar is a universal trait within every single species. Social constructs are what have gotten us to attempt to move past our primitive nature.

Everything is relative, however. We are all human, so all our DNA is extremely similar. However, if we share 50% of our DNA with bananas, and 99% of our DNA with apes, how small of a difference in DNA do you think there is between a wolf and a chihuahua. However, the differences between these two animals is significant. So when you talk about individuals differences within humans, .0001% is the difference between being slow, and being an olympic sprinter, or being in the bottom 5% of the SAT and the top 5% of the SAT.

Those "superficial differences" are important though. While race may be arbitrary to you, genetically, differences in races represent the larges differences between individuals within the human species. An Irish person from purely a primitive sense, is more likely to work together someone that is also of Irish descent compared to someone of Italian descent and even more so compared to someone of African descent. Primitively, groups naturally form towards people who LOOK most similar. With the introduction of culture, people tend to form groups with those who ACT more similar to them."

12. Lao Jiang, 2015
"To be fair i'm a half White American-Japanese and i stayed longer in Japan but i never felt being accepted in Japan and i rather stay here in Chicago than staying in there. Japanese are racist, specially to all half race. Just sayin'."

13. Pandaジエイダ, 2015
"+69glazer Wow, that's new to me. Because I heard that they actually liked half white half Japanese people... They even have a name for it and a makeup look to look half japanese."

14. Lao Jiang, 2015
"+ジェイダ White They love female halfs because mostly they're cute but if you're a guy they will hate you for some reason specially those Japanese men. I don't know maybe i have something in me that they hate but i don't feel any hate coming from Japanese females (actually they're quite friendly) except for the elders of course (Elders there hates Gaijins regardless of where you're from) . Take note if you're a half be careful of those Gaijin hunters specially if you're a guy."

15. Bryce Antony Franco da Silva, 2015
"I feel the same living in Korea! My dad is black-American and my mom is a Korean. Younger I was called names like hybrid, mutt, half breed and some that a worse like monkey and dog! But things are also changing in Korea to! Lots of half Korean children are being born by Whites, blacks, Arabs and Latinos! Hopefully those kids will have a better childhood than my generation of mixed Koreans"

16. HalfThaiKorean1990, 2015
"u forgot half east asians with south east asians ,bcs u have the same problems with people for still being something else then korean or japanese. im thai and japanese and had the same experiences"

17. saver vionetta, 2015
"japan is changing? i am pretty skeptical about that"

18. HalfThaiKorean1990, 2015
"it does change , but quite slowly and most likely more with the younger generation"

19. saver vionetta, 2015
"i hope so"

20. ečnasaufuqt, 2016
"+HalfThaiKorean1990 The older generation in Japan is actually much more accepting because the way others were treated in world war 2 has left their eyes open"

21. Ambre Badipi [bold commenters are hafu], 2015
"I am not mixed with Japanese but being biracial/mixed myself I know what it is not being fully accepted on either sides of your heritage and feeling kind of alienated. I am Belgian with Greek and Congolese(African) heritage and this trailer got me teary-eyed."
This screen name is given as it was found in that discussion thread.

22. Kytota [bold comments aren’t hafu], 2015
"I am a Malaysian born Australian of Hungarian, Serbian and Chinese heritage. When I was young, I get flack from all sides. Asians calling me 'impure' (actually got insulted like that a few times) and whites calling me 'foreigner' and I should go back where I came from. They made me believe I can never be a part of anything.

When I got older and wiser, I really began to appreciate who I am and my heritage. I realized my parents overcame race AND religion to have me. Being mixed also makes me more open-minded and more willing to interact with people from any background because I finally understood in a world as large and diverse as this, we are all same and different no matter the color of our skin or where we came from. "
This screen name is given as it was found in that discussion thread.

23. DeadPurpleStar, 2015
"+Kytota \U are amazing let me tell u that !! People get suicidal but u overcame it all. Congrats ^^ .P.S. I am from Serbia haha and I look asian so I was bullied as well, but in Serbia, we don't have a specific look to us like for ex the Asians do . U have an awesome mix wow duude :3"

24. Kytota, 2015
"+WMeMyselfAndI001 Well, thanks. If there's one thing I learned, it is to stop feeling bad about yourself just because others want to. You are who you are, nothing can ever change that. And if people can't accept who you are, it's not your problem."

25. Kytota, 2015
"+Bloke Poppy All kinds, unfortunately. Being the one and only Caucasian-looking guy in a Malaysian high-school where people can be mean like hell and visiting my Asian relatives in my family's rural hometown was where I got it the most. My friends do joke about me being mixed but not in a mean-spirited way though. As for the whites calling me 'foreigner' thing, this happens when I visit Western countries. I think Americans for example, are pretty nice but the morons among them keep thinking I am invading their country to steal their jobs when I am only there on vacation.

It all comes down to how different people look at me. Asians think I'm a white, Westerners think I'm Asian. My mixed heritage gives me a unique look. Never had these problems when I moved to Australia, though. In fact, can't even remember the last time I was insulted about my heritage."

26. MrRebuttal, 2015
"HUGE VICTORY FOR BLASIANS: Ariana Miyamoto Half-Black\Half-Japanese contestant wins Miss Japan 2015!!!"

27. ken dutchess, 2015
"I have lived in Japan, on and off for the last 27 years, and love it here. My great Grandmother was Japanese, and though I speak Japanese fluently, I almost never bring the fact up that I have Japanese ancestry, as the few times I revealed that I was part Japanese, even 1/8, I was told, Uso bakari, Which means, you are telling a lie. How could that be, as I don't even look Asian. I keep it to myself. I love living here but I agree, it can be very difficult for mixed race kids here, especially if they are sensitive. I hope that this attitude changes.

28. S S
"Sounds weird. If you live in the UK or USA people would love you. Mixed race kids with especially with at least a bit of black heritage are more likely to be good looking and therefore popular. Trust me, every mixed race kid I know is good looking and popular."

29. Ambre Badipi, 2015
"It's not that i'm unpopular. it's not that I have no friends. It's not that I am unloved. It's that your White side constantly reminds you that you are not white (we are mixed so we are obviously not white that's fair enough !) and your black side constantly reminds you that you are not black either so you are left in between and more often than not, you develop an identity crisis because you are not considered black yet you face all the struggles and issues of being black (because you are person of color) in a white supremacy society. You know what I mean ? +dark side :)"

30. +Ambre Badipi Well, I know that you will never feel completely white or black, and not accepted by both but the thing is mixed race people do not have to identify themselves as black or white. But I mean, have you ever actually experienced discrimination or did someone actually tell you something that made you upset? I know black people are more likely to accept mixed race kids so they are always hanging out together, but the new generation of white kids is becoming more open and accepting of other cultures.

31. Ambre Badipi, 2015
"+dark side omg dear sorry for the late reply !!!
I have already been discriminated against but usually what happens are "microagressions". What I mean by that is getting ignorant and prejudiced comments filled with backstabbed compliments.
So it's not racism,in the way that it's not in the explicit form and they don't do it on purpose to hurt me by feeling racially superior but it's unintended racism that is so deeply embedded that they don't even recognise it and it shows in comments and ways of thinking that are quite conservative and full of prejudices and stereotypes.
But then again, nothing major. It's not awful but rather annoying and frustrating you know what I mean.
Also, I am totally accepted by both parts of my origins because they accept me for who I am but I know that deep inside they won't ever consider me as a part of them if that makes any sense (which is comprehensive since I'm not either of them) I don't know if that made any sense to you. Anyway, have a good day mate ! "

33. ammie Bo, 2015
"I'm half Japanese and half Ghanaian and when I went to Japan, I realised that apart from my aunt and grandma, none of my family knew I was half black :/ But they were really accepting anyway :) I'm definitely going to watch this. woo go David!! #Twinning"

34. Annette Caitlyn, 2015
"Where were you born?"

35. ammie Bo, 2015
"+Annette Caitlyn London 😊"

36. Tornado1994, 2015
"Interesting Fact: Did you know that the founder of Sega, David Rosen Iijima was half Japanese?Half French American? Rosen's mother was a French immigrant, his father was born in Saitama,Toyko. His parents migrated to NYC in 1929."

37. Sean Goto, 2015
"Im Japanese/Irish,
in ireland im often mistaking as chinese
in japan iv been mistaking as an american, iranian, indian, brazillian, spanish, australian and other races but i cant remember lol.
tbh i experienced waaay more racism in ireland than i ever did in japan.
in ireland i was called a chink countless times and i got my ass kicked a lot by groups of people for simply being half japanese.
i never once in my life ever feel threatned by the japanese if anything their a bit scared of me. i think thier more xenophobic than racist (im not saying that racism doesn't exist here its a worldwide problem)
because it is a homogenous society of course thier gonna look at you as gaijin thats not gonna change but i dont feel bad about it, id rather be called a gaijin than a 'chink, 'dog eater' slanty eyes' anyday"
"Gaijin (外人, [ɡaid͡ʑiɴ]; "outsider", "alien", "Non-Japanese") is a Japanese word for foreigners and non-Japanese. The word is composed of two kanji: gai (外, "outside") and jin (人, "person"). Similarly composed words that refer to foreign things include gaikoku (外国, "foreign country") and gaisha (外車, "foreign car"). The word can refer to nationality, race or ethnicity, concepts generally conflated in Japan.

Some feel the word has come to have a negative or pejorative connotation,[1][2][3][4][5][6] while other observers maintain it is neutral or even positive.[2][7][8][9][10] Gaikokujin (外国人 "foreign-country person") is a more neutral and somewhat more formal term widely used in the Japanese government and in media."

38. Tornado1994, 2015
"+Okiku Ningyo Japan is a very centrist style country with conservative values. With the fact that its birthrate has been lackluster for decades, mixed race Japanese is both unique and fascinating. It's a breath of fresh air to the pure Japanese race that's been aging steadily. Gaijins like me(Black and Half Native American Cherokee/Saginaw), are eager to not only learn the culture,lifestyles and customs of Japan, but also learn to speak its language "Nippon" properly. Please bear with my fellow westerners and their ignorance."

39. chigasaki06, 2015
"I'm definitely gonna have to watch. I lived in Japan, and on occasion I saw mixed raced children and wondered what it was like for them growing up in such a homogeneous society. I'm black and at times I felt like an alien based on the attention I received, which was understandable. However, I can't imagine being raised in a country you call home and sticking out like other foreigners. The black/japanese children I saw stared at me and waved as if to say, "look, someone who looks like us." To some they will never truly be Japanese. That's why I have always said if I ever got married and have mixed black/japanese children, I would feel more comfortable for them to be raised in the states rather than Japan."

40. 名無しのさくら, 2016
"I wanted to be hafu..."

41. 怜君の母Ray's mum, 2016
"お嬢さん、ハーフに一度生まれてみなよ。うちの息子は死にたいと云った事があるんだけど?貴方が同じ経験をしてみたら、そんな事は決して云えない。こんなとこに来てまで、幻想を云うのは止めて!!Hafu racial identity crisisについて一度、勉強した方が良いと思う。ハーフの息子を持つ母親として、心の底から云わせて貰うわ。キツイ事云って、ごめん。きっと、貴方はただ単に純粋なんだろうけど、そんなに楽しい事はないんだよ、ハーフ・レントじゃないんだから。
Google translate from Japanese to English
"Rei's mother Ray's mum
Lady, try it once in half. My son says I'd like to die. If you try the same experience, you can never say such a thing. Stop talking about illusions until you come to such a place! ! About Hafu racial identity crisis I think that it is better to study once. As a mother with a half son, I will say from the bottom of my heart. Sorry to say that it is hard. I bet you are just pure, but it's not such fun, because it's not half-rent."

42. Mericasucks, 2016
"Japan has had the longest preserved heritage in the world with one of the most homogenous country in the world. Diversity is still yet to come in this country and many people isn't accepting the fact that other cultures is going to change Japan. Japan will be and always a country of one race. Japanese people"

43. Areloe Fiezx, 2016
"That is highly unlikely. Unless humanity dies within a couple centuries."

44. cussigreen, 2016
"human are like, no different beetwen asian,white or black. We are all same worth✌✌"

45. Kim Wuhrer, 2016
"this is kinda sad.. my boyfriend is swiss/japanese and he happily never made bad experiences because of that even if you can see his swiss half. (brown hair and freckles).. i also never made any bad experiences even if I'm fully european (blonde hair, green eyes)

i think there are some racist a****les in every country.. even in western countries. i made the experience that european people were treating me worse because of my blonde hair (they say that blonde people cant be intelligent...)"

46. Tony Jackson, 2016
"Modern Japanese are "hafu's" themselves they're mixed with Chinese exiles and the Ainu people who are the original inhabitants of Japan."

47. ojideagu, 2016
"Exactly, where do Japanese think they got their characters from? China. I'm sick of this myth that the Japanese themselves perpetuate that they are some pure race which is complete horse sh&t*."
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

48. Jasmine ジャズミン, 2017
"I'm half Japanese and half Canadian , and when people ask me are you Asian? I'm like yes... well kind of . One boy called me "mixed" and everyone else their actual race. I was okay with it I just didn't really know which section I fitted in with"

49. Lugztina, 2017
"I didn't know being half Korean and Half Japanese makes you considered mixed. I thought Japanese were descended from Koreans in some way."

50. Hannah Flower, 2018
"That is completely wrong, sorry. It is scientifically proven that Japanese came from Malaysia and Indonesia - that area. Although we have "zainichi" Koreans who have lived in Japan and have inevitably mixed the blood together but Japanese people have not descended from Koreans."

51. Chris Anderson, 2018
"Japanese and Korean isnt even mix since they are both from asia lol. You can definitely pass for a full japanese if your half korean, I mean you're still pure east asian. Its like half British half Irish, you're still white in the end lol.. Its the whites and blacks that stand out the most."

52. Dr BlackCoffee, 2017
"Oh Bugger I'm crying watching this..... I'm Anglo-Japanese and I have felt insecurities from both sides while growing up. I'll try and persuade my parents to buy this and watch it with me, so they can understand more about how I feel growing up as a mixed race person."

33. Heyoo, 2017
"im half persian and half japanese! im culturally more japanese, but i love both cultures! :))))"

34. Hannah Flower, 2018
"I am half Japanese half English, and although sometimes it makes me feel alienated - I love myself for who I am and I would never want to be anything else. I used to wish that I was fully Japanese, but now I appreciate the double culture that I have been able to experience. It has given me the right to choose for myself which I prefer and personally I prefer Japan. I would not know what to do, if I had not been able to speak Japanese fluently, or even been able to know how horrible fish and chips tastes in England ahaha. Even though I am not fully Japanese, 心は日本人ですし、心の底から日本を愛しています。"
Google translate from Japanese to English: My heart is Japanese and I love Japan from the bottom of my heart.

35. Poseidon99Jeus, 2018
"I personally don't like it. Especially those hafus, when they get bullied and beat ups, still they like to stick to Japan and pure Japanese people. Why don't you go to your other half??"

36. FRIEND 711, 2018
"I hate the word half. to me its really insulting. Half? Half what?? I grew up here and god thats such a black spot word. So You know what? I Dont call myself Half. I call myself a "Hybrid" A mix of the best of both worlds, I have a point of view, the cultural background and heritage that cant be beat \^-^/ I`m not saying its bad to iddentify yourself as one, more power to you! but I must say, this was my way of fighting back, my way of finding my iddentity."

37. Mikal Velasco, 2018
"Spanish born with Latin American and Japanese blood 🙌🏼

I used to try to be just one thing... but I just felt incomplete, fake and sad all the time. I really wanted to be just one. I used to tell people: I’m confusing or I’m weird. Then I understood that I just needed to appreciate all the bits I am. See myself with love inside and outside. To like my eyes, my body and my soul. And right now I’m so proud to be me (in a good way) proud of all the bits I am :))"

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