Sunday, September 2, 2018

Patti LaBelle's & Fantasia's Custom Of Kicking Off Their Shoes or Taking Off Their Shoes During Their Performances (with two videos)

Edited by Azizi Powell

Latest revision: December 5, 2019

This pancocojams post presents comments about award winning vocalists Patti LaBelle's and Fantasia Barrino's custom of kicking off their shoes or taking off their shoes during their performances some aspects of church services, and particularly during some aspects of Pentecostal church services.

One video of Patti LaBelle and one video of Fantasia are also included in this post.

Excerpts from three articles about Patti LaBelle and her custom of going shoeless for portions of her performances are included in the Addendum to this post that is found after these selected comments.

The content of this post is presented for cultural purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post. Thanks to Patti Labelle and Fantasia for their musical legacy nd thanks to the publishers of these videos on YouTube.

Some commenters in these two videos' discussion threads suggest that taking off her shoes has become an expected feature of Patti LaBelle's "over the top" performances which also used to include rolling on the stage while continuing to sing.

A number of commenters write that Fantasia takes off her shoes because she is modeling her performance style after Patti LaBelle.

A few commenters wrote that the reason why these singers take off their shoes is to get comfortable.

At least one commenter wrote that Fantasia takes off her shoes because she's a country gal (from High Point, North Carolina). But, the "country gal" theory doesn't fit Patti LaBelle who is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

However, many commenters in these two featured discussion threads believe that Patti LaBelle and Fantasia remove their shoes because it is a Pentecostal church custom to do so. If I correctly understand what was written, those commenters indicated that people who take off their shoes are either feeling the Holy Spirit or they are getting ready to feel the Spirit, i.e. getting ready to "shout", "getting happy”, “going in”.

One interpretation of those comments* could be that when women feel like they are getting ready to "go in" i.e. "get happy", they take off their high heel shoes** so that they can do the Holy dance better (without less restraints). An explanation for this precaution is that when people are feeling the Spirit, in the "heat of that moment", they might hurt themselves or hurt someone else if their shoes go flying because they have "danced out of their shoes" (because they are dancing so energetically). To prevent this from occurring, a person who feels the Spirit coming on might prevent these mishaps by taking off their shoes.
*As a Baptist from the Northern region of the United States, I have a few recollections of (mostly) women being supported by church nurses because they felt the Spirit. However, I've seen very few people (in my home church or any other Baptist of Methodist churches that I've attended) doing a holy dance, with or without their shoes on.

**The comments in those discussion threads about taking off your shoes when you are about to feel the Spirit appear to refer only to women (who presumably are wearing high heels, since that is almost always the shoe fashion for church or other formal occasions.

Pancocojams Editor's Note:
Fantasia's video is presented first because the comments in that discussion thread include more information about the tradition in African American Pentecostal churches of women kicking off or taking off their shoes when they are feeling the Holy Spirit.

Definitions for most of the religious based African American Vernacular English words and phrases that are used in these comments can be found by clicking .This is Part I of a two part pancocojams series entitled "What "Took Me To Church", "Sang", "Went In" And Other Black (African American) Church Words & Phrases Mean" (A-L). The link for Part II (M-Z) of that series is found in that post.

Video #1: Fantasia Performs Musical Tribute (Aretha Franklin Memorial)

MrTreknation, Published on Aug 31, 2018
Selected comments from this video's discussion thread, with numbers added for referencing purposes only:

All of these comments are from September 1, 2018 and are given in relative chronological order based on their posting time (except for replies).

This is only a portion of the comments that mention Fantasia singing with no shoes on. Notice that some commenters disagree that Fantasia's custom of taking off her shoes has anything to do with feeling the Holy Spirit or her church background.

1. xxx562
"Wow wow wowπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ». Just curious, why was she barefoot?"

2. SleepyNever 561
"xxx562 better to jump up & down them shoes hurt"

3. J W.
"She didn't come to play"

4. Lady K
"It's a Fantasia thang!! She's done that from the time she was on American Idol. Her shoes off she's about to sing us to heaven!!!"

5. Andrea Mccray
"πŸ’―country gal like me!!! Sing sis ❤❤❤❤❤❤We don't need πŸ‘  just Jesus!!!!"

6. Hope Jones
"We do that in church. Shoes and wigs will come off when the Lord Himself touches your mind, heart and spirit."

7. Family First
"It’s equivalent to someone taking their earrings off to fight. She knew she’d snatch everyone’s edges with that anointed voice of hers. Even Jessie’s!"

8. Annie Lou
"She was t wearing her shoes. Any church going person knows what that means."

9. Lady K

10. Hope Jones
"Yes we know all the mess we went through about to get a praise beat down."

11. kjdnyhmghfvb
"Annie Lou she's now a vessel!

12. Neicy Branner
"That's right! Means you bout to get some serious Spiritual Healing fpr whatever going in in ur life! Means we bout to Shout till We pass out and wake up and SHOUT SOM MO!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ "

13. Briar Rose
"Right lol"

I saw shedidn't have them on and I literally started to brace myself.
She was the only one there who truly sung under the anointing."

14. Cree K
"πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚I'm tellin ya..that's when it gets real n tears rolling down my face the whole time.."

"Time for worship...πŸ€—"

16. YT street Chaplin
"Annie Lou nothing to do with church Fantasia takes her shoes off all the time"

17. P Smalls
"Mann she started with her πŸ‘  off. This is what you call a home going service😘😍"

18. Audrey Reeves
"Baby when she comes out those shoes! Oh it's going all the way down!"

19. Hope Jones
"I was at work didn't see the service, but I told everyone Tasia coming out them shoes. She did exactly what I said. Tasia doesn't play when she singing for the Lord."

20. sharon curry
"This was not the setting to take your shoes off. Any other time I could care less, but here it is not a good look."

21. shannon wilson
"It's not a black church service if someone does not come out of their shoes."

22. Bobby Ruffin
"Sharon Curry she was in the spirit, so sorry that you didn’t like her taking off her shoes but she got her point across, she got a friend in jesus"

23. J'NEEN J
"She should have kept them was not the time to perform but to minister."

24. D Lee
"+sharon curry Tasia, is not that type of singer. I am sure Aretha took them shoe off at one point in time. We either gone do it or we not. We can be fool in a many of ways, but this child brought to the alter, laid down and had a conversation."

25. D Lee
"+J'NEEN J That what she was doing. Black folks have that effect on each other in regards to how we think it should be. She took if and ran with it, full of spirit and all. I love how she is filled with the spirit. This child can't do a song without you not knowing JESUS IS UP IN THERE AND HE IS NOT COMING OUT."

26. J'NEEN J
"D Lee It's not always that a singer is full of the spirit....some folk can just rock your emotions....James Brown was one of the best at it. Some folk are just talented.....don't confuse the Spirit with mere showmanship."

27. Crystal McDaniel
"+sharon curry when the spirit moves you any place is the right setting..she did what she was asked to do..I'm sure Aretha is proud.

28. Crystal McDaniel
"+J'NEEN J you can minster barefoot.. She ministered just fine...The Heavens and Aretha are pleased"

29. Crystal McDaniel
"+J'NEEN J you could see she was filled with the spirit.. Don't try to take away from the spirit moving in her and compare to James Brown."

"sharon curry you must've never been to any old school church programs back in the day? When the spirit comes up on you and moves you; there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. And to be perfectly honest the pull pit is supposed to be sacred and/or anointed; therefore the removal of one's shoes should absolutely be permitted. (Let the congregation say "Amen.")πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ™ŒπŸΎ✌πŸΎπŸ˜‰πŸ’―"
"pull pit" = pulpit ["a raised platform or lectern in a church or chapel from which the preacher delivers a sermon"].

31. J'NEEN J
"Crystal McDaniel Look, I don't care who I'm pissing included. Fantasia's nothing new.....she sings church songs in her concerts ...lip quivering and fake speaking in tongues...and then 10 minutes later is twerking and booty rockin' in the next song in a leotard. Everyone that squalls and screams "Lawd, Lawd" is not of the Spirit. There's just a lot of talented folk that are capable of rocking people's emotions...getting folks hyped and rattled with their showmanship.

Fantasia: (taking off shoes and doing what she always does even when singing nongospel music.....has nothing to do with the Spirit).

James Brown:

God is not impressed with talent...He knows the heart of men and has given some of His children the Spirit of discernment. I discern the difference between showmanship and true worship. Everyone doesn't have the spirit of maybe that explains some of you all's frustration. I stand by my comment. Fantasia didn't take off her shoes because of "holy ground"'s part of her act just like the cape was a part of James Brown act......just like Patty is known for taking off her shoes to "sho nuf" sang. Like I said, a funeral is not the time to sell yourself and give a good show.....and out sing the other singers. That's why I appreciated Shirley Caesar, Ronald Isley, and Smokey Robinson....there was a sense of sincerity in their wasn't all bout "self".......Ronald and Smokey were secular artists...but seemed to be more sincere to the occasion than a lot of gospel artists or folk who claimed to have grown up in the Church....mostly everyone else was in "spotlight" performance mode."

32. Demeara Virgil
"When she come up out those shoes-she ain’t playing lol"

33. AbSolutely AhMazeen
"At ALL!!!"

34. Wassup G
"We went to chuch ...that’s right not church ⛪ CHUCH bcuz that gul sang not sing SANG that song ...πŸ™πŸΎ anointed outta her πŸ‘  and πŸ‘„ twitchn that GUL SANG that SONG periodt! πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ"

35. Valerie Encinas
"My wig is snatched!!!! I’m SHook to the core yassss miss Tasia and Hudson owned it! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»"

36. Aiyana Walker
"And walked off like "And THAT'S IT FOR TONIGHT!".... YAAASSS, FANTASIA!!!"

37. Evelynwashere 1
"Tasia, Tasia, Tasia!!!!!! That girl took us to CHUUCH! Not church...CHUUCH!!!!!"

38. Sheila Hall
" "Can we take it up a notch?" I knew she was going in HARD!!! Jennifer was good but Fantasia was even better!!! She's anointed for gospel music n u can tell she been the choir leader as a child."

39. Kayy A
"Sis caught the Holy Spirit towards the end too!! CHILLSπŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™ŒπŸΎ"

40. Miranda Brokenberry
"All I have to say is, what’s in a person will ALWAYS COME TO SURFACE! I love me some Fantasia, & even when she’s singing her very own songs she sings herself into a sanctified frenzy lol! She gets “happy” regardless of what genre of music she’s singing & it’s simply due to the fact that she’s ROOTED IN GOD ALMIGHTY! I’m claiming that one day she’ll bless us with a gospel album πŸ™ŒπŸΎ. The thing that I admire most is that she’s never forgotten WHO SHE BELONGS TO... can anyone say “we belong to God”. Amen"

41. Vernon Moses
"Fantasia has be raised in a Church. Fantasia better sang.

When Fantasia came with no shoe on, let the Church say AMEN."

42. That Girl
"Down home black church experience... ain't nothing like it..."

43. Daron Peoples
"That Girl Nothing! These experiences brought us a mighty long way...."

44. Veronica Delarosa
"Sorry Jennifer Hudson..Fantasia had the Fire, the Power, and the Holy spirit! She brought Church! To its feet!"
Jennifer Hudson sung "Amazing Grace" during this same homegoing services for Aretha Franklin. These two singers were mentioned in both of their videos' discussion threads as the two most powerful singers in that 8 hour memorial service. (Note that in my experience African American homegoing [funeral] services are usually about 1 1/2 hours.]

45. Raquel Angelique
"Real church."

46. divaquana
"now when Fantasia got her shoes off you know she bout to snatch a wig or 2 or THREE"

47. valerie johnson
"Fantasia and Jennifer took me to church. Man them ladies can sing."

48. Ruben Gutierrez
"North Carolina came to Detriot with the bare feet of a Tarheel, and turned it out for the Queen! RIP, Aretha Franklin!"

49. Ker Ker
"This girl is truly anointed!! Her praise is so sincere. I always get chills listening to her sing.
You know she means business when she kicks off her shoes."

50. Nadine Hall
"Tasia did that!!! But the back up singer took it over the edge! Praise Jesus for anointing these precious souls!"

51. Jessicunt
"Yes!!! When the shoes come off it means there’s going to anointing coming through that holy ground! She makes a sinner like me realize the goodness and blessings of the lord!!!! Sing Fantasia!! Amen!!!"

"Now that's how you do a tribute!! And when she came out those shoes I knew she was going to bring it! Awesome job Fantasia!
R.I.P. Aretha Franklin."

53. RichFine Print
"Fantasia that was that country revival cause the air don’t work and we still donating for the building fund but yet ain’t got a door knob on the wooden door SANGING!!! YeeeeesssssπŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–"


55. Ms Chrys
"Started out with the shoes OFF...knew Tasia was going to turn it out!"

56. Tharp PhD
"I HAVE WATCHED THIS VIDEO AT LEAST 10 TIMES BACK-TO-BACK. Fantasia, Fantasia ---- the anointing was all over you! Thank you Jesus! My, my, my, my, my. This is the Fantasia I remember from American Idol. You look gorgeous too! Proud of you!"

57. Queen Ndinda
"LAWWWD! Bless you Fantasia! You brought the Spirit down here. Aretha must have smiled down at you.

58. 020ctmarie"
Fantasia and Jennifer SANG from their SOULS at this funeral. I haven’t heard singing like this in a while but my God this was amazing"

59. Penjani Nyirenda
"That choir knew what to DO! Even after Fantasia walked off staged like Jesus done raptured her out, they still knew how to close the show. And can we talk about 3:15???? πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ"

60. phylicia J
"Wooooow! Hallelujah πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½ she came out of them shoes and she sung that!! Ooooh myyyy LORDπŸ™πŸ½ and the choir OMG all was Superb! It ended to soon..Aretha,I hope she saw and heard Fantasia and Jennifer from heavenπŸ™πŸ½ she's resting in the arms of Jesus now🌺🌺🌺 Rest Queen "

61. Barbara Walker
"Girl after my heart❤ Kick off those shoes and put your everything into it✨❤✨ Fantasia!!😁"

62. Laurence Adams
"we got to STOP trying to mold folk into what the hell WE WANT THEM TO BE!...the tweets on how rude she was being, with regard to NOT keeping her shoes on?...JUST STOP!!...STOPPPP!...this woman is as authentic as they come, and she brought HERSELF to the table. She wasnt trying to be anything other than what she is any other time she performs. So, if paying tribute to one of her mentors, means taking her pumps off...SO BE IT!"

63. Jbug329
"Lord if there were rugs she cut em,if there were t’s she crossed them, if there were i’s she dotted them.....whew have mercy!!!!"

64. brenda watt
"Spirit flowing all through her, that wasn't a performance, that was a testimony! Glory hallelujah!"

65. Scorpion Queen
"It’s hard to say if Fantasia is a Mini Patti LaBelle or a Mini Aretha Franklin...I know Jennifer Hudson will star as Aretha in her life story & maybe they are reserving Patti for Tasia which would make sense but i dont know Fantasia could do both if you ask me!!! She got the shoes off like Mrs. Patti down to a T. I’m torn between the two can somebody please help me get a better perspective because the Baton was passed by Aretha to Fantasia so tell me why Jennifer Hudson has the role? I mean she is a better actor but with training I think she could perfect the role. Does she look more like a younger Aretha hmm maybe but Hollywood is the creator of illusions. I’m confused."

Video #2: Patti Labelle - Isn't it a shame

golden0eye, Published on Mar 10, 2007

Patti Labelle - Isn't it a shame [Live Rainbow tour 1985]. Unotouchable! Wwooww
Selected comments, with numbers added for referencing purposes only:

[Notice that many of these comments refer to Patti LaBelle's [former custom] during her concerts of rolling on the floor and singing.]

1. Margaux Gold, 2007
"OK, rolling on the floor and singing and being Pentacostal....this is the most amazing thing I have ever seen since Jimmy Hendrix burning his guitar on stage for the first time. She is performance artist all the way. SIng sister!!"

2. Yes, 2007
"When you can get on the floor and SANG that good, you are BADD to the Bone! Luv Ms. Patti"
This is the earliest dated use that I've found of the word "sang" with its African American Vernacular meaning of "singing very well, especially singing soulfully very well."

3. timmy841212, 2008
"That's the classic "rolling around, kicking out her shoes" performance right there!!!"

4. Naturally70's, 2008
"The Empress of soul was not a shamed to kick off her shoes and roll on the floor. Love this live performance. She is the best, no one in the R&B world can touch her, not then and not now."

5. JayKG01, 2008
"DAMN! lol, she was feelin that song all the way to the core. jeez. she got some CHURCH goin though them bones. DAMN!"

6. Risse H, 2008
"In the words of the late gerald levert: Patti I love u cuz u taught me how to spread my wings n fly and u were never afraid to kick off ur shoes n drop down 2 ur knees and roll around n roll around etc. I love u patti."

7. sljjrphd, 2008
"Chile, chile, chile. Is all I have to say. Those were the days. Believe you me, if they sanged, "Chameleon, " I would lose my last marbles. GO IN PATTI"

8. Mocasso, 2008
"you better work it miss patti! shes sangin.."

9. unavailheart, 2009
"That's a good ole-fashioned 'catchin the holy ghost' in church display.

"Preach on Rev"!"

10. Tanya Lake, 2009
"I don't remember if I already posted a comment before, but I'm going to post another one anyway because that damn Patti deserves another comment. The second she dropped on that floor, started rolling around sanging *woo woo woo woo, woo woo woo woo* @ 4:36, you new she was really feeling it. And don't forget those background sangers. PATTI KNOWS HOW TO PICK HER SANGERS!!!!!!!!!"
This comment is quoted as it was given in that discussion thread (including asterisks)

11. KcirP EloHssA, 2009
"Show these young girls how to do it patt.... rolling on the floor in a white dress without missing a note. go head with your bad self. work it work it work it honey"

12. Jody Pate, 2009
"classic Patti, gotta love her"

13. wy424, 2009
"Tear up the stage Patti! Tear it up! Patti doesn't play! lol"

14. trentnjones, 2009
"She was rolling on the stage! Sweet mercy that woman can perform!"

15. spardicka, 2009
"Thats some "vintage" LaBelle now isn't? With a Capital V!"

16. So Sad, 2009
"PATTI WENT OFF!! LMAO, there is not another singer alive who can even attempt to deliver a better Live Performance than Patti Labelle, she is consistant with what she, and only she can deliver. If you buy a ticket to her show you definitely wont regret it nor forget it. GO PATTI!!"

17. vanessa4u4evr, 2010
"This woman has the power to create universes by sheer will alone. Patti's connection to the creator's passion is almost too much for her body to contain at times - literally. No wonder she HAS to kick off her shoes and roll all over the floor from time to time. She has to distract the body and the blood pressure from exploding. What an inspiring entity inside that body of her's. We love you Patti. Thanks for all the chills you have given us."

18. skinnynicci, 2010
"She sang her heart out. She was tired, but she pushed it out. An amazing performer. I have never seen anyone kick off their shoes faster than her!!!!!"

19. vanessa4u4evr, 2010
"This woman has the power to create universes by sheer will alone. Patti's connection to the creator's passion is almost too much for her body to contain at times - literally. No wonder she HAS to kick off her shoes and roll all over the floor from time to time. She has to distract the body and the blood pressure from exploding. What an inspiring entity inside that body of her's. We love you Patti. Thanks for all the chills you have given us."

21. positiveposition, 2011
"High Drama with plenty of talent to back it up!
Wow how I enjoyed this made me jump up in my office and stomp and throw my hands is that for a peformance that moves it's audience. Nobody can bring it like Patti closed."

22. abenjam2, 2011
"The infamous "roll on the floor" thing she does... I love it!"

23. B More, 2011
"this where fantasia get it from patti started kickin her shoes off 1st"

24. victoramosjr, 2012
"You had better kick those shoes off and SANG that muthafu&kin song, Patti! YASSSSSSSS GAWD HUNTEE!! :::takes off running in the spirit:::"
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

25. tkay825, 2012
"thank you so much for posting this...the first time I saw this I realized so many things, it touched me in so many ways, first of all, i realized that i can't sing, second, i realized what an amazing performer patti labelle truly is. it changed the way i viewed her, and it changed the way i viewed music, period. she poured her heart and SOUL into this performance, not only did she sing her a#$ off, but she kicked off her shoes, dropped down to the floor and rolled around, never missing a note."
This comment is quoted as it was given in that discussion thread (including computer key symbols.)

26. hprm33t, 2013
"Patti during her "rollin across the stage years" was a force to be reckoned with. Thank God this was captured on video. ."

27. Fabian Zamora, 2013
"She had me thinking I was in revival!!!! Oh shananananana a!!!!"

28. Johnathan Clark, 2013
"Pattie took them to church during a funeral and sang the spirit home with that ROFS (ROLLING ON THE FLOOR SINGING)."

29. Zevil Gehannivani, 2014
"omg she was feeling the holy ghost ahahhahaa sang and role on that floor lol"

30. Bee Doe, 2014

31. traboe, 2015
"I dont think we will ever see any body roll around on the ground and still SANG smh...."

32. Donovan Phillips, 2018
"traboe Perhaps Fantasia some day? She already kicks off her shoes."

33. dante parker, 2016
"ms Patti went to church on yoll if u don't no what that is u need to change churches r start going"

34. Isaac Ortiz, 2017
"This was so good.She kicked off those shoes,rolled on the floor and was still on key.And those high notes haha.There will never be another grand singer and vocalist like Patti."

Excerpt #1:
ARCHIVES | 2005; Barefootin' by JOE BRESCIA
..."PATTI LaBELLE Why: She's just more comfortable barefoot, a representative said. Footnote: Style is still important: she often takes the stage in fashionable shoes and removes them during the show."
This is the complete portion of this short article about American vocalist who perform shoeless. The other singers mentioned in this article are Joss Stone, Linda Ronstadt, and Deanna Carter.

Excerpt #2
From Patti Labelle On Which Singers Inspire Her: “Not Many”; February 13, 2014; By Veronica Wells
"Last month we told you about how Patti Labelle came for “all the little heifers” out here referring to themselves as divas. When in reality, they can’t sing all that well. Yikes. She didn’t name names though, so were left guessing about who she was referencing.

But today, on “The Queen Latifah” show she spoke about the singers she actually admires today. See who she named and who she called a mini version of herself.

Queen Latifah: What performers inspire you today?

Patti: “Who’s awesome? I think Fantasia is awesome. She’s a mini me. You know, she kicks her shoes off before she starts the show. I said ‘Baby girl, wait until at least the seventh song.’ She says, ‘Mama, I like to kick em off when I get out there like you do.’ She is one of the people that you should watch. Of course, Christina Aguilera. Of course…umm not many. There are a lot of people that call themselves whatever. But we know best. You know, Dana.”

The shade.

And then she went back to Fantasia again:

“I love Fantasia. Fantasia is a baby Patti LaBelle. When I see her, I see me when I was younger. But even though I’m not as young as she is, we can still stand strong together. She’s phenomenal. She does what she does. She takes her shoes off. She doesn’t think about what she’s doing on stage, and that’s what I love about her. When I’m on stage I never think about anything. I just sing.” ”...

Excerpt #3
From Prince and Patti’s Shoe: This Moment in Black Awesomeness; Awesomely Luvvie — November 5, 2013
"My girl VEG is a Prince fan and most importantly, a foolery enthusiast. And I’m tryna convince her to be writing for me once a week, in a column called “This Moment in Black Awesomeness.” Anywho, she wrote me the post below on request because she had me cackling in Facebook. Enjoy.

There are some moments that are so awesome – and so awesomely BLACK – that every time we mention it, any black person within earshot will chime in with a “Mmmhm, yep. I remember that.”

The time Prince caught Patti LaBelle’s shoe is one of THOSE moments.

Luvvie: “Yup. I surely remember that. It was a glorious moment.”

It was the 2010 BET Awards show and, as they do every year, BET honored a music legend. In this case, Prince. And, as is usually the case during these types of tributes, the network asked a very diverse group of performers to honor Prince by singing his songs to him. A very pregnant Alicia Keys writhed around on a piano (not hitting every key), Janelle MonΓ‘e did her quirky cool MonΓ‘e thing…and then Patti came out.

Patti LaBelle…in all her down home, wing flapping, note shattering glory. She SANG and Prince paid attention. When Patti was in the middle of ‘Purple Rain’ and started kicking off her shoes – because that is what she does – Prince got up and CAUGHT ONE…..
It’s not often that we get to see two music legends – legends who just happen to be black – play off of each other in this way. Because of that, and because Prince and Patti are both so fabulously flashy, this moment is definitely an Awesome Moment in Blackness.”…
This blog post includes photograph of the award winning vocalist Prince holding up the shoe that Patti LaBelle threw into the audience and he happened to catch.

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