Saturday, July 21, 2018

Vera Hall "Trouble So Hard" (Oh Lordy, Troubles So Hard) sound file & lyrics

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post showcases Vera Hall's 1937 Blues song "Trouble So Hard".

Information about Vera Hall is also included in this post.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Vera Hall for her musical legacy. Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post, and thanks to the publisher of this sound file and this song's lyrics.

Adell Hall Ward, better known as Vera Hall (April 6, 1902 – January 29, 1964)[1] was an American folk singer, born in Livingston, Alabama.[2] Best known for her 1937 song, "Trouble So Hard", she was inducted into the Alabama Women's Hall of Fame in 2005.[3]

Hall was born at Paynesville, Sumter County, Alabama,[1] near Livingston, and sang her entire life. Her mother and father, Agnes Efron and Zully Hall, taught her songs such as "I Got the Home", "In the Rock" and "When I'm Standing Wondering, Lord, Show Me the Way". Hall married Nash Riddle, a coal miner, in 1917 and gave birth to their daughter, Minnie Ada. Riddle was killed in 1920. In the late 1930s, Hall's singing gained national exposure.

John Avery Lomax, ethnomusicologist, met Hall in the 1930s and recorded her for the Library of Congress.[2] Lomax wrote that she had the loveliest voice he had ever recorded.[citation needed] The BBC played Hall's recording of "Another Man Done Gone" in 1943 as a sample of American folk music. Earlier, The Library of Congress played the song in commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1937. In 1945, Hall recorded with Byron Arnold. In 1984, the recordings were released as a collection of folk songs entitled Cornbread Crumbled in Gravy. According to recording artist and writer Stephen Wade, "'Another Man Done Gone' became Vera Hall's most celebrated performance. Carl Sandburg recalled listening to it more than a dozen consecutive times during a January 1944 visit to Lomax's Dallas home...."[4]

In 1948, with the help of Alan Lomax, Hall traveled to New York and performed on May 15 at the American Music Festival at Columbia University. During the course of this trip, Lomax interviewed Hall on several occasions, later stating "Her singing is like a deep-voiced shepherds flute, mellow and pure in tone, yet always with hints of the lips and the pleasure-loving flesh...The sound comes from deep within her when she sings, from a source of gold and light, otherwise hidden, and falls directly upon your ear like sunlight. It is a liquid, full contralto, rich in low overtones; but it can leap directly into falsetto and play there as effortlessly as a bird in the wind."

Hall died in January 1964 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.[2]

Today, her work still garners attention. Prized by scholars and folk song enthusiasts, Hall's recordings include examples of early blues and folk songs that are found nowhere else.[5]

Lomax's son, Alan, also championed Vera Hall, bringing her to New York for a performance at Columbia University in 1948 and assembling Rainbow Sign, a book based on Hall's life and stories.

Moby's 2000 single "Natural Blues" is essentially an extended remix of the song "Trouble So Hard" recorded by Hall in 1937.[2]

A historical marker in Hall's honor was dedicated on April 21, 2007 in Livingston.
Click for a sound file of Moby's "Natural Blues"

SHOWCASE VIDEO & LYRICS - Vera Hall - Trouble So Hard (w/lyrics)

MyMoppet52, Published on Oct 26, 2014

Vera Hall singing "Trouble So Hard". It should sound a bit familiar. Moby had a huge hit with this in a mix he made in the 90's. This is from "Sounds of the South" released in 1993. Alan Lomax made many records & field recordings. This cd is a mix of his best. My video is made with all respect and love for past traditions. Enjoy!

Lyrics for Trouble So Hard as sung by Vera Hall. Lyrics courtesy of

Ooh Lordy, troubles so hard
Ooh Lordy, troubles so hard
Don't nobody know my troubles but God
Don't nobody know my troubles but God

Went down the hill
Other day
My soul got happy
and stayed all day

Ooh Lordy, troubles so hard
Ooh Lordy, troubles so hard
Don't nobody know my troubles but God
Don't nobody know my troubles but God

Ooh Lordy, troubles so hard
Ooh Lordy, troubles so hard
Went in the room
Didn't stay long
Looked on the bed and,
Brother was dead

Ooh Lordy, troubles so hard
Ooh Lordy, troubles so hard
Don't nobody know my troubles but God
Don't nobody know my troubles but God

Ooh Lordy, troubles so hard
Ooh Lordy, troubles so hard
Here are two comments from this sound file's discussion thread
charlie carpenter, 2015
"sooo goood song to be a song from moby...!!!!!....."

MyMoppet52, 2016
"+charlie carpenter moby took it from her. She did it long ago. He paid no royalties to her estate either... It is a great song! Thanks for listening, Moppet"


Click "Vera Hall - Black Woman (Wild Ox Moan) sound file & lyrics" and "Vera Hall - "Another Man Done Gone" (sound file, lyrics, & comments)" for two additional pancocojams post showcasing Vera Hall's singing.

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1 comment:

  1. Click The REAL History Of The Song "Pick A Bale Of Cotton" (Partial Time Line From the 1930s to 1979) and "Lloyd Price & Little Richard - Lawdy Miss Clawdy (information, lyrics, YouTube examples)" for two additional pancocojams post about songs that include the "Oh Lordy" phrase or the word "Lordy" ("Lawdy)".
