Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Global Reach Of Gabonese Afro-Zouk Singer Oliver N'Goma's Song "Adia" (sound file and selected comments)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This is Part II of a two part pancocojams series that showcases the song "Adia" performed by Gabonese (Central Africa) Afro-Zouk singer and composer Oliver N'Goma (also given as Oliver Ngoma; Oliver N'goma).

Part II showcases a sound file of Oliver N'Goma performing "Adia" and presents selected comments from that sound file's discussion thread, with a particular focus on comments from a number of African nations as well as comments from some other nations worldwide.

Click http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2018/07/gabonese-singer-oliver-ngoma-adia-part.html for Part I of a two part pancocojams post abouot Oliver N'Goma's song "Adia". This post provides information about Oliver N'Goma, showcase a sound file of the song, and provides three versions of this song's lyrics (in its original language from Gabon+ French; in English, and in French).

UPDATE: July 11, 2018- Part I also includes an excerpt about Afro-Zouk music.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Oliver N'Goma for his musical legacy. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post. And thanks to the producer of this video and thanks to the publisher of this song file on YouTube.


jennithony, Published on Apr 19, 2008

4,065,894 total # of views [as of July 10, 20181; 12:51 AM EDT]

total # of likes 10K

total # of dislikes 608

total # of comments- 1,056

Most of these selected comments identify the nation that the commenter is in or is from.

These comments are given in relative chronological order, except for replies. English translations by Google Translates are given under comments. Numbers are added for referencing purposes only.

This compilation doesn't include all of the comments from that discussion thread which identified a geographical place. However, after reading that entire discussion thread to date, I attempted to include at least one comment from every nation that was cited. My apologies if I inadvertently omitted a nation that was cited in that discussion.

1. asadraza5367, 2009
"I remember this song, when i was living in the Caribbean from 1999-2001. It was played a lot at the dance clubs there, along with his other songs like Fely and Bane."

2. Linje Manyozo
"i remember one radio dj playing this song often on radio mbc in malawi. very popular..and ngoma sounds like a malawian name anyway.."

3. dorlika, 2010
"this is pure african musique you feel the heart of africa by listening to this , i remember i was very young when this came out but it still rock , every single country of africa knows this song"

4. Domsta333, 2010
"RIP RIP RIP Olivier Ngoma! King of African Zouk!"

5. Aminah K., 2010
"ça me rappelle mon pays, le Sénégal!!!! Okhooooooo!!!!"
"it reminds me of my country, Senegal !!!! Okhooooooo !!!!"

6. charleslester assoumou, 2010
"Que de bons souvenirs , quelle musique, un salut a partir de Montréal, Québec, Canada"
"What good memories, what music, a salute from Montreal, Quebec, Canada "

7. ibara gaston, 2010
"congolese people respect you , forever in our mind , one of the big left us rest in peace ibaragaston from paris"

8. TheDarinelo, 2010
"Angolan peaple cry for you oliver ngoma R.I.P"

9. monace Productions, 2010
"im from mz.. and im telling you it is still a hit here =)
i love this guy"
“mz”= probably Mozambique

10. cturiel, 2010
"Quel perte pour la musique africaine, puisses tu seulement reposer en paix l'ami ! Au paradis des musiciens ou tu te trouves maintenant tu nous as fait vibrer au son de ton afro zook tellement international. Cela fait plaisir de voir tous ces messages de condoléances affluer de partout dans le monde et cela prouve si il en était besoin que ton sound à su transcender les frontières...et les couleurs de peau !!! Pour sûr les enfants auront droit à Bane et Adia en boucle ce soir à la case :-) !!!"
"What a loss for African music, can you only rest in peace the friend! In the paradise of the musicians where you are now you made us vibrate to the sound of your afro zook so international. It is nice to see all these messages of condolence pouring in from all over the world and that proves if it was necessary that your sound knew to transcend the borders ... and the colors of skin !!! For sure the children will be entitled to Bane and Adia loop this evening to the box :-)!"

11. Daryl Richardson, 2010
"in the caribbean too, we love us some Oliver N' gouma"

12. TimF, 2011
"I was clueless of his passing away. His video accidently popped out of a query I was conducting. Being one of his countless endearing fans, I went on to play the video miles away from expecting the awful news that was about to leave me speechless. When one resides within the U.S., one's completely shut off from the outside world!
Thankfully he left us with a cluster of perennial masterpieces and a beautiful voice that will never cease to marvel us. May GOD welcome him with open arms!!"

13. Gaira Alhadi, 2011
"Noli, you went too soon, but God knows best and may light perpetual shine upon you...Your music will live on forever, Love from Sierra Leone."
"Noli" is Oliver N'goma's nickname.

14. eliott jonath, 2011
"olivier ngoma est le plus celebre artist d'afro zouk pour les mauriciens! repose en paix!!"
"olivier ngoma is the most famous Afro zouk artist for the Mauritians! rest in peace!!"

15. Al-Jean J. Sauray, 2012
"Nice, the beat reminds me of the Konpa from Haiti and Martinique -- Nice, Love it1"

16. Willy E. Victoria Ramírez, 2012
"I like this song, great music. I am listen from dominican republic. Me gusta esta cancion, gran musica. estoy escuchando desde republica dominicana."
Spanish to English translation : "Me gusta esta cancion, gran musica. estoy escuchando desde republica dominicana" = "I like this song, great music. I'm listening from the Dominican Republic."

"I like this song it makes me go crassy wisly am listening it in Belgium [ ik vind de lied heel heel super
Dutch to English translation = "ik vind de lied heel heel super" = "I find the song very whole"

18. Alix, 2012
"that afro music that some of us youngn's grew up hearing :) (SOUTH AFRICA)"

19. Patra Okelo, 2012
"im 2o years old from sudan grew up in nairobi kenya and i listened to tjis song every tuesday it never missed the countdow it feel like im hearing it for the first time.....i love love this one..."

20. gyler972, 2013
"Je suis antillaise et j'ai dansé et vibré sur les sons de ce grand Monsieur à la voix pleine de sensibilité.J'avoue apprécié d'avantage l'afro zouk (Monique Séka etc...)au zouk purement antillais.INOUBLIABLE! Oliver ngoma.Paix à son âme.Merci pour les émotions qu'il nous a donner."

21. gyler972, 2013
"I am West Indian and I danced and vibrated on the sounds of this great gentleman with a voice full of sensitivity. I have enjoyed more afro zouk (Monique Séka etc ...) zouk purely antillais.INOUBLIABLE! Oliver ngoma.Peace to his soul.Thanks for the emotions he gave us."

22. Anibal DaSilva, 2013
"Noli, we Cape Vedeans love you. Rest in Peace!
Paz a tua alma!"
Portuguese to English translation: "Paz a tua alma!" = "Peace to your soul!"

23. MrKoolvictor, 2013
"Manu Lima a Capeverdian producer helped with the tracks. Great music. viva Afrika"

24. sami guelawe Palm, 2013
"la musique africaine en general te donne la chaire de poule. comme un sage à tes cotés. très éducative en general la musique afrique; on se diverti mais éducative. Le journalisme africain est notre musique. Très sociale e éducative. chaque matin, nous écoutons nos journaux à travers ces chanteurs qui nous donnent beaucoup. Bref d'enchainer avec les media et journaux."
"African music in general gives you goose bumps. like a wise man by your side. very educational in general music africa; we are entertained but educative. African journalism is our music. Very social and educational. every morning we listen to our newspapers through these singers who give us a lot. In short to chain with the media and newspapers."

25. Richardson Mzaidume, 2013
"It's unfortunate that he passed away without having seen him perform live. I'd have paid whatever amount. African politics also revolve around colonial times. As result, us from Anglophone Africa know very little about musicians from Francophone Countries. It's sad but true. Gone too soon!!"

26. peace kazungu, 2013
"Rip Ngoma now i talk on behalf of Ugandans even though we don't understand the mean ,but the music so good it sounds ."
"Rip" = "Rest in peace"

27. kevin wamaya, 2013
"mad respect from KENYA!! my father loved this song so much. it reminds me of the good times we had together"
"Mad respect" = an African American Vernacular English phrase meaning "lots of respect"

28. joseph mcgill, 2014
"I'm Liberian and a huge zouk fan and noli is my all time zouk favorite. His voice and rhythm gives you an indescribable feeling. Rip noli you sure are missed"

29. SuperPeace1970, 2014
"i have no idea what he is saying, however this music is soothing to my soul!! Loving this....from the U.S. Virgin Islands"

30. James Gitonga, 2014
"Wish i could turn back the hands of time.Gone are the days.RIP Oliver.
Kenyan in Krefeld,Germany."

31. Tim Harvey, 2014
"I just feel exactly the same! I'm in Germany too"

32. elisabeth tenberge, 2014
"we from Surinam (South America) also knew his songs.
oh man what a rhythm"

33. Arturo, 2014
"wwwooooowww que riiiitmo. Supremo. Para bailar y bailar sin parar"
Spanish to English translation: "wwwooooowww what riiiitmo. Supreme." = "Wow. What rhythm Supreme. To dance and dance without stopping"

34. essenamism
"Cette chanson me rappelle mon enfance au Togo. Je ne peux pas cesser de verser des larmes quand j écouté cette chanson et c est pour cette raison que j écouté rarement cette chanson aujourd'hui . Cette chanson me rappelle les amis d enfance et les rues de Lomé . Tout a changé . Les rues ne sont plus les même . Les amis sont tous mort ou à l étrange ou très pauvre."
"This song reminds me of my childhood in Togo. I can not stop shedding tears when I listened to this song and that is why I rarely listened to this song today. This song reminds me of childhood friends and the streets of Lome. Everything changed . The streets are not the same anymore. Friends are all dead or strange or very poor."

35. SuperCapuka, 2014
"Boy i was 5 when i used to stay up till 5 am when we had party's at home, and this song remembers me of those days, life in Europe wasnt great but everyone was happy! We didn't had much but we shared among us Africans look at how we are separated now due to litle money! R.I.P Oliver N'Gomma, great songs!"

36. Marcos Bile by nze. 2015
"Mi infancia en Gabón"
"My childhood in Gabon"

37. Nature Isle, 2015
"ahhh memories!!! Oliver's songs always brings me to tears.these good old days will never come back!!"

38. embe1, 2015
"Thanks so much! Listened to him as a small boy, didn't know he was from Gabon until right this minute. Always thought he was from Cameroon."

39. Léon-Paul BOUNOMBAR, 2015
"je saivas connu Oliver Ngoma dans les années 1977 en classe de 4éme au Lycée Technique National O. Bongo à Libreville. Des années plus tard, j'apprendrai qu'il serait devenu un célèbre musicien. Que son corps repose en paix dans les profondeurs du néant."
"I knew Oliver Ngoma in 1977 in 4th class at the O. Bongo National Technical High School in Libreville. Years later, I will learn that he would become a famous musician. May his body rest in peace in the depths of nothingness."

40. Lil Mal, 2015
"forget Redsun and the likes.. now this is what i call muuussiiiiiic!!! a kenyan in the UK"

41. MySt Justin, 2016
"Nice music make me remember 90s in librevile lovely city"
Libreville is the capitol of Gabon.

42. Appiah Eric, 2016
"I'm Ghanaian but I like Adia, a song by Oliver Ngoma"

43. yashouberry, 2016
"Mauritius? someone? ok im alone,,"

44. lapologang semong, 2016
"Am from Botswana and i love this song very much ,true african music.."

45. Bravia muyakane, 2016
"From Nairobi Kenya, Is all about Originality and not faking. I love this piece."

46. EL MIMOUNI Abla, 2016
"I am from Morocco and I love this music which make me feel extra happy, dancing like nobody watching ;)"

47. henrietta swen, 2016
"I 'm from Liberia, this song make me think on so many things during our civil war."

48. Ettie Manjo, 2017
"Hello, my family is from Liberia, but I was born in America. I know it was hard back then auntie, but thankfully Liberia is getting better now. My father used to play this song allllll the time, I basically grew up listening to Oliver Ngoma."

49. Tawanda Chakupeta, 2016
"I'm a zimbo this music is good"
My guess is that "Zimbo" means "Zimbabwe; "a person from Zimbabwe".

50. Ghuma Bama, 2016
"when i hear this Song i remenber my wonderfull childhood in Angola:) granda queta. ..😎"

51. loise mbaye, 2016
"am loise from kenya this song is awesome even if i dont understand the words it makes me feel so relaxed"

52. Gaelle M, 2016
"Mon enfance à Saint-Martin! jusqu'à mtn je l'entends. Une belle étoile qui nous a laissé de merveilleuses chansons qu'on n'oubliera jamais! R.I.P grand Monsieur"
"My childhood in Saint-Martin! until I hear it. A beautiful star who has left us wonderful songs we will never forget! R.I.P tall gentleman"

53. Katongole Paulinho II, 2016
"anyone from Uganda here??"

54. Roland Ainembabazi, 2016
"+Katongole Paulinho II Here iam.. i love the song so much, it just reminds me of how Wonderful African classics are, and above all of how African music is real music"

55. Prémices Lw, 2016
"who listen this in April 2016 like me ? vieux bons souvenirs!"
"vieux bons souvenirs" = "old good memories"

56. Priscah Wairimu, 2017
"Prémices Lwanzo am listening 2017 April😂love love Oliver ngoma songs though can't understand but i do enjoy. ...From Kenya👌"

57. Cathrine Ntore, 2018
"Priscah Wairimu still listening December 2017 I so love Oliver Ngoma thought I was the only one from Kenya"

58. Esperanza Dias, 2017
"tolle musik höre ich mir fast täglich an und die anderen Songs auch.Andenken an früher in einer Disco in Strasbourg.merci pour ca"
German to English translation = "I listen to great music almost every day and the other songs too. Remembering at a disco in Strasbourg.merci pour ca"

59. Marie Sambou, 2017
"love from Gambia :) :) :) :) :) : ) :) :) :)"

60. Essy Mirembe, 2017
"I really love and appreciate how a song can brew so much love and unity among us all...... God bless Africa...Rip Mr.Oliver Ngoma

61. N Jame, 2017
"One love to mother Africa!"

62. Masaba Masaba, 2017
"Am still loving Oliver Music ..Here in Uganda Kampala"

63. Owen Sampule, 2018
"Gabonese People please translate for us. It will make pipo enjoy the music even more."
Lyrics for this song can be found by clicking http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2018/07/gabonese-singer-oliver-ngoma-adia-part.html (Part I of this pancocojams series).

64. 20x5 lao atr, 2017
"Merci, enfin la traduction d'une chanson très populaire en Nouvelle-Calédonie ! Thanks so much ;)"
"Thank you, finally the translation of a very popular song in New Caledonia! Thanks so much;)"

[Note: That comment was written to a commenter who posted the French translation of "Adia"'s lyrics]

65. Edith Hoff, 2017
"edith from atlanta love this song .rest in peace oliver"
Atlanta= Atlanta, Georgia [United States]

"Je suis Sénégalaise et j'adore cette chanson. Elle me rappelle mon premier jour d'école.
"I am Senegalese and I love this song. She reminds me of my first day of school."

67. Abudushakulu Damulira, 2017
"Namibia windhoek city live"

68. TheSushiraw, 2017
"thumbs up from, NORWAY..."

69. My Dental Wig, 2017
"OMG! I danced this song at AFRO-Antillaise parties in FRANCE! Damn!!!!! Cette Terre sait ouvrir sa bouche et engloutir des vies!!!! Suis speechless d'apprendre qu'Olover N'Goma est decede depuis Juillet 2010 et nous sommes le 28 decembre 2016! Repose en paix l'Artiste!"
..."This Earth knows how to open its mouth and swallow lives !!!! Am speechless to learn that Olover N'Goma has died since July 2010 and we are on December 28, 2016! Rest in peace the Artist!"

70. Chris4, 2017
"Composition et Interprétation: Oliver N'GOMA (Gabon)
Programmation et Arrangements: Manu LIMA (Cap Vert)
Deux génies de la musique africaine 😃"
"Composition and Interpretation: Oliver N'GOMA (Gabon)
Programming and Arrangements: Manu LIMA (Cape Verde)
Two geniuses of African music 😃"

71. SuperCapuka, 2017
"When your kid asks for good and beautiful African music, here is a place to start!"

72. mara louna, 2017
"Africa Africa Africa i love you"

73. Matheus Nkandanga
"I'm from Namibia, I may not understand the language used in this music but it carries some African rhythms and lyrics. RIP Ngoma"

74. fredy adam, 2017
"He was a King, Genius and most of all he was our own brother.... everytime i hear this song my heart gets peace."

75. Natasha Washaya, 2017
"very nice song to dance along to on a wedding, will still have it on mine, it will never get outdated"

76. Unicornfan 246, 2018
"love from togo✊❤💛💚😄"

77. simon creevo, 2018
"Je kiffe trop. Ici Comores"
"je kiffe"= French slang from Arabic; "Je Kiffe trop" = I really enjoy it.

"je suis de Maroc souvenir inoubliable merci infiniment"
"I am from Morocco unforgettable memory thank you very much"

79. Rony Paul, 2018
"Afro-zouk! We truly miss you Mr Oliver N'goma..."

80. Rodgers Gasper, 2018
"am from TANZANIA just by listening this song made my day well."

81. Sophia Youboty, 2018
"Rip my African brother Oliver n Goma..love from U.S.A. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂"

82. mohamed hussien, 2018
"i am from Ethiopia and I love this song he is songs"

83. Marliq Kigozi, 2018
"This reminds of my early years when everything was real ,life was more simpler and music was real and even people were real can't get enough of this song"

This concludes this two part pancocojams series.

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.his is a nice african song,from Gabon, I love this song


  1. I recall reading a comment that mentioned Mozambique in this discussion thread for a sound file of Oliver N'goma's "Adia". However, I couldn't find it to add it to this compilation.

    My apologies.

  2. Several commenters in this discussion noted the meaning of Oliver N'goma's last name in their language.

    Here are those comments (with the exception of a comment that I can't find that which said that "n'goma" meant music in Swahili").


    TheRockchic4, 2013
    "ngoma means drum not music in swahili."

    Makepekepe01, 2013
    "You are both correct

    lets put it this way ngoma is a bantu word which can be used to mean drum or music depending on how you use it in a sentance. The word has same meaning in zulu, shona (zimbabwean language), Chewa nyanja, venda etc. these are the few languages I am familiar with."

    freegratuits, 2013
    "Wow! In Zulu, "Ngoma" means song!"
