Saturday, July 7, 2018

Cameroonian Singer Annie Anzouer - Oublie Mon Passe' (Forget My Past)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post showcases the song "Oublie Mon Passe'" (Forget My Past) performed by Cameroonian singer and composer Annie Anzouer

Information about Annie Anzouer is including in this post along with the English translation of that song.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Annie Anzouer for her musical legacy. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post. And thanks to the producer of this video and thanks to the publisher of this video on YouTube.

Annie Anzouer is a Cameroonian artist and singer. She started with the Zangaléwa group. Bikutsi and Makossa are part of his musical genre.


Author, composer, singer, Annie Anzouer works with various artists and groups including Patience Dabany , Kwassio Band and Zangalewa before embracing a solo career


Birth May 15 , 1967 (51 years old)
Lolodorf , Cameroon
Core business Singer-songwriter , dancer , music producer
Musical genre Acoustic , Afrobeat , Ballad , Bikutsi , Makossa , Slow , Zouk , World Music
instruments Voice , guitar ,
active years Since 1980”...

SHOWCASE VIDEO: Annie Anzouer: OUBLIE Mon passe'

lipenja, Published on Oct 2, 2010
This is Annie's best song ever . And i hope you like it as much as i do. Enjoy

LYRICS: FORGET MY PAST (English translation from French)
(Artist: Annie Anzouer)

Since the time we knew each other
You keep disturbing me
Reminding me, all the time, my past
I had a life before you, you could not erase it
We can not change anything (nothing changed)
Ohh you let me down (you drop me)
And yet, I want you to forget
that you forget forget forget ... ..
My darling, I want you to forget
forget forgets my past
Go Go!
Why not forget, can you forget, forget ...
Why not forget, forget the past is ranked
Why not forget, want to forget, forget ...
Why not forget, forget the past is ranked
We told you this, we told you that, I can not take it anymore
It's all the time the same song
If you really want to keep me, do not listen to the on-say
And yet, I want you to forget
that you forget forget forget ... ..
ahn, I want you to forget
forget forgets my past
Go! Go!
Go, go, go, go, go
Standing men and women
That whoever is able to pay
a thousand-billion-dollar almond still sits
Oh yeah! oh yeah, oh wawa wa Oh wana wa


This comments are given in relative chronological order and are numbered for referencing purposes only. Translations that are given under the comments are Google Translates' French to English results, unless otherwise noted.

1. vincent MBassi, 2011
"That's great song ever...True , Annie is the best number one ! Le passé est passé ...amazing !"
Le passé est passé = French to English meaning "The past is past"

I'm assuming that these lyrics are from this song.

2. vincent MBassi, 2011
"That's great song ever...True , Annie is the best number one ! Le passé est passé ...amazing ! Soul, soul, soul....koirimel, email, caramel....i like it"

3. Violet Brown, 2012
"this is my best of Anni Anzouer.Oooh Cameroon love and miss u."

4. Dankobueri Bueriberi, 2012
"Me gusta la cancion, es bonita; pero desgraciadamente haqy mucha discriminacion con la musica centroafricana, la de Guinea, cameroun y mas paises colindantes en el mercado europeo, asi como en las radios. Se deberia de promocionar mas, por que siempre hay musica buena por descubrir.."
Spanish to English translation: "I like the song, it's beautiful; but unfortunately there is a lot of discrimination with the Central African music, Guinea, Cameroon and other neighboring countries in the European market, as well as on the radio. It should be promoted more, because there is always good music to discover .."

5. princesse dejes, 2012
"Oh que de beaux souvenirs ! tres belle chanson pleine de verite's aussi. Go Annie ! GOD bless you !"
"Oh, beautiful memories! very beautiful song full of truths too" .Go Annie ! GOD bless you !"
"Go [person's name!] is an American exclamation of approval that means "Keep on [doing what you are doing well!]".

6. chrischouful, 2012
"quelqu'un peut m'écrire la partie où elle chante en patois là? pas la traduction ! juste l'écrire ! merci oooooooo"
"can someone write me the part where she sings in patois there? not the translation! just write it! thanks oooooooo?
Unfortunately, it appears that no one has responded to this request at the time of this blog post's publication. However, this comment does indicate that French isn't the only language that is sung in this song. Comment #21 suggests that "Ngoumba" (also known as Kwasio) is the other language that is sung in this song.

7. Nkolo Eliane Nkolo, 2015
"Ce clips me touche beaucoup, si nous étions vraiment nombreux à lutter contre cette cause de polygamie, et le fait de jeter les femmes après avoir eu des enfants.Ce n'est pas différent de l'avoir tuer, car elle n'oubliera jamais çà, et les enfants sont malheureux."
"This clip affects me a lot, if we were really many to fight against this cause of polygamy, and throwing women after having children.It is no different to have killed, because it will never forget here, and the children are unhappy."

8. Afi Leslie, 2014
"Cool song cool woman cool voice"

9. Cristina Mbá, 2014
"Elle est de la tribu bisio!!!! comme moi!!! tres belle voix =)"
"She is from the bisio tribe !!!! like me!!! very beautiful voice =)"

10. Mbaku Adamu, 2015
"What a voice! It goes deep into the heart."

11. Mor Brenda, 2015
"i love this lady.her voice is beautiful."

12. Gabriella Youmbi, 2015
"Très belle voix"

13. djanatou, 2015
"Annie Anzouer tu restes jusqu'aujourd'hui la meilleure voix féminine camerounaise de tous les temps"
"Annie Anzouer you remain until today the best Cameroonian female voice of all time"

14. EC Neba,2015
"i just rediscovered a lost chapter of my childhood"

15. guntz yengwia,2015
"Hahaha me too ec"

16. Laurence Ngapingsi, 2016
"still listened until today I really love it .it is really makes me remember some childhood memories"

17. Angam Tchoyi, 2016
"merveille de la musique Camerounaise"
"marvel of Cameroonian music"

18. Tchantcheu BENEDICT Guylin, 2016
"makes me home sick"

19. act for all, 2017
"I am Congolese but I confirm this woman it remains the best in Cameroon especially with this song"

20. Gilles Morris, 2017
"que l'on veuille ou pas le Cameroun est le réservoir des talents en Afrique de la musique de munu dibango plagié par Michael Jackson. de celle talla André plagié par le grand James Brown sans cité des talentueux toto Guillaume et j'en passe les lions indomptables. stp Mr le président continuez de préserver cette paix et nous sortirons tjs vainqueur. à tt les camers je vous aiment"
"whether or not we want Cameroon is the reservoir of talent in Africa of munu dibango music plagiarized by Michael Jackson. from that talla Andrew plagiarized by the great James Brown without city of the talented toto Guillaume and I pass the indomitable lions. The President continue to preserve this peace and we will always come out victorious. to all the camers I love you"

21. Naomi Maman, 2017
"Quelle belle langue, le ngoumba!!!!"
"What a beautiful language, the ngoumba !!!!."
Here's some information about "Ngoumba" (also known as Kwasio":
"The Kwasio language, also known as Ngumba / Mvumbo, Bujeba, and Gyele / Kola, is a language of Cameroon, spoken in the south along the coast and at the border with Equatorial Guinea by some 70 000 [citation needed] members of the Ngumba, Kwasio, Gyele and Mabi peoples.[citation needed] Many authors[4][5][6] view Kwasio and the Gyele/Kola language as distinct....

Dialects are Kwasio (also known as Kwassio, Bisio), Mvumbo (also known as Ngumba, Ngoumba, Mgoumba, Mekuk), and Mabi (Mabea). The Gyele speak the subdialects of Mvumbo, Gyele in the north and Kola also known as Koya in the south, variously spelled Giele, Gieli, Gyeli, Bagiele, Bagyele, Bajele, Bajeli, Bogyel, Bogyeli, Bondjiel and Likoya, Bako, Bakola, Bakuele, also Bekoe. The local derogatory term for pygmies, Babinga, is also used. Glottolog adds Shiwa.

Kwasio is a tonal language. As a Bantu language, it has noun class system."...

22. Ludovic Kengne, 2017
"La seule chanteuse Camerounaise à n'avoir jamais chanté une vilaine chanson, tout ce qui sort de sa bouche est un tube"
"The only Cameroonian singer who has never sung an ugly song, everything that comes out of her mouth is a hit"

23. Junior Eyoum, 2017
"je ne sais pourquoi j'ai toujours soutenu cette thèse comme "Annie azouè a la plus belle voix du Cameroun par conséquence elle est la plus grande chanteuse après bien-sûr Germaine ebelle" , il y a d'abord Germaine ebelle ensuite Annie azouè les deux meilleures chanteuses malgré que Germaine ebelle n'est pas eu de succès mais quand nous les suivons chanter toutes les deux, nous savons très bien qu'elles ont été, force à vous"
"I do not know why I always supported this thesis as "Annie azouè has the most beautiful voice of Cameroon consequently she is the greatest singer after course Germaine ebelle", there is first Germaine ebelle then Annie azouè the two best singers despite Germaine ebelle is not successful but when we follow them singing both, we know very well that they were, force to you"

24. fernando santos, 2017
"Amo as musicas africanas , i miss u mom africa . every day i listing music from africa here in brazil."
"Amo as musicas africanas" = Portuguese to English = "I love African music"

25. Natalia Young, 2018
"Annie Anzouer, tu me fais penser à Bouana Nadine, une très bonne amie partie très tôt de ce monde.... elle était Ngoumba comme toi... Paix à son âme... elle restera toujours dans mon coeur."
"Annie Anzouer, you make me think of Bouana Nadine, a very good friend who left early in this world .... she was Ngoumba like you ... Peace to her soul ... she will always remain in my heart."

26. Awa Ngoungoure, 2018
"Ça Conseille,C'est Une Émotion,c'est du lourd...c'est comme si cest à moi qu'elle chantait ceci...
il faut oublié Le passé car j'avais une vie avant toi!!!"
That advises, It's an emotion, it's heavy ... it's as if it's to me that she was singing this ...
we must forget the past because I had a life before you!"

27. Sony 59, 2018
"Elle cest la sirene camerounaise. Je dirais la meilleure voix de mn tres cher beau pays"
"She is the Cameroonian siren. I would say the best voice of mn very dear beautiful country"

28. Etakah Tabe Ebot Bessem, 2018
"The best thing about her music is that you can feel the emotions"

29. Esapa Georgina, 2018
"This song is always lit😗😍
"Lit"= an African American Vernacular English term meaning "very good" (an extension of the slang connotations for "very hot"/"fire").

30. antonio nsimba, 2018
"La Best Du Cameroun"

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