Sunday, June 24, 2018

Three Examples Of The Gospel Song "Oh Lord, Have Mercy"

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post is part of an ongoing pancocojams series on "old school African American church songs and church traditions.

This song showcases three examples of the Gospel song "Oh Lord, Have Mercy"; The Caravans, the Racy Brothers, and Gene Martin.

Selected comments from these YouTube examples are included in this post.

The content of this post is presented for religious, cultural, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to the unknown composer/s of this song and thanks to all of those who are featured in these renditions of this song. Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and also thanks to the publishers of these examples on YouTube.
Click for definitions of the word "mercy".

"Old school" is a African American Vernacular English term that refers to something from the past that is usually considered favorably. Whether something is "old school" or not depends on who is doing the defining.

In the context of [Black] Gospel music, I usually consider "old school" music to be from the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, but younger people might consider Gospel music from the 1980s and 1990s to be "old school".

I believe the styles of Black Gospel music that are showcased in this post are from the late 1950s, the 1960s, and perhaps also the 1970s.

(unknown composer/s; various arrangers]

1 Oh, Lord have mercy.
Oh, Lord have mercy.
Oh, Lord have mercy,
Have mercy on me.

2 While I am praying,
While I am praying,
While I am praying,
Have mercy on me.

3 While I am waiting,
While I am waiting,
While I am waiting,
Have mercy on me.

4 When I'm in trouble,
When I'm in trouble,
When I'm in trouble,
Have mercy of me.

5 I am Your child,
I am Your child,
I am Your child,
Have mercy on me.

Source: African American Heritage Hymnal‎ #448
[given as Oh, Lord Have Mercy]
This is the basic pattern for this song's lyrics. Other verses [besides verse #1] can be substituted or added to these verses.

Example #1: Tribute to Delores Washington- "Oh Lord, Have Mercy"

Rowoches, Published on Jun 10, 2008

One of my personal favorite members of the Caravans, Ms. Delores Washington. "Oh Lord, Have Mercy" is one of the songs she led with the James Herndon Singers, and ain't she sangin it tho? LOL!! Go'head!! I thought that one of the hollerers in the background was Josephine Howard, but I was corrected by one of the members. It was another member, Ms. Roxie Bibbs! Let Him have His way, Ms. Roxie!! The other person who yells is Rev. James Herndon and he jumps off of the piano as well! Hammercy Lawd!
Selected comments from this sound file's discussion thread (numbers added for referencing purposes only)

1. Zsanese, 2008
"Wow! God Bless you and thank you for sharing. I so wished I had these on CD's. I am a senior with such fond memories of these songs from my youth. My parents didn't realize the value of their records and we don't know what became of them. Thank God for you. I will try and visit this site more often for inspirational songs. Thank you again."

2. direfranchement, 2008
"This is interesting. Delores's soprano was very youthful and bright, as opposed to Johneron Davis who sounded like a much older, and sometimes frailer woman than her years during her tenure with the Caravans. I didn't know Delores could get this gritty, but there are a few squalls in this performance. It's great to hear her on a solo, because there aren't very many of them to be found. Thanks for adding this record Rowoches!"

3. alwayssupafly, 2009
"I love this song. Ms. Washington has such a blessed, powerful voice! WOW!"

4. direfranchement, 2009
"There is a fairly recent video on YouTube of Delores Washington singing "Jesus Is the Best Thing", the gospelized version of the Gladys Knight hit. I was stunned at how amazing she sounds, not only to have had a lung removed, but to have been singing for over 50 years. I don't think she employs those glorious head notes very much anymore, but she has a very intact chest voice to work with. Less celestial, more earthy...look it up."

5. Zionsinger1, 2009
"Yea Delores can still get up there, not like in this song ,but she still has range. I know tht she testifys about the removal of a lung but there were other issues that causes her not to sing in the upper registers.. she says she doesnt even try to sing up there any more, but every now and then she'll hit a couple. I'd like to be one of the first to congratulate the Caravans on being invited to sing at the Inauguration of President Elect OBAMA!"

6. Jerrell Bess, 2012
"Sang it just sang it. Sister Delores is on of the Caravans that didn't do too much leading, but, she should have because she is powerful"
"Sang it" here may mean "to sing very well, especially to sing soulfully very well". This definition also fits the comment given after Example #2" which includes the word "sangin".

7. Shell Harris, 2015
"Lord, as a teenager, I use to listen to this song over, and over again!!! I really need mercy!!!"

8. M Lewis, 2018
"I agree Ms Washington was the Queen of Sopranos! This song ,I can't express how it makes me feel, like an inner explosion of the Holy Spirit. WOW"

Example #2: Oh Lord Have Mercy

Pannellctp Traditional Gospel Music, Published on Sep 27, 2010

Racy Brothers There's Not A Friend Live In Little Rock album
Here's a comment from this video's discussion thread:
Arlene Rogers Wilhite, 2012
"One of my favorite songs...thanks for the post these guys are great! I love that old time singing not all that wailing and hollering...just goold soulful sangin'"

Example #3: Gene Martin--Oh Lord, Have Mercy

boofitts, Published on Oct 4, 2010

Gospel legend Gene Martin sings classic song with 1969 Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) Gospel choir at AA Allen crusade.

Gene was featured soloist and choir director with renowned healing evangelist AA Allen during 60's and 70's.
{I put together pics and special effects in this video}
Selected comments from this sound file's discussion thread (numbers added for referencing purposes only)
1. wpwcradio, 2012
"This is reminds me of sinners walking to the Mourners Bench during the revival service at a hot, fiery, baptist church. Have mercy on me!"

2. dallaskenn, 2012
"The year of that recording was Summer 1966."

3. c eb, 2018
"Although I'm still in my younger years this is the gospel music I was raised with . Brings back many memories and takes me back quite a few years .you can just feel it"

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