Monday, January 1, 2018

Chaoui Ethnic Group's (Algeria, North Africa) Rahaba Music & Dance (information & videos)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post provides some information about the Chaoui ethnic group of Algeria, North Africa and showcases seven YouTube videos of Chaoui's Rahaba music and dance.

The content of this post is presented for religious, cultural, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are featured in these videos and all those who are quoted in this post. Thanks also to the publishers of these videos on YouTube.
This pancocojams post expands this blog's focus by providing information about and examples of cultures in Africa besides those that are considered to be part of "Black Africa" or the Black African Diaspora.

Click for a closely related pancocojams post entitled "Information About & Descriptions Of Traditional Female Tattoos Among The Chaoui (Algeria, North Africa)".

"The Chaoui people or Shawia (Algerian Arabic: شاويه‎, Tachawit: Išawiyen) are a Berber population inhabiting the Aurès, Batna and Khenchla Oum bwaghi Biskra regions located in and surrounded by the Aurès Mountains. They also live in the Tébessa area and other parts of eastern Algeria coextensive with ancient Numidia, as well as a few adjacent towns in Tunisia. They call themselves Išawiyen/Icawiyen (pronounced [iʃawijən]) and speak the Shawiya language.


Chaoui music is a specific style of Berber music. The Shawia dance is called Rahaba; men and women dancing at weddings."...


[Pancocojams' Editor's Note: This article is translated from French to English and given "as is".]

"Rahaba: An authentic genre of singing and choreography
Intangible heritage preserved and reproduced to date by Chaouis, Rahaba is an authentic kind of singing and rhythmic dance still present during the various occasions and festivals in the wilaya of Khenchela.

The term Rahaba comes from the Arabic word Tarhib which means "to welcome" for the holiday guests, but the Amazigh name is "Therdest" which means to beat the earth with the feet while singing, explains the researcher in the history of Aurès, Mohamed Salah Ounissi. With distant origins, Rahaba is a choreography of the Mediterranean basin and North Africa which has striking similarities with the Moroccan folk dances of the genres: "Ahouach", "Ahidous" and "Akoual", notes the researcher, who considers that the bendir (tambourine) and El Gasba (flute) are "intruder" instruments of the authentic Chaouia genre still preserved in Khenchela.

Rahaba, a diversified heritage
For Mr. Ounissi, Rahaba comes in three forms. It is either performed by two rows of dancers facing each other, or by two rows of dancers also standing face to face, or by a row of dancers facing a row of dancers. There are also three kinds of Rahaba in Khenchela wilaya, he says. The first called "Oudjani" is attributed to the tribe of "Beni Oudjana" installed including Yabous, Bouhmama and Taouzianet. The song is piercing and the dance is punctuated by the movements of the feet and shoulders. "Laamrami" is another type prevalent in the localities of Tamza, El Hamma, N'sigha and Ouled Yakoub. It is distinguished by powerful ground beats and a softer song. The third kind is called "Nememcha". It is performed with dances similar to both previous genres and a song rather piercing and sharp, adds the researcher.

The Rahaba song, loaded with messages and meaning
Rahaba poems, sung in dialectal Arabic or chaouia, often carry social and religious content. They glorify the values of nobility, the population and the history of Aurès and Chaouias. They also address lyrical themes and love without being "even less crude vulgar," notes the researcher history of Aurès. Created in the early 1990s, the association "Assala" of the municipality of Tamza (25 km south-west of Khenchela) works to preserve this authentic music, ensures its president Belkacem Salmia, welcoming that the association has made out in 1998 his first album Rahaba. The preservation of this music requires more interest from cultural sector actors to promote it as intangible heritage and to support the associations and troupes that continue to perpetuate this musical genre, said Mr. Salmia . For many Aures intellectuals, the genre Rahaba deserves to be preserved for future generations and to be on the list intangible cultural heritage of humanity like the "Ahalil", a mystical music of southern Algeria , and "Imzad", a Tuareg musical instrument.

Example #1: Folkore chaoui - Irehaben (Rahaba) - Tajnanet (Mila)

Vidéo chaoui, Published on Sep 10, 2013

Style : Irehaben (Rahaba), musique et danse chaoui. polyphonie, chœurs , sebaha
Lieu : Tadjenanet (Mila- Algérie)
Src : Lamri Ketfi

Example #2: rahaba a khenchela

Aures photographie, Published on Mar 1, 2016

Example #3: اصيلة Mariage chaoui

المتميز الشاوي exceptionnel Chaoui, Published on Jan 5, 2017

افضل رحابة شاوية اصيلة Mariage chaoui
البندير والرقص بطريقة الشاوية
ادعمونا بجام واشتراك في القناة ليصلكم كل جديد من الفيديوهات وشكرا لكم نرجو منكم زيارة صفحتنا في الفيسبوك وعمل اعجاب هذا هو رابط الصفحة mariage staifi chaoui, mariage staifi en France, chanson arassi staifi 2017, staifi 2017 arassi remix
Translated from Arabic to English:
Distinguished Chaoy exceptionnel Chaoui, Published on Jan 5, 2017

The best authentic Chaoyan hospitality
Bandar and dance in a chaotic way
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Example #4: افضل اغنية شاوية يما حنا Rahaba chaouia

المتميز الشاوي exceptionnel Chaoui, Published on Jan 13, 2017

افضل اغنية شاوية يما حنا Rahaba chaouia
ادعمونا بجام واشتراك في القناة ليصلكم كل جديد من الفيديوهات وشكرا لكم نرجو منكم زيارة صفحتنا في الفيسبوك وعمل اعجاب هذا هو رابط الصفحة mariage staifi chaoui, mariage staifi en France, chanson arassi staifi 2017, staifi 2017 arassi remix
translated from Arabic to English:

Outstanding Chaoy exceptionnel Chaoui, Published on Jan 13, 2017

The Best Song of Chaya
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Example #5: رحابة شاوية مع زوبير دارو حالة اغنية (زوج دراري طلعو لجبال) Chanson Chaoui

المتميز الشاوي exceptionnel Chaoui, Published on Jul 20, 2017

افضل واجمل واروع رحابة مع اللباس الشاوي الانيق وابداعهم في البارود روعة
لاتنسو دعمنا بلايك لصفحة في الفايسبوك ومشاركة الفيديو مع اصدقاءكم mariage staifi chaoui, mariage staifi en France, chanson arassi staifi 2017, staifi 2017 arassi remix

Example #6: rahaba arris 2018

midou chaoui, Published on Nov 22, 2017

Example #7: MOV 0044

midou chaoui, Published on Nov 26, 2017

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