Monday, September 11, 2017

Two Bayuda Du Congo Videos (with selected comments) From the Democratic Republic Of The Congo (Kinshasa)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams videos showcases two videos of Democratic Republic Of The Congo music group Bayuda Du Congo. The first showcase video is "Bayuda Du Congo Kadiyoyo 2015, Tshintua Ndemba" and the second showcase video is "Bayuda nouvelle génération de Kadiyoyo dans Kanguluba (Officiel)".

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Bayuda Du Congo and all others who are featured in these videos. Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post, thanks to the producers of these video, and the publishers of these videos on YouTube.

"Bayuda Du Congo" is the name of a music group from DRC (Kinshasa). From reading various comments in several discussion threads of that group's videos on YouTube I've gathered that the group is from the Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kinshasha), that Tshiluba is the language that is sung in their videos, and that Kadiyoyo is their lead singer/founder. I'm not sure what the word "Bayuda" means.

Please add to this information. Thanks!

[Update: Thanks to Jr Ndaya for responding to my question about the meaning of the word "Bayuba" on March 17, 2019. Here's that response:
"@Azizi Powell thank you for asking the question and I'm happy to answer to it. Bayuda means Judah. This music is a traditional luba music. From people living in center and eastern regions of DRC"
-end of Update-

I was motivated to search for YouTube videos from the DRC in part because of this article that I read about that nation: From
"KINSHASA - More than 500 people have died so far in a cholera epidemic that is sweeping the Democratic Republic of Congo, the World Health Organization (WHO) said.

Outbreaks of the water-borne disease occur regularly in Congo, mainly due to poor sanitation and a lack of access to clean drinking water.

But this year’s epidemic, which has already hit at least 10 urban areas including the capital Kinshasa, is particularly worrying as it comes as about 1.4 million people have been displaced by violence in the central Kasai region.

The WHO said at least 528 people had died and the epidemic had spread to 20 of Congo’s 26 provinces."...
Prior to reading that article I wasn't aware of the violence or the cholera epidemic. My prayers for all those in this nation. I pray for peace and unity and help for those facing illness, death, and danger.

DISCLAIMER: As English is the only language that I understand, I don't know what this song is about except for what I read in the discussion section.

This pancocojams post isn't meant to take any side in any DRC conflict, but is meant to showcase some of the music, dancing, and fashions of this part of the DRC.


Eugene Jpx Published on Jan 3, 2015

Selected comments from this video's discussion thread (Numbers assigned for referencing purposes only)
Section A [general comments]
1. legeneralkueck, 2015
"Big up Kadiyoyi. Courage!!! tu fais la fiertE des Baluba"
"Big Up" is a vernacular phrase of Caribbean origin (Jamaica?) that basically means "Congratulations".
"fais la fiertE des Baluba = "you make the pride of Baluba" [French to English}

2. John Mwamba, 2015
" kadiyoyo this is a surprise. Thank you so much.kasai number 1 with one love"

3. Griot Tshitenge, 2015
"A tous les gardiens de nos traditions au CONGO, félicitation."
"To all the guardians of our traditions in CONGO, congratulations."

4. Supa Glow, 2015
"J'aime. Bayuda, toujours au top!"
"I love. Bayuda, always on top!"

5. Charles Kashama, 2015
"Kadiyo courage udi muenza mudimu webe bimba kadi ka kwena orginalite to; udi muangata Tshiala muana ni Allah masasi tuaskidila avenir udi muimpa
No Google translation available

6.Theodore Badibanga Sambuka, 2017
"Charles Kashama :attention Charles,personne pour revendiquer cela . C'est la culture tous se ressourcent dedans même elle, même lui.Dieu merci que les comprennent que en dehors de l'agriculture et du diamant, ils ont une formidable richesse de plus alors qu'ailleurs la culture est entrain d'être décimée et envahie par d'autres culture. Plongez également dans les chansons de louanges en tshiluba dans les églises ce que traduit se ressourcer dans les langues bantous.Formidables les Kasaiens. Bravo à vous."
"Charles Kashama: attention Charles, no one to claim that. It is culture all resourcing in it even, even him. Thank God that understand that apart from agriculture and diamond, they have a tremendous wealth more while elsewhere culture is being decimated and invaded by other cultures. Immerse yourself in the songs of praise in tshiluba in the churches which translates to recharge in the Bantu languages.Formidables the Kasaiens. Congratulations to you."

7. Kongo Queen, 2016
"proudly Congolese I love my country so much and proud to be muluba"

8. Mashinda Claude Ilunga, 2016
"Kadiyoyo was the most talented of the "Bayuda" of the origins, this is confirmed by this work of master. Bravo, bravissimo !!!"

9. Meline Boudelier, 2016
"ma mere est de bandudu plus clair masimanimba j'aime bcp Les music traditionel,un grand redpect a tous ces grand chanteur folklorique i love rdc"
"my mother is from bandudu lighter masimanimba i love bcp Traditional music, a great redpect has all these great folk singer i love rdc"

10. Clementine, 2017
"Please, can someone help with the translation of this song?"

11. Eugene Jpx, 2017
"l artiste decide de quitter la ville pour son village natal, il n avait rien comme frais pour ce payer le billet retour, il decide de marche a pieds d ou il va rencontrer certains amis qu il cite sur sa route, MBUJI MAYI TSHIMENGA: la meilleure. merci
"the artist decided to leave the town for his native village, there was nothing like charges to pay the return ticket, he decided to walk on foot or he would meet some friends he quotes on his way, MBUJI MAYI TSHIMENGA: better. thank you:

Eugene Jpx, 2017
"the singer has just decided to leave the big town to return to the village because of evil thinn t gs we met, he didn t get any money but he brought his singer diploma, sorry this bus driver refuse, then he started walking for very long distance to reach his father, he think he could find a good life, on his way he may meet some friends they may help me .... thanks this song was nomminated 2016 KORA SOUTH AFRICA"
This is the English translation of the comment that was written in French. I apparently retain the French comment and can't easily find it in that discussion thread.

"The KORA All Africa Music Awards are music awards given annually for musical achievement in sub-Saharan Africa. The awards were founded in 1994 by Benin born businessman, Ernest Adjovi, after a discussion in Namibia with the country's President Hage Geingob.[1] The award is named after the kora, a West African plucked chordophone."

Gali Christ, 2016
"Proud to be a muluba , Come one guys put it up !!!!!!"
"Put it up" may mean "Keep it up" ("Keep doing what you are doing well"). The saying "Keep it up" is found in a lot of YouTube discussion threads of contemporary African music and dance videos.

Celine Muambuyi, 2016
"God Bless Kadiyoyo Tshintua Ndemba and his Group! God Bless All My People of Grand Kasai and the Big Congo in this New Year 2016!!! Go Amazing People!! Kuetu kakujimini nansha!!"

Section B [sub-thread]
This section of this comment compilation includes all of the comments from a sub-thread of this discussion thread (as of 9/10/2017 at 10:59 EDT).

Most of the comments in this section express a desire for unity among all of DRC's ethnic groups (tribes).

These comments are translated from French to English via Google translate.]

1. Steeve Mwelwa, 2016
"C'est pas ma culture, je suis katangais ma je dois reconnaitre une n'ya aucune culture qui chante mieux que ceux qui sont sortie de la terre du grand Kasai. #Respect pour vous. Merci pour les bonne chansons"
"It's not my culture, I'm Katangan ma I have to recognize one thing ... there is no culture that sings better than those who have come out of the land of the great Kasai. #Respect for you. Thanks for the good songs"

2. Mtb .Xprss, 2016
"Merci beaucoup mon cher Steeve Mwelwa, n'oublie jamais que nous sommes tous frère et un même peuple. Comme peuple, le chanteur Kadiyoyo et les autres font la fierté de cette riche culture qui est la notre. Je suis en Amérique et mon quotidien c'est cette musique. Nous devons en faire la promotion chaque jour. Bravo à la culture de ce Grand Congo."
"Thank you very much my dear Steeve Mwelwa, never forget that we are all brothers and the same people. As a people, the singer Kadiyoyo and the others are the pride of this rich culture that is ours. I am in America and my daily life is this music. We need to promote it every day. Congratulations to the culture of this great Congo."

3. cacharel lyly, 2016
"+Mtb .Xprss j aime ton commentaire qui est d un amour d union sans division et sans tribalisme.vive la musique de notre grand Rdc"
"+ Mtb .Xprss I love your comment which is of a love of unity without division and without tribalism.Vive the music of our great Rdc"

4. Mtb .Xprss, 2016
"Cacharel Lyly; Très content de votre constat. Une nation est forte dans l'union, fermons les portes de la différence. Oui la RDC est riche, du peuple Muntandu dans bas Congo au Ndande à Bunia en passant par les Nguaka à l'Équateur jusqu'au Kasaï, vous comprendrez cette diversité est là parce que Dieu l'a décidé ainsi alors soyons en fier."
"Cacharel Lyly; Very pleased with your observation. A nation is strong in union, let us close the gates of difference. Yes the DRC is rich, from the Muntandu people in the lower Congo to the Ndande in Bunia, from the Nguaka to the Ecuador to the Kasai, you will understand that this diversity is there because God decided it so let us be proud."

5. Damien Poludore, 2016
"+Mtb .Xprss Oui c'est ca notre Congo: l'unite dans la diversite. C'est ce qui fait notre force et notre richesse. Je suis Tetela (Otetela). Je viens d'une famille de 11 enfants, 4 filles et 7 garcons et pas un seul (ou une seule) marie (e) a un Otetela! Tous mes freres et soeurs sont maries a des femmes et des hommes d'autres tribus: Mbuza, Muyanzi, Luba (Shaba), Luba (Kasai), Muyombe, .... Ca vous donne une idee de l'harmonie dans laquelle ont toujours vecu les diverses tribus de notre beau pays. C'est ca notre Congo. J'etais ne au Kasai, j'ai etudie au Kasai et au Kivu, et je suis alle a l'universite au Katanga. Et partout j'etais chez moi. Ceci est vrai de tous les Congolais. Nous sommes un peuple pacifique et nous avons toujours vecu en paix avec les 9 pays qui sont nos voisins (Nous ne connaissons pas la culture de la machette). RIEN NI PERSONNE NE POURRA NOUS DIVISER."
"+ Mtb .Xprss Yes it is our Congo: the unity in diversity. That is what makes our strength and wealth. I am Tetela (Otetela). I come from a family of 11 children, 4 girls and 7 boys and not one (or only) married has an Otetela! All of my brothers and sisters are married to women and men from other tribes: Mbuza, Muyanzi, Luba (Shaba), Luba (Kasai), Muyombe, ... It gives you an idea of the harmony always lived the various tribes of our beautiful country. This is our Congo. I was born in Kasai, studied in Kasai and Kivu, and went to the university in Katanga. And everywhere I was at home. This is true of all Congolese. We are a peaceful people and we have always lived in peace with the 9 countries that are our neighbors (We do not know the culture of the machete). NOTHING NOR PERSON CAN DIVIDE US."

6.Rose Lusamba, 2017
"@Mtb.Xprss es-tu par hasard kasaien(ne)?Je suis née au Katanga,j'ai vécu et grandi là bas.Ton discours est beau mais rapelles-toi que les Katangais ont la haine vis à vis des kasaiens.Nous sommes appelées les bilulu(hasticots)...Je voudrais pas trop parler,en 1998 les kasaiens ont été chassé du Katanga, beaucoups d'enfants sont morts sur le trajet de Lubumbashi à Mwena Ditu,leurs biens pillés par les katangais...."
"@ Mtb.Xprss Are you kasaien? I was born in Katanga, I lived and grew up there. Your speech is beautiful but remember that the Katangese have hatred towards the kasaiens.Nous are called bilulu. I do not want to talk too much. In 1998 the kasaiens were driven out of Katanga, many children died on the way from Lubumbashi to Mwena Ditu, their property looted by the Katangese ..."

7. Rose Lusamba, 2017
"@Steeve Mwelwa:Qu'est que tu rencontes? Tu oublies votre façon de nous dénigrer: les bilulu,vi kasai vi kabwalala(les kasaiens sont des voleurs.
soyons sérieux!"
"@Steeve Mwelwa: What are you meeting? You forget your way of denigrating us: the bilulu, vi kasai vi kabwalala (the kasaiens are thieves.
be serious!"

8. Steeve Mwelwa, 2017
"Yo svp, j'ai mis ce commentaire pour apprecié ce groupe que j'aime bien tout etant Katangais et surtout CONGOLAIS. Je ne suis pas d'accord que mon commentaire serve de plate-forme pour des discours hainneux. Alors abstennais vous de salir mon commentaire. Merci a tout ce qui on commenté positivemment."
"Yo please, I put this comment to appreciate this group that I like everything being Katangese and especially CONGOLAIS. I do not agree that my comment serves as a platform for hateful speeches. So abstain you from messing my comment. Thank you to all who commented positively."

9. Eugene Jpx, 2017
"Tous créée par Dieu exemple en 1960 la population DR CONGO etait 2 MILLIONS 1974 etait 5 millions1985 etait 20 millions, tous nous sommes frères svp"
"All created by God example in 1960 DR CONGO population was 2 MILLION 1974 was 5 million1985 was 20 million, all we are brothers please"

10. Jeanne Suila, 2017
"Bien dit. Jamais personne ne pourra nous diviser que ce soit les imperialists ni les Tutsis!!!"
"Well said. Never can anyone divide us either the imperialists or the Tutsis!"

11. Jeanne Suila, 2017
"Rose Lusamba ce n'est pas le moment de division. Il faut savoir que toutes les deboires qui se passent dans notre pays les Belges surtoutsont derriere tout cela ainsi que leurs allies. C'est mieux de tourner la page. Nous sommes tous Congolais restons unis, c'est mieux ainsi."
"Rose Lusamba is not the moment of division. It must be known that all the debts that happen in our country the Belgians especially are behind all this and their allies. It's better to turn the page. We are all Congolese united, it is better so."

12. Yopi Yopino, 2017
"Jeanne Suila
I think this means that the commenter agrees with what Jeanne Suila just wrote.

13. Khadidiatou Fall, 2017
"Ivoirienne et je le reconnais."
"Ivory Coast and I recognize it.

14. Bernadette Grace, 2017 [first week in September 2017]
"Steeve Mwelwa tu as raison"
"Steeve Mwelwa is right"

Example #2: BAYUDA nouvelle génération de KADIYOYO dans KANGULUBA (Officiel)

Kinshasa Na Biso, Published on Dec 31, 2015

Selected comments from this video's discussion thread (Numbers assigned for referencing purposes only)

1. Homme Noir, 2016
"la musique chaude du Kasaï huuummm kwataaa majaaaa djii. Kasaï oyeeee"
Black man, 2016
"the warm music of Kasai huuummm kwataaa majaaaa djii. Kasaï oyeeee"

2. Margot Jaeger, 2016
"il faudra continu la tradition de dance et music des muluba"
"il faudra continu la tradition de dance et music des muluba"

3. Theodore Badibanga Sambuka, 2017
"Margot Jaeger muluba:singulier
baluba : pluriel
la linguistique luba stipule le mu+un substantif=le substantif au singulier alors que le ba+substantif indiqué le pluriel.
ex. muluba, baluba
ceci n'est pas une règle générale car il existe disons des lignes diverses des singuliers et pluriels des noms telle que:
di-ma,di-me ,mu-mi,tshi-bi,mu-ba. . . très amusant la grammaire des nos langues vernaculaires .bonjour ma belle soeur,je suis aussi muluba du kasai(le i prend toujours deux points) ."

"aa adi a kuetu menemene! amvuayija too ne mubidi onso! j'ai grandi avec et dans cette musique.. Sachez aussi que c'est ca l'origine de la rumba congolaise...."
"aa adi a kuetu menemene! amvuayija too ne mubidi onso! I grew up with and in this music .. Know also that this is the origin of the Congolese rumba ...."

5. Jeanne Suila, 2017
"Les Brazzavilois ont un probleme avec cela oubliant qu'il y a la tribue/ethnie Kongo au Congo Kinshasa et pourtant la danse Champeta c'est du Zaiko tout fait. Tandis que la musique Kasaienne est une musique a part, avec un style distinct qui n'a rien a voir avec la "Rumba"mais qui est une dance des hanches et du nombril."

6. Jeanne Suila, 2017
"The Brazzavillians have a problem with this forgetting that there is the tribe / ethno Kongo in Congo Kinshasa and yet the Champeta dance is Zaiko all done. While Kasaian music is a music apart, with a distinct style that has nothing to do with the "Rumba" but is a dance of the hips and navel."

7. KHAÇANOVA, 2017
"Jeanne Suila la danse Kasaïenne a plusieurs forme, la danse des chefs diffère de celles des guerriers, de la femme différente de celle des hommes et les pas de la rumba aussi; le ton de la danse et donné par le texte de la chanson, amour, guerrier...etc"
"Jeanne Suila the Kasaïenne dance has several forms, the dance of the chiefs differs from those of the warriors, the woman different from that of the men and the steps of the rumba also; the tone of the dance and given by the text of the song, love, warrior ... etc"

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