Friday, September 8, 2017

Moroccan Singer Jannat Mahid featuring.Togolese Duo Toofan - MaMa Africa 2017 (information, video, & comments)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post provides information about the Moroccan singer Jannat Mehid and information about the Togolese duo Toofan.

This post also showcases the official video for "MaMa Africa" by Jannat featuring Toofan and also includes a few selected comments from that video's discussion thread.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to and all those who are featured in this song and its video. Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publisher of this video on YouTube.

SHOWCASE VIDEO: Jannat ft. Toofan - MaMa Africa 2017 | جنات - ماما افريكا

Jannat Mahid, Published on Jan 29, 2017

Google translate of Arabic summary to English:

By the way dear to the hearts of all Moroccans, we commend you for this artwork on the occasion of the return of the Kingdom of Morocco to the African Union


Lyrics of the Ambassador of the Moroccan Song
Musab al - Anzi

Radwan Al Diri


special thanks
To His Royal Highness Prince Moulay Ismail bin Abdullah bin Mohammed V, God's mercy and mercy on him for his moral support and guidance to allow this national and artistic work to mark the return of the Kingdom Morocco to the African Union

Directed by
Faisal Al-Halimi

God is the king's home


"Jannat Mahid (Arabic: جنات مهيد‎‎) (born January 6, 1986), known by her stage name Jannat, is one of the youngest female Arab artists to have graced the Middle East music scene. Born in Morocco and presently living in Egypt, Jannat sings in almost all Arabic dialects. Jannat is well known for her incredible voice and her love for Arabic classics, particularly Oum Khaltoum she admires since her childhood.


From that date Jannat turned to a professional singer and released her first song "Efhamny Habiby" in 2004 which was a video clip also. At that time producer Ahmed Desouki was seeking new voices. He liked Jannat voice and signed a contract with her in 2005. From that day Jannat started to prepare for her new album Elli Beny W Benak to be issued in 2006. The preparation of the album took a year and half due to the desire of the producer to achieve success with the album. Jannat recorded 21 songs but the album contained only 10 songs. The album has achieved success and she made a video clip for the song "Aktar Min Sana".[3] The album songs were a collection of romance, sad, and songs that describes women's powerful feelings.[4]
Jannat released other albums with the label Good News 4 Music : GoodNews4Music Vol.1 and Hob Emtelak which was a great success in Egypt and in the Arab world. Jannat was then ranked as one of the best upcoming artists in the Middle East
In 2012, Jannat signed with the famous Arabic pop label Rotana for a three albums deal. At the time of signing, she already produced herself the first album Hob Gamed which gave Jannat international success and her hit "El Badi Azlam" along "Hob Gamed"[5] made her travel many countries. She made several concerts like "Hala Febrayer" in Koweit or "Souq Waqif" in Doha. Hob Gamed was also a bestseller and had significant selling figures in Egypt, Saudi Arabia...

Jannat will release in 2016, her fourth studio album Be Nafs El Kalam.[6]"

"Toofan is a musical group founded in 2005 in Togo whose instrumental is a new concept in West African music: the "cool-catché". The dance itself seems simple, but it is a mixture of neck movements accompanied by a presentation of the feet opposite to the logic imposed by the movements of the neck. This concept was the subject of a report by France 24 as summer music. More precisely, it is the clip That magik benefited from this.

The group is also known for a new concept, the "gweta", appeared in 2013 and whose gesture aims to "dodge the jealous".

The group is composed of Masta Just and Barabas. He composed the anthem of the African Cup of Nations football 2012 2 and 2015.

They are childhood friends who grew up together: Master Just (Fatowou Kossivi) group mover and Barabas said "The Magician" (Blaise Mensah) toaster and rapper of the group. Being three at the beginning of their career, they are now two.

The Toofan export their music beyond West Africa: in the years 2010 they gave concerts in France , Germany and the United States of America , among others. In 2014 they toured France."

"MaMa Africa" by Jannat Mahid featuring Toofan is another collaboration between singers in two or more African nations.

As of 9/8/2017 at 11:19 AM there were a total number of 5,752,135 views for this video. There were also a total number of 4,994 comments in this video's discussion thread. It should be noted that this is only one of several YouTube videos for this same song.

By far the most often used language for the comments in this discussion thread is Arabic and French is the second most frequently used language. There are a few comments in Spanish, a few in English, and a few in some other language/s.

Because I was curious, I used Google's translation feature on random Arabic comments and random French comments from this discussion thread. Many of those comments in Arabic and French praise the nation of Morocco and/or praise the song itself or praise the Moroccan singer Jannat. A considerable number of comments in this discussion thread also give respects to "mama Africa", and acknowledge and honor Morocco as an African nation.

Some comments voiced political and/or sociological opinions.

A number of comments referred to the Maghreb. Here's information about the Maghreb from

The Maghreb (/ˈmæɡrɪb/[1] or /ˈmʌɡrəb/; literally "west, sunset";[1] Arabic: المغرب‎‎ al-Maɣréb; Berber: Tamazɣa, ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵗⴰ; historically known as the Barbary Coast or Barbary States, (derived from Berber),[2][3] and the Land of the Atlas (derived from the Atlas Mountains)[4]) or the Greater Maghreb (Arabic: المغرب الكبير ‎‎ al-Maghrib al-Kabīr), is usually defined as much or most of the region of western North Africa or Northwest Africa, west of Egypt. The traditional definition as the region including the Atlas Mountains and the coastal plains of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya, was later superseded, especially following the 1989 formation of the Arab Maghreb Union (اتحاد المغرب العربي), by the inclusion of Mauritania and of the disputed territory of Western Sahara (mostly controlled by Morocco). During the Al-Andalus era in Spain (711–1492), the Maghreb's inhabitants, Maghrebis, were known as "Moors".[5] Morocco also transliterates into Arabic as "al-Maghreb" (The Maghreb).

Before the establishment of modern nation states in the region during the mid-20th century, Maghreb most commonly referred to a smaller area between the Atlas Mountains in the south and the Mediterranean Sea, often also including eastern Libya, but not modern Mauritania. As recently as the late 19th century it was used to refer to the Western Mediterranean region of coastal North Africa in general, and to Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia in particular.[6]
I didn't find any comments in either of the two discussion threads of this song that I skimmed which specifically mentioned the Togolese group Toofan.
The following section of this post provide selected examples of the comments in Arabic or in French that I randomly read (via Google translate). The Google translation from Arabic or from French to English is given below the quote. Any words that may also be given in brackets are my addition to that Google translation to better conform with standard American English.

All of these comments are from 2017 These comments aren't consecutive order, but are presented from the oldest to the newest comments. Numbers have been assigned for referencing purposes only.


Fadwa Mouzoun
1. "نقولها بصوت عالي مغربية يا صحرا 👑❤"
Saying loud Moroccan, O desert of the world

2. العكايشي
"تحية من العراق الجريح الى اهل المغرب الحبيب"
"Hamad Al-Akashi
Greetings from wounded Iraq to the beloved people of Morocco"

3. وطن
"تحية من فلسطين لأهل المغرب اطيب شعب بحبكم 😘😘😘😘😘
Tears of a homeland
Live from Palestine to the people of Morocco, the best people of your love"

4. Amir Amro
حبنا لفلسطين ولد فينا فطري و ما عندوش حودود ولا شروط تحياتنا لدولة فلسطين حره و مستقله وعاصمتها القدس العربي الإسلامي الشريف
"Our love for Palestine was born in us Fattri and Maadosh Houdoud and the conditions of our greetings to the state of Palestine is free and independent and its capital is the Arab Islamic Holy Jerusalem"

5. uen yogeali
"mama Africa 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖"

6. AR Mian
"Wow, lovely song, viva Morocco <3"

7. M. Eisa
"التحية للشعب المغربي mama Africa plz unite"

8. Madasha Barbarta SOMALILAND
"تحيه من المغرب لكل دول افريقيا 53 دوله . القاره السمراء في القمه. 10/10 افريقيا . حضارتنا أقدم من العرب عشان كذا نحن افريقا وبس."
"Living from Morocco to all African countries 53 countries. Black Cap at the top. 10/10 Africa. Our civilization is older than the Arabs because we are Africa and we are.

Hey Salaam, the voices of Moroccans are singing all kinds of songs"

9. yasin morif
"I from in Mali I love this music I love Morocco"

10. shooox enji
"From Morocco , I love Mali ❤"

11. المغرب ابو الدنيا
"قريبا في الفين وعشرين المغرب سيصبح ملك للمهاجرين الافارقة ونحن سنكون لاجئيين وغرباء في بلدنا والمغرب اصولو امازيغية عن اي افريقيا تتحدتون موقعنا في افريقيا صحيح لكن لا علاقة لنا بهم الا بعض القبائل في جنوب المملكة والا لكنا كلنا سوود كفو عن الكدب فنصف المغاربة ان لم اقل اغلبهم امازيغ والباقي اصولهم عربية وافريقية"
Morocco Abu Dhabi
"Morocco will soon become the property of African migrants. We will be refugees and strangers in our country and Morocco, Amazigh fundamentalists of any African country that unite our site in Africa, but we have nothing to do with them except some tribes in the south of the Kingdom. Otherwise we would all be sued for the Kurds. Half the Moroccans, if not the majority Amazigh and the rest their origins are Arab and African"

12. brahim lekmouri brahim lekmouri
"بالمناسبة المغاربة لايسبون الجزائريين بل يسبون النظام الغاشم الذي انفق كل ثرواته للتقسيم بلادنا هههه انه لايعلم ان المغرب جسد واحد والصحراء عضو من هدا الجسد والعاصمة الرباط هي قلب هدا الجسد وجلالة الملك هو دم هدا البلد وادا اشتكى عضو من هدا البلد تداعى له سائر هدا البلد ارجوكم اخوتي الجزائريين افهمونا ولو لمرة واحدة والله واقسم بالله لا فرنسا ولا امريكا ولا ولا يمكنها ان تنتزع منا احد اعضائنا والدي هو الصحراء انها مسألة وجود وايست مسألة حدود"
"By the way, Moroccans are not Libyans Algerians, but they blame the brutal regime, which spent all its resources to divide our country. Haha, it does not know that Morocco is one body, and Sahara is a member of this body and the capital. Rabat is the heart of this body and the majesty of the king is the blood of this country and a member of this country has complained about this country. My brothers Algerians understand us even once and God swear by God, neither France nor America nor can it take away one of our members. My father is the Sahara. It is a matter of existence."

13. ahmed taki
"We are back to Africa. Despite Egypt, Tunisia, Mauritania and Algeria, I am talking here about governments, not people"

14. rihab ch
"Je suis MAROCAINE أنا إفريقية mama africa"
"I am Moroccan I am African mama africa."

15. Yasmine el atrassi
"Africa tous unis"
"Africa all united"

16. nina simsim
"Je l écouté presque chaque jour c est une fierté non seulement pour le Maroc mais pour toute l Afrique encore une fois bravo pour toute l équipe."
"I listen to it almost every day is a pride not only for Morocco but for all Africa once again congratulations for the whole team."

17. Dank j. TrumPEPE
"للأسف هذا مجرد هراء ففي الواقع يتعرض السود بمغربنا الحبيب للتمييز العرقي و التعنيف الجسدي والنفسي من طرف عدد هائل من المغاربة العنصريين الذين يشوهون صورة بلادهم كل من يقطن في هذا البلد أعتبره مغربيا بالرغم عن اختلافاته ع-dnip-ني"
Unfortunately, this is nonsense. In fact, the blacks in our beloved Morocco are subjected to ethnic discrimination and physical and psychological abuse by a huge number of racist Moroccans who distort their image. Everyone who lives in this country is considered a Moroccan despite his differences about me
Notice this approximation of the name of the current president of the USA.

18. Channel warrior
"A great greeting from Egypt, but I wish you a very good greeting to the Arab Maghreb"

19. Sadak Dafak
"تيعيش النمغرب اﻷخة من المغرب"
"Long live the Maghreb brother from Morocco"

20. guercif music plus
[Long] Live Morocco [Long] Live Africa

21. yosra zelaoui
"que vive mon pays morroco!!!! i love you"
"[long live] my country Mococco I Love you."

22. maroc national team 4
"Moroccan ď African origin puré africain"
"Moroccan of African origin, pure African"

23. Adama fofana
"Très cool le Afrique est un et indivisible"
"It's very cool. Africa is united.

24.arangy dalo
"تحية طيبة من السودان one Love"
"Greetings from Sudan One Love"

25. Arafat Khalifa
"+Simo Romario االمغرب العربي رغم انف كل معارض"
"+ Simo Romario Maghreb despite the nose of all exhibitions"

26. Simo Romario
"عرفات خليفة لك الحق أن تسميه ما شئت. ولكن في الدستور المغربي اسمه المغرب الكبير. وأنا شخصيا مغربي لا أتحدث للأسف إلا اللغة العربية لأن النظام التعليمي المغربي القديم لم يكن بعد يدرس الأمازيغية لكن اللغة الأمازيغية اليوم هي لغة رسمية ومكون أساسي للهوية المغربية نفس الشيء بالنسبة للدول الأخرى الجزائر تونس ليبيا .ولهذا سمي بالمغرب الكبير."
"Arafat has the right to call him whatever you want. But in the Moroccan constitution its name is Morocco. I am a Moroccan. I speak only Arabic because the old Moroccan educational system did not yet study Amazigh, but Amazigh language today is an official language and a basic component of Moroccan identity. The same is true for other countries, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and so called Morocco."

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