Sunday, September 24, 2017

Five Gospel Videos From Adepr Cyarma Choirs In Huye (Butare), Rwanda

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post showcases five Gospel videos from Adepr Cyarma (Association Of Pentecostal Church) choirs in the Cyarwa neighborhood of Huye (Butare), Rwanda.*

English sub-titles that are included in two of these videos are also given in this post. Sub-titles also included in two other videos that are found in this post.

Information about Rwanda is given in this post along with information about the Rwandan city Huye (Butare) and information about the Kinyawanda language which is spoken in Rwanda.

The content of this post is presented for religious, cultural, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to these choirs for the musical abilities and religious messages and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post. Thanks also to the publishers of these videos on YouTube. Special thanks for including translations of these lyrics for most of these songs in English!
* I used google search to find out the meaning of "Adepr Cyarma". Here are my results:
1. Where this choir is located:
From gives the information Adepr Cyarma parish Huye, Buyare, Rwanda.

2. Here's information about the meaning of "Adepr" from
"ADEPR stands for Association des Eglises de Pentecote au Rwanda"
English translation of the French words: "Association of Pentecostal churches in Rwanda."

3. Here's information about the meaning of "Cyarma":
From "Cyarwa is a populated locality in Butare, Rwanda, Africa. Cyarwa is also known as Colline Cyarwa."

4. Since Wikipedia and other online sources indicated that Kinyawanda is the traditional language that is almost always spoken in Rwanda, I used to look up the English translations for the titles of the songs in these featured videos.

"Rwanda ... officially the Republic of Rwanda (Kinyarwanda: Repubulika y'u Rwanda; French: République du Rwanda), is a sovereign state in Central and East Africa and one of the smallest countries on the African mainland. Located a few degrees south of the Equator, Rwanda is bordered by Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Rwanda is in the African Great Lakes region and is highly elevated; its geography is dominated by mountains in the west and savanna to the east, with numerous lakes throughout the country. The climate is temperate to subtropical, with two rainy seasons and two dry seasons each year.
The population is young and predominantly rural, with a density among the highest in Africa. Rwandans are drawn from just one cultural and linguistic group, the Banyarwanda, although within this group there are three subgroups: the Hutu, Tutsi and Twa. The Twa are a forest-dwelling pygmy people descended from Rwanda's earliest inhabitants. Scholars disagree on the origins of and differences between the Hutu and Tutsi; some believe differences are derived from former social castes within a single people, while others believe the Hutu and Tutsi arrived in the country separately, and from different locations. Christianity is the largest religion in the country; the principal language is Kinyarwanda, spoken by most Rwandans, with English and French serving as official languages."

"Introducing Huye (Butare)

Huye is one of the most distinguished towns in Rwanda, having served as the country’s most prominent intellectual centre since the colonial era, when it was known as Butare, a name most Rwandans still use for it. Home to the National University of Rwanda, the National Institute of Scientific Research and the excellent National Museum, Huye may be a step down in size after the capital, but it’s certainly no lightweight on the Rwandan stage. While Huye may have lost a bit of ground to Kigali after independence, today it still manages to maintain its political relevance, especially since it’s ruled by legions of Rwanda’s academic elite.

While Huye isn’t a tourist destination in the traditional sense, it’s nevertheless an interesting stopover and the heavy concentration of liberal college students roaming the streets makes for an interesting contrast to the chaotic whirl of mercantile Kigali."

"Kinyarwanda is the language most widely spoken in Rwanda. English and French are basically tied for second place linguistically, though French has the au-dessus main. Swahili is also useful in some parts of the country especially in Kigali and other towns; it is also used for commerce. According to the 2001 census, Kinyarwanda is spoken by 99% of the population, Swahili 20%, French 8%, and English 5%.

Kinyarwanda is a Bantu language spoken by approximately 20,000,000 people, with over 8,000,000 in Rwanda.
Kinyarwanda is part of the Bantu sub-group of the central branch of the Niger-Congo language family. It is closely related to Kirundi, the language of Burundi. The Rwanda language is mutually intelligible with Kirundi, which is spoken in neighboring Burundi.

In terms of religion, Christianity dominates. It is practiced by two-thirds of the population. Due to the influx of Christian missionaries under German colonialism in the early 1900s, tribal religious beliefs occupy another 25% of Rwandans, while less than 10% of residents are Muslims."

Sub-titles are included in the videos for all of these songs except Example #3.

Example #1: Sinzibagirwa by Chorale Evangelique ADEPR CYARWA

Boniface NSENGIYUMVA, Published on May 6, 2013
Lyrics given as sub-titles in this video:

I will never forget God’s mercy nor forget his love
Jesus Himself lovd me though I was worthless
I was wicked
Jesus came from his holy heaven
to save me with his blood
I was wicked
Jesus came from his holy heaven
to save me with his blood
I will sing his love
by which Jesus saved me.
I’ll proclaim His mercy
to those who live far and near
To strong and humble people
for them to know that love
I will sing his love by which Jesus saved me.
I’ll proclaim his mercy
to those who live far and near
To strong and humble people
for them to know that love
I will sing his love by which Jesus saved me.

I’ll never forget His suffering for me.
He was beaten severely
and mocked by criminals
He worn [wore] the crown of thorns
So that I get eternal life

I will sing his love
by which Jesus saved me.
I’ll proclaim His mercy
to those who live far and near
To strong and humble people
for them to know that love
I will sing his love by which Jesus saved me.
I’ll proclaim his mercy
to those who live far and near
To strong and humble people
for them to know that love
I will sing his love by which Jesus saved me.

Surely Jesus took up our infirmities
He was pierced for our transgressions
He took our sins
He patiently accepted the cross’ death
hopeless death on the cross of shame

I will sing his love
by which Jesus saved me.
I’ll proclaim His mercy
to those who live far and near
To strong and humble people
for them to know that love
I will sing his love by which Jesus saved me.
I’ll proclaim his mercy
to those who live far and near
To strong and humble people
for them to know that love
I will sing his love by which Jesus saved me.
These verses or the chorus may be repeated one time after they are sung. had no entry for "Sinzibagirwa" and instead gave this result" "kwibagirwa (-we) v "to forget"

Example #2: Twiringiye Imana Chorale Evangelique Cyarwa

Boniface NSENGIYUMVA, Published on May 6, 2013

Nta wiringiye Imana uzakorwa n'isoni. Amen
The English: Kinyarwanda Dictionary gives these results:
"kwiringira (-ye) v to trust, rely on, hope, expect"

"imana /imâana/ n god, God"

Example #3: Revival choir Burundi

Ndanyuzwe Azarias Reagan Published on Oct 25, 2013

Revival choir at Burundi visit from Rwanda ADEPR Cyarwa
I think this summary means that Rwanda's DEPR Cyarwa Revival Choir visited Burundi. (My apologies if I misunderstood this summary.

Although this video didn't include any sub-titles, I featured this video because I really like the song.


IBYISHIMO .comTV, Published on Feb 21, 2017
Lyrics given as sub-tiles in this video:

Let me tell you miraculous deeds of God, He helped Israelites to cross the Red Sea.
He was with David at his triumph over Goliath and also took Daniel out of the lion’s den.
Let me tell you miraculous deeds of God, He helped Israelites to cross the Red Sea.
He was with David at his triumph over Goliath and also took Daniel out of the lion’s den.

God is almighty and amazing. Let’s trust Him.

Yahweh’s deeds are countless. He smashed down he walls of Jericho. He revealed himself to Elijah at the Mount calmer.
That was true, leprous Namani was healed. Jehovah, ahhahh Jehovah.

He has done great things for us, ehhehh so glad are we.
Jehovah, ahhahh Jehovah
He has done great things for us, ehhehh so glad are we.
Jehovah, ahhahh Jehovah
God is almighty and amazing. Let’s trust Him.
These verses or the chorus may be repeated one time after they are sung.

"miracle in Kinyarwanda:
translation and definition "miracle", English-Kinyarwanda Dictionary online
igitangaza: an awesome and exceptional example of something"
The man shown in the beginning of the video who runs to the front of the church to dance reminds me of the same or similar movements that occur in some American churches (especially in some Pentecostal churches) when people "feel the spirit" ("get happy".)

Example #5: JINA LAKO YESU BY REVIVAL CHOIR ADPER CYARWA ( Official Video 2017 )

IBYISHIMO .comTV, Published on Feb 21, 2017
No direct translation was given for these words by the English- Kinyarwanda Dictionary, but from the results that were given for the words "Jina" and Lako" my guess is that "Jina Lako Yesu" means something like this is the way that Jesus is. Corrections are welcome.
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