Friday, August 18, 2017

Seven Videos Of Takamba Music & Dance From Mali, West Africa

Edited by Azizi Powell

Latest Update: October 10, 2019

This pancocojams post provides information about the "Takamba" music and dance genre from Mali, West Africa.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all groups that are showcased in this post and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post. Thanks also to the publishers of these examples on YouTube.

From "Mali:The Passage Of Takamba Music" by Max Ndianaefo
"Takamba music and dance originated from the Songhai Empire in the 15th century. with Gao as its capital and commercial center. Before being known as Takamba, it was performed by Tamashesq griots and blacksmiths of the Gao region to celebrate the end of harvest and to welcome and encourage warriors back from battle, and to praise noble families. The griot, in a sitting position, would play the terhardent, also known as the kurbu by the Songhai people or more commonly [known as] ngoni. Takamba has gradually evolved through contact with Songhai populations enriching the cultural lives of noble people living in the Tameshesq camps. The settlement of the Tameshesq population in a mixed neighborhood led to a cultural fusion, the music of which, Takamba, was one form of expression.

The word, Takamba, has its origin in the village of Temera, situated between Timbuktu and Gourem. People of that region spoke of a Tamashesq master and his griot who were camping one day near Temera. When hearing the sound of a terhardent, the Songhai villagers approached the two men. Fascinated by the beauty of one of the women, the master wanted to lend her his hand. His griot spoke to the woman, saying "takamba", "take the hand". This is how the term "takamba" was born in Terema, a village renamed after the music. Another version tells the story of Mahamana Zaou Sadio, a Sonhai who invited a Tamasheq griot to his village to celebrate his daughter's wedding. Seduced by the languorous music, the Songhai began to solicit Tamashesq griots to woo women.

Until the 1960s, Takamba was sung and only accompanied by the terhardent, joined sporadically by hand clapping as percussion. Dancing was subtle and performed while seated. Takamba spread from village to village to evolve into festive music during Songhai social and religious gatherings. For both men and women, it offered an opportunity to engage in subtle gestures that were forbidden in everyday life.
This article continues with information about contemporary Takamba.

From the discussion thread for Super Onze, Future Takamba video, given as #2 below]
alhadji innou Safiou, 2017
"la signification de takamba veut dire en langue songhoi :prenez:ta où la , kamba veut dire la main en langue songhoi d'où takamba veut prendre sa main pour danser.cela ne provient pas des touaregs.le mot est vous en prie il faut dire la vérité aux blancs."
Google translated from French to English
"The meaning of takamba means in the language songhoi: take: ta where the, kamba means the hand in tongue songhoi from where takamba wants to take his hand to dance. This does not come from the Tuaregs. The word is you in Pray, we must tell the truth to the whites."

"Songhai Dance: The Takamba
Country: Mali
City: Timbuktu

Takamba is music made for celebration; weddings mainly, but also birth and circumcision parties, harvest thanksgivings, festivities to mark the end of Ramadan and many other occasions of communal joy. Its driving force is the unmistakable takamba rhythm which pulses on the boom and bip before lurching at the end of every phrase, catching the uninitiated in mid-step. This beat is locked down by one or more players of the calabash, a species of over-sized dried* out pumpkin gourd that sounds like an entire drum kit in the hands of skilled player, with its deep booming bass thump and rattling ‘hi-hat’ click. Atop this sedate beat come the ngoni players. The ngoni is a three or four stringed lute. With generous historical license you could call it the great granddaddy of the blues guitar and you wouldn’t be too far wrong. The takamba musicians play the ngoni sitting down, with the instrument lying on the floor and one knee pressing down on its body.

Best time
After dinner, it normally takes place in a family."
The word "dried" in this article was given as "died" which I believe is a typographical error.

These videos are presented in chronological order with the video with the oldest publishing date given first.

Example #1: Des femmes de Tombouctou dansant le TAKAMBA

rakiaalphadi, Published on Sep 8, 2007

Cette vidéo présente des femmes de Tombouctou entrain de danser le "TAKAMBA" lors d'une fête donnée par l'ONG francomalienne Gouna Avenir de Tombouctou lors du départ de 20 jeunes de 18 a 25 ans, venus aider les jeunes de Tombouctou.

Example #2: Duet Calabash

Future Takamba Published on Aug 26, 2010

A calabash duet by the two calabash players of Super 11, Aliou Saloum Yattara and "Cola" Mahamadou Balobo Maiga. They play the core of the mesmerizing grooves performed by Future Takamba and are displaying here some core variations of the Takamba rhythm. August 18th, Bamako, Mali.

Example #3: Super Onze - Super Onze

Future Takamba Published on Mar 15, 2011

Witness Mali's Takamba Band no. 1 Super 11 perform their anthem and title track Super Onze from their forthcoming album. Recorded next to the Niger, Segou, Mali.

Example #4: Thiale Arby – Takamba

AfricaShowsMusic : 100% Musique Africaine Published on Mar 10, 2016

Example #5: Spot On Mali Music presents SUPER ONZE

TorbenHolleuferGnawa, Published on Oct 14, 2016

The coolest band on the planet! I had the intense pleasure of filming and interviewing the legendary Super Onze from Gao in Mali some days before their concert on Spot On Mali Music 4 in Bamako, which took place on October 7-8, 2016. This is true Songhai music - takamba! Straight from the desert of north-east Mali. Filmed and produced by Torben Holleufer for Spot On Mali Music

Example #6: Soirée Takamba au Centre Culturel Tumast - 14 Mai 2016

Abdoul Malick Almaïmoune Published on May 22, 2016

Le samedi 14 Mai 2016 dernier, l'Association Bourem Gomno a organisé une grande soirée Takamba au Centre Culturel Tumast sis à Torokorobougou (Bamako, Mali). Extrait vidéo de cette soirée.
Google translate from French to English:
"On Saturday, May 14, 2016, the Association Bourem Gomno organized a great Takamba evening at the Tumast Cultural Center located in Torokorobougou (Bamako, Mali). Video extract of this evening."

Example #7: Takamba 100% Live (Best dancing)

Channel Songhaï, Dec 17, 2017
This video was added on October 10, 2019 to replace a video that is no longer available on YouTube.

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