Saturday, August 5, 2017

Five Videos Of The Botswana Music & Dance Group "Dikakapa"

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post provides information about the Botswana music and dance group "Dikakapa". This post also includes five videos of that group and selected comments from all but one of these videos discussion thread. Most of the selected comments provide information about what the individual songs mean.

The content of this post is presented for folkloric, cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the performers who are featured in these videos. In addition, thanks to 4thejuice, the publisher of these videos on YouTube.

"Dikakapa is a traditional music group from Gaborone, Botswana made up of nine members who are mainly members of the Botswana Defence Force, except for its two female members. Members include Dragon, Comeback, Jumbo, Ngo, Suzzi, Stsuatsue, Skuta, Esa, Fix-Stena, Tshumu, Tshutshu, Katli. The group came to the music scene in 2006 and has since made an impact in the country. They draw their musical inspiration from artists such as Seragantswana, Scar,Vee, Gong Master and Extra Musica.

As of July 2016 they were not signed to any record label. Their debut album ‘Selempu-re ya kae Batswana’ earned them a mark. Some of the songs are their own compositions but they also modify and record some common songs to suit their style."
I didn't include any of these comments below, but it should be noted that a number of comments to some of the discussion threads of videos that are showcased below (but particularly Dikakapa-Pula) expressed their regret that "Gong Master" had left Dikakapa. I'm not sure when that happened.

Example #1: Dikakapa-O tswa kae

4thejuice Published on Apr 26, 2008

Gake rate metsamao ya gago...
Selected comments from this video's discussion thread (These comments are numbered for referencing purposes only.)

1. SBUDEX, 2011
"What they sayin...? Bt she's kinda Hot. :P"

2. Loasa, 2011
"@SBUDEX The whole song is one of those dreaded 'traditional interventions' that has come about as a result of the girl spending too much time away from home. As its tradition, the other guys are probably her uncles who've been called to help put her in a righteous path . The father is basically saying 'I don't like your behavior.if you're truly my child, you'll listen and obey me. I want you to grow up into a proper woman,someone worth marrying.You're breaking my heart my child.'"

3. kenn Gondwe, 2015
"Hey Guys, Am a Malawian-Zambian born and found this song the best. I just love it even when i can understand the langauge. Help me with the basic meaning of the song and how i can get their music on CD. Please.

4. Morebodi Modise, 2015
"+kenn Gondwe The group is called Dikakapa and they are from Botswana singing in Setswana. The song is about a rebellious young girl whom her grand-parents are rebuking her for misbehaving, particularly of sleeping out late, not respecting her virtue as a potential wife."

5. adnissak ordep, 2016
"let's keep our music, dance and African tradition now and for the future generations."

Badisa Bonamelo, 2016
"Edmore is a story of a girl who does not behave well and always uncontrollable and does not listen to her parents she says i am coming from wherever i want at anytime"

Example #2: Dikakapa-Pula

4thejuice Published on Apr 27, 2008

pula naa naa!retlaa dika re kotshe!
Selected comments from this video's discussion thread (These comments are numbered for referencing purposes only.)

1. Kat LaFrance, 2010
"Beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing with the world!"

2. janny dada, 2012
"love love this video.thnx 4 the upload.made me all mother African people love u all.from East to west to North to south, Central etc

[The following comment is written in response to several comments that “pula” means something different in Romanian]

3. TheTassmanian, 2013
"hahaha, i get what you mean i checked from google translate. Pula is simply rain in Setswana, pula na na means it should rain.. they are basically saying it should rain so they may eat and have full tummies.

[This is written in response to questions about what the song means in English]

4. Costain Oaitse Kebatlege, 2014
"my English is not that good but I'll try; they are saying, rain come down so that we can have plenty of food to eat and have our stomachs full. the man is saying, we'll eat porridge. and then they keep on repeating..."

5. Christine Amann, 2015
"This sounds like it is music from botswana. The comments talk about ssestwana. What is the difference?"

6. Amogelang Moeng, 2015
"+Christine Amann SeTswana is a language spoken in Botswana ma'am"

7. Maipelo Molathiwa, 2016
"pula means rain,the song is all about being happy tat year because it is raining, and we will have better harvest"

Example #3: Dikakapa-Mmalobeto

4thejuice Published on May 15, 2008

basha reja maswe!reja ntshothwane mogodu wa peba!
Selected comments from this video's discussion thread (These comments are numbered for referencing purposes only.)

1. justice bapadile, 2012
"he is saying he dates older women becoz his agemates go out with older men, who have cars and money"

2. Obakeng Modise
"banna ba ba tona. elder man took my girlfriend so im consoling myself by dating older woman"

Example #4: Dikakapa-Tsala

4thejuice Published on May 15, 2008

ao tsala yame!
Selected comments from this video's discussion thread (These comments are numbered for referencing purposes only.)
1. Gofha Ronald Molale, 2011
"this song talks about how some FRIENDS-'TSALA' are good for nothing..and the back up singers confirms this by saying..."Oh wel my friend,yes,you my friend!""

2. Agustin Pius, 2013
"Real African dance in an African setting even though I don't understand a word.

3. Pious Chavula, 2013
"Tell me what does this song say. I like ghe dancing."

4. Tlhabo I AM, 2013
"He is singing about his friend who betrayed him and then laughed at him when he was in trouble. He basically tells this "friend" of his to stop laughing because what comes around goes around. The language is seTswana from Botswana!!!!"

Example #5: Dikapakapa selempu

petrose taole Published on Jun 19, 2017

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