Saturday, July 8, 2017

What "This Song Makes Me Wanna ___" Means In The Discussion Thread For The Hip Hop Dance Song "Rolex"

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post showcases the 2017 Hip Hop dance video "Rolex" by Ayo & Teo and provides information about that song.

This post also documents the internet meme "This song makes me wanna ____" in the official YouTube discussion thread for that video.

This post also presents several explanations for "This song makes me wanna ___" comments, including my theories about the meanings of this meme with a focus on the "Rolex" song, if not other songs.

The content of this post is presented for socio-cultural and entertainment purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Ayo & Teo and all those who are featured in this video. Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post. Thanks also to the publisher of this video on YouTube.

From Introducing Ayo & Teo’s “Rolex,” the Latest Viral Trend Turned Hit Record, By Yoh, May 2017
..."There are currently over 30 million YouTube plays on Ayo & Teo’s “Rolex,” a single that first hit the web in mid-January and now sits at No. 34 on Billboard's Hot 100. I had no idea the song existed until yesterday, but after just one listen, my gut tells me this has the potential to be a huge smash this summer.

"Rolex” benefits from familiarity, the single is cut from the same cloth as Rae Sremmurd’s most infectious trap anthems. It could easily fit on SremmLife 2 as a bonus song and listeners would be none the wiser...

With a similar sound and dynamic as Rae Sremmurd, “Rolex” is also filled with social media buzzwords―”dab of ranch,” “rollie,” “dat way”―taking some of Migos' most popular lingo and lyrics, a move reminiscent of Silentรณ using “Whip” and “Nae Nae” to make “Watch Me.” Taking elements from popular songs and crafting something equally as catchy and potent may be frowned upon in a creative sense, but kids are stitching together different characteristics and turning out hits....

Catchy, familiar and simplistic are reasons why “Rolex” has mass appeal, but the reason why it could truly explode is the #RolexChallenge. If you been paying attention to how social media works, challenges like this have the power to resurrect old hits and send bubbling singles to the top of charts....

What the challenges create are a sense of community for singles. Everyone wants to be a part of the discussion and a challenge brings the world into a moment―a catchy song attached to cute kids competing in dance can easily transcend into chart success. Imagine if Vine were still around, the duo would be dominating.”...

I won’t deem Ayo & Teo as artists of the future, but their single “Rolex” is slowly taking the internet and the charts by storm, and soon, could be worldwide. The summer is coming, and with the fire of “Bad And Boujee” slowly dying down, there’s room for a new anthem to take over its position.

Kanye said listen to the kids, and the kids are listening to Ayo & Teo."

SHOWCASE VIDEO: Ayo & Teo - Rolex (Official Video)

AyoandTeoVEVO, Published on May 26, 2017
Statistics as of 7/8/2017, 12:38 PM
Total # of views: 44,786,636 views
Likes: 650,328, dislikes: 37,123
Comments: 39,849

I. Summary of 'this song makes me wanna' comments explained [vlog] by Hosselaar9, published on YouTube on June 9, 2017

[Pancocojams Editor's Note: Given this pancocojams blog's policy regarding profanity & sexually explicit references, I've chosen to give this video's hyperlink and summarize this video, but not embed it in this post. My thanks to Hosselaar9 for his research and comments about this meme.]

In his YouTube video on this subject, Hosselaar9 noted that in 2004, before YouTube began, Google Trends documented a search for the sentence "This song makes me wanna something something". However, Hosselaar9 indicated that he couldn't find very very old examples of these comments, but that the internet meme that begins with that sentence didn't become popular until "very very recently". Hosselaar9 noted that most of the songs that he had whose discussion threads included this meme were rap songs, and specifically cited the song “Look at Me” by XXXTENTACION as one whose YouTube discussion thread contain examples of this meme.

Hosselaar9 also posted the text of a Reddit comment about the "This song makes me wanna ___" meme on the screen of his vlog. Here's that Reddit post [with profanity deleted as per the policy of this pancocojams blog]
(The Reddit commenter's name & date were given, but I couldn't decipher that text.)
“Just another little comment, meemee. Most of these comments are just to express how hype or good the song is. To the point that they’d do any dumbass thing because they’re so happy about the song or just hype in general. I usually see these comments on XXXTENTACION videos, where the music is loud and has a bunch of yelling. So people make jokes about getting as hyped and angry as the artist.

So hyped that they want to go to super salyan and [sexually explicit content deleted] or maybe the song is so good that it makes them want to beat their grandma or yell at their mom.

No real meaning or anything deeper than that, just a comment exaggerating how the song makes them feel or how it’s supposed to make them feel.”
-end of Reddit text-
Hosselaar9 summarized that Reddit text by saying that the Reddit folks said that the commenters using that meme "liked the song so much that they would do anything for this song"....

However, Hosselaar9 shared the alternative explanation that "The comments could also mean that people are upset about the song and they want to do crazy sh&t* because they are so mad."...
*This word was fully stated in this vlog.

Why are people commenting ''this song makes me wanna.....'' on Mask Off?
submitted by zhivagoo June 15, 2017
"the comment section of Future's Mask Off is filled with people saying that the song makes them want to do some weird sh&t* like
this song makes me wanna drink pepsi in a coca-cola factory
This song makes me wanna open Google Chrome and download Internet Explorer.
this song makes me want to wake up my alarm clock"
Pancocojams Editor's Note: This isn't the same Reddit discussion that was cited in Hasselaar9's vlog.

*This word is fully spelled out in that article.

Twitter_Beef, June 15, 2017
"Its a meme based on what feeling a song evokes and what that song makes you want to do. A catchy fun song would make you want to dance. A hardcore and violent song might make you want to break sh&t*. Then is escalated into "This song makes me want to sell my car for gas money" or other absurd things."
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

anonymau5--June 17, 2017
"It might be a joke on how the hyped nature of the song may evoke you to feel badass and not want to follow the rules or expected conventional behavior. It's a joke on you feeling like a thug after hearing the song and wanting to be a rebel or assert your dominance."

Dannyx3D, June 20, 2017
"there's also a LOT of them on songs by XXXTENTACION

Is there any particular reason as to why people are commeting [sic] this stuff?"

III. My theories about the meanings of "This song makes me wanna ____" comments (with a focus on Hip Hop dance video "Rolex" by Ayo & Teo)

Note: I read most of the comments in the discussion thread for the official YouTube video of Ayo & Teo's "Rolex". My intention was to scan, if not read, all of the comments in that discussion thread, but was forced to stop when my computer wouldn't upload any more comment pages.

However, I didn't read the discussion threads of any other music videos in search of examples of this meme. But I did read this article about this meme: "THE BEST ‘THIS SONG MAKES ME WANNA’ YOUTUBE COMMENTS ON XXXTENTACION’S ‘LOOK AT ME’
‘This song makes me wanna’ comments have flooded xxxtentaction’s ‘look at me’ by Bryan Zawlocki, March 25, 2017

Some of these comments in the "Rolex" discussion thread were the same or similar to "This song makes me wanna ___" comments that were quoted in that article.

Here are my theories:
1. I believe that some "This song makes me wanna ____" comments in that "Rolex" discussion thread were posted as a witty way of expressing the commenters' disgust with and/or making fun of, and/or insulting" ("dissing", "throwing shade at") the singers/rappers or the dance song itself which the commenters considered to be a "joke", i.e. a "wacked", cringe worthy example of Rap music.

These comments use a pattern of blaming that song for making the person want to perform an action that is "crazy"- because they think that that song is crazy. That action could be socially unacceptable or taboo. Or that action could be the opposite of what people would normally expect. Or that action could be something that is impossible to do.

This theory about the "This song makes me wanna ___" meme somewhat fits the alternative meaning for that meme that was offered by Hosselaar9 - i.e. "The comments could also mean that people are upset about the song and they want to do crazy sh&t* because they are so mad."
*Amended spelling is given for this word because of this blog's policy.

2. Once participants on that discussion thread were introduced to those comments, they took on a life of their own. A number of people posted examples of "This song makes me wanna ___" comments that were written in one of those patterns described above as part of that discussion thread's "running (ongoing) joke". As such, these witty jokes (or attempts as witty jokes) were/are largely removed from any real connection to the "Rolex" song. Instead, those "jokes" were posted as a form of word play with the hope that they would make other discussion participants laugh, and those commenters would receive "likes" from other discussion thread participants. And, in addition to those "likes", some discussion thread participants writing those "This song makes me wanna ___" comments may have hoped to receive compliments and approval from other commenters.

To some extent, some these "This song makes me wanna ___" comments remind me of the African American insult exchange known as "the dozens", "snapping" and other terms, although there's no actual exchange involved in these witty comments. And, to some extent these comments remind me of "throwing shade" competitions such as the ones that occur when "the library is open" in episodes of the television show RuPaul's Dray Race. These two cultural examples have a competitive element that I believe many of these online "This song makes me wanna ___" comments also have.

From the official "Rolex" video discussion thread

July 2017
1.flamen skylar B
"what rap came to"

2. Stringy Fingers
"PAC And BIGGIE is rollin' in their graves!"
"Pac" (2Pac; Tupac Shakur), and Biggie (Biggie Smalls, The Notorious B.I.G.) are two very highly regarded Hip Hop stars. Both are now deceased.

3. Eisha Kumar
"so catchy tho๐Ÿ˜"

4. Uros Kovac
"So this is what hip hop and rap came to be?

Someone connect 2Pac's body on some power generator.
'cus that man is spinning in his grave faster than a centrifuge.

5. lukethedukegamin _
"was this english it was the worst rap in the world #ultimate"

6. Logan Swenson
"it's a disgrace calling this trash rap"

7. John Osterwoman
"I only got to know these guys verrrry recently and at first I couldn't understand the hype but now I f__k* with the wave. They speak to the kids. I saw a kid at church wearing the mask for God's sake. I looked at him and said "Ayo and Teo! :D" and he said "aweeeh". That was love, that was respect. They might not be for me but I get them, I get why they're loved. And I want to see them continue winning. I want them to sustain the success forever. Peace."
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment. I think that “f__ with the wave means = "to ride or to go along with the current wave".


This selected examples are given in chronological order with the oldest examples given first, except for responses. This compilation also includes selected comments about this meme and some responses to a few of these "This song makes me wanna ____" comments.

Numbers are assigned for referencing purposes only.

[Note: I didn't find any "This song makes me wanna ___" comments in this discussion thread that were dated May 2017.]

June 2017
1. Sexy Oompa Loompa
"This song makes me wanna eat water"

2. Mikaail Khandhkar
"This song makes me wanna drink food"

3. NJ forever
"Sexy Oompa Loompa U can't eat water but ok?"

4. pla netsx
"wooow poor poor child smh"
"smh" = "shake my head" (in exasperation, or disgust, or concern etc.)

5. Sean Acheson
"Honey boo boo child your a 're 're that was the point"

6. Void
"Honey boo boo child that joke just flew right over your head"

7. The Potlex
"This song makes me want to watch the remote and use the tv to change the channel"

8. Ella R
"This song makes me want to rob my own house."

9. xรŽNSร„Nรˆ -x
"That comment played out"
"played out" = African American Vernacular English phrase meaning "something that has been used so much that it's been retired (it's no longer used)

July 2017
10. win Eazy
"this song makes me wanna tell my mom to do chores"

11. Jake Gerber
"this song makes me want to eat my chair and sit on the food"

12. Mollie Chadbone
"Jake lol"

13. Over_glowed10
"this song makes me want to blow out the cake and eat the candles"

14. King Ryan
"This song makes me wanna play Xbox games on my PlayStation 4."

15. Jay P
"King Ryan LMFAO ๐Ÿ˜‚"

16. Speaker Knockerzz
"this song makes me want to get suspended from home school"

17. Tpin HCF
"Speaker Knockerzz nice comment, stealing it"

18. fabian canavaro
"this song makes me want to breakup with my ex"

19. Stewie 650
fabian canavaro ikr๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
ikr= I know right. (In the context of that comment, "I know right" means something like "I totally agree with you.)

20. fabian canavaro
"loool ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚"

fabian canavaro same
ET-DA-DESTROYER is saying that he and fabian canavaro share the same experience -broke up with their girlfriend

22. fabian canavaro
"ET-DA-DESTROYER Lol i got you bro"
This commenter is saying that can identify like a brother with and is supportive of ET-DA-DESTROYER since they both went through the same experience.

23. Amauri Baggett
"fabian canavaro what do you not like the song"
Neither fabian canavaro nor anyone else responded to this comment [as of this date].

24. Angel Atkinson
"This song makes me wanna steal money from my own wallet"

25. No Life Gaming
"This song makes me want to dry my hands with water"

26. Angelplays ClashRoyale
"this song makes me wanna peel a banana and eat the peel"

"why does this song make people want to do something ?"

51. yummdiddy
"50 because the are unoriginal and are following a trend"

52. MOTORAG 201
"This song makes me wanna study for a test after I take it"

53. Lebasi Apodaca
"This song makes me want to go to Walmart and ask where Target is."

54. Jacob The Panda1
"70% Of Comments Start With This Song Makes Me Want To"

55. rowan_morse
"This song makes me want to eat my dogs homework"

56. Deveckius Barclay
"This comment had me laughing"

57. Joseph Bryce
"This song makes me wanna go to an Italian restaurant and ask for Chinese food"

58. TheCuriousSloth
"This song makes me want to sit on the TV and watch the couch"

59. chadg1313
"TheCuriousSloth Haha nice one"

60. Muffy Pixel
"The comments made my day hahaha ๐Ÿ˜‚ Thank you guys. Have a Great Day!"

61. BecauseICan
"This song makes me want to go to a Wendy's and ask them for the directions to the nearest McDonald's."

62. ฮ“ฮนฮฌฮฝฮฝฮทฯ‚ ฮœฮนฯ‡
"99% of the comments
•This songs makes me...
•The tittle doesn't ever exist in video as a lyric
Well I am the 1% and I feel proud ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š"

63. Harrison (edited)
"This song makes me want to tell my parents that they are adopted.

I didn't expect this comment to get so many likes. Lol"

64. R!cky
"this song makes me wanna put on my teeth and brush my clothes"

65. Minecraft Gamer
"R!cky Put on you're teeth and brush you're pants you mean"

66. DuckyTheMemeLord1
"I don't get why everyone saying dumb things like the opposite uh mm why?"

67. RileyWalker Vlogs
"This song makes me want to go to the Apple Store and ask for a Samsung"

68. Lowryda Thraks
"This song makes me want to make a comment to fit in with the rest of these comments."

69. Undyne
"There's no real way to "fit in with the rest of the comments." The comment section's just here so we all can express our opinions on YouTube.
It's just that (on this video) "reverse psychology" is a tactic to start a little running joke in this comment section. It's really your choice what you comment though."
The bold font was used in original comment

70. Lowryda Thraks
"It was a joke lol no need to write a paragraph."

71. Zain Dan3 hours ago
"This song makes me want to name my cat

72. Geo80
"This song makes me want to order pizza from kfc"

"this song makes me wanna walk into class and ask my teacher to please sit down"

74. Eros Ibrahimi
"This song make me study for the drug test"

75. Natasha Green
"This song makes me wanna know why people keep saying this song makes me............"

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