Friday, June 2, 2017

Stevy Mahy featuring James Germain - "Haitian Cherie" (video & lyrics)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post provides information about Stevy Mahy and showcases a video of Stevy Mahy and James Germain singing "Haitian Cherie"["Dear Haiti"}. The English translation for that song's Haitian Creole lyrics is also included in this post.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Othello Bayard for composing the poem that became this song. Thanks also to Stevy Mahy and James Germain for their musical performances. Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and all those who produced this video Also, thanks to the publisher of this post on YouTube.

From [translated from French to English]
"Stevy Mahy is a Folk Trilingual (English, French and Creole) native of Guadeloupe.
From a father and a mother to musicians and singers, Stevy Mahy goes early to pace recording studios or rehearsals, so naturally she will record songs such as "manman dépi ou pati" or "I want a Little brother "with [her] mother, that of the age of 9 years.

Then it is a succession of travels, meetings, musical collaborations.
And then his taste for the image, the realization will take the step.
After a short stay in London, she decided to turn to the United States ...
Always beautiful encounters ...
But finally her first love catches up with her ... She has to sing ...
An envy that coincides with her return to Guadeloupe for her who is born in Paris and spends part of her childhood in Guadeloupe.

"All my departures take me back to Guadeloupe".
A place where finally its complexity of Creole woman find a jewel case.
She finds herself, re-sources herself and rehearses buried melodies.
It is also at this moment that she meets a talented artist, Victor'O.
A friendship is born which will give birth to a song on the album of "Inspire Me":

The story of the true power of friendship that inspires strength and courage, but also the bond that is established between angel and protégé.

A beautiful encounter that hides another.

When recording "Inspire Me", Stevy meets Joel Jaccoulet (author, composer, producer).
The composition process starts almost intuitively.
A late afternoon, set on the terrace, the words and melodies of "Beautiful" take shape ...
Kreyol folk becomes the best defining term for this encounter and the musical universe of Stevy Mahy. English, Creole, French ...

A Creole woman open to the world and yet well inscribed in her environment.
[Her] album "The Beautiful Side of a Kreyol Folk Trip" is an invitation to a beautiful journey through [her] musical influences flourishing the Soul, Lauryn Hill and the sounds of Creole music.
The pronoun "her" is in brackets because the translation feature's default is male pronoun.
SHOWCASE VIDEO: HAITI CHERIE - Stevy MAHY feat. James Germain (official HD video)

B Caribbean, Published on May 12, 2012
Fruit de sa rencontre avec Haïti ,Stevy MAHY nous livre aujourd'hui son premier single inédit depuis la sortie en 2010 de son album «the Beautiful side of a kreyol folk trip».

Avec la participation du chanteur haïtien James GERMAIN le titre HAITI CHERIE se veut le trait d'union entre nos histoires si proches,si riches,unies dans une même souffrance originelle et sublimées par la créativité et l'intelligence des hommes et femmes qui les ont incarnées...
«nou sé an sel pep dessan an ba kal a machan...vou epi mwen sé mem bagay...sé mem bitin...»

HAITI CHERIE qui à été enregistré en partie à Port au Prince,dans les hauteurs de Pétionville,est un mélange subtil de mélancolie et d'espoir porté par deux voix uniques unissant leur talent pour la première fois...pour nous dire ces mots simple et justes :
«Haiti cherie la vi pa fini....»
(Google translate from Haitian Creole to English)
"Stevy MAHY is the first of its kind to be releas:ed in Haiti today, with his debut album "The Beautiful Side of a Kreyol Folk Trip".

With the participation of the Haitian singer James GERMAIN the title HAITI CHERIE wants to be the link between our stories so close, so rich, united in the same original suffering and sublimated by the creativity and intelligence of the men and women who have them incarnated ...
«Nou se an salt pep dessan an ba kal a machan ... you epi mwen se mem bagay ... se mem bitin ...»

HAITI CHERIE which was recorded partly in Port au Prince, in the heights of Pétionville, is a subtle mixture of melancholy and hope carried by two unique voices joining their talent for the first time ... to tell us these simple words And fair:
"Haiti cherie the vi pa finished ...."

INFORMATION ABOUT THIS SONG AND LYRICS (translated from Haitian Creole to English)
(translation corrected by @growninhaiti)

"Haïti Chérie" (French pronunciation: ​[a.iti ʃeʁi]: Dear Haiti)[1] is a traditional patriotic song of Haiti of a poem written by Othello Bayard that was initially called it Souvenir d'Haïti ("Memory of Haiti")[2] and composed to music in 1920. It is widely considered as a second national anthem,[3] and one of Haiti's most famous méringues.[2]

Haiti, my beloved, no other land is more beautiful than you.
I had to leave you, in order to better understand how valuable you are
I had to leave you, for me to appreciate you
So I could truly feel all that you were for me
There is sunshine, nice rivers and great drinks
Underneath the trees, you'll always find great shade
Where you'll find a gentle breeze to keep you cool
Haiti, is a country dear to me
In the white man's land, you're freezing and it's never good
And all day, you're forced to burn coal
You can't see clearly because the sky is always dark
And for 6 months, all trees are without leaves
In my country, there is sunshine to provide heat
All year long, the trees continue to provide shade
A soft breeze always blowing on our beaches
Haiti, is a country dear to me
Once in the white man's country, all faces are one color
There is no variety such as our different shades of Kreyòl (Milatrès, Marabou, and Grifonn)
That love beautiful dresses, powders and fine scents
Nor black beauties that know the sweetest things to say
In my country, when all of these beautiful people leave church, it's like going to the movies
you have to see this, you would remain wide mouthed and open eyed
What an amazing country Haiti is!
When you're in the white man's country, you don't see mangoes or roosters anywhere
Neither sapoti or beautiful green and purple star apples
Neither pineapples or beautiful cashew apples
that give us great cashews to make delicious brittle with
You'll find oranges that came from Italy
But that are passed ripe and half rotten
In Haiti, everything is finger licking good!
And on that note, we're better then any other country
When you're in my country, wherever you go and along your path it's: "hello sir" "hello miss" "how are the kids?"
without knowing, you're invited in for a drink and to play some games.
Every handshake invites a conversation
Its politics, it's a bad situation
what we need to do is accept it how it is
If God is good, he will grant us salvation
When you're in the white man's country, you're afraid to go out day or night
Everyone is walking so fast that you'd think they're crazy dogs
Where are they going? Why are they running?
They in such a hurry that they never stop to ask how you're doing
In my country, people don't go by time
You have the liberty to take your time
Wherever you go, it's "hello" and friendly handshakes
People are never in a rush, we chat along our path
When you're in Haiti, you always have enough time to whistle
what doesn't get done today, can get done tomorrow if you want
If tomorrow works, cool... If it doesn't... cool.
It doesn't matter, everyone knows that God is good
In Haiti, people are never desperate
we trust in a God that never lies
We'll do whatever we can today, because tomorrow is never certain
What a great country, my God! It's Haiti!
Click that Wikipedia link for this song's Haitian Creole lyrics.
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