Saturday, April 15, 2017

Three Examples Of Richard Smallwood's Gospel Song - "I Love The Lord"

Edited by Azizi Powell

Latest revision: October 9, 2022

This pancocojams post showcases three renditions of the Gospel song "I Love The Lord" that was written by Richard Smallwood. 

The content of this post is presented for religious, cultural, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Richard Smallwood, Whitney Houston, and the two featured choirs for their musical legacies. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publishers of these examples on YouTube.
These examples of "I Love The Lord" are what I refer to as a "gospelized hymn".  A gospelized hymn is a hymn that is performed in one of the styles of African American Gospel music. However, Richard Smallwood's  and Whitney Houston's lyrics for this song aren't the same as the original "I Love The Lord He Heard My Cry" composition which was composed in 1719 by Isaac Watts. 

Excerpt #1
"I. Text: Origins

 English pastor and writer Isaac Watts (1674–1748) had an important vision for how to improve the condition of psalmody in English churches. He believed the Hebrew Psalms were best suited for corporate worship when they could be updated to include intertestamental theology, expressed through the lens of the Christian gospel, thus his collection was called Psalms of David Imitated in the Language of the New Testament (1719 | Fig. 1). Many of these creative re-interpretations remain in circulation 300 years later, including My shepherd will supply my need (Psalm 23), Jesus shall reign where’er the sun (Psalm 72), Our God, our help in ages past (Psalm 90), and Joy to the world; the Lord is come (Psalm 98). Whereas these other texts have long traditions with historic church tunes, his rendition of Psalm 116, “I love the Lord, he heard my cries” has had its own special journey, preserved and then reinvigorated within the African American community.

The original text by Isaac Watts spanned twelve stanzas of four lines, divided into two parts of six stanzas each, the second part beginning “What shall I render to my God.” The first part was labeled “Recovery from sickness” and the second part was labeled “Vows made in trouble paid in the Church; or, Public thanks for private deliverance.” The second part is arguably a separate hymn, but it carries the same meter and it follows in continuation of Psalm 116.


The first intentional printing of “I love the Lord, he heard my cries” with music was not until 1775, when it was published in A Fourth Collection of Hymns for the Use of the Magdalen Chapel (London: Henry Thorowgood, ca. 1775 | Fig. 2), set to HYMN LIV, a tune by Henry Harington (1727–1816). Harington’s tune had also been published around the same time as a secular part-song called “Retirement” (“Beneath the silent rural call”). The publication for Magdalen Chapel was its first appearance as a hymn tune. The tune is still used in English churches, usually called HARINGTON."... -snip-
Click for Issac Watt's lyrics for this hymn. The first verse of that hymn is the same as the lyrics in Richard Smallwoord's revised "I Love The Lord" Gospel song.

Excerpt #2
..." In 1990 the famous gospel artist Richard Smallwood wrote new music for this psalm text, which he probably learned in some version of the spiritual. He said, “People need to know Someone can heal their hurts. I take no credit for the work we do. I owe it all to God and I feel blessed that for some reason he has chosen me to make a difference in people’s lives.” Smallwood is one of the best-known gospel artists today; he has won many awards and performs around the world... “I Love The Lord” was also sung by Whitney Houston in the film The Preacher’s Wife.

(written by Richard Smallwood)

I love the the Lord, he heard my cry
And pitied every groan, long as I, I live
And troubles rise, I hasten to his throne

Oh, I love the Lord
I sure do, surely do love the Lord
He heard, he heard my cry
And pitied every groan, yes he did
Every groan
Long as I live, long as I, I live
And troubles rise, troubles rise
I hasten to to to to to
I'll hasten, I'll hasten to his throne
I'll hasten to his throne hold on hold on
Tears are streaming down my eyes

I'll hasten, I'll hasten to his throne
Yes I will, I'll run
I know I can go to his throne
I know I can go, I know I can go
I'll hasten, I'm gonna run
I know I can go, I know I can go
I'll hasten, I'll hasten to his throne

See I can run, Lord you know I will
When there is nowhere to go I know I can go to you
I know I can run to you oh
I'll hasten, I'll hasten to his, his throne
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'll hasten, hasten to his throne
Surely gonna be here


Example #1: "I Love The Lord" (Original)(1976) Richard Smallwood & Union Temple Young Adult Choir (Performed in 1976)

Gospel Nostalgia, Published on Oct 27, 2015

This is track 3 from the 1976 album "Give Us Peace".

Lead by Elett Ricks-Chambers

Written by Richard Smallwood

Example #2: Richard Smallwood Singers-I Love The Lord (Performed in 1982)

Christopher Blacksher Uploaded on Apr 12, 2008

This is track 3 from the 1982 album "The Richard Smallwood Singers".
Lead by Dottie Jones
Written by Isaac Watts
Soloist Dottie Jones, a member of the Richard Smallwood Singers

Example #3: Whitney Houston - "I Love The Lord"

vegasvalleymary3, Feb. 12, 2012

Whitney Houston feat. The Georgia Mass Choir sings "I Love The Lord" from The Preachers Wife Written By: Richard Smallwood Live at The 50'th Anniversary of Ebony Magazine
Whitney Houston & The Georgia Mass Choir's rendition of "I Love The Lord", was featured in the 1996 American movie The Preacher's Wife, and is credited with popularizing that Gospel song so much so that some people mistakenly believe that Whitney Houston was the first person to sing that song.

Whitney Houston also starred in The Preacher's Wife.

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