Monday, March 13, 2017

Seven Videos Of Brazilian Quadrille Dancing (Quadrilha Junina)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This is Part II of a two part pancocojams series about the Quadrilha (the Quadrille) dance in Brazil, South America.

This post provides brief information about the Quadrille dance in Brazil and showcases seven videos of Brazil's Quadrilha Junina (Quadrille's June Festivals) and other Quadrille performances in Brazil.* Selected comments from some of these videos' discussion threads are also included in this post.

*These videos were selected rather randomly, except for Examples #3 & #4 which I somehow happened upon and then began to search out what type of dancing was shown in those videos.

There are lots of videos of Brazil's quadrille performances. The selection of these seven videos does not mean that they are the best Brazilian quadrille groups or the best YouTube videos of Brazilian quadrille performances.

Click for Part I of this series. Part I provides information from online articles about the Quadrille dance in Brazil.

The content of this post is presented for folkloric, historical, cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are featured in these videos and thanks to the publishers of these videos on YouTube. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post.

Festa Junina (...June Festival) .... are the annual Brazilian celebrations historically related to European Midsummer that take place in the beginning of the Brazilian winter. These festivities, which were introduced by the Portuguese during the colonial period (1500-1822), are celebrated during the month of June nationwide both in Brazil and Portugal. The feast is mainly celebrated on the eves of the Catholic solemnities of Saint Anthony, Saint John the Baptist, and Saint Peter."

“So, apparently Modern Western Square Dancing has a cousin called “Quadrilha” in Brazil.

The quadrilha (square dance) originated in Holland and was introduced in Brazil during the Regency period. It was very popular at the 19th century balls of the Brazilian elite, especially in Rio de Janeiro, where the royal court was located. Later, it descended the palace steps and gained popularity among the general public, who added new steps and changed the music.

Today, the quadrilha is a tradition at the June Festivals. As the name says, these lively celebrations occur in June, but often extend into the following months. The events are led by an announcer who calls out the dance steps"....
These articles are written in English. Articles that are translated from Portuguese to English give the word "quadrille" as "gangs".

Example #1: Quadrilhas juninas se apresentam na final realizada no ginásio O Zenobão (parte 4)

brejocomtv Uploaded on Jun 28, 2009

Nesta última semana de junho foi realizada a final das quadrilhas juninas no ginásio de esportes O Zenobão.
Google translate of the title and summary of this video (from Portuguese to English)

title: Junín [queues, gangs] appear in the final held in the gym O Zenobão
{my translation to standard American English]: June Quadrille groups appear in the final [competition, performance] held in Zenobão' gym.

summary - In this last week of June was held the final of the Juninas gangs [quadrille] in the sports gym The Zenobão.

Example #2: Quadrilha Buraco Quente - 1º Arraial Oficial de S.J. de Meriti - Parque de Eventos ano 2010

Daywison Borges Correia, Uploaded on Apr 17, 2011

Apresentação da quadrilha ou grupo folclorico mais popular do Rio de Janeiro, que mistura a tradição original do forro e das quadrilhas antigas com muita irreverencia, simpatia, beleza e sensualidades das meninas e um show de passos de dança modernos e criatividade da rapaziada. Vale a pena conferir!!!
Daywison Borges Correia Uploaded on Apr 17, 2011
translation of the summary from Portuguese to English:
Presentation of the most popular gang or folkloric group of Rio de Janeiro, which mixes the original tradition of the lining and the old gangs with much irreverence, sympathy, beauty and sensuality of the girls and a show of modern dance steps and creativity of the boys. It is worth checking!!!
Here's one comment from that video's discussion thread, translated from Portuguese to English:
weslleysoares449, 2012
"essa festa se realiza no municipio de são joão de meriti , no parque de eventos e é uma festa organizada pela prefeitura do municipio. este ano deverá ser nos dias 21 à 24 de junho, que é o deia do padroeiro da cidade. ficamos muito contente em saber que estamos fazendo uma festa que vocês acham maravilhosa, grato Luiz Augusto , Quadrilha Buraco Quente !!!"
"This party is held in the municipality of são joão de meriti, in the event park and is a party organized by the municipality of the municipality. This year should be on days 21 to 24 June, which is the patroness deia* of the city. We are very pleased to know that we are having a party that you think is wonderful, grateful Luiz Augusto, Hot Hole Quadrille !!!"
"deia" = deity

Example #3: Traditional Brazilian Dance performed by Afro-Brazilian children in a Quilombola community

Lauren Vorisek Uploaded on Dec 29, 2010

Traditional dance performed by children in a Quilombola community in Ilha do Marajo
Here's information about "Quilombola" from
"A quilombo (... from the Kimbundu word kilombo) is a Brazilian hinterland settlement founded by people of African origin including the Quilombolas, or Maroons. Most of the inhabitants of quilombos (called quilombolas) were escaped slaves and, in some cases, later these escaped African slaves would help provide shelter and homes to other minorities of marginalised Portuguese, Brazilian aboriginals, Jews and Arabs, and/or other non-black, non-slave Brazilians. However, the documentation on runaway slave communities typically uses the term mocambo, an Ambundu word meaning "hideout", to describe the settlements. A mocambo is typically much smaller than a quilombo. Quilombo was not used until the 1670s and then primarily in more southerly parts of Brazil.

A similar settlement exists in the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America, and is called a palenque. Its inhabitants are palenqueros who speak various Spanish-African-based creole languages."...
Here are selected comments from that video's discussion thread:
"Afro-Brazilian Dance? Não, qualquer um dança. Festas como esta se chamam Festa Junina. E nela não se danças só negros! (I only speak portuguese, sorry).
translated to English:
"Afro-Brazilian Dance? No, anyone dances. Festivals like this one are called Festa Junina. And not only black dances! (I only speak portuguese, sorry).

m michels
"Teach the children. teach them about their African ancestry. dont let them steal your culture. You were and are the fundamental builders of Brazil. Upon your sweat , blood and tears the country was built. Stolen from Africa , slaving for free, and still not getting paid and respected"

francesquitor, 2017
"m michels Do you live in Brazil? Its true that there still is some racist jokes and stupid sh&t*, but not really racist, Brazil allows anyone, that is everyone dances Samba, indian, black, white, turkish, even those confederates who came from US now dance samba..."
*This word was fully spelled in that comment.

Example #4: Afro-Brazilian children perform a dance

Lauren Vorisek Uploaded on Dec 30, 2010

Traditional dance performed by children in a Quilombolo community in Ilha do Marajo
This is another video of the performance that is featured in the video given as Example #3 in this post.

Example #5: Quadrilha Junina Benfica: campeã 2011 do concurso do Extra Supermercados

Galo da Madrugada Uploaded on Jun 5, 2011

Com o tema "Tempo: Chave para a Felicidade", a quadrilha pernambucana "Benfica" deu um show de beleza, coreografia e, também, lição de vida, para o público presente no arraial montado na Praça Sérgio Loreto. Um primeiro lugar mais do que merecido! O concurso de quadrilhas foi realizado pelo Extra Supermercados, em parceria com o Galo da Madrugada
translated from Portuguest to English
title: June Benfica Quadrille Group: 2011 Supermarket Contest Winner
summary translated from Portuguese to English:
With the theme "Time: Key to Happiness", the Pernambuco gang "Benfica" gave a show of beauty, choreography and, also, a life lesson, for the audience present in the camp set up in Praça Sérgio Loreto. A first place more than deserved! The gang competition was held by Extra Supermercados, in partnership with the Galo da Madrugada
My sense from the comments that I translated to from Portuguese to English is that this Quadrille festival (and other Quadrille June festival performances?) are highly competitive. Each group that competed in this (and other?) Quadrille June festival performances are made up of employees from specific companies.

Guilherme Torres
"Tava linda mesmo.
Nada contra nenhuma quadrilha e muito menos a "Benfica"
Mais acho que a intenção do concurso realizado pelo Extra era a elaboração de uma quadrilha junina pelos funcionários.
Pode até ser que os que estão dançando sejam funcionários ( o que não é verdade), mais essa quadrilha "Benfica" foi a copia da Quadirlha Junina Traque de Massa que por sinal fez um belíssimo trabalho.
Só espero que no outro ano os organizadores vejam realmente qual quadrilha merecia."
Translated to English:
"It was really beautiful.
Nothing against any gang, much less the "Benfica"
But I think the intention of the contest carried out by Extra was the elaboration of a junina gang by the employees.
It may even be that those who are dancing are officials (which is not true), but this gang "Benfica" was the copy of Quadirlha Junina Traque de Massa, which by the way did a beautiful job.
I just hope that in the next year the organizers will really see which gang deserved it."

"hahahahah se a quadrilha não tivesse funcionarios, eu não estaria dançando que sou fiscal da loja 1371, onde na quadrilha tinham componentes da frente de loja, sac, textil, bazar, padaria e terceirizados. agora por nossa sorte do funcionario do SAC que foi considerado o melhor coreografo de pernambuco é quem faz a coreografia da traque de massa, então não haveria necessidade dele ter que fazer 2 trabalhos, ele só trouxe o de lá pra cá, certo fez ele em fazer isso!

Aprendam a perder uma vez!"
translated to English:
"Hahahahah if the gang had no officers, I would not be dancing I'm a store clerk 1371, where gang members had shop front, sac, textile, bazaar, bakery and outsourced components. Now for our luck of the SAC official who was considered the best choreographer of pernambuco is who does the choreography of the mass traque, so there would be no need for him to have to do 2 jobs, he only brought the one from here to here, do that!

Learn to lose once!"

Regina Albrectsen
"Que coisa linda, moderna, criativa, animada, feliz!!!! Não conhecia, nunca vi uma versão de festa junina tão bem-feita, bem produzida, bem coreografada e animada! Parabéns aos participantes, coreógrafos, público e cinegrafistas! Estou encantada! Que repitam sempre essa linda festa!!!"
translated to English
"What a beautiful thing, modern, creative, lively, happy !!!! I did not know, I never saw a version of Junina feast so well made, well produced, well choreographed and animated! Congratulations to the participants, choreographers, audiences and cameramen! I'm delighted! May they always repeat this beautiful party !!!"

Tayrone Rios
"Olha de parabéns!!!! Eu sou do PA. E vejo que essa quadrilha tá muito boa mesmo. Porq hoje em dia nos não vermos as quadrilhas do nordeste com coriografias tradicionais como olha a formi, olha tunil, olha a onda etc. aqui no PARÁ a tradição continua e vale apena em julgar quadrilhas que tras as raízes do passado . VIVA SÃO JOÃO!!!
translated to English
Looks from Congratulations !!!! I'm from PA. And I see that this gang is really good. Porq nowadays we do not see the northeastern gangs with traditional choriographs as it looks at formi, looks at tunil, looks at the wave etc. Here in PARÁ the tradition continues and it's worth just judging gangs that behind the roots of the past. HURRAY SAINT JOHN!!!"

Example #6: Quadrilha Moleka 100 Vergonha (Campinense 2016)

Quadrilhas.TV CANAL Published on Jun 8, 2016

19º Festival de Quadrilhas Juninas de Campina Grande (2016)
Vejam todas as apresentações no nosso portal
translated to English
19th Junina Gang Festival of Campina Grande (2016)
See all the presentations in our portal
Here's selected comments from these video's discussion thread:
Wagner Barbosa
"Muita gente nao entende pq as quadrilhas estao tao evoluidas e estilizadas. atualmente os festivais juninos cobram muito isso delas! hoje nem uma quadrilha entra em festival pra querer perder sem falar da concorrencia no mundo junino.....PORÉM da pra fzer sao joao de um modo tradicional cm uma quadrilha estilizada, varias quadrilhas ja fizeram isso e deu certo mas claro que tem que saber trabalhar bem na tematica para que saia um bom resultado!"
translated to English
"Many people do not understand why gangs are so evolved and stylized. Currently the June festivals charge a lot of them! Today not a gang enters a festival to want to lose without talking about the competition in the Junino world ... .Because of the traditional way to make a john in a stylized gang, several gangs have already done this and it worked out but of course it has to To know how to work well in the subject so that a good result will come out!"
Some of the comments that I read (translated to English) indicated some concern about the modernization of Brazil's quadrille performances. The above comment was one response to that concern.

Feeliipee Almeida
"Sem duvidas belíssimo espetáculo.. danço quadrilha no tocantins a 12 anos... Já vi a moleka Varias vezes pessoalmente.. E ela e um Exemplo de quadrilha moderna.. Não só ela, mais muitas juninas hoje em dia não segue mais a tradição do 100% matuto sem movimentos coreográficos... E realmente temos que evoluir com o tempo. Hoje em dia o povo vai para os Arraias pra ver espetáculos novos, o povo quer ver Cenários deslumbrantes, Mulheres Bem Produzidas, Homens Bem Caracterizados.. Concordo plenamente que não temos mesmo que ficar pra traz.. todo ano inovar trazer algo novo sempre e bom.. se não trouxermos novidades, na minha Opinião perdemos públicos. E tenho certeza Não tem coisa melhor do que você sai da arena uma pessoas chegar em você e fala.. NOSSA MUITO LINDA SUA JUNINA PARABÉNS.. Cara só quem ama dança quadrilha Sebe O quanto e bom ouvir isso.. Então quanto mais danço mais me apaixono e vendo tantos espetáculos assim.. ai e que me sinto orgulho do são joão... PARABÉNS MOLEKA BELÍSSIMO ESPETÁCULO.."
translated to English
"Without a doubt, a beautiful spectacle .. I danced in the tocantins at 12 years old ... I have seen the Moleka several times in person .. And she is an example of a modern gang .. Not only she but many Juninas nowadays do not follow the tradition anymore Of 100% matuto without choreographic movements ... And we really have to evolve with time. Nowadays the people go to the Arraias to see new shows, the people want to see dazzling Sceneries, Well Produced Women, Well Characterized Men .. I fully agree that we do not have to stay behind .. every year innovate bring something new forever and Good .. if we do not bring news, in my opinion we lose public. And I'm sure There is no better thing than you get out of the arena a people come to you and speaks .. OUR VERY CUTE HIS JUNE CONGRATULATIONS .. Dude only who loves dance gang Hedge How good it is to hear it .. So the more I dance the more I fell in love and seeing so many shows like this .. and I feel proud of São João ... CONGRATULATIONS MOLEKA BELÍSSIMO ESPETÁCULO .."
I assume that "Moleka" is the name of a specific quadrille dance company. The word "gang" in that translation probably also means "quadrille".

The word "mututo" didn't translate to English. I'm not sure what that word means.


silvio ricardo Published on Jun 27, 2016
Here's a comment from this video's discussion thread:
Sandra Silva, 2016
"pra min a melhor quadrilha de Pernambuco é a dona matuta 😍"
translated from Portuguese to English:
"The best gang in Pernambuco is the matuous owner."
Is "Dona Matuta" the name of this particular quadrille group?

This concludes Part II of this two part series.

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.

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