Saturday, February 4, 2017

The Self-Resurrection Of Frederick Douglass (Examples From The Douglass - Tubman 2020 Twitter Page)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This is Part III in a three part pancocojams series on Frederick Douglass in contemporary United States culture.

Part III provides examples of tweets from and about a fictionalized Frederick Douglass (from

Click for Part II of this series. Part II explores why Frederick Douglas is being portrayed on twitter as a contemporary superhero.

Click for Part I of this series. Part I documents United States President Trump and his press secretary Sean Spicers' ambiguous comments about Frederick Douglass and provides a summary about the many accomplishments of that 19th century African American.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, folkloric, and political purposes.

Thanks to Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, and Sojourner Truth for their lifes' legacies. Special thanks to the developer and principal twitter of the Douglas-Tubman 2020 page. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post.
Note [added Feb. 6, 2017] I titled this "The Self-Resurrection of Frederick Douglass" because according to the Douglass-Tubman 2020 twitter page, and unlike some Hollywood horror movies, no one brought that fictionalized Frederick Douglass back from the grave to be used zombie like. Instead, (according to that twitter page), Douglass decided on his own to come back from the dead to "help us with this mess".

Here's my take on the "Douglas- Tubman 2020" twitter page:
"Douglas- Tubman 2020",, is a creatively conceived and witty twitter page that lampoons United States President Donald Trump using the fictionalized characters of three 19th century African American historical figures- Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, and Sojourner Truth.

These historical figures have resurrected themselves to save American by campaigning for 2020 United States President/Vice President with the campaign theme "MAGA" (Make America Woke Again). Although "coming back from the dead" and "haunting Donald Trump" are mentioned, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, and Sojourner Truth are portrayed as greatly admired heroes and not as fearful zombies.

That twitter page was developed in response to Donald Trump's February 1, 2017 "Black History Month" remarks:
From Twitter lampoons Trump for Frederick Douglass comments
by Sean Rossman , USA TODAY Published 4:55 p.m. ET Feb. 1, 2017 | Updated 5:57 p.m. ET Feb. 2, 2017
President Donald Trump's meeting Wednesday with African-American leaders provided his critics on Twitter with plenty of ammo — and they didn't shy from taking fire.

"The White House meeting involved Trump praising black leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Frederick Douglass while weaving in shots at media outlets...

The statement getting perhaps the most attention was his roundabout way of lauding Douglass, the famed abolitionist: "Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who has done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more, I notice."

Here's what Twitter had to say about Trump's comments:
Daniel Dale ✔ @ddale8
Does the president or the White House press secretary know that Frederick Douglass is dead
3:47 PM - 1 Feb 2017

jelani cobb ✔ @jelani9
Learned today that Frederick Douglass is still alive, which I found oddly comforting.
3:32 PM - 1 Feb 2017"
Click for information about Frederick Douglass. Here's the first sentence of that page:
"Frederick Douglass (born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey; c. February 1818[4] – February 20, 1895) was an African-American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman."
Additional information about Frederick Douglass is included in Part I of this pancocojams series.

Click for information about Harriet Tubman. Here's the first sentence from that page: "Harriet Tubman (born Araminta Ross; c. 1822[1] – March 10, 1913) was an American abolitionist, humanitarian, and an armed scout and spy for the United States Army during the American Civil War."

Also, click for information about Sojourner Truth. Here's the first sentence from that page: "Sojourner Truth (/soʊˈdʒɜːrnər ˈtruːθ/; born Isabella ("Bell") Baumfree; c. 1797 – November 26, 1883) was an African-American abolitionist and women's rights activist."

Pancocojams' Editor's Note:
These tweets are presented in chronological order with the oldest tweets given first. I've written the retweets in italics to better differentiate them from their replies.

Twitter page summary:
Frederick Douglass
Dug my way out of the grave to help y'all out of this mess | #FrederickDouglass2020 | #DouglassTubman2020 | Make America Woke Again #MAWA*

Donald Trump's Nightmares
Joined February 2017
[Added February 8, 2017]
The slogan "Make America Woke Again {MAWA) is a play on Donald Trump's slogan "Make America Great Again". Here's information about the African American originated meaning for the word "woke":
"Urban Dictionary [ defines "woke" as being aware, and "knowing what's going on in the community." It also mentions its specific ties to racism and social injustice. To use "woke" accurately in a sentence, one that captures its connotations and nuances, you'd need to reference someone who is thinking for themselves, who sees the ways in which racism, sexism and classism affect how we lives our lives on a daily basis. Or, alternatively, someone who doesn't."...

Selected tweets:

Frederick Douglass
‏@FDouglass2020 February 1, 2017
"Gearing up for 2020 campaign... and you thought dead registered voters were your biggest problem @realDonaldTrump"

Frederick Douglass ‏@FDouglass2020 Feb 2, 2017
Looks like a lot of old rich white dudes are running this show. Have I been living a #groundhog day for the past 200 years?

Harriet Tubman ‏@HMosesTubman Feb 2, 2017
Hey ‏@FDouglass2020 still looking for a VP running mate?

Frederick Douglass ‏@FDouglass2020 Feb 2, 2017
Not anymore, @HMosesTubman

Welcome to the team, Harriet!

Frederick Douglass ‏@FDouglass2020 Feb 2, 2017
So honored to have @HMosesTubman on the ticket. What a time to be resurrected. #DouglassTubman2020 #DoingtheMost #MAWA

Frederick Douglass
‏@FDouglass2020 Feb 2, 2017
Talking race w @realDonaldTrump; proudly showed me pics of the 2 black people he knows. 1 was @RealBenCarson 2 was just a Harriet Tubman $20

Frederick Douglass Retweeted
Elizabeth Rasberry ‏@erasberry1 Feb 2, 2017

Lately, I have been so disgusted w/the world. Today, I see @FDouglass2020 & all is well. The interwebs, man. Thanks @AmyMartinQuinn

Harriet Tubman ‏@HMosesTubman Feb 2, 2017
#MAWA (Make America Woke Again) @FDouglass2020 who can we resurrect to be our campaign manager?

In reply to Harriet Tubman
Frederick Douglass ‏@FDouglass2020 Feb 2, 2017
@HMosesTubman I say we just take @realDonaldTrump's exact platform and do the exact opposite

Frederick Douglass Retweeted February 2, 2017

jeremy scahill ‏@jeremyscahill Feb 1
Wait until Trump hears about this Harriet Tubman lady

Frederick Douglass ‏@FDouglass2020 Feb 2, 2017
Haunting tf out of @realDonaldTrump #WhatBringsMeJoy

Frederick Douglass Retweeted

BuzzFeed News ‏@BuzzFeedNews Feb 2, 2017
A Local Paper Went To Frederick Douglass’ Grave To Ask How It Feels To Be "Recognized More And More"

Frederick Douglass Retweeted

Harriet Tubman ‏@HMosesTubman Feb 2, 2017
Building a website is easier than navigating the Underground Railroad. #DouglassTubman2020 #DoingtheMost #MAWA

Frederick Douglass Retweeted

SojournerTruth2020 ‏@SojoTruth2020 Feb 2, 2017
Where there is so much racket something is out of kilter. @realDonaldTrump @FDouglass2020 @HMosesTubman

Curvy Girls are Chic ‏@CurvyGirlsRChic Feb 2, 2017
@FDouglass2020 you are my absolute favorite of all time. Thanks for coming back to save us!

Frederick Douglass ‏@FDouglass2020 Feb 3, 2017
Frederick Douglass Retweeted Donald J. Trump
So true. Bye bye now

We must keep "evil" out of our country!

Harriet Tubman ‏@HMosesTubman February 3, 2017
Take note @realDonaldTrump
"He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it" - MLK
We are protesting YOU.

In reply to Donald J. Trump
Frederick Douglass ‏@FDouglass2020 Feb 3, 2017
@realDonaldTrump forget about evil, you've got walking dead Fred doing good works all over America. Deal with that first!

Frederick Douglass ‏@FDouglass2020 Feb 3, 2017
Since @realDonaldTrump is leaving everyone hanging: give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free ✊🏿#resist

Frederick Douglass ‏@FDouglass2020 Feb 3. 2017
Frederick Douglass Retweeted Judd Legum
Your prejudice is leaking everywhere @realDonaldTrump. Don't worry, I'll clean up the mess *Mops the floor with your toupee*Frederick Douglass added,

Judd Legum @JuddLegum
Trump plays up Louvre attack (injured 1), remains silent on mosque attack in Quebec by white nationalist (killed 6)

Frederick Douglass ‏@FDouglass2020 Feb 3, 2017
Speaking @ Bowling Green Survivor's Summit this wknd. Abominable Snowman, Bigfoot & monsters evicted from Trump's swamp will all be there

Frederick Douglass Retweeted
Laci Matthews ‏@LaciLou77 Feb 3, 2017

@FDouglass2020 @kellyg1160 @realDonaldTrump We ❤ you, Mr. Douglass. You were an American hero who's now getting the recognition he deserves.

Dante A. Ciampaglia ‏@daciampaglia Feb 3, 2017
Hey @FDouglass2020: If you were beetlejuiced out of the grave, I think you need to add Harry Belafonte to your ticket as Sec of HHS.

In reply to Dante A. Ciampaglia
Frederick Douglass ‏@FDouglass2020 Feb 3, 2017
We'll see, @daciampaglia, he might have to jump in the line

Frederick Douglass Retweeted
Denise M. Watson ‏@Denisewrites Feb 3, 2017

Denise M. Watson Retweeted Frederick Douglass

I'm so done right now. You are giving me so much life @FDouglass2020 considering you're dead. Or were.
Don't mind if we do. #MakeAmericaWokeAgain #DouglassTubman2020

This retweet includes a photo shopped photograph of Frederick Douglas driving a Model T car with Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth in the back seats. Under the photograph this caption: "Harriet Tubman and SojournerTruth2020".

Frederick Douglass Retweeted
M. Fredericks ‏@zedmorgan February 3, 2017

In movies, heroes are always resurrected when you need them most #saveusHarrietTubman #saveusFrederickDouglass @HMosesTubman @FDouglass2020

Frederick Douglass ‏@FDouglass2020 Feb 3, 2017
Will the real Freddie D please stand up. I said will the real Freddie D please stand up. *slowly rises from the grave, again, just for show*

Frederick Douglass
‏@FDouglass2020 Feb 4, 2017
Presidential Library? 2020 we get the Donald J Trump Center for Presidents Who Can't Read Good & Want To Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too

Frederick Douglass
@realDonaldTrump from library of Congress on 1800s immigration. The big building w books, where you can read & learn about... Ehh forget it

While large-scale immigration created many social tensions, it also produced a new vitality in the cities and states in which the immigrants settled. The newcomers helped transform American society and culture, demonstrating that diversity, as well as unity, is a source of national strength.

To find other documents in American Memory relating to...

This concludes the pancocojams series on Frederick Douglas in contemporary United States.

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.


  1. As of February 4, 2017 at 11:46 AM [EST] has 5,741 followers.

    Thanks again to the developer of that page and its principal twitter.

  2. The Feb 3, 2017 tweet about Bowling Green that is included in this pancocojams post referred to this:
    "Kellyanne Conway, the adviser to President Trump who coined the phrase “alternative facts,” is facing another round of criticism and fact-checking after she falsely spoke of a “Bowling Green massacre” by Iraqi refugees. She acknowledged and corrected her statement Friday morning on Twitter.

    Ms. Conway made the comment during an appearance on MSNBC’s “Hardball” on Thursday night as she discussed with the host, Chris Matthews, the executive order by Mr. Trump that suspended immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries."...

    1. -snip-
      A number of tweets lampoon both Kellyanne Conway and Donald Trump by combining a reference to the fake "Bowling Green Massacre" with some mention of the fictionalized Frederick Douglas (who Trump said "is being recognized more and more").

      Here are two examples from

      Matt Ford ✔ @fordm
      We wouldn't even know about the Bowling Green massacre if it weren't for the amazing job Frederick Douglass did.
      11:14 PM - 2 Feb 2017


      Natasha Rothwell ✔ @natasharothwell
      Saddened and sickened by Frederick Douglass' silence surrounding the Bowling Green Massacre.
      12:48 AM - 3 Feb 2017

    2. For the folkloric record, here's another reference to the fictionalized Frederick Douglas in combination with the non-existent "Bowling Green Massacre". In this comment Douglass is tasked with leadership if not superhuman responsibilities:

      From Feb. 4, 2017
      “White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on Friday suggested President Donald Trump "inspired" the job growth shown in the January jobs report, even though Trump was only sworn into office on Jan. 20.

      "Today's report reflects the consumer confidence that the Trump presidency has inspired," Spicer told reporters at the daily press briefing...

      A reporter later asked Spicer how many of the new jobs he attributes to Trump. The press secretary mentioned the "confidence index" and noted that Trump has made deals with companies like Carrier to keep jobs in the United States.

      But Spicer said that the White House does not "have that kind of a breakdown" that would determine how many new jobs were created by Trump, and said he was "not ready to start parsing" the Bureau of Labor Statistics' report."...

      …Shorter Spicer: "I don't have a f&&king* clue, but I'll ask Frederick Douglass as soon as he finishes with the hostage negotiations at Bowling Green."
      *This word was fully spelled out in that comment.

  3. The February 4, 2017 Saturday Night Live opening monologue in which Alex Baldwin again portrayed Donald Trump contained a mention of the fictionalized Frederick Douglass.

    In that skit, "Donald Trump" called German's Chancellor Angela Merkel and said "Tomorrow I'm having lunch with a very important up and comer. His name is Frederick Douglass. I'm trying to get a hold of him right now. I think he's pretty busy though." [around 3:40 in this video:

    That portion of that skit and tweets that mention a contemporary Frederick Douglass are meant to show how utterly clueless Donald Trump (and his administration) is. After all, the real Frederick Douglass died before the beginning of the 20th century, but Trump (and his Press Secretary) didn't seem to know that.

  4. Click for a dailykos article in which some commenters mention Frederick Douglas. That comment exchange begins with this quote from this electronic book Narrative
    of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. Written by Himself
    Electronic Edition. Frederick Douglass, 1818-1895"

    "Canadian Reader letterrip Feb 05 · 02:50:44 PM
    I just read this today, and a quote from it seems apposite:

    I can see no reason, but the most deceitful one, for calling the religion of this land Christianity. I look upon it as the climax of all misnomers, the boldest of all frauds, and the grossest of all libels. [...] The dealer gives his blood-stained gold to support the pulpit, and the pulpit, in return, covers his infernal business with the garb of Christianity. Here we have religion and robbery the allies of each other--devils dressed in angels' robes, and hell presenting the semblance of paradise.

    — Frederick Douglass"

    1. That dailykos exchange ends with this exchange:

      bumpa sharman Feb 05 · 07:47:49 PM
      "I’m not sure I’m reading the above messages correctly. It is understood that Frederick Douglass died in 1895 isn’t it?"


      Eyesbright bumpa Feb 05 · 10:15:47 PM
      "Bumpa, they’re all mocking Donald Trump whose comments a few days ago about Frederick Douglass made it clear that he (Trump) not only doesn’t know who Frederick Douglass is (was), he also thinks he’s someone who’s alive right now."

    2. The Frederick Douglass "joke" is still appearing in the media:
      ZedMont Feb 14 [2017] · 09:12:32 AM
      Trump is torn between his two top choices: Frederick Douglass, or Benedict Arnold?"
      Michael Flynn resigned from his position as Trump's National Security Advisor because the information that he had communicated with Russia before and after Trump's inauguration became too hot.

      But it's insulting to link Frederick Douglass with (traitor) Benedict Arnold as a possible candidate to fill Michael Flynn's position in Trump's failing administration.
