Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Five Videos Of Traditional Music & Dancing At South Sudanese Weddings

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post provides some general information about the nation of South Sudan, as well as some general information about the Dinka people and the Shilluk people.

This post also showcases five YouTube videos of music and dancing at traditional South Sudanese weddings.

The content of this post is presented for folkloric, cultural, and aesthetic purposes.

I’m particularly interested in the traditional clothing, jewelry, musical instruments, singing, and dancing that are shown in these videos.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are featured in these videos and quoted in this post. Thanks also to the publishers of these videos on YouTube.

Best wishes to all those couples whose weddings were celebrated in these videos.

"South Sudan officially the Republic of South Sudan,[15] is a landlocked country in northeastern Africa that gained its independence from Sudan in 2011. Its current capital is Juba, which is also its largest city. It was planned that the capital city would be changed to the more centrally located Ramciel in the future before civil war broke out.[16] South Sudan is bordered by Sudan to the north, Ethiopia to the east, Uganda to the south, the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the southwest, and the Central African Republic to the west. It includes the vast swamp region of the Sudd, formed by the White Nile and known locally as the Bahr al Jabal...

Ethnic groups
The major ethnic groups present in South Sudan are the Dinka at more than 1 million (approximately 15 percent combined), the Nuer (approximately ten percent), the Bari, and the Azande. The Shilluk constitute a historically influential state along the White Nile, and their language is fairly closely related to Dinka and Nuer. The traditional territories of the Shilluk and the Northeastern Dinka are adjacent."...

"The Dinka people are an ethnic group inhabiting the Bahr el Ghazal region of the Nile basin, Jonglei and parts of southern Kordufan and Upper Nile regions. The Dinkas are mainly agripastoral people, relying on cattle herding at riverside camps in the dry season and growing millet (awuou) and other varieties of grains (rap) in fixed settlements during the rainy season. They number around 4.5 million people according to the 2008 Sudan census, constituting about 18% of the population[1] of the entire country, and the largest ethnic tribe in South Sudan. Dinka, or as they refer to themselves, Muonyjang (singular) and jieng (plural), one of the branches of the River Lake Nilotes (mainly sedentary agripastoral peoples of the Nile Valley and African Great Lakes region who speak Nilotic languages, including the Nuer and Luo).[2] Dinka are sometimes noted for their height. With the Tutsi of Rwanda, they are believed to be the tallest people in Africa."...

"The Shilluk (Shill: Chollo) are a major Luo Nilotic people of Southern Sudan, living on both banks of the river Nile, in the vicinity of the city of Malakal. Before the second Sudanese civil war the Shilluk also lived in a number of settlements on the northern bank of the Sobat River, close to where the Sobat joins the Nile, with Doleib Hill as an important mission station. Doleib Hill mission has ceased after Nuer armed militia Jiech Mabor and Dr. Riek Machar's rebels stormed Doleib and burned Shilluk villages, and looted Shilluk (Chollo) community properties in 1987, 1997, 2013 and 2014 (by Dr. Riek Machar's rebels).

The Shilluk are the third largest ethnic group of Southern Sudan, after the Dinka and their neighbours the Nuer."...

Example #1: Minister Nhial Deng's wedding

jenaro aken Published on Aug 26, 2013

this gathering is a traditional aspect of Southern Sudanese weddings, the communities of both parties; the groom's and the bride's family, joins togather in celebration of the union. This core South Sudanese tradition transients generations and remains a unified and vital part of South Sudanese society. enjoy!
Here's three comments from that video's discussion thread:
Nanyal1, 2014
"If the groom's family is Dinka, why is his name "Nhial"? or is it a name in Dinka as well as Nuer?"

jenaro aken, 2014
"+Nanyal1 I believe the name is shared, just like many other names amongst different tribes in South Sudan."

Nanyal1, 2016
"Alright. Thank you for letting me know!"

Example #2: Marriage Between Wut Deer-Adeweng & Ajuong -Nyapiny part 1

jangdit dengajok, Published on Jan 15, 2015

This video is about marriage between Deer clan of Adeweng (Bor South Makuach) and Ajuong clan of Nyanpiny ( Bor North/Twic East Paliou). Between Mabior Dengajok & Athok Warabeck

This video was recorded during the marriage ceremony which was conducted on January of 2012, when Mothers in-laws from Ajuong Nyanpiny came and happily sung their traditional songs of Ajuong clan and Nyanpiny in particular. Its Dinka Bor cultural thing when the marriage is organised, various dancing and singing occurred from sides to marks the happy beginning and ending…

Example #3: Dinka culture in South Sudan traditional marriage

Kuol Juac, Published on Oct 20, 2015

"The marriage, it is a blessing to whole community, according to Sudanese culture or Dinka {jieng}culture is the way of sharing their happiness and not because the girl is sold away by parents , but the important of marriage is to bring community together creating new relationship, begin from both parents Fathers and mothers in both side grandmothers and grandfather,uncles, brothers, sisters, aunts, nephews, and all close relatives and friends all those people have right to be involves.

clans and tribes are welcome, to came together to share and celebrate with the joy and happiness. they sharing some word of encouragement,food and Wealthy examples cows, goats money and e g , the size of man give prizes to the size of girl and same the of girl give some prize to the size of man bringing their food and everything and they share together, during the marriage the stranger is the most person welcoming to share and enjoy any color of enjoyment the used to practicing examples dancing singing e.g. our marriage had been celebrated three time in 1993, 2006 again 2014 in the blessing of God we still yet for more celebration if God will."

Example #4: shiluk traditional dance at the wedding

John Michael Published on May 22, 2016

Example #5: Shilluk Dance ( Weding Ceremony )

Yoanes Nyago Karyal, Published on Aug 26, 2016

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