Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Examples Of YouTube Comments Expressing Homage To Mother Africa & Family Ties To All Other Black People

Edited by Azizi Powell

While reading a number of YouTube discussion threads for contemporary or traditional African music and dance I've noticed three distinct types of comment clusters from certain commenters:
1. comments that give homage too Mother Africa and/or declare family (brother/sister) ties to other Africans or to [other] Black people throughout Africa and/or [other] Black people throughout the world

2. comments that proclaim or promote one's own ethnic (tribal), regional, or national identity (with or without making comments described in cluster #1 or cluster #3)

3. comments that refer to rivalries or schisms between the commenter's ethnic group or nation and another Black ethnic group/s, regions, or nations

This pancocojams post provides a few examples of YouTube comments from cluster #1.

In addition, for entertainment and aesthetic purposes, this post also showcases one of the videos from which selected comments are presented.

The content of this post is presented for folkloric, socio-cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.

SHOWCASE VIDEO: DJ Ganyani ft FB - Xigubu (Official Music Video)

GanyaniEntertainment, Published on Apr 26, 2013
This song is from the nation of South Africa. Several commenters said that "xigubu" was a type of African drum and a commenter wrote that "Xigubu xiba ngopfu" means "The beat hits hard."

Pancocojams Editor's Comments:
This is a small samble of YouTube comments that express homage to Mother Africa and/or declare family ties to other Africans and/or [other] Africans and/or to [other] Black people throughout the world.

In this pancocojams post I'm broadly using "Black" as a referent for anyone who identified himself or herself as being Black in their comments, and/or a commenter from regions, ethnic groups, or nations that are predominately Black particularly from West African, Central African, East African, or South African nations, as well as people of [other] Black African descents worldwide.

These references may be considered to be "pan-African". Note the "pan African" sentiment/spirit is reflected by the fact that some of these videos/songs are collaborations between African artists from two nations from different regions of Africa or from two nations within the same region of Africa.

It's also important to note that some commenters that express homage to "mother Africa" and/or declare family (brother/sister) ties to other people in Africa or to Black people throughout the world may be from North Africa and/or may not consider themselves "Black" or may not be considered "Black" by other persons.

The comments are only selected comments from these featured video's discussion threads. These featured videos from which selected comments are lifted are given in no particular order except for the comments from this post's showcase video.

A hyperlink to the YouTube video or sound file to encourage watching/listening to these examples of music/dance.

From DJ Ganyani ft FB - Xigubu (Official Music Video) Published on Apr 26, 2013

1.Sarah A, 2014
"The beat, the dance, the African Traditional elements...everything is perfect about this video. I think I watched this video more than 15 times, very catchy. #TeamSomalia"

2. Scopps94. 2014
"Love your comment, I have the same reaction to this song. #teamNigeria"

3. Malusi Mqadi, 2014
the song is south african"

4. Scopps94, 2014
"+Malusi Mqadi i know it is, but im a nigerian listening to a south african song"

5. nonhlanhla precious Radebe, 2014
"+Scopps94 Borders were created by the colonialists; I think we should'nt have any of that in Africa. Africa is one. One love" [These words are followed by three internet heart symbols.]

6. Yvonne Nontandokazikayiseomkhulu Mguni, 2015

7. Efua Amoaba, 2016
"I love this music .... being african american i didnt grow up hearing this music on the radio so happy im getting into african culture it awakens my african spirit most of the music in america doesnt have real spirit"

8. sambo ben, 2016
"+Efua Amoaba My sister even the Ocean cannot seperate us, we love you in the Motherland for us you represent also our power what we can go through and still be human. Greetings to my distant bro/sis

9. Efua Amoaba, 2016
"+sambo ben That really brought tears to my eyes, I use to feel like most Africans wouldn't except me because Im not from the homeland. plus their are some blacks in america that make of many us look bad and have people thinking we are violent and immoral."

10. sambo ben, 2016
"+Efua Amoaba You are a daughter of the Mother land as well as all Afro cubans, Jamaicans, Columbians etc etc.No people on earth have ever gone through such level of genocide humliation and rejection and still come out strong like my bro/sis the Afro Americans(both in North and South), today you are success story in all branches of life, from science to politics, music to arts etc etc Remember, before same people who call you voilent said you where strong and could work all day long, that is when our ancestors where oppressed and enslaved to build the nation you live in today, when you got your freedom same people started saying you are lazy or inshort you became lazy when you stopped working for free, its same narative here in the motherland, we are called Lazy and voilent especially when we fight off the imperialist."

11. yemi odejobi, 2016
"We love y'all, cherish n appreciate all u ve done to make us all welcome n safe in America. Always supporting all foreigners, minorities esp fellow Africans regardless of how much they(colonial/slave masters)'ve done n still doing to set us up against each-other. I live here seen all ur struggles. I'm certainly sure If not 4 my African; AA brodas n sistas it ll b so uncomfortable 4 me to visit not to mention living here. U guys ve gone/come a long way."

12. yemi odejobi, 2016
"sambo ben Completely appreciate ur input; seemed lyk u lifted a heavy load of my head, ve always told every1 I know this same true story. Thank u. God bless us all. God bless Africa."

13. Phillip, 2016
"I used to get mad when people told me I look like an African. They were tryn to insult me. But i take it as a compliment now. Blind no more. I blend in well with these people & hope they accept me with open arms. I'm a Black American."

14. Zama Dladla, 2016
"you are my real brother man lol"

From Official MAFIKIZOLO ft Uhuru KHONA, Published on Apr 19, 2013

15. gerald hassan, 2013
"nice song beign looking for who sang it. one blood one africa. awwwww.."

16. Anas Rafiq, 2014
"Mother Africa!!"

17. demario williams, 2014
"Jamaica is Feeling the mother Land....... Join us as the Time is now.... Reggae is Out of Many Nation...."

18. I'Nubiya Rhoden, 2014
"I get so emotional over these songs. I am way too sensitive, but I am so proud of MAMA AFRICA CHİLDREN"

19. manssour charik, 2015
"MAMA AFRICA [These words are followed by one internet heart symbol, meaning "love".] from morocco"

20. DSR Marrakech, 2015
"mama afarica world music"

21. lamnaouar mohamed, 2015
"la mama africa plizzzzzzzzzz"

22. OG YaHerd, 2016
"this is what i want to see from the motherland!

From Uhuru ft. DJ Buckz, Oskido, Professor and Uri-Da-Cunha "Y-tjukutja", Published on Nov 29, 2013,

23. portia mkhonza, 2015
"no matter what S.A says we luv our naija bros and sisters proudly south African married to east african brother 😉"
"S. A." = South African; "naija" = Nigerian

24. Naomi lee, 2015

THE SINGER NAME`S yuri da cunha -'atchu tchu tcha' FROM ANGOLA

25. N-zey Célé, 2015
"+Noemia Virgilio there is no countrie in Africa, only people, Country is colonialist concept. A song can be plays by est people and be readapt/remix by south people vice versa....we are one people"

26. Vesta, 2015
"+Noemia Virgilio It's collaboration between South Africa and Angola"

27. Naomi lee, 2015
"dude i know, what i mean to say it great to see that other african country love angola song,and i wish a could go there i love South Africa beat,dance love from angola"

28. Babalwa Mtamzeli, 2015
"Yeah man after all we are one,Africa unite"

From Eddy Kenzo - Sitya Loss, Published on Sep 18, 2014,

29. pearl thomola, 2016
"Ina Africa whereever you standing is a dance floor.......I love you mama Africa"

30. David Youpa njeumeni, 2015
"thanks you my Africa brother"

31. Denise sheriff, 2016
"Ok so I'm an American woman I'm talking both parents born and raised in the USA but I feel African so deeply I can't explain it. This culture is absolutely where my heart is. I guess that's why I married an African man lol....LONG LIVE MAMA AFRICA❤️❤️❤️🇨🇺 my husbands country flag😉"

32. Chris Jones, 2017
"It's because we all come from the motherland"

33. Annicky Ndhazi, 2016
"I'm south Africa at Lompopo province viva Africaaa I love kenzo songs he number one all African be together"

From iYANYA KUKERE, Published on Mar 24, 2012

34.GingerBronze, 2014
"I love this song. It moves me every time. I am a proud, proud West AfRAkan descendant in North America who loves to dance.

AfRAkans UNITE!!"

35. Omondi Agar, 2014
"Africa will Unite..."

36. Sylvester Graham, 2015
"Right on sister black people from all over the world should unite I am a descendant from West Africa who lives in America to"

37. Karen, 2015
"O Brasil tem muito da África
Mama África"
Google translate of the first sentence from Portuguese to English: "Brazil has lots of Africa"
My interpretation of that sentence: Brazil has lots of people of African descent.

From Yemi Alade- "Johnny", Published on Mar 3, 2014

38. Black Ivy, 2014
"I love Africa.....just wish African-Americans and Africans were as close as they used to be. We can take over this world....let's take back what's ours "

39. J.N A.W, 2014
"yes it's kind of sad. it seems that African Americans do not want anything to do with Africa . that they somehow just see themselves as Americans and know nothing about their roots. All Afro Europeans are very proud of their African roots. just like me."

40. kmj2000, 2014
"+pkhunder1 African-Americans have had hundreds of years of entrenched and systematic shaming about their backgrounds. It's not really a fair comparison. Afro-Europeans probably know what country their background is. Many African-Americans do not."

41. Black Ivy, 2014
"+kmj2000 We are still one. We were separated by the white man, and you're pretty much telling me that we are now too different to show love to each other? I'm confused on your statement. Clarify"

42. kmj2000, 2014
"+Asia Thomas I was definitely not saying we were too different to love each other. Sorry for the misunderstanding."

43. YourBelovedPandora, 2014
"Oh no... I wasn't saying you said that. I was saying I think that is the reason why we as people haven't come together before. We have allowed the past to separate us. I guess it is better late than never that we are starting to realize the bond that we share. I totally agree that we should come together and unite... and I dream one day that will happen. Hope that makes sense.Sorry for the misunderstanding before. God bless"

44. sweetbabyboo5, 2014
"I'm African American and I definitely agree! I love my African Sistahs and Brothas."

45. JustForYou♥, 2014
"When were black Americans & Africans close?"

46. Black Ivy, 2014
"We were closer during the Pan-African movement when we were trying to reach our freedom and civil rights. The blacks they show u on the media causes Africans to stereotype all blacks which leads you to ignorantly hate Americans. You being an African should know that the media highlights whatever it wants to highlight; I used to think all Africans were poor and uneducated until my parents informed me and told me the truth. I also think there is animosity between our groups because of parenting; I have come to realize that many of you were told bad things about black Americans from your parents and those attitudes have developed into your adulthood. Some of the things that they told you may have been true; however, my parents never stereotyped any group and told me that there was good and bad in all countries. This is most likely why I have been making my influence on Africa today; I was taught to "act and do", not whine and complain. If I see my brothers and sisters from across the world in pain or see something wrong with them, I lend out my hand and pick up my brother or sister that I was separated from by the white man. I am blessed to be living in America where resources come to me EVERY SINLGE DAY. I am proud that my ancestors paved the way for this country, and to allow foreigners to visit, become educated, and live a better life than they would in their native land; I follow the likings of Nkrumah, MLK, Dubois, and etc. We change the world, not just complain about it. I've saved too many lives to stop now. God Bless."

47. chgosyndicate, 2015
"+Obeth Lalas I feel you. Im African American but I'm 30. I grew up with Africans and we just came up like brothers. No tension or anything. I've been to Senegambia, Namibia, Lagos and all over. Now, Younger African kids here in the US tell me that AA kids make fun of them. I've never witnessed it, but I have a ZERO tolerance for that In my mentorship program. Its self hate. How can you hate someone that comes from your homeland. These kids is f&&ked* up here in the US bro."
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

48. LeRoi D, 2015
"I live in DC* for more than a decade now and have personally been discriminated several times by African Americans. Despite all these negative experiences, I never stop looking at African Americans as my brothers and sisters. I have good Black Americans friends who are not ignorant like that. Common sense will tell you that every society has good and bad people. So lets stop making excuses of hating each other. It makes no sense at all. Whether we like it or not, or whether we know our roots or not we are from the same heritage, period."
"DC" = Washington, D.C. [USA]

49. Shante1019, 2015
"I'm african american and agree. Some can be so damn rude! especially when I was in high school. ughh! I love my people too: African's, Haitians, Brazilians, Puerto Ricans, Afro-Trinidadian and Tobagonian, Jamaicans, Barbadians, Dominican, Bahamas, Cubans and etc. My boyfriend is mixed with Jamaican."

From mata ku dau turame official video by nazir m Ahmad (sarkin Waka); Published on Sep 27, 2015

50. Zuberimbega Toya, 2017
"who will accommodate me when i come to visit Nigeria?.all the way from Kenya to Nigeria.only to visit and see my african Brothers and sisters.i just feel the love for africa one greetings to the new president honorable mommad buhary god bless you and protect you.god bless all the people of Nigeria and kenya my mama land.god bless africa"

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1 comment:

  1. Here's a related comment that was published in another pancocojams post about an East African dance video:

    moni Love, April 25, 2017
    "I'm loving it...where ever in Africa Katakata originated from, it is an expression of music/dance as seen in my spiritual country..Jamaica
    we love you MOMMA AFRICA XXX"

    Here's the title and link to that post "Kata Mwanangu Kata" (Swahili music dance video with English translation)
