Sunday, February 19, 2017

Chants From "'I Am A Muslim Too' Rally in New York City (March 6, 2011 & Feb 19, 2017)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post is part of an ongoing series that documents protests chants.

This post showcases a video of the March 6, 2011 "I Am A Muslim Too" rally with time notations for two protest chants which are documented in that video. A video of the March 6, 2011 "I Am A Muslim Too" rally that features a Hip Hop song about that rally is also featured in this post.

This post also provides excerpts from three articles about the "I Am A Muslim Too Rally in New York City (Feb. 19, 2017) and showcases a video of that rally, with notation of some chants that were performed during that rally.

The content of this post is presented for historical, folkloric, cultural, motivational, and political purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Russell Simmons and all the other organizers of these rallies and thanks to all the participants in and supporters of these "I Am A Muslim Too" rallies.

Pancocojams Editor Comment
The purpose of the "I Am A Muslim Too" rallies are to show solidarity with Muslim Americans.

I've only found videos of the March 6, 2011 and Feb. 19, 2017 "I Am A Muslim Too" rallies in New York City I'm not sure if there were other rallies with that name (or with that intention) in other years in New York City.

Although I've compiled these chants under the category "protest chants", statements such as "The people united will never be defeated" and "I am a Muslim too!" are "rallying chants", "motivational chants" and/or "unity (unifying) chants" rather than protest chants.

Example #1:"Today I am a Muslim Too" Rally in New York City [March 6, 2011]

OdysseyNetworks, Uploaded on Mar 9, 2011
Faith Under Fire:
Music mogul Russell Simmons was one of the organizers of the March 6, 2011 "Today I Am A Muslim Too" rally which had around 10,000 participants (according to the video).

Documentation of two chants:
In the beginning of this video:
[unison chant] We stand united!

Near the end of this video:
call and response chant with the response in parenthesis:
lead: Unity
lead: Faith
Lead: Liberty.

Example #2: IM A MUSLIM [Hip Hop song]

servantzoftheearth Uploaded on Mar 7, 2011


These article excepts are given in no particular order and are numbered for referencing purposes only.

Article Excerpt #1:
From by By Daniel Kreps, Feb. 19, 2017
Russell Simmons helped lead a gathering of thousands Sunday in New York at the "I Am a Muslim Too" Rally, which declared solidarity with those targeted by Donald Turmp's "Muslim ban" executive order.
..."We are here today to show middle America our beautiful signs and, through our beautiful actions and intention, that they have been misled," the Def Jam founder and mogul told the Times Square crowd. "We are here unified because of Donald Trump. We want to thank him for bringing us together."

Simmons, Imam Shamsi Ali and Rabbi Marc Schneier orchestrated the rally, which drew people like New York mayor Bill de Blasio ("I'll be there today and I hope you'll be there too," the mayor tweeted), activist Linda Sarsour and rapper Q-Tip.

"We have to acknowledge there's a change in our country. We have been fighting Islamophobia for many years, but there is a shift towards more hate crimes and more hate," Simmons added Sunday. "But at the same time, we have to recognize there's also an acknowledgement of that hate and a connectivity that it brings, and a partnership and unity that it brings, so we can have this lovefest today."....

Article Excerpt #2:
From "Simmons leads 'I Am A Muslim Too' rally against president" By Cody Derespina, February 19, 2017
"The Muslim call to prayer rang out through Times Square in New York City on Sunday afternoon as a large, mixed-faith crowd of merchandise hawkers, social activists, organizers, curious tourists – and genuine protesters – declared their allegiance with Islam.

“I am a Muslim, too!” the group chanted several times at the anti-President Trump rally organized by hip hop mogul Russell Simmons and a local rabbi and imam....

Chants of “Hey hey, ho ho, Donald Trump has got to go” and “No wall, No Muslim ban, no fascist USA” were frequently encouraged, and host Dean Obeidallah, a comedian, contrasted the crowd in New York City with those who turned out for Trump’s Saturday campaign rally in Florida, describing the Trump crowd as “all different shades of angry white people.”...

Article #3
From Russell Simmons Leads ‘I Am A Muslim Too’ Rally in New York “All of the diversity we see here today will prevail.”
By Stephanie Marcus, Feb. 19, 2017
"Music mogul Russell Simmons led thousands of New Yorkers in a show of solidarity for Muslim Americans at the “I Am A Muslim Too” rally on Sunday in Times Square.

Simmons headlined the event, which was co-organized by the Foundation For Ethnic Understanding and the Nusantara Foundation in response to the increased anxiety over President Donald Trump’s executive order limiting immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries....

Also at the rally was New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, Chelsea Clinton, Q-Tip and Susan Sarandon, who the Daily Mail reports told the crowd that it’s no longer possible to remain neutral and that “We will fight hatred with love.”...

Russell Simmons ✔ @UncleRUSH
Hearing that there were between 7,000-10,000 people who came to the #IAmAMuslimToo rally today!! An absolute incredible show of solidarity!
4:48 PM - 19 Feb 2017"

SHOWCASE VIDEO: 'I Am A Muslim Too' Rally in New York

LIVE SATELLITE NEWS, Published on Feb 19, 2017

Thousands attend 'I Am A Muslim Too' Rally in New York City to protest the Trump Travel Ban with Rapper....? And Susan Sarandon
Documentation of three chants:
[1:42 beginning at around 1:42 in this video] call and response chant (with the crowd's response in parenthesis)
lead: Hey Hey
(hey hey)
lead: Ho Ho
(ho ho)
lead: Donald Trump has got to go.
(Donald Rump has got to go)

Beginning around 2:29 [call and response chant]
lead- The people
crowd- united
lead- Will never be defeated
crowd - will never be defeated

(in unison): The people united/ will never be defeated

crowd: the people united will never be defeated
Lead voice- The people
crowd - united will never be defeated

5:24 [unison chant]
The people united
will never be defeated
Another video of this rally (which prominently shows a sign with a curse word) documents the rally attendees chanting "Love trumps hate.”

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