Sunday, September 18, 2016

"Fired Up! Ready To Go" & "Fired Up! Ready To Vote" Political Chants And Slogans

Edited by Azizi Powell

This post features political examples of the chant and slogan "Fired up! Ready to Go" and the chant and slogan "Fired up! Ready to vote".

The content of this post is presented for folkloric, historical, cultural, political, and inspirational purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post. Thanks also to all the publishers of these videos on YouTube.

"Fired up! Ready to go" is a political chant/slogan that helps energize people to do all they can to win a particular election.

Here's information and examples of that chant/slogan:

Excerpts from "Fired Up! Ready To Go!" Chant (Comments & Video), November 6, 2012

This post showcases the story of the call & response chant "Fired Up! Ready To Go!" that then candidate Senator Barack Obama adopted for his 2008 United States Presidential campaign.

...The video tells the tale of a 2007 Greenwood, S.C. rally where a supporter named Edith S. Childs helped create a chant that would set the tenor of the 2008 campaign.


Video: Obama: "Fired Up? Ready To Go!"

DemRapidResponse, Uploaded on Nov 4, 2008

Manassas, Virginia, 11/3/08

Obama: Finally we get to Greenwood. We pull up -- first of all, you don't know you're in Greenwood right away when you get to Greenwood, there aren't a lot of tall buildings there. We pull up to a small building, a field house in the park. We go inside. And lo and behold, after an hour and a half drive, turns out there are twenty people there. Twenty people, and they all look kind of damp and kind of sleepy, like maybe they aren't really excited to be there either. But you know, I am a professional. Ive got to do what I got to do. [applause] So I go around, I'm shaking hands, I'm saying how ya doing, what are ya doing? [applause] Wait, wait. As I go around the room suddenly I hear this voice cry out behind me, "Fired Up!" And I'm shocked. I jump up. I dont know what's going on. But everybody else acts like this is normal and they say, "fired up." Then I hear this voice say, "ready to go!" And the other twenty people in the room, they act like this happens all the time, they say ready to go. I don't know what's going on. So I look behind me, and there's this small woman, about sixty years old, a little over five feet. It looks like she just came from church, got a big church hat. [laughter] And she's standing there and she looks at me and shes smiling. And she says, "fired up!"

Turns out she is a city councilwoman from Greenwood who also moonlights as a private detective -- I'm not making this up. [laughter] And it turns out she is famous for her chant. She does this wherever she goes, she says "fired up!" and everybody says "ready to go, ready to go." So for the next five minutes she proceeds to do this, "fired up" everybody says "ready to go." And I'm standing there and I'm thinking that I am being outflanked by this woman here. She's stealing my thunder. I look at my staff, they shrug their shoulders, they don't know how long this is going to go.

But here's the thing, Virginia -- after a minute or so, I'm feeling kind of fired up. [applause] I'm feeling like I'm ready to go. So I join in the chant. And it feels good. And for the rest of the day, even after we left Greenwood, even though it was still raining, even though I was still not getting big crowds anywhere, even though we hadn't gotten the endorsements of the people we were hoping for, somehow I felt a little lighter, I felt a little better. I'd see my staff, Id say, are you fired up? Theyd say we're fired up boss, are you ready to go?

Heres my point, Virginia -- that's how this thing started. It shows you what one voice can do. One voice can change a room; and if a voice can change a room, it can change a city; and if it can change a city it can change a state; and if change a state, it can change a nation; and if it can change a nation, it can change the world! Virginia, your voice can change the world tomorrow! [applause] In 21 hours, if you are willing, if you are willing to endure some rain, if you are willing to drag that person you know who was not going to vote to the polls, if you're willing to organize and volunteer in the offices, if you are willing to stand with me, if you are willing to fight with me, I know that your voice will matter.

So I've just got one question for you, Virginia. Are you fired up?
Are you ready to go?
Fired up?
["Fired Up!"]
Ready to go?
["Ready to Go!"]
Fired up?
["Fired Up!"]
Ready to go?
["Ready to Go!"]
Fired up?
["Fired Up!"]
Ready to go?
["Ready to Go!"]

Virginia, let's go change the world. Thank you. God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.
This transcription was given in the video summary but was reformatted for this post with minor punctuation corrections.

"CNN PoliticsVerified account
Cheers of "fired up ready to go" can be heard before @POTUS' final #SOTU"

Fired Up, Ready To Go (The Obama Song)

carminski Published on Oct 5, 2012

Fired Up, Ready To Go (The Obama Song)
by Ike Thompson

From Live Blog: President Obama to Address CBC Gala. Trump will not like this, By JoanMar, 2016/09/17

JoanMar Sep 17
"Still fired up. Still ready to go!"

"Fired up! Ready to vote" is an updated form of the chant/slogan "Fired up! Ready to go."

Here's some examples of that chant/slogan:


jackie maybury saved to politics, 2014
"FIRED UP! READY TO GO!! VOTE BLUE!!...CFC....IT'S needed that the OHIO Democrats provide buses for the registered Dems in that area on Election Day."
I'm not sure what CFC means here.

2. From ‘Fired up, ready to vote’
President Bill Clinton arrived in Miami Gardens Sunday as early voting begins in Miami-Dade
Carolyn Guniss, 3/2/2016
..."former President Bill Clinton... was in Miami Gardens on Sunday stumping for his wife, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He and local officials pushed for people to vote early, ahead of the Presidential Preference Primary Election, which is March 15. Registered Democrats and Republicans may vote in the primary. So far, statewide more than 500,000 people have cast absentee ballots.”…

Florida plays an important role in the presidential election. Over the state, registered Black Democrats number more than 28 percent. In the tri-county area, more than 33 percent of registered Democrats are Black.

Sunday, before President Clinton came on stage, Miami Commission Chairman Keon Hardemon, Vice Mayor of Miami Gardens Felicia Robinson and Congresswoman Frederica Wilson spoke. Also in attendance were Kendrick Meek and his mother Carrie Meek, who both had Wilson’s seat in the past.

Locals played a big role at the rally. The Alliance for Musical Arts -Youth Drum Line and the 93rd Street Baptist Church Community Choir entertained between speeches. Songstress Rochelle Lightfoot sang the “Star Spangled Banner” to open the event.

“Fired up, ready to vote; fired up, ready to vote; fired up, ready to vote;” chanted Wilson with the crowd.

“We have the opportunity to elect the first female president,” Wilson said. “She deserves to be back in the White House, this time as commander in chief.”

Wilson said if people allowed Donald Trump to be elected “all of Obama’s work will be wiped out and we will be in trouble.”...

From Fired UP! Ready to vote! (Hillary GROUP), Firebrand Gary, Wed Mar 9, 2016
"Good morning my DU friends!

It's a gorgeous day here on the left coast and as the clock ticks, we're growing closer for our turn to vote! We moved even further from our competition last night in delegates, WOOOOO HOOOOOOO!

Are you fired up? I'm so fired up, that my feet and hand are hot! I just donated to our gal and I'm ready to work. March 15th is drawing nearer and we need to do everything that we need to and turn out the vote! Let's run those numbers up bae-bae.

Kick ass people, we so got this!"
DU = Democratic Underground

4. From Can Obama Get Bernie’s Kids Fired Up and Ready to Vote in November? By Ed Kilgore, May 26, 2016
..."So something to watch for as the Democratic primaries end and the convention approaches is Obama emerging from backstage and offering himself as a focal point for a reconciliation between Clinton and Sanders and as a relentless critic of Donald Trump and the party Trump has conquered. With Obama now being more popular than Clinton, there’s really little downside to enlisting POTUS in this role. And perhaps he can recapture the uncanny knack he had in 2008 to get young people, Democrats and independents alike, fired up and ready to go."

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