Sunday, September 11, 2016

Attitudes About Homosexuality In A Discussion Thread For A South African Music Video

Edited by Azizi Powell

This post documents attitudes about homosexuality in a discussion thread for the 2013 YouTube video "Khona" by Mafikizolo featuring Uhuru.

The official video for that song is also embedded in this post along with brief information about what that song means.

An excerpt from an online article about homosexuality in South Africa is provided as background before that video and comment compilation.

The content of this post is presented for historical, sociological, and cultural purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are featured in or are associated with the production of this video. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post.

From "LGBT rights in South Africa"
"South Africa has a complex and diverse history regarding LGBT rights. The legal and social status of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people has been influenced by a combination of traditional South African mores, colonialism, and the lingering effects of apartheid and the human rights movement that contributed to its abolition. South Africa's post-apartheid constitution was the first in the world to outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation, and South Africa was the fifth country in the world, and the first—and, to date, only—in Africa, to legalise same-sex marriage. Same-sex couples can also adopt children jointly, and also arrange IVF and surrogacy treatments. Nevertheless, LGBT South Africans continue to face considerable challenges, including social stigma, homophobic violence (particularly corrective rape), and high rates of HIV/AIDS infection."...


Kalawa Jazmee Published on Apr 19, 2013

This video presents the award winning South African duo Mafikizolo featuring Uhuru, another South African vocalist. This genre of music is called "Afro House" and Zulu is the language that is used for this song.

As of the date and time of this post's publication, this video has received 7,437,123 total views and has 2,926 comments.

Here's one comment from that video's discussion thread about the group Mafikizolo:
TheLoxionKasie, 2014
..."Mafikizolo came out when there were a lot of bigger stars in the Kwaito music scene in South Africa. Their roots are kwaito, but this is obviously house music. To understand South African house, it helps to read up on the music of the 80s, then kwaito (which really was house beats slowed down) and then the re-emergence of house proper in Pretoria in the late 80s/early 90s."

Here are four comments that provide explanations in English about the song's title and its overall meaning:
Chelseababe 1, 2015
..."Khona means “there” in Zulu (South Africa) and [the song] is about getting their love back from someone they once loved."...

kelsey sinkala, 2014
"For those that want to know what Khona means here it goes: it means "There or that place,so all of them that are there or [in] that sad place should come back.It is a sad plea. It is a unification of their sad experiences as individuals . So their calling back their long lost loved ones to come back.

Where is my love?
Please return it,
To where you found it
I want it to return to me,
From that place.

So that is the basic gist of the song.Hope that helps."

DeeNutella Styles, 2016 [written in response to a question about the meaning of the word "khona"]
""where is my love”
cela ulibuyisele – “Please return it”
Lapho ulithathe – “where you took it”
Ngiyalifuna – “where it came from”
Lapho liphuma – “where is arose”
Ngiyalifun – “I want it”
Libuyisele, sele – “Return it”"

Kitte Kat, 2016
"Khona is a sad plea, being an euphemism for death’s hades and cracks of a broken heart. About loved ones gone and a plea to come back. One of the Trio of Mafikizolo, Tebogo Madingoane was shot after an argument. Theo Kgosinkwe lost his love; Rose, who is either his sister, daughter or lover. Nhlanhla Nciza, the beautiful lady singer lost her 5 year old daughter in a car accident. Uhuru sings about his deceased mum. For more info and the lyrics "khona’ By Mafikizolo Is Actually A Song For The Dead".


Pancocojams Editor's Notes
Most of the comments in that video's complete discussion thread don't refer to the subject of homosexuality. Instead, most of the commenters praise the vocalists, dancers, the song, and the video production, and indicate that "Mafikizolo's record "Khona" is a mega hit in their nations.

This compilation presents a representative portion of individual comments and sub-thread comments (comments plus replies) from that discussion thread and doesn't purport to include all of the comments to date (September 11, 2016) that refer to the subject of homosexuality.

Because this compilation is representative of the wide range of comments about homosexuality in that discussion thead, I've included comments that are quite homophobic. By no means am I supportive of the attitudes and opinions expressed by those homophobic commenters.

Some commenters use the referents "fags" or "faggots". For the record, I don't support the use of those pejorative referents.

Some comments include profanity. As per the policies of this blog, I've used amended spelling for profanity. However, for this specific pancocojams post, I've retained the amended spelling for profanity that some commenters used.

With regard to demographics, it's likely that most if not all of the commenters are Black men or Black women. In one of these comments, a blogger indicates that everyone participating in that video discussion is Black. That is likely not true- and certainly can't be proven given that participants in YouTube discussion threads may be anonymous and may post under another person's name, even if that person's profile picture is Black. Also participation in any YouTube discussion thread is free and open to anyone who signs into that internet website.. For example, read this comment from Kamile Gae (2016)
"Im white but I always felt inlove with African beat and music Its so attracting and effective with big power of rhythm and beat :) And dont understand also what they say but Its makes me to learn of this language to be able to sing as well as they do"
Although they may not be included in this compilation, I recall reading comments from the Middle East, Europe, Asia, South America, the Caribbean, and the United States. These comments may often consist of only the blogger's name and their nation's name. Those "shout outs" demonstrate that the song under discussion is known in that particular nation.

Also, the fact that these comments are from a YouTube discussion thread for a South African music video doesn't mean that all the commenters in that discussion are from the nation of South Africa. That said, it's likely that a large number of the participants are from South Africa. And it's also likely that most of the participants are from some African nation as indicated in their comments. But, based on their comments, at least two commenters are from the United States and at least one commenter is from the UK.

These comments are presented in chronological order with the oldest comments given first except for replies. However, these comments may not be in consecutive order.

I've assigned numbers for referencing purposes only.

1. bigboyvit mbiko
"Not proud that too much the Gay dancers at the beginning irritates our pure black culture otherwise its great."


Homosexuality isn't a cultural thing! Its Biological!"

3. bigboyvit mbiko
"Don't put a comment if u find this post homophobic I repeat"

4. bigboyvit mbiko
"+TeanoZ since when it's been bilogical?? Was this the Freedom that Mandela fought for us even God created man to be man woman to be woman"

5. TeanoZ
"Homosexuality has always been around, it's not a new thing!

And don't dare bring Mandela into this matter, he fought for FREEDOM and Human Rights, not the discrimination of people based on sexuality!

Gay men are still men! Gender is determined by ones sexual organs, not by who they chose to sleep with!

6. bigboyvit mbiko
"+TeanoZ have you ever search on YouTube to find out whether heaven or hell exist?? If u haven't then search for videos of people who said God showed them hell you be so shocked if you watch these videos take all of them and compare them to see who's lying,you even gonna find an African testimony which is similar to an American testimony Hell is real don't adopt western thoughts of setting sin to freedom,everything that is not associated with the word is sin, not only Homosexuality God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for many reasons.Had it been there wasn't a place like hell I would have said let sinners have rights.. "

7. bigboyvit mbiko
"Africans went through slavery why should they receive the torment of Gods wrath don't just allow anything to destroy you completely wake up."

8. Boitumelo Mak
"+bigboyvit mbiko Actually South Africa's post-apartheid constitution was the first in the world to outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation, and South Africa was the fifth country in the world, and the first in Africa, to legalise same-sex yes that is exactly the sort of Freedom Nelson fought for...that was his constitution. Please do not bring Nelson into this if you r going to say such ignorant things"

[Commenter Adekunle Abiodun used a lot of profanity to basically say that people shouldn't care who someone else has sex with.]

9. bigboyvit mbiko
"+Adekunle Abiodun it has something to do with culture tho it's not common in other EUROPEAN countries it's only For America and UK, I've been all over Europe you can't see a gay couple in Germany,swizz,Poland,Spain or in some European countries and they don't give any hints about homosexuality,they only tell you Africans to agree that because they give us Aid,do u think OBAMA OR CAMERON would tell Germany or Russia to push the Gay Agenda wouldn't that be imperialism?? You need to read more books all travel the world to see different cultures,most people can't speak or write English we Africans are better than them 4 example East Europeans,they were never colonized by west there countries were powerful in those days,its only we Africans who can't stand for ourselves because they give us books to read and they taught English they want to control to Control us,since when have we Africans come open to be gay?? Is it cause we watching American and British programs or did it come from our ancestors or is it in our mind or are we brain washed??"

10. TeanoZ
"+bigboyvit mbiko Homosexuality is extremely prevalent in Europe!

One of the German Ministers in government is gay. The Netherlands is one of the "gay capitals" of the world. In fact, same sex marriage is recognized in ALL of Western Europe.

You're obviously not as well traveled as you claim!"

11. Sarfaraz Hussein Merchant
"+bigboyvit mbiko No sociologist, psychologist or scientist would agree with you. Homophobia is an example cultural imperialism imposed on Africans through religion. "

[Another statement from bigboyvit mbiko such as those given above.]

12. Victor 'Simar
"Bigots like you irritate our pure Black culture. Hateful disgraceful creature!"

13. bigboyvit mbiko
"Irritate in what way mate muslims dont take acohol or eat pork has anyone protested on why they should do that. our pure black culture is not homosexual,we were enslaved and colonized that's why we are lost,have u ever seen anyone in the middle east telling You that there gay??? Don't be ridiculous"

14. Joshua Boole
"+bigboyvit mbiko pretty sure there is a death penalty for being "gay" in most of "the middle east"

Stands to reason they wouldn't bring up the fact with much of anyone."

15. Sphamandla Zulu
"Didn't see gay dancers, I just saw dancers. Don't be that person guy"

16. bigboyvit mbiko
"If I dint see any gay dancers then why was I arguing with People"

17. Baby T
"+bigboyvit mbiko you don't just wake up one morning to be gay. Its not a disease that's you can turn on or of or spread. No country is to blame for the influence of homosexuality. The reason why some people are afraid to come out gay in Africa is because of uneducated ignorant people like you. And BTW I'm a lesbian and African and proud. Oops come at me bro!"

18. bigboyvit mbiko
"The only way you show more ignorance is when you copy things from somewhere I dispute all the Bullsh&t* that your talking about When God made u woman he knew that there were men outthere unless you wanna live like English or Americans and end up in hell because them they even say that God doesn't exist plus I live in UK I know the whole truth behind this Gay thing."
*The complete spelling is used for this word in that comment.

19. bigboyvit mbiko
"+Atari Viktoria Promoting Gay culture in Africa is what has brought Boko Haram,r u happy with that?? Boko Haram means Against western education"

20. Baby T
"+bigboyvit mbiko boko haram has other reasons to attack not just gays. But what is the relevance between homosexuality and education?"

21. bigboyvit mbiko
"The relevance between homosexuality and education?? Have you forgot that you just said I was ignorant where did you get that From?? Education means learning. Education is not only school If you live in Places like America or UK they're now teaching people about Homosexuality about Homophobia and all that,On Boko Haram,did you recently heard that Nigeria Banned Homosexulity?? The main reason behind was the rise of extremist who are against the Government by allowing Gay activities in there country it would let to the rise of Terror and Extremist."

22. Mihir shah
"+bigboyvit mbiko hi dummy. did you know white people fooled you africans into believing god said this and god said that. god himself hasnt done a great job by giving birth to an incompetent race. You see when you don't remember that it was colonialism that brought you this fake religion of yours that they themselves don't follow because they realised its utter bullsh&t*. you my friend are a bigotted and misinformed person about life in general. whatever knowledge you have gained from the bible is actually just a story. I really hope you are not catholic. its not gays that have brought out boko haram. you live in the uk and are claiming you know a lot and western education is ruining africa. I am sorry to tell you its not. If you live in the Uk and not africa, Please do not speak on behalf of all the africans who actually do live here unlike you who ran away. Please keep your ignorant brain at bay so your fingers don't end up typing something stupid like you just have.
*This word is fully spelled out in that comment.

That sub- thread includes several more comments in which bigboyvit mbiko insults Mihir shah writing "your name doesn't sound like African you seem Asian".

bigboyvit mbiko further writes "your the one who must stay away from this forum stop the Prejudice and unravel your stupid tantrum.I have the right to express my views with issues concerning Africa and that does not mean am speaking on behalf of Africans."

bigboyvit mbiko also writes that he bets that Mihir shah is an Indian and says "their Hindu religion means that they should "bow down to animals" and they want to "take Africa as yours"...

To date, that sub-thread ends with that comment.

23. Jayb Bee
"Gay ass video"

24. Jayb Bee
"Yea... gay video"

25. Jayb Bee
"Yea... gay video"

26. alwayz
"+Jayb Bee such an awesome song and all you can say is " gay video ? " Not shallow at all !"

27. simamukele khanyile
"get one person to sign u, compose a hit song and make a video that will at least get you 500 000 views on Youtube, then u can judge which videos are gay and which are not, but until then, get a life and take off those glasses, ngathi igwinya elishile elidayisa emgaqweni..."
These Zulu words may be profanity.

28. Jayb Bee
"F&&k* yu always.... gay ass too"

29. Jayb Bee
"+alwayz f&&k* yu
*The complete spelling is used in this comment.

30. simamukele khanyile
"* waiting for the hit song *"

31. Jayb Bee
"+simamukele khanyile w/o maame tw3.... stupid fool... such people's promoting gay in Africa. .. fire burn yu... aboa kwa..."
These last two words may be profanity.
This is all the comments in that particular sub-thread.

32. Adnan Kashogi
"South Africa has a gay problem"

33. msawenkosi mkhize
"Yes it's not an African culture but we can't wish them away can we? Anyways they are not killing any1 so lets leave them be. It's their lives, they should spend them as they see fit."

34, Tsholofelo Ranyane
"The rest of Africa has a "institutionalizing the ostracizing/imprisoning/killing of people for their sexual preferences" problem. This makes me glad to be a South African living in South Africa :)"

35. somrazy3
"+Tsholofelo Ranyane
Thank you so much!"

36. msawenkosi mkhize
"For what somrazy?"

37. Black NinjaHD
"you racist"

38. msawenkosi mkhize
"Chikenbone Shifu. What the hell are you talking about? It's all black people talking here. Besides, nobody said anything about race."

39. Shirley Mlotywa
"loool dude what are u talking about"

40. Emmanuel Campbell
"+msawenkosiiiP mkhize"
This is the end of that particular sub-thread to date.

41. Victorine M.
"I love the the dance moves that are in this video :) #TeamAfrica But what are those gay dancers doing in a African music video ?"

42. xMaNrEbOrN78
"This is my favourite African song this year! Killer bass! Though the crazy looking guy kinda weirded me out...well that and the guys dancing in drag lol. Awesome video nonetheless"

43. MrSivram28
"South Africa has too many gays. Geez"

44. gwandumi mtuhuru
"thoz gay mothafakaz ruined the video....what african we have become? disgusting!"

45. Terence Makapan
"Go climb back in the hole from which you came you ignorant fool."

46. Sbonelo Thusi
"lol you have ruined the comments with your hatred toward people"

47. gwandumi mtuhuru
"r u gay too? my bad...ofcoz i hate em so what?"

48. gwandumi mtuhuru
"+Terence Makapan
and go fuk yourself fag...."
This is all the comments to date in that particular sub-thread.

49. battementtendu88

50. Willi Hoeseb
"I see you guys can serve it too, I see my Gays working that floor, you better Work!!! I am so proud of South Africa to be the first country in Africa to recognize Gay rights and feature their artist in stuff like this.I wish Mafikizolo could come out to USA and Bless us here with some of that lava from Home!!! This Singers are awesome, great song will promote it around here in the USA, Will have a friend play it at his club!!! Glad they moved into Tribal House then stick to Kwaito, either way they still Rock!!!"
"Tribal House" appears to be a less often use and not as accepted term for "Afro House" (music genre).

51. Pandora
"Too much homo in South Africa,very very sad"

52. Mzansi4sho
"+Pandora It's everywhere... It's just that in South Africa it's protected by the constitution that's why you see more of it. All countries have it"
That is the end of that particular comment exchange to date.

53. Mohamad Gamal
"It's strong music as hell but what about gays"

54. Zediyah Prods
"The guys in gold are dressed like fags, dont understand it"

55. simbasugu
"There is a gayy theme going on here. Sad."

56. Zintle Mvana
"For everyone saying the video is gay, it's not. The dancers are however.South Africans will remember them from Step UP or step Out season 2, their name is VINTAGE"

57. ooperdoopersnails
"On no gay people! They are taking over the world! Save me!
Some on the comments on this video are incredible. Y'all need to chill out and worry less."

58. Lopanto Lulu
"+sooperdoopersnails not taking over, just ruining a classy video."

59. Straw Bee [2016]
"+Lopanto Lulu I think it's people like you who are classless"

60. Lopanto Lulu [2016]
"+Timothy Otieno Sorry I forgot how classy it was to lust after another mans hairy butthole."
This is all the comments to date in that particular sub-thread.

61. James Kiawu
"This whole video is 65% Gay..Get this right..."

62. luesInMySoul
"+James Kiawu RIGHT! I thought they frowned upon that sort of thing. It was HELLA gay!"

63. Tai Tai
"+BluesInMySoul clearly there is a lack of appreciation lurking here. Classy."

64. BluesInMySoul
"Who the hell are you to tell me what I should appreciate?"

65. Tai Tai
"But, you see, I didn't tell you what to appreciate. No need for animosity. Stay happy. ✌"

66. BluesInMySoul
"You are annoying."

67. Quinton Mtyala
"+James Kiawu In South Africa you can be who you want to be, you are protected by the laws of the country. We have freedom of speech and dictates to you what you do in the privacy of your own home."

68. James Kiawu
"+Obese Burn Victim That up to you and Jacob Zuma...who care about that fake freedom of speech!! Freedom is dangerous to some extent....It is the same freedom of speech that led you people to upgrade your intention concerning Xenophobia!!!!"
"Obese Burn Victim" must have changed his screen name to "Quinton Mtyala".

69. James Kiawu
"+Tai Kurosaki But who are you to tell someone to appreciate this kind of crap....this video is gay..take 8 or leave it....."

70. James Kiawu
"+BluesInMySoul They don frown on it..they kill people recently during the xenophobia, just few months ago!! then they will frown against gay activities.....They suckkkkssss"

71. Tai Tai
"+James Kiawu If you read my comment carefully and with precision, you would have clearly seen that I did not tell anyone to appreciate anything. There is a distinct difference between stating a simple fact and forcing it upon another individual. Take 8 or leave it. "

72. James Kiawu1 year ago
"Okay I got this Tai Kurosaki..You such a respectful person..some people will come back insulting and saying crappy things,but naaaah that not you..stay calm, be blezzzzz Gurl."

73. Quinton Mtyala
"There's absolutely nothing wrong with gay people. They're part of our society, we should not discriminate against them or any social minority. In South Africa no one mentioned that the dancers could possibly be gay we just enjoyed the music video. "

74. James Kiawu
"That up to you and your xenophobia people..are you gay?? If yes, then no quams....hope you have self-esteem doing it."

75. Quinton Mtyala
"Not gay but I don't like discrimination. This video has no relation to xenophobia. South Africa is always welcoming to foreignersunless they come here to commit crime. If your peaceful you should come and visit South Africa. Very beautiful and dynamic country. "

[I didn't include a comment about a blogger's profile picture being gorgeous. I also didn't include the other commenter's thank you reply.]

76. Reply
"+BluesInMySoul Who's "they"? This comment is HELLA ignorant."
This is the end of this particular comment sub-thread to date.

77. cjadream7
"Nice song and video. I just don't understand why it's ruined by having guys dancing like females in tights. Black people: please wake up.
ADDED 2/17/2015: PS, to all have been replying, you've been talking to yourselves and none of your comments have been read. Replies now disabled. Have a nice life. :)
ADDED: to +Favour Odoemena below, you can keep your pious, arrogant attitude that some Africans have, as if they're so much better than African Americans. You don't know me or my mindset, idiot. And +Tasha McNabb Moore, please stop trying to be all deep. I can see you're a black female from your profile pic. I have not read your entire dissertation, so you've wasted your time and breath. Another arrogant statement overall, by the way! I grew up around many different types of people too, moron. I am very well able to relate to ANYBODY -- and HAVE -- but when I come to a video just to enjoy music, I don't want to be force-fed mess I don't want to see. I also refuse to take people making sick and retarded comments as if they're making sense when they're not. A few of y'all are plain crazy and delusional, but glad to see there are some with common sense here!"
There is a total of 28 replies to cjadream71 initial comment to date. Here are a few of those comments:

78. Jaden3459
"No matter how I look at it and try to understand your point of view, this statement is ignorant and close-minded."

79. BlackSpartan3
"You are committing the error of assigning gender specific roles and activities. You'll find the world a limited place with that habit. As an alternate and possible (of many possibilities) side: What if, crazy thought, they were homosexual and this is how they chose to expr3ss themselves? Are we to look down upon them as betraying blackness in such a case? Just curious how one so convinced of the suppressive nature of the Western world (suppression which exists) is, herself, suppressed by her own limited perspective in life.

Like I said: More disappointing that frustrating."

80. C Will
"+cjadream7 Just because you are black does not mean that you have to be Homophobic. Nor are these black people eurocentric. Homosexuality has been in Africa before Colonization, Before slavery, Before the White man got into Africa.

I am black and let me tell you there is nothing wrong with being Gay. Gays are created by God, it is a gift from God. Stop being so narrow minded and judgemental. And live your life like Jesus did: YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF."

81. spookymao
"leave ppl be who they want be. if them wanna dance like female isnt your prob i cant agree with your words specially cose u are black and u should know better then others what means not to be accepted for what you are. u should think about it. just watch them and enjoy their soul. your struggle still on cose your soul struggle still on and this goes for all yours comments"

82. Favour Odoemena
"please do not bring ur western ideas and views on here..this is africa..a man is not determined by the way he dances"

83. Tasha McNabb Moore
"+cjadream7 I am a black female that is all for black empowerment, I have grown up around all types of people. I cannot express how much I love my people and everything that we stand for. But, I have a question for you and this is honestly coming from a place of trying to understanding, Why do you care how other people choose to live their lives? Is there a strong correlation between their lives and yours? I really try to be understanding to everyone's situation because at the end of the day, no one is perfect. Everyone has a story, everyone has been through something and a lot of people are so quick to judge someone based on one aspect of their being. God forbid you should ever be put in a situation where people hate you JUST BECAUSE, it would probably be a very humbling experience for you. I do not believe that everyone has to agree with one another but what I do believe is, if someone has not set out to hurt you then you should probably leave them alone and worry about yourself instead of spreading hatred. "
This is the end of the selected comments from that particular sub-thread.

84. Mzala Kay
"South Africa Leads and the rest of Africa follows,Mere fact that you think that the dances and looks are gay means that you are as backward as the asses you rest of Africa is (excuse Moz. I love Moz). The rest of africa is just a big blackhole on the surface of the world. Killing ppl just coz they are gay also proves that. In South Africa straight guys dress up like that are comfortable with their own sexuality and they dont care if someone is gay or not because they are busy with their own lifestyle and sex life and minding their own business and not into other ppls business."

85. khae74
"I hate this video they shouldnt include gay people its disgusting.."

86. Brit Baron
"maybe not every culture is ignorant miserable and hateful as you are dummy"
This is the end of that comment exchange to date.

87. kush mulla
"so sad south africa with GAYs africa africa WHY"

88. Whoonga Goat (ZeroChill)
"the only thing sad here is you, what have gay people done to you? nothing, so leave them alone."

89. BluesInMySoul
"+Timi Goodluck Oh those dancers were GAY"

90. Tai Tai
"+BluesInMySoul they're gay, so what? Your homophobic vibes are not appreciated here where people come to enjoy good music."

91. BluesInMySoul
"I have never been afraid of a homo. Go attempt to bully someone else with your name calling." 

[I didn't include a comment from kaza Yamba writing that "the end is near" etc.]

92. AfricanSalt
"+kaza Yamba Let the gays be or just ignore them. Every one has an opportunity to pick who they want as life partners, why not them? They are not harming any one, its their body, it's their life. No need for all that hate."

93. Tai Tai
"+AfricanSalt preach, brother." 

[There are additional comments in that sub-thread with Biblical references and points about Africa being colonized by Europeans.]

94. aromeo2luv2
"Love the song but just very disappointed by the video. Guys dancing around in tights like girls. Now Africans forcing the gay imagery down out throats too, just sad." 

95. Charles u
"Guys are dancing like fags.i don't like that from African brothers"

96. Whoonga Goat (ZeroChill)
"no one is forcing anything down your throat, everyone has the right to exist. these guys/group are professional dancers with there own particular style of dancing which the director thought would fit this video that's why they where hired. if you have a problem with seeing gay people then don't complain when a racist has a problem with seeing black people on a music video."
This is all the comments that I've included from that particular sub- thread.

97. MrSivram28
"Maikizolo is a f&&king* faggot.
This complete word is spelled out in this comment.

98. Claudia Dhludhlu
"Mafikizolo.... Is not a person, it's a group... Comprising of two members, Nonhlanhla and Theo, if you're going to hate, at least get the facts right"

99. Zanele Zungu
"Theo is married (to a woman) with kids. Not that it matters if he is gay or not, urggh,so much hate. Do u wanna step out of the closet sir and get some fresh air?"
This is all the comments in that particular sub-thread to date.

100. Cute Monster123
"great song but..why do they look so gay?"

101. Henry Dube
"don't know, maybe some of them are gay?"

102. Cute Monster123
"Well I certainly hope not..I don't want to be watching any gay ass dancing when they come for the Koroga Festival this month."

103. Henry Dube
"+Cute Monster123 are you homophobic?"

104. Cute Monster123
"Nope just not enthusiastic about watching men behaving like women."

Henry Dube
105. "+Cute Monster123 that's being homophobic"

106. Cute Monster123
" just being judgy. Homophobic is when you are unable to suppress the urge to drop-kick every gay guy you see."

107. Lwazi Nzimande
"They are not, but even if they were... what's wrong with that?"
This is all the comments to date in that particular sub-thread.

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Visitor comments are welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Courtlund Kellogg, another commenter from that discussion wrote in 2015 "The 3 guys dancing, some serious foot work"

    "Voguing" is one style of dance that is performed in this video.
    That dance came from the Harlem (New York) Gay ballroom scene in the 1980s.

    Click for a pancocojams post on voguing.
