Monday, August 1, 2016

Five Videos Of Burkina Faso's Warba Dance (information & videos)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This post provides information about the West African nation of Burkina Faso, and information about Burkina Faso's Warba dance. Five videos of Warba dancing are also showcased in this post.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

In addition to the music and dance, I am interested in documenting and sharing examples of the traditional clothing and hairstyles, contemporary clothing, head wear, and hairstyles that are shown in these videos.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are featured in these videos and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post. In addition, thanks to the producers of these videos and thanks to the publisher of these videos on YouTube.

Burkina Faso ... is a landlocked country in West Africa around 274,200 square kilometres (105,900 sq mi) in size. It is surrounded by six countries: Mali to the north; Niger to the east; Benin to the southeast; Togo and Ghana to the south; and Ivory Coast to the southwest. Its capital is Ouagadougou. In 2014, its population was estimated at just over 17.3 million.[1] Burkina Faso is a francophone country. It has a population of 18.7 million as of 2016.

Formerly called the Republic of Upper Volta, the country was renamed "Burkina Faso" on 4 August 1984 by then-President Thomas Sankara. Residents of Burkina Faso are known as Burkinabé ... French is an official language of government and business...

Ethnic groups in Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso's 17.3 million people belong to two major West African ethnic cultural groups—the Voltaic and the Mande (whose common language is Dioula). The Voltaic Mossi make up about one-half of the population. The Mossi claim descent from warriors who migrated to present-day Burkina Faso from the area of Ghana Empire about 1100 AD. They established an empire that lasted more than 800 years. Predominantly farmers, the Mossi kingdom is led by the Mogho Naba, whose court is in Ouagadougou."..

From Post by bubudi, Sat Jun 27, 2009
"warba is the main celebration dance of the mossi people who are the largest ethnic group in burkina faso. they are centred around ouagadougou, but also spread to the ivory coast, mali, ghana, togo and benin. a long time ago, the warba dance was reserved for a ritual of the same name which occurred only for enthronements and funerals. the bendre, a calabash drum covered with a sheep skin and struck with the hands, is traditionally used to play the lead. this drum has associations with the court of the naba, or mossi chief. and for announcing important messages. also traditionally accompanying the dance are lunga (tension drum similar to a ntama, only bigger), dunun, kiema (iron bell) and wiga (flute).

warba is a highly energetic dance. the distinctive feature of warba dance is the rapid shaking of the hips and bottom. there are also acrobatic movements. there are more than 30 movements and the number is growing. dance costumes are also distinctive: a flared skirt of braided cotton and bells tied around the waist like a belt, traditional hats, necklaces and other ornaments made from leather and ceramic shells. nowadays quite colourful costumes are worn and the dance features in many festivals and competitions, including the biannual warba festival in ganzourgou, where warba troupes compete for the best rendition.

many of the mossi dances have all but died out due to prohibition by christian missionaries and muslim imams. the warba is one of the dances that has made a comeback in recent times."
Every video that I've watched of this dance shows it being danced by males only.

Example #1: Danse Warba de Kaya, Burkina Faso

Sylvestre Ouédraogo, Uploaded on Sep 29, 2007

La danse traditionnelle est une expression rythmique du corps et de l'esprit. Une danse Mossi lors d'une cérénomie dans un village du Burkina Faso

Google translate from French to English
Traditional dance is a rhythmic expression of the body and mind. Mossi a dance at a cérénomie in a village in Burkina Faso
Here's a comment from this video's discussion thread
donald round, 2013
"Ca me fait penser de mes annees en Haute Volta (avant la changement du nom), de 1975-1977 et 1983-1985. J'aimais beaucoup le danse warba!"

It reminds me of my years in Upper Volta (before the name change), 1975-1977 and 1983-1985. I loved the warba dance!

Example #2: Warba de Bango

Bernie OUEDRAOGO, Uploaded on Apr 6, 2009

Danse traditionnelle Warba lors des funérailles.
Kongoussi est le chef-lieu de la province du Bam. BANGO est un quartier de Kongoussi.

Google translate from French to English
Warba traditional dance at funerals.
Kongoussi is the capital of Bam province. BANGO is a neighborhood Kongoussi.

Example #3: Danse du Burkina (Warba de Guilongou)

joachim vokouma, Uploaded on Nov 25, 2010

Il n'y a pas qu'à Zorgho qu'on sait danser le warba.
A Guilongou aussi!!! Joachim Vokouma;

Google translate from French to English
There are not as we know Zorgho dance warba.
A Guilongou too !!! Joachim Vokouma;

Example #4: WARBA NAKOBO

woun001 Published on Dec 21, 2013

WARBA NAKOBO: Fête traditionnelle. Les danseurs MOSSI confirment l'excentralisation de l'empire Mossi. Un empire en trois pourtant unis par les mêmes pas de danses à Zorgho, Yatenga, Ouagadougou. EN plus l'ultraconservatisme avec l'Egypte antique est foncièrement remarqué: Une tête de Calao sur les danseurs(tête de file) et confirment donc le lien ombilical avec le bastion de la civilsation nère: L'Egypte antique. La tête de l'oiseau est le modèle de l'Aigle, symbole d'HORUS et donc de la justice, de la vérité. Les queues qu'ils tiennent ne sont pas de la sorcelerie mais montrent que les forces de l'univers sont additives(Cheik Anta DIOP). la sorcelerie est donc une science qui n'est pas encore découverte avec les moyens rationnels de l'ère actuelle.

Google translate:
traditional festival. The dancers MOSSI confirm excentralisation of the Mossi empire. An empire in three yet united by the same dance steps in Zorgho, Yatenga, Ouagadougou. IN addition the ultra-conservatism with ancient Egypt is fundamentally noticed: A head hornbill on the dancers (Parent) and thus confirm the umbilical link with the bastion of nère civilsation: Ancient Egypt. The head of the bird is the model of the Eagle, symbol of Horus and therefore of justice, of truth. Tails they take are not of Witchcraft but show that the forces of the universe are additive (Cheik Anta Diop). the Witchcraft is a science that is not yet discovered with rational means of the current era.

Example #5: La Troupe Warba de Zamsé du Burkina Faso // interview et live

onlyfrenchtv, Published on Dec 19, 2014

-- Rencontre magique avec des troupes du Burkina --

Enregistré lors de la SNC / Semaine Nationale de la Culture / ce reportage montre la diversité de la culture au Burikina Faso. Des danseurs et des musiciens jouent parfaitement ensemble. Les costumes sont splendides et les rythmes impressionnants. Bravo à la troupe Wazba de Zamsé.

Google translate from French to English:
magical encounter with troops of Burkina -
Registered in the CNS / National Week of Culture / report shows that the culture of diversity Burikina Faso. Dancers and musicians play perfectly together. The costumes are beautiful and impressive rhythms. Bravo to the cast of Wazba Zamsé.

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