Thursday, August 4, 2016

Critical Comments & Rebuttals About Black People Joining Greek Letter Fraternities & Sororities (Omega Psi Phi video & comments)

Edited by Azizi Powell

[with slight revisions- August 5, 2016]

This is Part I of two pancocojams series that showcaseS a 2008 video of members of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. performing a march (a stepping routine).

In addition to that video, Part I includes selected comments from that video's discussion thread that document critical comments and rebuttals to those comments about Black people joining Greek letter fraternities and sororities.

This compilation documents that it's not just non-Black people who have misconceptions about Greek organizations in general. This compilation also documents that some Black people have strongly negative opinions about Black people joining Greek letter organizations.

Click for Part II of this series. In addition to that video, Part II also includes selected comments from that video's discussion thread that refer to the customs of branding and/or "mean mugging".

The content of this post is presented for folkloric and cultural purposes.

In the interest of full disclosure, I'm a member of a historically Black Greek letter sorority (Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc), although I've been inactive in that organization for decades. And, while it's not that pertinent to the folkloric record, I feel compelled to note that I strongly disagree with the reasons the commenters in this compilation give for being critical of historically Black Greek letter organizations

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are featured in this video and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the producer and publisher of this video on YouTube.

"The Nation Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) is a collaborative organization of nine historically African American, international Greek lettered fraternities and sororities. The nine NPHC organizations are sometimes collectively referred to as the "Divine Nine". The member/partner organizations have not formally adopted nor recommended the use of this term to describe their collaborative grouping. The NPHC was formed as a permanent organization on May 10, 1930 on the campus of Howard University, in Washington, D.C. with Matthew W. Bullock as the active Chairman and B. Beatrix Scott as Vice-Chairman. NPHC was incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois in 1937...

The founding members of the NPHC were Kappa Alpha Psi, Omega Psi Phi, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, and Zeta Phi Beta. The council's membership expanded as Alpha Phi Alpha (1931), Phi Beta Sigma (1931), Sigma Gamma Rho (1937), and Iota Phi Theta (1997) joined this coalition of Black Greek letter organizations (BGLOs). In his book on BGLOs, Lawrence Ross coined the phrase "The Divine Nine" when referring to the coalition.[3]

As required by various campus recognition policies, neither the NPHC, nor its member national or chapter organizations discriminate on the basis of race or religion."...
There are additional university based Greek organizations with mostly Black membership. However, I don't have a link to any list of those organizations.

SHOWCASE VIDEO: Omega Psi Phi Que Doggs

Where thinkin' aint illegal yet, Uploaded on Jul 18, 2008

Gamma Sig Ques Settin' It Out 75th Conclave 2008
Pancocojams editor's notes:
Gamma Sig chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. is located at Alabama State University. "Ques" and "Que Dogs" are positive referents for members of that historically Black Greek letter organization. However, "Que dog" is only an in-group referent (i.e. it shouldn't be used by non-members as a referent for a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.)

A "conclave" is "a private or secret meeting or group": "a gathering of a group or association"

One reason why I'm showcasing this video is because it probably has the most views and comments than any other Black Greek letter organization (BGLO) video on YouTube. As of August 4, 2016 (at 9:41 AM) that video had 1,389,745 views and 1,060 comments.

Click the "Black fraternities and sororities" tag and "Black fraternity and sorority stepping" tag below for more pancocojams posts about historically Black Greek letter organizations (BGLOs).

This compilation contains selected comments from the discussion thread of the 2008 video that is showcased above.

These comments are given in relative chronological order, with the oldest dated comments by year given first, except for responses. However, these comments may not be in consecutive order. I've assigned numbers for referencing purposes only.

WARNING: Many comments in this video's discussion thread contain profanity, homophobic language, racist references, and sexually explicit references.

Although many comments in this video's discussion thread contain homophobic references, for the folkloric record, I've only included a few of those comments in this compilation. And although a number of comments in that discussion thread contain racist referents, for the folkloric record, I've only included a few of those comments in this compilation.

I've not included any examples of the numerous comments in that video's discussion thread that contain explicit sexual language.

With the exception of the words "damn" and "hell", I've used amended spelling for words that are considered profanity. Words with amended spelling are indicated by this symbol ^

1. shakeymomm
"im not a greek but im a mason !!!!! an i respct all of the D9."
From "Freemasonry or Masonry consists of fraternal organisations that trace their origins to the local fraternities of stonemasons"...

D9 = Divine 9

Click for a list of Divine 9 member organizations, with information about those organizations, including the date they were founded.

Read the comment that is found immediately below that mentions that there are other BLGOs besides the Divine 9.

2. rollin60snbc
"@N4L74 BGLO and divine 9 are not the same thing.. their are other black greeks out there that are BGLO but not in the divine 9 because the 9 can not be adjusted"
I think "the 9 can not be adjusted" means that the membership in the HPHC is closed. I don't know if that is true.

3. Dollaboy667
"@CushiticSomalianMale THey Call themselves "Greeks", and those with proper knowledge already know how disgusting the greeks were with sexuality, so you put 2 and 2 together, and judge for yourself."

[The next two comments were written in response to a comment saying members of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity don't want to be successful.]
"@youngmoneyGETURS Are you serious Honey? Omega Psi Phi is a BGLO. In order to be in a BGLO you must be in college! Although being in college doesn't secure a future for some BUT for most why waste your money to go if you don't want to be sucessful. I attend school with these guys, I know that all of them have good heads on their shoulders, very smart and respectable. In the undergrad experience, this is what ques do, THEY SET OUT MARCHES, It has nothing to do with how sucessful they are!"
"set out marches" = "perform marches" (hops/bops- a form of "steppin" and strolling) or "perform marches really well"

4. VikDAkinG
"@youngmoneyGETURS you sir are a moron... this is a collegiate fraternity. that means all of them are in COLLEGE! alot of que doggs grow up to be successful men. thats why the fraternity has been in existence for nearly 100 years supporting the black community you ungrateful loser... too bad you know nothing about BROTHERHOOD. go listen to some more lil wayne and gt_^o of here"

5. shano58
"Member of Phi Kappa Tau fraternity INC. here, all I have to say is nothing but respect Omega Psi Phi fraternity INC. Y'all have a chapter at my school and y'all put in work. Very impressed with how your work pays off and it is obvious from how your members exemplify the fraternity man. So one Greek to another. RESPECT and keep it up!
Phi Kappa Tau is a PWI = predominately White Greek (letter) institution.

6. AGOLB33
"@Jonny31Bravo really wid that bull your talking if you dont have nothing positive to say than keep your mouth shut and your thoughts to yourself.
- To everybody else owt here who knows the possitive that comes from the unity of our black people in a possitive manner such as the black fraternities and sororites i would like to give yall all a bigg ROO!!!!!!"
"Roo" is the signature call of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

7. Osiyor
"wd_^? More like a gang if you ask me..."

8. thegrandorator
"@Osiyor its like a gang because??? They are obviously all in college, they have to have the proper gpa to even go through the probation period, and they have to hold a high moral standard so what about that is even intimidating? just because you see a bunch of men gathered and celebrating their frat doesnt mean its negative at all."

9. a48034
"@Osiyor your so f&&king^ dumb, READ, Omegas are some of the forefathers of modern medicine,art,entertainment,pol­itics,and definitely sports. Benjamin E. Mays mentor of Dr. MLK and president of Morehouse. Langston Hughes innovator of literary arts. Dr.Ronald E. McNair astronaut,Dr. Charles Drew(first blood transfussion) Douglas Wilder, Bill Cosby,Jesse Jackso and so many more. This fraternity is full of african american men who exemplified Christian morals and uplifting mankind with knowledge."

[This comment was written in response to a White commenter who wrote that he wished he could join Omega Psi Phi, Inc.]
10. NERD585
"@smizzles716 the organization is open to men of every descent....if Omega is for you then ethnicity doesn't matter."

11. phantommp5
"I'm white and have a three good friends/brothers that are Ques. We've gone through doors together carrying the same Federal badge! Good men and damn proud to know them! If I had college to do all over I'd try to pledge with them."

12. ChriisSoFlii
"i Was Laughing my ass off through the whole video lol"

13. Jay Dee
"Your sounding like someone who was denied access. Go ahead and rant about things you know nothing about. Do you RANT like this on other Greek vids or is it just the BLACK GREEK VIDS.....sure you do. Another youtube racist...number 20,000,000,000,000,001. LMAO!



15. OpenWide1158
"thousands of years later; and y'all still act like spear chuckers"

16. 2deep4this
"@OpenWide1158 thousands of years later yall still fear us,but now you have computers to hide behind"

17. Alex Ferrara
"That the line to KFC?"
"KFC" = name of a fast food chain that sells fried chicken.

18. A Lackey
"you white boys wish you could be that! Dont hate! Cradle of civilization is "Lucy" who was of color,,,,,check out dr. Louis Leaky- learn your history first people. White comes from black- thats a fact. We are the only race that can produce all colors!"

19. Nena Beena

20. Rafael Quinonez
"and how is this discipline ? This is garbage. People who need someone to tell them what to do? Is there no self discipline instilled in someone already?This is brotherhood? Why not just go and join the Bloods and Crips they'll give you brotherhood !"

21. AllMightyDiesel
"you sound like a ignorant troll who didn't make it in !! Dont hate dust your self off and try again!!"

22. Chykim Sanders
"well..theyre in college, theyre dancing, having a great time..and to be an omega psi phi u have to have descent baby brothers a que dogg and it kept him outta trouble..and to me, thats something positive."

23. Jay Dee
"To all of these racists who only enjoyment out of life is to log on to youtube and leave dumb comments, because they are to afraid to speak out in public of their passionate ways...I'm going to put it like this....Fraternities/Sororities are much deeper than what you see on here. Its a brotherhood/sisterhood that is a life long bond. I'M NOT IN A FRAT, but you dont have to be in one to see and understand the obvious. Im just saying..."

24. Derron McGee
"Roo to the Great Bruhs. Special Roo to the Great Men that have gone before us, and paved the way to allow us to express ourselves in may ways. Some of these great Men has helped pave the way for these people to be allowed to have such negative comments about an organization and speak so freely. It always kills me when I see comments such as demonic, etc. You fools absolutely have no basis on what you say. Bottom line is you've tried to pledge, you didn't make it, and now you're mad.

"Tank" is probably the commenter's "line name". In BGLOs, one definition of the word "line" is "people who join that chapter of the fraternity or sorority at the same time". However, I'm using the word "line" to mean the vertical formation of prospective members or members of a BGLO. These lines are usually formed from the shortest to the tallest. The shortest person standing in the front of the line is the "ace" and the tallest person at the end of the line is the "tail".

HBCU (historically Black Colleges & Universities) dance lines also use the referents "ace" and "tail", although in those dance teams I believe "the ace" is the dancer who performs singles immediately after the captain.

25. 289dancer
"That was cute. Ya'll continue to support each other positively and exemplify the community service based mission :D i love ma dawgs"

26. Doneshea Burton
"get it bama state q's"

27. Martez Banks
"Frendship is essential to the soul proud to be a son of blood and thunder OMEGGGGGAAAAA

28. Conor Pardo
"Thank you, but I'm not looking for praise. I'm responding with the hope that you (and others that read this) will realize that much of what the media says about Greek life is only true about certain chapters. What the general media doesn't talk about are the countless chapters of fraternities and sororities across the nation that are dedicated to philanthropy and community service. This weekend alone, Butler University's Greek community is hosting three large and successful philanthropic events."

29. gomab1986
"Good job, omega's from ASU..ok there are a lot of dumb ass comments on here. First, if you want to know something about what they do, find one and ask one. I am a member if Phi Beta Sigma, Inc and I am a free mason PHA. Once again good job..go Hornets!"
Phi Beta Sigma is a historically Black Greek letter fraternity that is a member of the Divine 9.

30. George m
"These POGES need to stop barking, they STOLE that Bulldog bark from us the Marine Corps, they are NOT a TRUE brotherhood WE ARE! throw a grenade in the middle of that crowd and see if a q dog belly flops on top of it, I THINK NOT! The Marine Corps have been doing that WAR BARK a lot longer than you have, THATS WHY WE ARE DEVIL DOGS!!!! You guys are Pathetic, do something constructive instead of Hazing and popping each other in the Ass which is what you guys do seeing as you are a Greek club."
Click and for two pancocojams posts about the probable connection between Omega Psi Phi, Inc. and the United States Marine Corps.

31. Rattler3211
"where's the manhood, this is pseudo masculine stupidity, i agree this is nothing more than a cult, if you are christian there is no need for this even though many christians have gotten involved in this satanic foolishness"

32. illzdiamond
"The bible speaks against cults and worshipping false Gods..but it does not speak of organizations that help out in the communities and if you pay attention and do research most chants have God in them..I guess some of you dont need to be in an organization period whether church or local. Only difference is Frats and Sororities have steps, chants, and cat calls (which all derives from African dance). Im a Christian but I cant stand when folkd talk about what they dont know and judge based on what"

33. IamWade (Darryl Wade)
"please dont speak in ignorance , my father is a kappa nd i know everything to know about these fraternities.
They are deceitful demonic cult...just bcus they have god in there chants dont mean they talking about God Almighty cus they are not . the orgins of the fraternities are Freemasonary which is soo demonic."
"Kappa"= Kappa Alpha Psi, Fraternity, Inc. is a historically Black Greek letter fraternity and a member of the Divine 9.

34. theblackunityproject
"What about our African culture?. We are not greek!! hit me @black_unity2012"

35. Mike Lowrey, 2015
"The Greeks stole all their sh&t^ from Africa!"

36. Hopeful Agnostic, 2015
"+Mike Lowrey Yeah, so?"

37. InfinityNebula Heaven
"Pledging a frat is against God because your allegiance is with the greeks who worship false gods frats worship Lucifer and you shall be judged for this evil"

38. Octavia Crumpton
"i disagree with you sir....just because they pledging don't mean they worship lucifer...uh my cousin is about to pledge but he don't worship lucifer!!! and i also have a brother that's a Blue Phi and he don't worship lucifer"
"Blue Phi" is a referent for Phi Beta Sigma, Fraternity Inc., a BGLO and member of the Divine 9."

39. InfinityNebula Heaven
"You're brainwashed on Luciferian ideology pledging a frat is against the creator copying a greek culture that was exiled by african kings is ridiculous all will be judged lost woman"

40. George m
"Dr. King was in a Frat in a time when Black Men in Frats Really Stud up for our People and was an organization that did TONS of work for not only Civil Rights but also Human Rights. It's not even close to that now. You are Much to young to know about that, I grew up in the 60's and Seen Everything people like Dr. King and Brother Malcom AND the Frats at that time Did and they did a lot for our Community especially here in Detroit during the Riots."

41. Kalista Marston
"As a member of a sorority AND Aproud member of The Order of the Eastern Stars let correct a few misconceptions.Everyone who speaks of Masonary and OES truly can not be members because we sororities are NOT modeled after OES not by a long shot as Frats are not baby Mason orgai"
"The Order of the Eastern Star is a Freemasonic appendant body open to both men and women. It was established in 1850 by lawyer and educator Rob Morris, a noted Freemason. The order is based on teachings from the Bible,[1] but is open to people of all religious beliefs. It has approximately 10,000 chapters in twenty countries and approximately 500,000 members under its General Grand Chapter...

Members of the Order are aged 18 and older; men must be Master Masons and women must have specific relationships with Masons. Originally, a woman would have to be the daughter, widow, wife, sister, or mother of a master Mason, but the Order now allows other relatives"...

42. MrDubja
"Negroes don't have their culture so they need Greek alphabet and Maoris haka?"
"Negroes" is a long retired referent for "African Americans". Usually when that referent is used now to refer to contemporary African Americans it's considered a put down.

Here's information about Maori haka
"The haka (plural haka, as in Māori, or hakas) is a traditional war cry, dance, or challenge from the Māori people of New Zealand. It is a posture dance performed by a group, with vigorous movements and stamping of the feet with rhythmically shouted accompaniment.[1]

War haka were originally performed by warriors before a battle, proclaiming their strength and prowess in order to intimidate the opposition, but haka are also performed for various reasons: for welcoming distinguished guests, or to acknowledge great achievements, occasions or funerals, and kapa haka performance groups are very common in schools."...

43. UmWTF Dawg
"FALSE this Black fraternity like the others was created in order to serve the Black community during post-slavery times (hard times). They were also used to secure jobs for qualified Blacks who were denied employment because of their skin color. They used stomping and clapping to praise the Lord in a passionate display of loyalty and love for the members in their organization, and that is not even the half of it. Know what the f&&k^ you're talking about when you speak!!!"

44. UmWTF Dawg
"They are in college so perhaps they are multi-tasking, as in doing both ;). Some people are just multi-talented like that and the rest are like you. By the way this fraternity is one committed to service, meaning they go out into their communities doing all sorts of volunteer work. I guess you can just add that to their list of talents/extracurricular activities. OH AND let me not forget that this fraternity most likely had a GPA requirement of 3.0 in order to even gain entry. Knowledge, use it."

45. UmWTF Dawg
"Man I get SOOO tired of people who obviously aren't Black internet thugging on videos they just cannot understand. You don't understand the unity, how a Black sorority or fraternity binds those members with an everlasting love. You just cannot possibly fathom, because you are just not used to the feeling, the experience, the love. All I ask is that we as Black people use the hatred from the outside as glue for the inside (i.e. our community)."

46. Seven Tre
Several commenters wrote that Seven Tre (dj7tre) is the name of first man shown in the line of Ques in this video.

47. Cedric Herbert
"I thank The Lord for Omega Psi Phi. The world may judge us but they can never crush us. Do thy duty that is best, leave unto The Lord the rest. Still proud of my neos approaching a million views. Gamma Sig!!!!"
"neos" = abbreviation for "neophytes", meaning new members of an organization

48. Cassidy Smith
"Now ...if they only used that same energy for empowering their"

49. thersten
"what do you mean exactly? empowering their brothers in the frat, students at the university, empowering their immediate family, empowering black people, or empowering everyone in their neighborhood , or society? tha f&&k^ is "their" people."

50. PHlyestofNerds
"Some of you should do some research on these organizations before you sit by your computers and make ridiculous assertions."

51. Gary McMichael
"In today's society, why the f&&k^ is there such a thing as an "all black" fraternity? Imagine the sh&t^ that would hit the fan if there were publicized "all white" fraternities. I attended a frat at U of M and we welcomed all brothers, white, black, brown, yellow, red, maize, blue, didn't matter to us. And we have several black brothers that were proud to be part of a truly mixed race frat. They said they avoided frats like OPP b/c they were racist from the start. This whole "angry black man" front is so tired. That douchebag second in line looks like he's trying to take a crap and can't. What a joke."
"OPP" may be a put down reference to the lyrics "OPP. Yeah, you know me" in Naughty By Nature's Hip Hop song.

52. 105ma
"You are just so stupid. The reason black fraternities even exist are because black people weren't allowed to attend white schools let alone come into their fraternities/ sororities. So they made their own. Now years later these fraternities are still going strong especially at hbcus. And again the only reason hbcus exist are because black people weren't allowed into white schools. So don't try to twist it back on is as if we're the ones who banned y'all. That's like you having your group of friends and not letting me into the group so then I make my own group and you get mad that you can't get in. You're actually dumb as f&&k^. The only reason all white fraternities don't exist are because they decided to open up the all white fraternities that used to be so people wouldn't see the racist trash they really were. So please have several fucking seats. Don't be a hypocrite . We all know the back story of America and how it was and is a racist nation.
"So don't try to twist it back on is" probably means "So don't try to twist it back on us".

"hbcus" = historically Black Colleges and Universities

53. iayyam
"These frats are open to everyone regardless of race. Whites generally don't join. No one is stopping them...except an ass whooping."

54. Jim Lahey, 2016
"Historically black, majority black, but not exlusively. Do you have fraternities on your campus comprised of a majority of white men?"

55. idonigbo Obu
"Fraternities are a form of brain washing, mental slavery!!!!"

56. tell weez
"If you never attended college... then you more than likely won't understand."

57. iayyam, 2016
"+Idonigbo Obu you sound kind of stupid. Fraternities and sororities were started in Africa. These brothers are the latest in a long line of African men keeping the tradition alive. Do more research before you talk."

58. Corvette D., 2016
"my college doesn't allow frats/sororities and I see why"

59. Nia Irving
"+Corvette D. These are ALL BLACK UNIVERSITIES."

60. Corvette D.
"+Nia Irving I know. My school is not an all black one but they don't allow any kind of Greek life"

61. Biz Mann
"You wouldn't understand the true bond of Friendship these men possess. You only see ugly because your social clubs don't have passion! Ques don't care what you think...that's why they have respect on any yard. Que Psi Phi till the day I die!"

62. IamWade (Darryl Wade)
"What that yall the Illuminati/ Freemason (all the same since 1700s)..rebudle if you want i expose ur whole fraternity!"

63. Reply
"-_- illuminati? First off this is not my frat because I am a woman, second you cant expose anything, sooo just take a seat, chill and watch because your opinion means hmm....Nothing!"

64. yashiramarrero21
"man a whole bunch of black man half naked looks not only gay but very scary"

65. tuttar3
"Male cheereladers... That was new to me."
There were a number of homophobic comments in this video's discussion thread about the first man in the line doing splits, with the commenters implying or directly saying that "real men" don't do splits.

66. Trice J
"Not only are these comments offensive but clearly they are coming from a bunch of half wits. In any fraternity/sorority there must be unity.. Acting as one. They are not cheerleaders nor are they just some half naked men you see doing chants and steps. Look a bit deeper and see why fraternities/ sororities do the things they do. You idiots make me sick. Many males in my family are QUES and I have nothing but the upmost respect for them. Learn and observe before you speak !!"

67. 1stlady90
"Dont judge what you don't understand folks."

68. DoITAll 1911
"I can't fathom , how people will blatantly criticize, what they don't understand. If your not a Que, or even part of a GLO, your opinion stands for little...and your criticism for nothing."

69. Jay Matt
"the fact that brothers and sisters go through questionable acts to be apart of a glo bothers me because in order to have Greek letters or language you must have a black, moorish, African, indigenous American (which is also black for those who want to question) or natural people's script first. for us to honor a greek social club is to dishonor or ancient ancestors."

70. michig911
"Now if you want to know the definition of COONING JUST WATCH THIS VIDEO. These are GREEK fraternities not black ones. Brothers and sisters they don't want us there so why keep on fighting for intergration or acceptance?"

71. Cedric Herbert
"FauxTep, you do realize this is a black fraternity founded at a black college to enhance black culture."

This concludes Part I of this series.

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