Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Real Talk About The Continuing Rape Of African Resources: Sierra Leonean Mallence Bart Williams' TEDTalk - "Change Your Channel"

Edited by Azizi Powell

This post showcases a video of a speech "Change Your Channel" by Mallence Bart William, a Sierra Leonean woman at TEDtalks Berlin (2015). Selected comments from this video's discussion thread are also included in this post.

The content of this post is presented for cultural and motivational purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Mallence Bart Williams for her powerful talk. Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the producer of this video on YouTube.

SHOWCASE VIDEO: Change your channel - Mallence Bart Williams TEDtalks Berlin Entertainment, Published on May 25, 2015

See Mallence Bart Williams speak on the contradiction of charity sent to Africa, the need of Afrca's resources that supplies the world economy and how we change the way we view the way we "help" Africa and it's people.

Selected comments from this video's discussion thread are given in chronological order with the oldest comment given first, except for responses. However, these comments may not be in consecutive order. I've assigned numbers to these comments for referencing purposes only.

1. Lutendo Modau
"Powerful talk!... I am soo inspired by this woman, with woman like this, Africa is in good hands, and the future looks more promising than ever... Well presented Mallance Bart-Williams"

2. Selmix Elmi
"+Lutendo Modau
Thank you so much. I said exactly that to my self. The day Africans wake up from their deep sleep."

3. Morris Hicks
"Is there a way I can get this in text format"

4. Colin Bellew [2016]
"+Morris Hicks click "more" for the transcript.if you use a smartphone you can copy and paste it"

5. Alisha McFarlane
"Preach it ! The best video I have ever seen"

6. Ian Tharp
"Teach them! Yes!"

7. Kilpatrick Jones
Absolutely amazing"

8. Lioness Izasha
"While one hand gives under the flashing lights of cameras the other takes in the shadows....It's super sweet of you to come with your coloured paper in exchange for gold and diamonds... #RealTalk"

9. Chloe Sachikonye
"Well spoken Mallence. And I love the attitude. You go girl!"

10. Nobubele Monica Mapetshana
"+Chloe Sachikonye u mean her zillion trillion confidence!!!, she's trully amazing!!!"

11. Sirak Bahlbi
"You must watch this. The way she delivered is exquisite. She hit the raw nerves and made the audience twitch in their sits. The philosophy and policy of Eritrea is now becoming widely accepted in Africa. The philosophy of self-reliance. Not very long to go before Africa's true freedom and prosperity arrives. She put it beautifully "... Why does 5000 Units of our Currency is worth 1 unit of your Currency while we have all the Gold and Diamond Reserves" "

12. Gerald Ray
"It all starts with one bold individual. After watching this i can't help but think we've been asleep for a while now. This is a wake up call to take ownership of what is rightfully ours. Enough of the exploitation and low self esteem. Let us all stand up to the west and their atrocities. I'm with you Ms. Mallence Bart Williams. Africa is the FUTURE."

13. Yolande Perry
"Probably one of the best TEDtalks I've watched...Africans need to see Africa in our own eyes instead of the way in which the West portrays us."

14. Thabo Molefe
"Wow powerful, this is a must watch, she is straight to the point and got the audience frozen, excellent speech"

15. BlackCinemaClub
"Beyond amazing. The delivery of this presentation cuts like the sharpest of knives."

16. Khadijah Love
"Such a profound message with so. much love you delivered it. I am a Sierraleonean and proud to hear this..bringing this message to light just lifted y sprit..i thank you for your courage.. change is here for Africa. peace nd respect! 😊💝"

17. Iyabinghi Ashanti
"I Love this Sistah!!! I Love this Sistah!!! I Love this Sistah!!! Did I say how much I Love this Sistah!!! You talk to them my Sistah. You talk to them!!! Let them sit there and feel uncomfortable! Let them squirm Mallence! Let them hear the Afrikan woman speak TRUTH!!!"

18. Spacely Hendrix
"knowledge is power.. I love you sista for telling the truth... they brainwashed us many years n took our resources.. this is the age of information!!!!"

19. Onye wuchi
"God bless you my sister, you will live long.
African leaders are puppets to westerners, that's the problem"

20. JSings11
"The Ancestors are truly at this sistah's back. Abibifahodie!"

21. Onye wuchi
"... if any one of them wants to lead the way this time,am telling u it's not gonna be like Gadaffi, or Sankara time. Our eyes are open now."

22. benjimehh
"+Onye wuchi the problem with all leaders is that they have used their ego to corrupt themselves instead of use it as a tool, the predator is their own ego and now it's time to convert them and replace the leaders with better ones :)"

23. Neisha C
"Black people to nice to people who don't respect us, we have a big heart and that needs to change. Change is coming and the ancestors will be proud."

24. Omar AMNI
"Just a little and maybe insignificant point: the oldest university in the world is University of AL Qarawiyyin located in Fes (Morocco) , it was established in 859. The university of Tumbuktu was established in 982. Sources: Wikipedia."

25. kaluba wakunguma
"You know someone is speaking the dead cold truth when there is no clapping...Even though some people will argue against her in the comment section * WE SEE YOU* It's true
See how they sweat and the awkwardness in the room... Yes..that's guilt and fear
no matter what the the reason for against.,i understand half it will come from non-africans or westerners ... but that's because they refuse to acknowledge that half the privilege they enjoy , luxuries and all was at the expense of Africa and its people... black americans included
they will be quick to blame you,calling it our own failures.. see that is cowardice.
they will say we can,t progress without their technology or machines, but don,t worry,Africa is waking up to the deceit and that scares them.."

26. eys292
"What is your beef towards Black Americans??? What exactly did they do to be included in what you just said??"

27. kaluba wakunguma
"+eys292 I don't think you read correctly...I am referring to the African/black Americans who were used as slaves and whose labour literally built America."

28. EvilGeniusTheOne
"Does africa need the West? do we need anything from the west? Can we not establish our own markets and trade amongst each other since we have all the resources we need?........ i don't think we need any aid from the west.... the tools to build the futures we want for our countries and our families are in our minds and under our feet."

29. hatimjm1
"It is easier for you to travel to Europe than it is for you to travel within Africa. The West created travel restrictions that were maintained by African governments."

30. EvilGeniusTheOne
"that is very true its very difficult to travel within africa especially for an african"

31. heinrich heinz
"It's an easy way to blame white people(the west), for the problems africans have solve these problems and do not complain. She said sierra leone is the richest country in the world (wrong : congo) , this is because the resources are valuable(in the modern industry : the west) . in a country without industry i would rather have a gun than a diamond. In fact the resources in the emirates are valuable , and they are one of the richest regions (strange no?). also the people who are draining resources out of africa (right now) aren't white people, they are chinese. There is a reason why europe is far more advanced than africa : it is not survival of the fittest , but survival of the most adaptable , even before colonial times. i do not understand why there is so much ignorance in this section of youtube."

32. Trell West
" "Human beings are supposed to reason and wish for a better future for the world" I love it"

33. Lorenzo Tosi
"Can somebody write down what she says between 5:12 and 5:40 ?
I get it, but I want to be sure about two or three words she used.
This talk is SUPER POWERFUL."

34. Suzanne Toure
"Well done Oxfam, Unicef, Red Cross, Life Aid, and all the other organizations that continuously run multi-million dollar advertisement campaigns depicting charity porn, to sustain that image of Africa, globally. Ad campaigns paid for by innocent people under the impression to help with their donations."

She was being sarcastic I guess. In a good way though just like her all speech depicts."

35. Lorenzo Tosi
"Thank you Suzanne!
I'm not sure she was sarcastic. Charity porn was the expression I wanted to be sure about, bcs it reflects some thoughs I had for a long time about these things, and I think the expression fits perfectly.
Thank you again!"

36. Suzanne Toure
"You are welcome Lorenzo.
The charity porn is what I interpreted as sarcasm in relation to all those NGOs.
The expression fits perfect! I watched the entire video 5 times, and I'm bookmarking it to share with my daughter when she'll start learning her history ;-)"

37. J CUDOS (Jérémie Beaulieu-Perrier)
"Did I hear right at 6:47 "...weaken Western economies established on the post-colonial free meal system."
If that is in fact what she said, does anyone know what the "free meal system" is? At first glance, google doesn't seem to have heard of it.
If you have relevant information please provide a link. Thanks!"

38. obl
"I believe she means the exploitation on African nations by the west under the mask of 'free meals' or charity"

39. Reply
J CUDOS (Jérémie Beaulieu-Perrier)
"+obl Thanks, that seems to make sense with the context. I thought "free meal system" was supposed to be a recognized economic concept rather than a turn of phrase.

40. Marwa Dridi
"This is the most powerful speech I've heard in a long time.
"The absence of donation produces quality in a self sufficient manner"
"Charity merely creates inferiority and dependency"
"Never see a lack, see abundance, always, everywhere...and watch the universe conspire"

So much energy in such a calm tone :)"

41. Marine D
"Hey guys! I really loved this video. What a speaker she is. Some of her comments have been pointed out in the past concerning South America (Eduardo Galeano the open veins of south america). But we do need more and more people to point out this hypocrisy. On another note: doesn anywone know the music that is playing around 10;30 ? i really like it !!! Thank you in advance!"

42. Vusumzi Ndude
"The naked truth versus a well dressed lie! Well said Mallance"

43. AK 1448

44. Cori Jacobs
"Yes, yes she is a inspiration. Well well well said. Africa is not poor it's Rich!!!! It's not about Charity it's about Sharity. I love that."

45. msjayfree
"Brilliant talk! Responsibility, and accountability...fearless."

46. Michael Basra
"Off topic, but HER VOICE!! My god, like silk it is"

47. Bella DeViante
"was just thinking exactly that, she has a hypnotic quality to her voice. .."

48. kay k
"I agree"

49. Tasoi Ngo
"Mallance Mallance Mallance.... I LOVE YOU. Well said, Well Put and I love the calculated pauses...Impactful...You drive the point home ...I am speechless... I speak for your mothers of Africa....Bless the womb that bore you my dear. Asante sana!"

" "Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that generation. Let your greatness blossom." TATA MADIBA (Nelson Mandela)."

51. Julius Okuto
"I like the TONE of the presentation. I refuse to call it powerful talk because the tone excavate the deeper meaning of the words spoken in between. The tone sympathizes with Africans without surrendering to the Western Economic Brutality. What makes this more profound is the question she posed, " How does the West make sure that the free Aid keep coming to them?????" and the answer is; "By systematically destabilizing the African wealthiest Nations." This, I say, is beyond powerful words. It is the awakening of the African Spirit and the silencing of the Western unfounded pride. It is directing the Africans towards the true enemy and a piecing and reconciling the same Africans' misdirected anger."

52. Paa Kwesi Inkumsah
"Mallence speaks of what is, the real picture as we have it in Africa. That a continent so rich yet wallows in abject poverty, a reality its people helped to create. The provocation in her speech, although subtle, must awaken the sleeping giants on the continent because the day Africa wakes up, the world will listen. There will always be people that would take advantage of the African situation if this renaissance doesn't happen and fast. Thanks Mallence for been a great ambassador of the continent. #wakeupAfrica"

53. Susan Abulhawa
"This is the best TED talk I’ve heard. Science lectures aside (which i value separately and differently), I’ve often felt that TED was a feel-good series where privileged people pat themselves on the back; and I longed for talks that challenged prevailing post-colonial narratives. In comes this brilliant woman."

54. Khaldoun Azzam
"this lady talks about the west regimes and how it stoles the African Resources supplying their economy, While Africa endures of poverty and dictators regimes, and she points to the western PR campaigns the leave the world under the impression that Africa is poor and dying continent and merely surviving on the mercy of west."

55. Rabo Micah
"God bless you my sister."

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